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EDUC 675




Gods world is inherently diverse. Psalm 139:4 declares, I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. God made us in His image,
and His world is beautiful and magnificent. That includes all of His creation, both you and your
students! There are no two individuals alike! We must learn to embrace diversity, and even when
we dont necessarily see it on the outside, diversity embodies so much more than appearance. In
this assignment, explore all of the diversity in diversity itself!
This assignment must be a 15002000-word description/research paper in current APA format
that explains the diversity that may be found in today's classrooms and the unique characteristics
and needs of the elementary school learner. Include diversity related to academics and learning
styles, physical, emotional, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, multiple intelligences, etc.
Make sure you include the topic of differentiation (process, product, content, environment, and
choice), all facets of diversity, a description of appropriate learning experiences, instructional
strategies, classroom environments, etc., that are effective for the elementary school learner.
Reflect on Parkers chapters on Learning How to Care and Learning How to Shine, and
evaluate how these chapters may relate to the issues of diversity and differentiation in the
classroom. You must integrate the Parkers text throughout your paper. Do not give a synopsis or
summary of the text, but work on a cohesive analysis and integration of the issues of diversity
and differentiation. Be sure to incorporate at least 5 citations as well.
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.

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