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Kinesiology Career: FireFighter

Career Situation/Problem to Analyze: Dispute between Government funding and fire

department needs.
Strengths: (internal positive factors) Strengths
describe the positive attributes, tangible and
intangible of your organization. These are within
your control.

Weaknesses: (internal, negative factors)

Weaknesses are aspects of your business that
detracts from the value you offer or place you at
competitive disadvantage.

different personalities working together, same base

knowledge of medical emergencies, Fight fire, good
reputation within the community.

Working together as a unit, people skills, patient

care, lack of updated equipment, not enough
engines, trucks, and Ambulances

Opportunities: (external, positive factors)

Opportunities are external attractive factors that
represent reasons for you your business to exist and

Threats: (external, negative factors) Threats are

external factors beyond your control that could pu
your business/organization at risk. You may bene
from having a contingency plan for them.

Firefighters are needed as first responders to

emergency situations, the positive influence
firefighters have on the community, funding can
come from voter approval to upgrade equipment/#
of personnel.

There arent any threats other than the governme

voting to downsize departments or reduce the
overall personnel number.

My plan to maximize the strengths and opportunities for my

department would be to continue to promote a positive environment
within the firehouse and remind the other department members to
behave in a way that will promote our reputation as a unit. Also to
make everything we do about the good of the community we serve and
for the good of the department, which would mean that any individuals
that would attempt to make it about themselves would be dealt with in
a manor that allowed for positive growth in the individual. To minimize
the threats and weaknesses I would do the same as my strengths. In
the world of firefighting, it is important to remember that the same
actions that build up your department can also be the same ones that
bring the department down. For example a strength is having a group
of individuals working together in close quarters who are vastly
different, but it provides for a diverse environment which helps
promote understanding and compassion for people who are different
then ourselves. Also that same diversification can inhibit growth in the

department by having people who are to different and they refuse to

see eye to eye and that in turn hurts the department.=

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