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English Department

Lynn Hofmann
JH Read pd 1
students will test understand
M Obj:
and application of reading
o strategies for nonfiction to
n improve
Method: take written
d test/Flubaroo.
test will measure undera Assess:
standing and application.
y Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,j,l,m


Obj: students will apply reading

strategies to fiction.
Method: students are in reading
grps. utilize pre-reading, reading
and post reading strategies.
When finish novel students create
ppt identifying elements of fiction
for novel utilizing strategies.
Assess: grp reading, ppt will
measure application.
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,j,l,m

students will apply reading

W Obj:
strategies to fiction.
e Method: students are in reading
utilize pre-reading, reading
d grps.
and post reading strategies.
n When finish novel students create
identifying elements of fiction
e ppt
for novel utilizing strategies.
s Assess: grp reading, ppt will
d measure
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,j,l,m


Obj: students will apply reading

strategies to fiction.
Method: students are in reading
grps. utilize pre-reading, reading
and post reading strategies.
When finish novel students create
ppt identifying elements of fiction
for novel utilizing strategies.
Assess: grp reading, ppt will
measure application.
Standard: 7.1.6b,c,g,j,l,m

September 28, 2015

Speech pd 3
Obj: students will explore
researching techniques and strategies
for speech topics.
Method: take recalling facts on
Flubaroo. Begin direct teaching
with ppt notes.
Assess: Recalling the facts will
measure initial understanding of ch

Obj: students will explore research

tools available at SPS and with their
Method: Mrs. Landauer will talk
about what is available on their
laptops and in the digital library
Assign: students will complete the
worksheet about Mrs. Landauers
lecture concepts/points.

Eng 7 pd 4
Obj: students will quiz
comprehension of suffixes. Students
will explore linking verbs. No
Journal for today ~
Method: students take suffix quiz on
Flubaroo. Teacher direct teach
present tense in grammar book.
partner/practice with exercise A/B.
On own do exercise C.
Assess: quiz measures proficiency.
Assign: Exercise D~ write using ex
B 2 verbs sing sub and 2 plural.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Obj: students will explore freewriting. Students will enhance

reading skills. Students will enhance
vocabulary skills. Students will
explore past tense verb usage.
Method: journal and read freereading book. Unit 1 of vocab bk.
Direct teach words. Grammar bk
direct teach past tense. Partner ex
A/B. On own then partner ex C.
Assess: partner activities measure
understanding of past tense.
Assign: grammar ex D.Write 8 sent
that fit each rule on pg 84. Vocab pg
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: students will continue to
Obj: students will explore freeexplore ch 8 concepts.
writing. Students will enhance
Method: teacher finish direct
reading skills. Students will enhance
teaching chapter concepts.
vocabulary skills. Students will
Assign: chapter 8 test Monday
explore future tense verb usage.
Method: journal and read freereading book. Review vocab with pg
17/18. Grammar bk direct teach
future tense. Partner ex A/B. On
own then partner ex C.
Assess: partner activities measure
understanding of future tense.vocab
review will measure understanding.
Assign: grammar ex D.Write 6 sent
about what life be like in 10 years..
Vocab pg 18/19
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: students will review chapter
Obj: Students will enhance
vocabulary skills. Students will
Method: use class time to complete explore future tense verb usage.
chapter review worksheets.
Method: Review vocab with pg
Assess: chapter review will measure 18/19. Grammar bk direct teach
comprehension and understanding of linking verbs. Partner ex A/B. On
the chapter.
own then partner ex C.
Assign: chapter test Monday.
Assess: partner activities measure
understanding of linking verb.vocab
review will measure understanding.
Assign: grammar ex D. Vocab pg
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Eng 8 pd 5
Obj: students will quiz
comprehension of suffixes.
Students will enhance vocabulary.
Method: take suffix quiz on
Flubaroo. Direct teach unit 1
assess: quiz will measure
Assign: vocab pg 17/18
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Obj: Students will explore freewriting. Students will review unit

