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Name. Period, How to Write a Comparative Essay Steps: Directions: Read each step Closely. Complete each step. Check off the steps as you do it. 2 Take out Dakota and Ojibwe Notes from your folder including SEASONS Chart. 2 CheCk over each side. Make sure you have every box completed. 3 ‘Complete the inside part of the circle on the Venn Diagram (similarities) using notes. What are the same things you see on your Dakota notes and Ojibwe notes? REMEMBER we are Comparing the Dakota who lived in Minnesota to the Woodland Ojibwe. 4 ‘Looking at both sides of notes, complete the outside parts of the circle For the Dakota ~ | Raise your hand to have your Venn Diagratn approved by the teacher (you CANNOT 80 | and Ojibwe (differences) on the Venn Diagram 10 next step without approval). Ms. Poster approved, Using your Venn Diagram, Complete both sides of the Comparing-Contrasting writing 6 worksheet. This worksheet is designed to help You write your Final essay. 7 One you Complete step 6 raise your hand for approval Ms. Poster approved, i8 ‘Looking at your Completed Comparing-Contrasting worksheet, begin to write your first essay draft. Your essay will be two paragraphs long with five or more sentences per paragraph. Your paragraphs must include the topic and conclusion sentence used on the worksheet. Get lined paper from the front of the room. 9 After essay is done, Complete proof read it Checklist. And raise your hand for Ms. ‘Poster to approve. | Ms. Poster approved. 10 ‘With a partner, switch essays and Complete peer editing Checklist (vou put a checkmark | next to partners). Make Corrects on partner's paper where needed 1 "Return essay to parener with your Corrections on it and his/her Checklist | 2 LOok over your essay for mistakes and Changes. — | [13 "Rewrite your final essay making those Changes. Best work here. This is what you will turn | in. Staple it to your First draft (che one with Corrections and mistakes). Dat od Dey ciis eine MeeiitHeselunl dtl z: iN Oe Together HightiarTopi. TL & Concgster | Sevtenves ‘The title lets the ——--—» __ Elementary School oi ad ti Middle School: reader know ‘The Differences and Similarities vehot two things ‘the essay will be ist ike to transition from elementar jiddle school? »—~ Tha first sentence comparing and That is a question mai ie Hoving experienced gts the reader's, contrasting, / both, Tcan tell you th ‘Gre plenty as well as attenfion with o some very big differences between the two types of schools. ‘question. The write: explains ‘what two things he Elementary schools and middle schools have many trails in» — The topie sentence or she will be common. Typically, both are open five days a week for a set ets the reader comparing and» qumber of hours each dey. Students stat dessin classrooms tenow that this contrasting, and are expected to listen to and learn from ‘teachers. There pporagraph is about The wir expias 8 28#time for lunch Each day, stds are given homework atthe two baw the rei assignments. Students foke quizzes and fests. In all of these Ways, ay: haven soe WP mile school should feel somewhat familiar Yo new students. vonon However, there are some big changes that new middle school students should be aware of. In elementary school, students — The writer usually stay in the same classroom with one teacher for most of explains how the the day. That is not the case in middle school, where students ‘two things are typically have a different teacher for each subject. Students must ifforet, move to a different classroom for each subject too. Since there is not one classroom in which to store supplie schools often provide stuclents with lockers. For many kids, getting a locker is a welcome rite of passage. Inthe conclusion, —~. Maki move from elementary school to middle school the write shows may seem scaty, but knowing what to expect can really help. why it iswsefal fe» Elementary rovides kids with know how the two to be ready for mi moving on means > The writer also things are different adjusting to a new envi ent, some things, including many of adds new, related cand alike, the classmates , will remain the same. information. (© TIME Fa Kim. This poge may be photocopied fr we wt sides Tl ME | eS i 2 Natne. Period, COMPARING-CONTRASTING WRITING: COMPARISON PARAGRAPH ‘Topic: The Dakota and the Ojibwe ‘Topic Sentence: Firse ] will be writing aboue three things the Qiibwe