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Ext. 2415

Middle School Art

Room 415

Art 3/4 Syllabus 2015-2016

I am Sara Farrington and I graduated from Coastal Carolina University with a Bachelors in
Visual Arts and a Masters in the Art of Teaching. This is my fifth year teaching and my
third here at Green Sea Floyds Middle school. I am eager to begin a new year in the
Green Sea community.
Course Description:
Art represents the world around us in which we live and interact with everyday! In this
course you will learn how to communicate through visual arts. You will learn techniques
on how to use drawing materials such as pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel and chalk
pastel. We will also learn techniques for painting and sculpture.
Information covered in Art 3 will include continued study of the Elements and Principles
of Design, Art Techniques, two and three dimensional art, art styles and movements as
well as careers in art. Check out the Middle School Art Department website that features
student artwork.
Required Materials:
Bring your iPad and a pencil
Major Projects: 50%
Minor Classwork/Quiz: 30%
Participation: 20%

Students will be graded based on their efforts and ability to follow procedures and
criteria. Students will also be required to write a written reflection after every major
project. Students will receive points daily for class participation. Points are calculated and
entered into PowerSchool each week. If a student earns a 50 or below in one week,
parent contact will be made.
Act Responsibly
Respect yourself, others and materials
Try your best
Stay seated
Talk Quietly
No food in the classroom.

No cell phones or electronic devices. (Unless

given specific permission by teacher).

1. Warning: Quick warning directly to the
2. Removed from the Group: Student sits
apart from the group and is asked to
reflect. Invited back when behavior

Mrs. Farrington
Ext. 2415

Middle School Art

3. Contact Parent: either a phone call

home or letter sent home to be
signed. Student must address the

Room 415

issue and create a solution to the

4. Discipline Referral: sent to the
assistant principals office.

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