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A concept to be amended as per

Modern Times
Pt. Vijay Shrikrishna Jakatdar,
Typing & Proofing: Rushikesh Deshpande

One of the senior most authorities in
Maharashtrian Astrology. He hails from a
parampara family and has advocated
scientific temperament among his students.
Known for his out of the box thinking, he has
been an author of many works. Saptarishis
Astrology expects a lot from him in time to
come in this space. He is the President &
Director of Phal Jyotishya Abhyas Mandal
Sanstha, Pune.

ts a common observation that

human mind gets haunted by
the word Muhurta whenever
a season of marriages approaches
and marriage procedures are started.
Its a practical experience that,
fixing a marriage date by coordinating number of factors such
as Muhurta given by an astrologer,
availability of community halls and
several other family complications
is very difficult.
To illustrate this fact, lets
consider an example. A person is
working in USA and his family,
back in India, trying to fix his
marriage. Even though a guy
appreciates the independence (of
individual) in USA, he prefers to
get married to an Indian girl from a
well cultured family. His parents
run from pillar to post to finalize a

bride with matching horoscopes till

they get the bride of their
expectations. After this exercise, they go to an astrologer for
Muhurta of marriage. An astrologer has been given lot of background
information (constraints in true sense) for Muhurta calculations. These
constraints comprise of many factors such as, availability of marriage hall
which family likes on 17th, 20th and 25th, groom will be coming to India for 1
month i.e. 10th December to 10th January, immediately after marriage couple
has to complete visa formalities, etc. So considering all these factors 20th is
most suitable for all of us. Moreover as per caterers asking to choose the
timing around 11 o clock and that is also comfortable for our guests.
After briefing this background, parents asks astrologer to judge a
Muhurta which will be beneficial to both bride and groom. How can an
astrologer reach to a Muhurta in perfect unison with astrology after getting
restricted / constrained from all directions? And then a question arises, why
should a formality of Muhurta is to be followed at all?
So, in the modern era of time, work and speed, we have to follow the
concept of Muhurta which is contemporary. In my opinion, in the current
period of scientific influence, we have to change ourself in order to keep pace
with time.
In order to study the word Muhurta when ancient scriptures were
browsed, I found this word used twice in Rig-Veda (3.33.5 and 3.53.8). At both
places, it means some time or some moments.
Shathapatha Brahmana defines Muhurta as fifteenth part of the day
(, Moreover, in Taittariya Brahmana 15 names of Muhurta of
day and night have been given.
In the Vedang Jyotishya part of Rig-Veda, its been specified that, a
Muhurta is formed by two nadika (ghatika). A difference of 6 Muhurta or 12
ghatika is observed among a longest and the shortest day. Even Manu and
Kautilya (Arya Chanakya) has revealed the same meaning in their respective

Gradually the names of the Muhurtas got shuffled and in the period of
Varahamihira only the names of deities of 30 Muhurtas (of day and night). It
is specified in Brihatsamhita (98.3) that if we carry out / perform some work
on deity of particular nakshatra then success is assured. For example, if the
work is to be completed on Ardra nakshtara, then it is better if carried out on
the first Shivamuhurta of that day. This is because the deity of both nakshtra
and Muhurta is same i.e. Rudra.
On the contrary, there is the citation in Aatharvan Jyotisha (2.1.11 and
3.3.6). (There) It is decided that some of the Muhurtas in ahoratri (each of 2
ghatikas) are auspicious, giving rise to the new meaning of the word Muhurta.
That meaning is a proper period to perform / carry out an auspicious task.
And today, the word (Muhurta) is used in the same context.
In the same text (of Aatharvan Jyotisha, at 7.12 and 16) a general rule is
given. It states that the one should see whether the tithi, nakshatra, karan,
Muhurta are beneficial for carrying out particular work. And among all of
them, importance is to be given to the Muhurta. Further it gives the names
of 8 Muhurtas as:
1. Roudra-Sandyak
2. Swet-Sandyak
3. Maitra-Sandyak
4. Sarbhat-Sandyak
5. Saki-Sandyak
6. Bairaj-Sandyak
7. VishvaVasu-Sandyak
8. Abhijeet-Sandyak
In addition to them, there are other popular methods of reckoning
Muhurtas like Shivalikhit Tables, Chaughadiya Muhurtas, Mahedra-Sandyak
wela (times), Goraksha Gamanat Muhurta, Hora Tables, Rahu Kalam,
Yamaganda Kala, Gulika Kala, etc.
In old times, people gone crazy for performing different activities right
from Shmashru (removing hairs), wearing a new clothing to Marriage. Its to
our surprise that in Muhurta Muktavali (verse 42), auspicious Muhurta for
burglary is also specified, which is very comical.