and Dakota have in common. Detall 2 Detall2 Detail 3 oo _ Conclusion Sentence: Those are some of the similarities between the Dakota and Olibwe. COMPARING-CONTRASTING WRITING: CONTRAST PARAGRAPH ‘Topic: The Dakota and the Ojibwe ‘Tople Sentence: exe f am writing abou eeings she Ciibwe and sroux don's have in common. Detail 2 : Detail 2 Detail 3 Difference: Difference: Difference: Dakota: Dakota:, Dakota: 1 i Oflbwe: Gilbwe: Gilbwe: | Conclusion Sentence: Those are some of the differences between the Dakota and Qiibwe. PReelkéad if! “The following checklist will help you proofread, edit and improve your written work. When done, ask a classmate, parent, ora teacher to proofread it again. Author: Work Tite: Yes | No Comment 1h Te ere donee of prewriting actviy(aistom, pen) - iagea, notes, &be == 2 Arete tle man words capitalized? 13. Does the title fit the piece? 4 Ave paragraphs used to organize igfomaion? perqepias 5. ls the introduction afoctia? topic. Senbencee {fe the main idea clear, wh a sense of purpose? dows tne. anode 2 7. Is information placed in fogical or '. Is there enough supporting evidence? % details oes the writer stay on topic? 40. Is the witng interesting? 11. Is the word choice appropriate? 12, Does each sentence begin with a capital letter? 13. Does each sentence end with a proper punctus 114, Is each sentence a complete thought? | 18. Are there any spelling errors (underine please)? 46, Are there other words that should be capitalized?” 17, Are plurals and possessives correct? | 18. Are quotation marks used correctly? [48 Is the conclusion effective and relevant? Cony basin 20, Ts wn tv wa rgnized on ape? Cae ee Sern kan The Tete ind sw DEER EDITING FORM ‘Ask a classmate to read through whet you have written, check olf the box next to each question, and write a brief comment that will help improve your work. Underining and changes are permitted if done in pencil Peer Editor: Author: ‘Work Title Yes Ts there evidence of prewriting actviy (brainstorm, plan) ‘Ae the tile main words capitalized? ‘Doss the ttle fit the piace? ‘Are ba paragraphs used ooganize, cage? ages ise nvoducton otc Is te main idea cep wh sense of purposs? | Js information placed in fogleal order? Is thore enough supporting evidence? 3 Jet... Does the witer stay on tople? Is the waiting interesting? Is the word choice appropriate? ‘Dees each sentence begin with a capital letter? ‘Doos each sentence end with a proper punctuation? 1 18. {s each sentence a complete thought? ‘Are there any spelling errors (undortino please)? 16 ‘Ave there other words that should be capitalized? 7 ’Aro plurals and possessives correct? 18. ‘Are quotation marks used correctly? 18, Is the conclusion effective and relevant? (SrUA SiO Senko rte. 20. is written toxt wel organized on paper? ww: ‘The Teacher's Binder ‘Name. pet WPlease only wiike Yow NAME and humbe on here Score___X 10= Essay Test Grading 4-EXCELLENT 3-ACCEPTABLE 2-BELOW AVERAGE 1-UNACCEPTABLE "Score Traits SIMILARITIES PARAGRAPH 1 CLEAR, WELL ORGANIZED, WELL DEVELOPED IDEAS : © Topic sentence written (first sentence in the paragraph). © Three supporting details (three sentences) clearly related to the topic 3 sentence. 4 © Three accurate details on how the Dakota and Ojibwe are similar. © Conclusion sentence (last sentence in paragraph). At least 5 total sentences. DIFFERENCES PARAGRAPH 1 CLEAR, WELL ORGANIZED, WELL DEVELOPED IDEAS © Topic sentence written (first sentence in the paragraph). 2 o Three supporting details (three sentences) clearly relate to the topic 3 sentence, © Three accurate details EXPLAINING how the Dakota and Ojibwe are 4 different. | 0 Conclusion sentence (last sentence in paragraph). | © At least 5 sentences. EDITING FOR GRAMMAR, USAGE, MECHANICS ‘© Novrun-on sentences (My grandmother is elegant, she always wears a hat.) 4 © Nosentence fragments (Because my grandmother always wears a hat.) 2 © Subject/verb agreement (Correct: One of the toys is missing.) © Correct, consistent verb tense usage (Don't accidentally mix present and 3 past tenses.) 4 | © Punctuation is correct. © Capitalization is correct. © Paragraphs are indented correctly. 1 WRITING PROCESS © Completed notes for Ojibwe and Dakota 2 ‘© Completed Venn Diagram 3 | © Completed comparing and contrasting worksheet front and back © Completed writing checklist 4 © Completed writing checklist with partner ‘Comments:

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