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Stress SWOT Analysis

Mind Tools Corporation, 2003 - this may be used and copied freely only by registered users of the Mind Tools Stress Management Course
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Personal Strengths things you are good at, things people respect you for, your areas of experience, etc.

Network family, friends, professional or other networks, government services, powerful contacts, co-workers, your team, etc.

Resources and Assets money, assets, power, etc.

Stress Diary - Strengths shown

Past Events - Strengths shown

Personal Weaknesses areas where you are aware that you are not strong, or things that people fairly criticize you for

Lack of Resources

Bad situations problems with job or relationships, or poor living or working environment

Stress Diary - Stress management issues shown

Past Events - Stress management issues shown

Opportunities From Your Strengths

Opportunities From Your Network

Opportunities From Your Assets

Opportunities From Weaknesses - opportunities to change your life and learn new skills

Real Opportunities From These Opportunities - what would happen to your life if you used these opportunities?

Consequences if Stress Management Not Improved

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