Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking

Done By:

Bader Hamoud
Mohammed Ahmed
Critical thinking
 What is Critical thinking:
 Thinking outside the box.

 Finding solutions that is new and creative or

thinking in a different but brilliant way.

 Critical thinkers always have curiosity and try to find

biggest amount of information.

 They always ask important questions and then find

creative and new solutions for their problems.
Critical thinking
 If you are a critical thinker….

 You will think about anything impressive and try to

find the way that it is done and then compare your
information or thoughts with facts.
 For example:
 If a critical thinker saw the pyramids, first he will ask
himself how did the Egyptians raised the huge blocks. He
will put thoughts that includes physics laws and
mathematics. And how did they did it without technology
and machines. Then he will put assumptions about it but
he will not stop there therefore he will ask or look for the
real solution.
Critical thinking
 Critical thinkers always listen carefully to the lecturer
or the person who gives the information. He will pay
full attention to what he say and try to answer any
question the lecturer gives.

 If the critical thinker disagreed with the lecturer he will

argue with him and will try to support his opinion with
evidence that he assumed or know from his knowledge.
What critical thinkers do
 Evaluating

 Analyzing

 Synthesizing

 Forming opinions

 Assessing

 Rating

 Making inferences

 Drawing conclusions

 Critiquing

EVALUATION—critiquing, rating, grading, assaying, assessing, inferring,

drawing conclusions, forming opinions

SYNTHESIS—redesigning, recreating, putting back together in a

different way

ANALYSIS—examining, taking apart, breaking down

SIMPLE APPLICATION—using knowledge & comprehension; solving problems

COMPREHENSION—understanding, paraphrasing, interpreting

KNOWLEDGE—naming, recognizing, identifying, recalling, reciting, etc.

Critical thinking
 An Example to test if you are a
critical thinker:

 Ifthe roof of the bus is stuck under a

bridge, how can we free the bus
without damaging the bridge and the
Why is it important?
 Our country needs critical thinkers instead of “parrots”
in many occasions.

 In working life, people will face a lot of difficulties that

will need critical thinking to find better solutions.

 Critical thinker will get advantages in term of the work

position and in society.
Critical thinking
 Solution:

 Simply we should reduce the amount of

air in the bus tire and with that the
height of the bus will decrease then the
bus will be released without damaging
either the bus or the bridge.
How can you become a critical thinker?

 By asking important questions.

 By observing in an open mind.

 By becoming interested in finding new solutions.

 By listening to other opinions then think about what

they said and then reply.

 without critical thinking we will not have what have

and the life will be more difficult. To make sure that
critical thinkers exists, we must change the habits and
behaviors. As a result of critical thinking, we are
enjoying our lives.



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