Danilo Raskovic Biografija

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oeo dr Ing. Dipl. Math. ao .

aa (eao) e oa o

ao . ao

Prof., Dr., Eng., B.Sc. Mathematician, DANILO P. RAKOVI, full-professor at the Faculties
of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Ni, Kragujevac and Mostar, and the Faculties of Science in
Belgrade and Novi Sad
Danilo Rakovi, a doctor of technical sciences and mathematician with a university degree, was
the founder of the first scientifically based courses of mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering in Belgrade. He also introduced courses on the subject of resistance of material, elasticity
theory, and oscillation theory all of which he taught, too. He was the author of many high-circulation
textbooks of high scientific level and good mathematical foundation. He introduced vector, matrix and
tensor calculus in the studies of mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade and,
later on, did the same at the mechanical engineering faculties in Ni, Kragujevac and Mostar. He enabled
the Faculty in Belgrade, and similar schools elsewhere, to produce highly qualified and educated
engineers which was one his greatest contributions. He wrote the first university textbook in Serbia on
oscillation theory containing his original accomplishments in the field. He achieved considerable
scientific results in the fields of elasticity theory and oscillation theory. With a good human resource base
at Ni Faculty, which he had set up, he started research work into the field of nonlinear mechanics. His
scientific work is important because in all of his projects he succeeded in connecting theories of elasticity
and oscillation, and engineering practice. He wrote 25 university textbooks which covered the entire field
of mechanics and related areas. Almost all of them had been reprinted several times, with some of them
having 20 reprints. His excellent textbooks were in use on the territory of the entire former Yugoslavia,
which was in tatters under the powerful influence of fascism during the Second World War. Thanks to
Professor Danilo Rakovi, the faculties of mechanical engineering of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and all the other republics of the once unified Yugoslavia, which are now separate states, produced
excellent mechanical engineers. Rakovi was a patriot and an honourable man. He was the recipient of
the October award of the city of Ni for his contributions to the development of science at the citys
This distinguished scientific figure of exquisite creative energy and inspired enthusiasm, a scholar
deeply attached to the Yugoslav and Serbian scientific and cultural heritage, and an exquisite pedagogue
of high moral principles is in the living memory of many generations of students whom he taught how to
learn and love mechanics, as a basic scientific branch of mechanical engineering either directly, through
his lectures, or through his various and numerous textbooks and compilation of problems. His disciples
and colleagues are glad that he had the ability to pass onto them his great enthusiasm permeated with his
sincere devotion for mechanics and his exquisite scientific eagerness.
Professor Danilo P. Rakovi was born in 1910, in Uice. Upon completing elementary school and
six grades of high school, he graduated from the Military Academy in 1930. As an engineering military
officer he enrolled in the department of mechanical and electrical engineering at the Faculty of
Engineering in Belgrade, in 1933. Having graduated in 1938, he enrolled in the department of theoretical
mathematics at the Faculty of Philosophy and graduated from it in 1941. As a graduate mechanical
engineer he was appointed assistant section head of the Military Technical Institute in aak. He
remained in that position during 1941. In 1942 he was appointed assistant at the Faculty of Engineering in
Belgrade where he earned hid doctorates degree in the same year, upon presenting his thesis entitled
Tangential Strains of Normally Profiled Beams.
Professor Rakovi lectured mechanics, strains of materials and oscillation theory at the faculties
of mechanical engineering in Belgrade, Ni, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Mostar, as well as at the Faculty
of Science in Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Electronics in Ni, and at the
Military Technical College in Belgrade. More details on the research work of Professor Rakovi can be
found in the Belgrade University Bulletin no.75 of 1957, issued on the occasion of his appointment as a
full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. During his university career, he was
twice elected Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Belgrade University. In the
mechanical engineering department at the Faculty of Engineering in Ni, he lectured statistics, kinetics,

kinematics, dynamics, oscillation theory, resistance of material, theory of elasticity, as well as analytical
mechanics, theory of nonlinear oscillations and continuum mechanics at the postgraduate level. He was
the first head of the department of mechanics and automatics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in
Ni. He was an extremely inspired professor, scientist and practitioner much favoured among his students
and respected by his colleagues both as a professor and an engineer, because he knew how to relate
engineering theory to practice.
Professor Rakovi was a very fertile writer. While still in the military service he wrote five
professional papers. In the period before 1957, when he was appointed full professor, he published 26
scholarly papers. As a full professor he wrote 37 pieces of scientific work that were published in scientific
journals of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Polish Academy of Science, German Society of
Mechanics ZAMM and some other foreign journals. He took part in a number of scientific meetings in the
country and abroad. He reviewed papers for four leading referral journals in the world: Applied
Mechanics Review (USA), Mathematical Review (USA), Zentralblatt fr Mathematik (Germany) and
Referativnii urnal (Moscow). Professor Rakovi was a member of several professional and scientific
societies/association in the country and abroad, the GAMM being one of them. He initiated the
foundation of the Yugoslav Society of Mechanics during 1952.
He wrote a considerable number of university textbooks which ran through numerous editions.
Some of them still hold records as for the number of editions and copies printed within the group they
belong to. In addition, he wrote a series of textbooks on the subject of mechanics for secondary technical
schools, as well as a number of chapters in professional technical handbooks, mimeographed course
materials and textbooks for post-secondary schools of mechanical engineering. He also wrote several
textbooks for postgraduate studies.
Among the publications for postgraduate studies the following should be mentioned: Analytical
Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity and Tensor Calculus.
Most of his university textbooks and publications were at the time of their first edition the only
professional literature on the subject, in the Serbian language. So, his publications played an important
part in spreading of the knowledge in the field of technical mechanics among students, and mechanical
and other kinds of engineers in Serbia and Yugoslavia. It is particularly worth mentioning that he has
interpreted all the material by the most modern mathematical apparatus and has illustrated it by numerous
examples from the engineering practice. Many of the cited university publications are being reprinted
even nowadays and are still used by both students of engineering and engineers themselves.
Although it has been ten years since he left us, Professor Rakovi is still present among new
generations of students, and engineers, through his renowned textbooks that bear the memory of his
merits and which have also left an indelible imprint on the development of mechanical engineering
science and practice, and on the formation of many a generation of university professors. His life and
work have set an example to future generations of students educated at the University of Ni and provided
them with a creative impulse. He is an everlasting paradigm and a proof of how ones deeds can outlive
ones physical existence by far.
In 1962 Professor Rakovi, as the head of mechanics department at the Institute of
Mathematics of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, organized research work in four
different study groups, each one dealing with a particular subject, which were: Stability of motion supervised by Dr Veljko Vujii, Boundary layer theory - supervised by Dr Victor Saljnikov,
Problems of anisotropic incompatible materials with finite strain - supervised by Dr Rastko
Stojanovi and Optimal problems of mechanics -supervised by Prof. Dr. