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The questionnaire - results

by Marit Vollenberg

1. Please write down a few facilities for youth in your region.

The people who filled in this questionnaire named these facilities:

skate park
sport clubs

2. How how often do you use them?

From this question came that most people use their facilities once per
month or once in two weeks. A few people said that they never use such a
facility or not very often.

3. Does the facility cost money? Is it expensive or cheap?

Not very much people thought that the facilities have a normal prize. 5 of
the persons that filled this questionnaire in experienced that a facility
either is free or is quite expensive. Only 2 of them found the prizes normal.

4. Do you think there are enough facilities in your region?

I think people are quite happy with the number of facilities; 9 people said
that there are enough facilities. But there were also 4 people who found
that there can be more of them.

5. What do you like about the facilities in your region?

There were very variable answers to this question, 2 persons said that
they liked that they are cheap, 2 people found it nice that they are clean
and well maintained, they are fun found by 2 people, 2 persons liked that
some of them are outside, quite a few found it nice that they are for all
ages and 2 persons think they are very available.

6. Are there a lot of other people/kids when you go to a facility in your

The facilities in our region are quite crowded, because 9 persons said that

are a lot of people are when they use a facility. Only 2 said there are not
many others and 2 said that they are sometimes busy.
7. When you go to a facility, are you most of the time going alone or
It seems that going together makes the fun, because 11 people are most
of the time going together. But there was one who found it rather relaxing
to go alone.

8. What do you want to change for the facilities in your region?

The most given answer to this question is that there need to be more of
them, but according to the people who took this questionnaire they need
to be cheaper, cleaner or they need change in what you can do. There
were also 4 persons who said that they don't need to change at all.

9. What do you think the facilities for other people in the world are?
I think it's pretty hard to imagine facilities for people in other countries
with different cultures, although 9 people thought that they are more or
less the same.

10. Do you think the facilities are okay?

People are pretty happy about the facilities in our region, 11 persons like
them and think they are okay, only 1 person is not happy about them.

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