1 vocab. Students will explore
complex sentences.
method: write in journal. Review
vocab using pg 17/18. Direct teach
complex sentences pg 36 in
grammar book. Partner ex A/B.
On own Ex C/D then partner then
oral discussion.
Assess: vocab and grammar
activities measure understanding.
Assign: vocab pg 18/19. Complex
sentences worksheet.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: Students will explore freewriting. Students will review unit
1 vocab. Students will explore
complex sentences.
method: write in journal. Review
vocab using pg 18/19. Review
complex sentences with wksheet.
Continue review of complex
sentences with wksh partner.
Assess: vocab and grammar
activities measure understanding.
Assign: vocab pg 19/20. write 5
complex sentences about trick-ortreating safety rules.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: Students will review unit 1
vocab. Students will explore
complex sentences.
method: Review vocab using pg
19/20. Use class time to write
about a circus using simple/cd/cx
Assess: vocab and grammar
activities measure understanding.
Assign: vocab pg 21. Circus story
with simple/cd/cx sentences.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

English Department
Lynn Hofmann

No school ~ teacher comp day.

September 28, 2015

No school ~ teacher comp day.

Eng 8 pd 6
students will quiz comprehension of
suffixes. Students will enhance vocabulary.
o Method: take suffix quiz on Flubaroo. Direct
unit 1 vocab.
n teach
assess: quiz will measure proficiency.
d Assign: vocab pg 17/18
a Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Students will explore free- writing.
Students will review unit 1 vocab. Students
u will explore complex sentences.
write in journal. Review vocab using
e method:
pg 17/18. Direct teach complex sentences pg
s 36 in grammar book. Partner ex A/B. On own
C/D then partner then oral discussion.
d Ex
Assess: vocab and grammar activities measure
a understanding.
vocab pg 18/19. Complex sentences
y Assign:

No school ~ teacher comp day.

Eng 7 pd 7

Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Students will explore free- writing.
Students will review unit 1 vocab. Students
e will explore complex sentences.
write in journal. Review vocab using
d method:
pg 18/19. Review complex sentences with
n wksheet. Continue review of complex
with wksh partner.
e sentences
Assess: vocab and grammar activities measure
s understanding.
vocab pg 19/20. write 5 complex
d Assign:
sentences about trick-or-treating safety rules.
a Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Students will review unit 1 vocab.
Students will explore complex sentences.
h method: Review vocab using pg 19/20. Use
time to write about a circus using
u class
simple/cd/cx sentences..
r Assess: vocab and grammar activities measure
s understanding.
Assign: vocab pg 21. Circus story with
d simple/cd/cx sentences.
a Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Study Hall pd 8

Obj: students will quiz understanding of

suffixes. Students will enhance reading skills.
Method: take suffix quiz. Spend rest of class
period reading free-reading book.
Assess: suffix quiz will measure proficiency.
Assign: have free-reading book read by next
Monday so can work on book report.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

Obj: students will explore free-writing.

Students will enhance reading skills. Students
will enhance vocabulary skills. Students will
review nouns.
Method: write in journal. read free-reading
book. direct teach unit 1 vocab. teacher direct
review of nouns.
Assign: vocabulary reading passage and draw
visual definition. noun test Wednesday.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: students will explore free-writing. Students
will enhance reading skills. Students will
enhance vocab skills. Students will explore
writing skills.
Method: write in journal. Read in free-reading
book. review vocab using assignment. direct
teach planning process of writing of number
notes. partner number notes about favorite
Assess: vocab will measure understanding of
words/definitions. Partner number notes will
measure understanding.
Assign: vocab synonyms/antonyms. Own
number notes about best pet.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c
Obj: students will review vocabulary. Students
will review number notes. Students will explore
hooks/attention getter.
Method: review vocab with assignment. Review
number notes on board. Teacher direct teach
hooks/attention-getter. Partner hook/ attentiongetters with favorite holiday.
Assess: vocab assign will measure
understanding. Partner hooks will measure
Assign: vocab assign three. own attention getter
with best pets.
Standards: 8.2.2a, d, 8.1.5a,b,c

No school ~ teacher comp day.

English Department
Lynn Hofmann

No school ~ teacher comp day.

September 28, 2015

No school ~ teacher comp day.

No school ~ teacher comp day.

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