Ink October

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The Associated Students of Ohlone College - Vol. II No.

Leveling Up

The Tranfer Corner

by Frances Fon

For Fall 2013 Transfer Applicants

Applying to transfer to a university is more than just completing a
form. It is a process that may require:
adherence to multiple dead
the reporting of your academic
admissions essay
short answer questions
submission of transcripts
a separate application or
supplemental application for a
particular major or program
letters of recommendations
and more!

The college admissions process can take as short as two weeks or

as long as one year. During this time,
you will have many opportunities to
present yourself in the best manner
possible through your organizational
skills, ability to follow directions in a
timely manner, management of multiple communications and requests
from each potential university, and
providing a thorough and thoughtful
application package.
Selecting the Submit button
is only the beginning! Dont forget
to follow up and follow through on

October 2012

the tasks that come after application

submission. Below are some resources to get you through the admission
application cycle:
Fall Application filing period: 10/1-11/30
CSUMentor Tutorial: www.csumentor.
CSU Application Tips Guide (put together by the Transfer Center just for Ohlone
Fall Application filing period: 11/1-11/30
Application: www.universityofcalifornia.
UC Application Guide:
Visit the Transfer Center for help researching admissions requirements and
application deadlines for private and/or
out-of-state institutions.

The Transfer Center also offers some helpful workshops, such

as Admission Application Assistance
and Financial Aid Basics for Transfer Students. For details, visit: www.

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Shaira Tuazon

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Sonam Babu
Nathaniel Guel
Sahizpreet Kaur
Elaine Wan
Frances Fon
Amit Patel
Ms. Debbie Trigg
Renee Wong Gonzales
ASOC A';(#)&#
S<!9(3$ T+3*4# %):
ASOC Student
Government Council

We exist to represent your

needs, wants and concerns.
If you have any
questions, comments,
concerns, suggestions or
anything else, feel free to

Calling all club presidents, advisors and members!

Want your club to be featured as the


Then e-mail

Send us a short description of your club and why we should feature
you. This would be a great way to promote your club, as well as your
events! Be sure to put Club of the Month as the subject. Well be

Information, News and Knowledge

Marketing and Communications


Or visit the:

ASOC Window
Room 7210

The Ocial Newsletter of the ASOC Student Government

ASOC backs Prop 30

FAILS... The
ASOC Student
Government put
up a poster which
can be found at
Palm Bosque
which states the
if Prop 30 would
not pass.

40 colleges
Transfer Day
A total of 40 universities came to the annual Transfer
Day event on September 24, 2012
from 10AM to 1PM in Building 7. This event was sponsored
by the Ohlone College Tranfer Center and was spearheaded
by Frances Fon, Transfer Center Specialist. ASOC assisted the
transfer day team with the event.
Among the universities
that came, eight were from the
California State University system,
six from the University of California system, and 26 from outof-state and private universities.
This event is held annually so that students can gather
information about academic programs, admission requirements,
and student life. Special afternoon
workshops were also held by various university representatives that
participated in the event as well.
These included transfer counseling with the transfer specialists
of the respective universitites.

The Associated Students of

Ohlone College (ASOC) Student
Government took a stand to support
Propostition 30 on August 28, 2012.
ASOC has made posters for
both Fremont and Newark campuses
aiming to raise awareness about the
outcome if Prop 30 fails. A banner has
also been made by the ASOC which
can be seen at the Palm Bosque.
ASOC has also conducted several events aiming to promote wise voting for the upcoming
presidential elections. Two Rock
the Vote events were held on October 10 and 17, 2012 at the Fremont
and Newark campuses, respectively,
urging students to register to vote.
Town hall meetings regarding Prop
30 were also held on October 23 at
Room 7101 at the Fremont campus and on November 1 at Room

NC1100 at the Newark campus. Students that participated were separated into groups and assigned council members that led the discussion.
For the upcoming days, a
student rally is being organized. The
rally, caled, March on Mission is an
event wherein students are invited to
march to raise awareness about the
proposition. It will happen on November 5 at 3 to 6 PM and on election day itself, November 6 at 3 to 5
PM. Sign-up forms can be found at
the ASOC Window at Building 7,
2nd floor and council members are
also going around to recruit. Contact
details can also be found on page 3.
Prop 30 is one of the propositions on the November 6 ballot. This is
the only education related proposition
that directly benefits college students.

ASOC, Campus Activities

hosts Club Days

THE PSYCH CLUB. The Psychology Club, along with other clubs,
represented themselves at Club
Days to inform students about clubs
encourage them to join.

