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Isaiah Jones

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Ms. Marlowe
Expo. R/W 4
4 October 2015
A Change in the Mind
When a belief or idea is challenged, it not only creates an argument, but it can bring light
to a new perspective. I have been in a very similar argument about the idea of idea of
immigration. Immigration is the right choice, the wrong choice, and the undecided. This subject
has been disputed for a while now and seems to have only increased by tenfold. Even though a
solution hasn't presented itself, these debates have brought new perspectives to the light for all
to see.
During my senior year, I was asked if immigration is a problem. Most would agree due to
the relative social push that immigration is a problem. Society really puts blinders on most
people and easily sways people in any direction. I happen to be quite an open-minded person,
so I said it depends. When giving an answer to such a relative question, I believe one must think
first then look at the other side of the coin. It is very simple to say yes to the whole immigration
problem because most don't want to venture into the forest of uncertainty and explain why
immigration can be good. The belief of immigration has been so profusely attacked, that now it's
just a word of fire, that if touched you social status would be burned.
Some may ask is illegal immigration right or wrong? The answer to that question is it
depends. Illegal immigration is wrong for the obvious reason that its illegal. Illegal immigration
brings debt and economic pain with it. Countries that are illegally immigrated to have to deal
with overpopulation. lack of resources, and shortages. Debt flows in like a sickness and infects
our economy with overusage of welfare and healthcare. Sometimes debt can be strenuous to
recover from. For example, America might not recover from its seventeen trillion dollar debt.
Debt and economic pain fuel into the negative effects of immigration

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for immigration. It can be solved if we can put
aside our stereotypes and look for a solution. Even though illegal immigration can bring debt
and economic pain, it can bring culture and diversity. Culture provides a sense of warmth and
togetherness. Diversity lets everyone know there is much more to discover. This includes
everything from religion, history, and language to everyday routines.
Overpopulation is a problem that is happening now in U.S. Due to immigration many
countries have too many people for the size of their country. In the past, overpopulation has
plagued places with sickness and death. These effects were not purposely done it was just the
effect no one would expect. To get rid of overpopulation steps have been taken to slow down
people coming in and to speed up people going out. Also larger countries have helped out by
opening their borders to let immigrants in. Even though overpopulation seems to just have only
had negative results, it open peoples eyes to being more outgoing in the sense of being
proactive with strangers. Also it has made people a little less selfish and stingy. Overpopulation
has changed countries for the better.
The worst effects immigration had on the U.S. is the lack of resources in every category
scaling from food to space. Our resources are dwindling as it is with the whole side problem of
using up the earth to its limit. There are already too many people here which is overpopulation.
Countries can only take in so much at a time, sooner or later resources will start to disappear .
First, it will start with shortages and then theses shortages will lead to the end of anything and
everything. The #1 resources that has been lacking is water, which we need to live. Immigration
has made countries more conservative, but you always have the people that don't care and will
waster as much water possible. Another is land, which is almost as important as water because
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without land how are we going to produce anything. This land is being taken up with
unnecessary housing for immigrants and farming field, so we can use it to produce more food
for out overpopulation of people. Food is lacking as well in our society. Farmers are not being
able to produce fast enough because people are coming in faster than we can produce.
I can see no other side of the coin to this problem at this time. There is no positive to
lack of resources, which we need to survive. The only positive is that there is a solution to this
problem. To increase resources more farmland must be made in other places and imported
here. Also conservation is a great push in the right direction. For example, one could eat certain
foods on certain days. Also donations to a food drive would help exponentially.
Due to the evidence given on illegal immigration, one can see why I had to act and say it
depends, on the inquiry of illegal immigration. The evidence given obviously shows that the
answer to the question question depends on ones opinion on whatever they think immigration
has done to the United States, both positive and negative. Their opinion could have been
swayed by the facts or just by how they think. Also another reason I acted out on this was just
for the pure fact that everyone agreed. I wanted to be the odd ball that did not because it shows
interest in me as well as understandment. If faced with the same question, I would most
definitely make the same decision because like I said I am open minded. When usually faced
with a question, I observe it from every angle possible to get the most precise result. If I had not
done this, then I would have agreed and just jumped on the bandwagon like everyone else. In
the society that we live in today, one gets recognition for agreeing but reaps the benefits by
being one who disagrees and has their own look.

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