After such a brief discussion on the concept and definition of Muhurta,

layman will certainly get puzzled and will ask whether it is possible to frame
the easy definition of Muhurta compatible to todays fast and busy modern
So as per my opinion, this new definition could be:
(Whenever) you have a (better) mood, its a Muhurta.
Then we may assume this (better) mood can be of planets and jataka
(subject). Also as Samartha Ramdas Swami1 says
Man Kara Re Prasanna, Sarva Siddhiche Karan .
This Marathi line literally means, make your mind cheerful that is what will
make (all your tasks) achievable.
Here arises the next obvious question. What is meant by mood? How to
decide it (whether it is good or bad)? Nice mood is cheerful mind and in
astrology we Moon and its state (bal-power) is considered to decide the
condition of mood (mind).
In Rajmartand (page 39 A, Verse 611,612) the importance of Moon in context
with Muhurta is given. And to illustrate this they have given following facts
regarding the functions like marriage:
For tithi its 1 times influential, for day its 4 times influential, for nakshtra its
sixteen times influential, for yoga its 100 times, for Sun its thousand times
influential and for Moon its one tenth of million (1 lack) times influential.
And thats why it is told to give attention to moon rather than considering
other factors.
In Muhurta Chintamani, lot of significance is given to Jupiter for performing
the thread ceremony and marriage. And for reckoning the Muhurta,

Samartha Ramdas Swami was one of the great saints from maharashra. He was a great
devotee of Bhagawan Ram and famous for his teachings of Balopasana (exercise of body
for better health).

information is presented in following manner for consideration of tithi, day,

Nakshtra, yoga, moon and tarabala:

Jupiter from moon-sign:

2, 5, 7, 9, 11 Very Auspicious

1, 3, 6, 10 Moderate

4, 8, 6 Inauspicious

Consideration of Moon and Tarabala:

Moon: (In any either waxing or waning period)

(For Waxing period (Shukla paksha)): From moon sign- 1,
3,6,7,10,11. In waning period: 2, 5, and 9.
Tarabala: (For Waning period (Krishna paksha)):
Count nakshatras from birth-nakshatra till the nakshtra of the day
(on which function is to be performed). Divide that number by 9.
If the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then no tarabala exists. Else exists.

Auspicious Tithis: 1, 2,3,5,7,10,12,13.

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Auspicious Nakshtras: Rohini, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada,

Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta, Mruga, Chitra, Anuradha, Revati,
Shravan, Dhanishtha, Shata-taraka, Punarvasu, Swati.

Varjya (to be avoided) yogas: Vyatipat, Vaidhruti, Kshaya-tithi,

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Moon in waning period (Krishna
There is a general indication given in Atharvan Jyotish (7.12 and 16) that, if
we wish to make an function (event) or ritual to be successful, one should
consider beneficial Tithi, Var (day), Nakshtra, Karan. And if, these four
things are (together) not coming along, Muhurta should be given prime
importance. Even then, either of the four (even Muhurta) is not available,
then an announcement should be made from learned Brahmin that, this day
is auspicious. If this is done, then event is successful. In Rajmartand, as per
Bhrigu, auspiciousness of planets and a day is to be considered in stable
situations only. It should not be thought upon in the situations of calamity
(problematic situations) [Rajmartand page no. 25 A, Shloka 388]. In the same
book, a general law of practical wisdom is given (page 24 B, shloka 397 / 8). It

says that, if the country is ruled by other king, in the event of battle, or if
parents have the threat of life then adult unmarried (virgin) girl (kumarika)
should not wait for auspicious period (for her marriage). Even if it is not pure
(this implies period is not favourable), and power (bala) of moon and
ascendant (lagna) is not available, (her) marriage (ceremony) should be
carried out. (Reference: Dharmashastracha Itihas (History of Religionscience) by De. Kane, pg. no. 283). At the same place, next citation is from
Bhujbal (udvah-tatva, pg. no. 124) which says that, for all un-married girls up
to 10 years, planets, year, month etc should be considered (for events related to
In short, this is a very complicated affair. Thus, the easy way Go-Dhuli
or Gorajas [Go means cow and Dhuli means dust thus it literally means dust
created by cows] was invented. When Sun is about to set, it appears like
saffron or red sandal wood paste. Due to (such) light, there are no stars
shining at that time and the sky is covered by clouds formed from the dust
raised by the grazing herd of cows while returning to their stables. Its a GoDhulika Muhurta. And its to be noted that, at such Muhurta any planet,
tithi, stars or nakshtra dont create any hindrance (Rajmartand pg. no. 34, 35
A). In some of the books (Muhurta Martand), its prescribed for shudras
though, its been accepted by upper caste people nowadays.
If we think of all facts comprehensively I feel, that the use of Muhurta is
to be considered just to make mind cheerful and not for altering (changing)
future. This is because mans effort is also important. Thats why Yadyavalka
(1, 349, 351) has said that,

daive puruakrecca karmasiddhi vyavasthit |

tatra daivamabhivyakta pauru paurvadehikam ||

yatha hyekena cakrea rathasya na gatirbhavet |
evam purua krea vin daiva na siddhyati |

This means, without human effort, luck cannot succeed. Luck is nothing but the
fructified human efforts of previous incarnation.
Giving few illustrations in this regards;
In political elections, two rivals submit their forms at good Muhurta, still
one of them is always defeated (while other wins).
Everybody gets married on good Muhurta, still we see divorces are
happening in our society. This is because marriages are beyond time while
divorces are results of human efforts.
Ancient and respected astrologer Bhaskaracharya had made use of good
Muhurta, in order to avoid widow combination (Vaidhavya Yoga) in his
daughters chart. In between, the flow in the ghatika-patra (an instrument
used to measure time) was obstructed a rice grain and the Muhurta has got
lapsed but not the Vaidhavya yoga.
As far as my opinion is concerned, I feel that Muhurta is the concept which
should be used (applied) by individual (native / subject) in his life, with his
own wisdom, discretion and intellect. Because, one of the initial researcher of
Astrology has mentioned in Brihad-Yoga Yatra has given an influential
If all auspicious-inauspicious signs, omens are on one side and purity of
mind is on other side, then purity of mind will have a victory and it will be

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