The annual Club Days event

was hosted by the Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC)
Student Government and Ohlone
College Campus Activities on September 25 and 26 at the Palm Bosque
where students had the opportunity
to check out the numerous clubs on
campus this year.
The event was held from
11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The event featured live DJs from Wild 94.9 and
106 KMEL and a dance floor for
those wanting to groove. Those who
came had the opportunity to win
an iPod Shuffle, movie tickets, and

amusement park passes by entering into the raffle.

Students were offered free
pizza and drinks by the ASOC.
Students also filled out surveys
which aimed to help improve their
Club Days experience and direct
them into considering joining a
Club Days is a majorintroductory event to help both new
and returning students to become active in school and meet
new people. For a full list of current clubs to join, see the Finding
Your Perfect Fit feature on page 7.

ASOC lls October with events

October featured a lot of
events that were the joint efforts of
both the Associated Students of
Ohlone College (ASOC) and of
Ohlone College Campus Activities
Two Rock The Vote events
were held during the month, one in
Fremont on October 10, 2012 from
11:00 AM to 1 PM at the bottom of
Building 1 stairs and at the Newark campus on October 17. ASOC
executives and senators encourage
students to register to vote for the
upcoming Presidential Elections on
November 6. Students were also informed about Prop 30 and Prop 38.
There was a live DJ and free food was
available to all students. Students
also had a chance to win prizes by
joining the raffle.
A Pinterest Party was held on
October 11 at the ASOC Recreation
Room in Newark. About 20 people

participated and they made their own

vanilla and brown sugar bath scrub.
Sonia Patel, ASOC Newark Representative, conducted this workshop
with the help of other executives and
senators. The craft idea was from
Joshua Trinidad, ASOC Representative at Large, spearheaded the
Town Hall Meeting last October 23 at
Room 7101. The event aimed to provide an opportunity to Ohlone students to learn more about Prop 30 and
how it will affect them. A presentation
on Prop 30 was presented by Trinidad
with the help of Sonam Babu, ASOC
Legislative Representative, David
Harvey and Erik Camacho, both senators. Students were divided into four
discussion groups, assisted by council
Fremont Massage and Skin
Care Center came in for the Mini
Massage Day on October 24 from

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM in the library. More than sixty students

were served with free massages,
lasting 5 minutes each.
The monthly soul surge
event was held this month on
October 25, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
in the Cafeteria. Sixteen people
participated in this event. People
came up with different talents like
singing songs and poetry. This
was the first time comedy and
upright piano performances were
dubbed as Treatz and Beatz was
held on October 31 at 11 AM at
the cafeteria. The event featured
a mini pumpkin patch where students were able to decorate their
own pumpkins. A mini costume
contest was also held where winners were decided based on audience participation.

Finding your
(Perfect) Fit
Your cheat sheet on Ohlone College campus clubs
Ohlone College has a
wide range of clubs on campus.
They range from total opposites, such as clubs as peaceful
as the American Sign Language
(ASL) Club to something as
melodious as the Music Club.
You can always find your
perfect fit. Like in terms of your
major, if youre a science major,
you might be glad to know that
there are many science based
clubs such as Astrophysics Club
and Biology Club, as well as culture-related ones, such as Latinos In Science and Technology
at Ohlone (LISTO). If youre
a person looking into nursing,
then the Nursing Club is the club
for you. If youre interested in the
medical field in general, theres
the American Medical Student
Association (AMSA), the Physical Therapy Assistants Club and
the Respiratory Therapy Club.
With Ohlones immense diversity comes the different cultures
that it brings together. Some
of those cultures come out in
various clubs such as the Black
Student Union and the Asian
Pacific American Students Association (APASA). Religious
members of the community also
gather, such as in the Crossroads
Christian Club and the Muslim
Student Association (MSA).
When it comes to clubs,

one would most likely choose one

based on his or her interests. There
are a lot of clubs that are based
on your background, personality and preferences, such as the
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), the
Women and Gender Empowerment Club, the Puente Club, the
Psychology Club and the Math
Club. If youre interested in Arts,
then the Ohlone Art and Design
Association just might be a good
fit. Same goes with people fond
of Math and Physics, there is an
Ohlone Engineering Club. For
all the eco-friendly folk out there,
Ohlones Green Club might just
be your thing. For all the anthropology-inclined people out there,
theres an Ohlone Multicultural
Anthropology Club (OMAC).
With regards to academics, on the
other hand, the Phi Theta Kappa
Honor Society invites students
with GPAs of 3.50 and above. And
last, but definitely not the least,
is Ohlones International Club.
After all, our motto is A World
of Cultures United in Learning.
And if you still cant find
a place for you, let me give you a
hint. You can even start your own
club at the start of every semester! For more information about
that, visit the ASOC Window at
the second floor of Building 7 or
e-mail asocvicepresident@ohlone.
edu or

