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Range of Movement (Man vs Women)

Lumbar Flexibility
The differences in male and female range of motion in the lumbar --- the
area between diaphragm and pelvis --- regions are greatly determined by age. As
children, females generally have more lumbar flexibility than males until the age
of nine when males catch up. Range of motion equality generally ends between
ages 18 and 35 as males develop more lumbar extension than females and
females more lateral flexion, or sideways movement of the spine.
Hormonal Roles
The male and female sex hormones --- testosterone and estrogen --- play
pivotal roles in muscle size and flexibility. Testosterone increases everything from
the size and mass of muscles to the male skeleton. According to the U.S. Office
of Science, the male-female muscle comparison becomes particularly polarized
when it comes to the upper body where muscle fibers and lean tissues are much
larger in the male physique. In contrast, estrogen widens the hips of females
adding greater muscle mobility in abdominal regions.
Hip Action
When it comes to hip action females dominate the range of motion scene
at all ages, says Reese. Increased hip flexibility is a byproduct of female
hormones that for millennia have been working their magic to prepare women for
pregnancy. The majority of added hip motion in females originates at the pelvis.
Range of motion is boosted through greater tailbone mobility, downward pelvic tilt
and the wider and more circular pelvis of females.
Joint Instability
During puberty, females undergo bone and muscle changes that often
create laxity, or joint instability, that limit neuromuscular control in lower
extremities. To compensate for this lack of control, female knee joints tend to
rotate inward as weight is applied. This places strain on tendons and ligaments
that increases the risk of tear and injury. According to Kettles, male knee joints do
not rotate and rely solely on flexion and extension instead of muscle instead of
anterior knee ligaments.
Upper Extremity
The differences in shoulder joint range of motion in men and women. The
study found women to have more anterior shoulder joint laxity and hypermobility
and less stiffness when compared to men. Differences in elbow and hand --fingers and wrists --- range of motion have traditionally found females to have
greater mobility and increased flexibility in all areas except wrist flexion,
according to Reese.

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