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School tax Tungurahua province

Fundado el 26 de Mayo de 1975, R. O. No. 839 del 4 de Julio de 1975

Sauces 2, Mz. F74-75 Telfonos: 2 2239488 2646991 - 2246366

1. Titles:
Monday December 28, 2015
Language book fair
2. Introduction:
On Monday December 28 students and 6th year 4to5to met in the schoolyard to hear the
statement of the BI and BI PRE - PD courses on language book fair talked about different books,
they sang and advised
3. Content:
The day when the institution began normal until the third hour where we
were told we had to be formed outside and that was to present an
exhibition by students BI and ERP-BI PD treated very interesting themes in
literature exhibition began with girls 5th BI where talked about different
books where highlighted what made them special, after students PRE-BI
PD performed a work that dealt a seagull named Kenga flying in search of
food then he died because he fell oil but leave a cat his egg his son and
made him promise he would look after the egg was born and called lucky
and he wanted to be a cat and did not know how then fly the cat who
raised went to a poet to teach him to fly and eventually achieving this
teaches us that if we try we can do it then the girls BI talked about a great
writer named Miguel Cervantes who belonged to the Golden Age wrote
many interesting works the students mentioned some of them as the
window licensed, Jealous extremenio, English lover , lagidamilla, cortadillo
among many but the most notable works was "Don Quixote", then BI girls
gave us an emotional message in English to all students to be good people
and we manage our soul full of peace . After students PRE-BI BI and we
sang the song "We Are the World" by Michael Jackson

4. conclution. Good that our partners make language fairs and give us to
know what the most important literary works are
5. Author
Jair Perafn Urquiza
1/B Informtica

Alumno: Jair Perafn Urquiza

Curso: 1/B Informtica

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