Thanksgiving Feast &
Holiday Tree Lighting
FREE food, holiday pictures
and more! Tree lighting at
Wednesday, November 14

Noon to 1:00 pm @ Newark Center, First Floor

Thursday, November 15
11 am to 12:30 pm @
Fremont Campus,
First come, rst served

Pinterest Party
Make Homemade Bath
Scrub (Vanilla & Brown
Sugar OR Lemon)
Materials will be provided!
Wednesday, Nov. 28
Noon to 1:00 pm

Soul Surge
Thursday, November 29
11 am to 1 pm
Open mic event!
Sign up at 11:00 am.
Limited performance slots

Props to Prop 30
The clock is
time has come.
is just around
the corner. Although
presidential race is what we are watching so closely right now, theres one
more thing I would tell you is equally
important: the propositions. There
are 11 propositions on the November 6 ballot. Prop 30 is one of them.
Proposition 30 is a tax initiative that aims to generate revenue by
increasing the sales tax base rate by
1/4 of a percent. Here in Alameda
County, it will basically raise our sales
tax from 8.75% to a flat 9%. Its also
going to raise income tax for people
who earn above $250,000 or what they
call Tax Millionaires, depending on
their tax bracket. Hate taxes? Well,
you hate budget cuts too right? The
increase revenue is going to guarantee
public safety and fund public education by allocating 89% of temporary
taxes to K-12 schools and 11% to
community colleges. In other words,
although its not going to raise our
budget, Prop 30 is going to help stop
budget cuts, help stop the bleeding.
Now, so what if budget cuts
are stopped when its effects are already irreversible? Have you ever
heard about the Law of Entropy? Its
a law in Physics that states that increasing disorder happens if you let
nature take its course. Simply put, all
it states is that things have a possibility of getting worse. So if we already
have big cuts in our budget, then it

Prop 30 is going to
help stop budget cuts,
help stop the bleeding.

would mean there is a possibility of

more cuts coming our way. And what
if those couts still continue? Well, do
we have to wait for the worst to come?
So there are two propositions
that aim to fund education, one is
Prop 30 and the other is Prop 38. Both
propositions are for a better tomorrow in terms of education, but Prop
38 will only fund K-12. So what about
us college students? Dont we deserve
to get anything? Weve been getting
budget cuts for years, so arent they
going to help us? This is why Governor Jerry Brown started this constitutional amendment, as a response to it.

If it DOESNT pass, it
would mean 150 less
classes, 1,500 less students, 4,500 less seats in
classes, delay in transfer and no summer
Wait a minute, so if its not going to raise our budgets, how is it going to help us? Simple. Let me tell you
whats going to happen if it DOESNT
pass. Im assuming youre an Ohlone
student reading this. So just in our
community, 150 more classes will be
cut starting Spring 2013. That would
mean 1,500 less students will be served.
It would also equate to 4,500 less seats
in classes. If that confuses you, lets
just say that an average student has
about three classes, so thats 3 times
1,500. So imagine. Come registration
time, its so hard to get classes already.
What more when that happens? Less
classes would also mean a delay in
transferring, as it would be harder and
take longer for you to get your transfer
credits. Once you do transfer, CSUs
and UCs are expected to increase their

For aiming to save

higher education!

tuition rates by 20%. And one thing

I believe is the worst is that summer
session will be eliminated, and that
also means a longer stay in Ohlone
before being able to transfer. So in
a nutshell, a no on Prop 30 is like
saying, Id prefer spending more
money and more time for a quality
education I could get for less money
and in a shorter period of time.
What can you do to make a
change? One is to cast your vote for
this. You may think your vote will
not count for this, but every vote
DOES count. Another thing is help
promote it. In Ohlone, particularly
in the ASOC, we have several activities in which we aim to promote it.
Also, social networking makes a big
difference. You can make a change
through a status, through a tweet
or through a video, among others.
According to statistics, the
community college students of California alone can make a proposition pass. So if this is the only proposition that will directly benefit us,
why wouldnt we want it to pass?
Yes, friends. Our educational future is in our hands. We have two
choices. Its either we choose something we can use for a better tomorrow or something else that wont be
any help to us. Okay, we have more
than two choices, but bear with me.
What are a few pennies more that
well spend in exchange for saving
our colleges? All I can say is props
to Prop 30. Its trying to save higher education, so why arent you?

What are a few

pennies more that well
spend in exchange for
saving our colleges?

The Head of the Pack September marks start of

by Amit Patel

event calendar

ASOC President
Hello Everyone! My
name is Amit Patel, I
am your Associated
Students of Ohlone
College (ASOC) President. I originally joined
ASOC because I wanted to feel more connected to Ohlone; in the process, I became
so involved that I decided to run for presidency and really put my passion to the test.
My number one goal for this academic year is simple yet hard to achieve.
I plan to increase awareness on campus
regarding any issues that involve students
such as Prop 30. Because this proposition
affects students so greatly, we made it a
priority to get involved and increase student awareness by allowing information to
be readily available. Though it is nearly impossible to reach every student at Ohlone,
ASOC plans to make the effort to reach as
many students as we can, with the available
resources we have.
This semester we have twenty-two
amazing members who have literally put
their blood, sweat and tears into ASOC, to
serve our larger purpose of serving the students needs, wants, and concerns on campus. I am proud to have such an amazing
set of individuals who are passionate about
serving students.
If any of you are still wondering
about ASOC, I would try and spot a student
in a green ASOC T-shirt walking around
campus and talk to them. We have tried to
make ourselves more visible on campus and
create bonds with students, so they know
that they have a ASOC to use as a resource
to help them with their time at Ohlone.
If you are a student who wants to
know more about Ohlone, has a concern
about anything, or even just wants to make
more friends, ASOC is here for you.
ASOC is lled with dedicated students, and through juggling school, and
ASOC, many of our members have other
passions they dedicate themselves to. In
my own case, I am a Contemporary and
Bollywood Dancer and Instructor, always
ready to bust a move and always ready to
teach and learn.
If any of you would like to contact
me for anything or would just like to talk, my
email is
Good Luck for the year ahead!
Study hard, and always keep an open mind!
- Amit Patel

The month of September marked the beginning of the

Ohlone College event calendar
as the first events of the school
year were held during this month,
namely, the Urban Dance Festival,
Constitution Day, Club Days and
Soul Surge.
A three-day Urban Dance
Festival was held on September 4 to
6 from noon to 1:00pm at the bottom of the Building 1 stairs. There
were Live DJs and Host MCs.
There were also dance challenges
that occurred in the event. On the
last day, there was a dance showcase where everyone who wanted
to join the show and perform were
free to come. The Campus Activities Department and ASOC made
the three-day event as an introduction for the following event called
All the Way Live. The All The Way
Live crew is a non-profit dance
organization that has gone to numerous countries with a mission to
teach the youth how to dance.

Constitution Day aimed to

celebrate the US constitution, which
was held on September 19, starting
from 1:00pm. ASOC provided free
hotdogs and drinks, attaching a card
with a constitution fact. The council, which at the time only consisted
of the executives, helped students
know more about the US Constitution through this event.
Club days is an annual event
which features the various clubs on
campus. More information on this
may be found on page 2.
Soul Surge is an open mic
event conducted on the last Thursday of every month. It started on
September 27 from 11am to 1pm
at the Cafeteria. Ohlone students
showed their talent in this event.
Participants sang songs, told jokes
and shared poetry. ASOC aimed to
give students the spotlight to showcase their abilities, as well as to provide a relaxing and fun ambiance in
the cafeteria.

Join the ASOC as we...

REGISTER TO VOTE! The ASOC hosted the Rock the
Vote event which encouraged students to register to vote.
Students were also informed about one of the propositions
on the November 6 ballot, Prop 30.


Members served free food to those who participated in the
Club Days event last September 26 and 27 at Palm Bosque.
(Photo courtesy of 106KMEL)

MADE WITH LOVE. One of the senators

made Vanilla and Brown Sugar Bath Scrub
during ASOCs rst Pinterest Party on OcThese are
tober 11, 2012 held at the ASOC Recrethe toy buggy ation Room at Newark Campus.
parts the
ASOC council
members used
to build the
Tallest and
Fastest Buggy in one of
their activities
in their Fall
2012 Retreat.

ENTER TO WIN! The ASOC, in coordination

with Campus Activities, gave gift cards to the
lucky winners of the rafe.

ASOC Student
for the school
year 20122013, consisting of eight
and 14 senators, during
their Fall 2012
Retreat on
September 23
at the Newark

One of the
ASOC Senators wearing
the ofcial
ASOC shirt
while helping
out at an event.


Natsuki Itoh and Sonia Patel, ASOC executives, showed their support for Prop 30
by signing one of the banners during Club

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