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December 23rd, 2015

To Whom It May Concern,

I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Jordan Hammel to enter into the
teaching profession. I have had the pleasure of supervising Ms. Hammel since August of 2014 as
her Site-Coordinator, which has consisted in me tracking her attendance, working with her with
maintaining her high level of professionalism throughout the full-year student teaching practicum,
and administering all of her performance evaluations. She is currently teaching in a 1st-Grade
English Language Development classroom.
It is my utmost belief that Ms. Hammel would be an excellent candidate for employment for a
plethora of reasons. In addition to following through with her expectations with exemplar quality
with her full-year student teaching internship with a full-time academic course load, she has
always been willing to accept constructive feedback in order to continue to meet the needs of all
of her students. Some of the factors that have contributed to her teaching effectiveness have
included her use of age appropriate strategies that incorporate technology, cooperative grouping,
and a clear system of behavior management that motivates first graders to learn. Ms. Hammel
has shown success during the year with creating authentic, systematic units with rigorous
summative assessments that help her to determine what methods she needs to differentiate her
instruction in her mixed-ability classroom. In order to meet all of her students needs, she has
consistently attended revenant professional development opportunities, and acquired her own
resources to continue to develop ownership of the thinking processes and the validity of the use of
each of her instructional strategies. All of these factors truly solidify her passion to deliver an
exemplar quality of work, which is evidenced by her high level of engagement with each of her
In addition to her own skills, Ms. Hammels interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships with her
colleagues and peers have been received with the utmost admiration and respect. Her dedicated
and intricate attention to detail and exemplar quality has allowed her to collaborate and plan
school wide initiatives at the level of a veteran teacher. Her systematic Unit Plans plans have not
only helped her, but also her colleagues on her placement campus who elicit her support and
feedback based on her professionalism and attention to quality and precision.
Ms. Hammels achievements throughout the full-year iTeach program have been of a high
priority to herself, her students, and her school community as a whole. The respect she has
attained from her colleagues, her administration, and her peers has been remarkable. She has
excelled, academically and professionally, successfully balancing a pristine level of work with
her full-time course load with a full-time student teaching responsibility.
For these reasons, I
am strongly recommending her to work in any capacity that she desires. If you have any further
questions, please dont hesitate to contact me.

Aaron E. Carman-Smith, MEd

iTeachAZ Site Coordinator-BLE/ESL
602 304-3170 ext. 12239
602 384-1705 (cell)

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