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13.1 System Information
This option displays detailed specifications about your computer and operating

13.2 Change Database

This option allows you to connect to another SQL Server.

13.3 Backup Database

This option allows you to backup individual estimates, as well as the entire database.

13.4 Restore Database

This option allows you to restore data from the selected file.


User Maintenance
This option allows you to view the users in the system, as well as add or delete users.


Change Datapath
This option allows you to set the path for your takeoff drawings to another location.


System Analysis
This option allows you to perform a system test to make sure your SQL Server
installation is working


Import Options
The import options allow you to import data from a previous version of the software,
as well as import data from Microsoft Excel.


Estimate Status
This option is used to clear a user off an estimate. It would only be used if the user
not in the system but still listed as being an active user.

13.10 Administrator
This option resets the administrator password for the system back to its default of

14. Glossary
14.1 Ascii
Stands for American Standard for Information Interchange. It is a type of file format.
14.2 Click or Clicking
The act of pressing the mouse button to place the cursor at a certain position on the
screen, or to press the mouse button to cause an action to be taken.
14.3 Function Keys
The keys that are located along the top or right side of your keyboard. They perform
specific functions.
14.4 Menu
Selections that are located along the top of the takeoff screen. This is the starting point
for all actions.
14.5 Scroll Bar
An aid at the right edge of a screen that allows you to quickly move through a view.
When there is more information than will fit on the screen, there is an indicator in the
scroll bar.
14.6 Takeoff
The process of measuring to obtain material quantities.
14.7 Takeoff Quantity
The area, length or count measurements taken from a set of plans.
14.8 Takeoff Unit
The unit of measure that is used when measuring plans.
14.9 View
Term used to display information on the screen.
14.10 Drop and Drag
The action of holding the left mouse button down while using the mouse to drag a
specific item to another location. When the left mouse button is released, the item is
added or dropped into the new location.
14.11 Field
An area on a screen that can accept information.

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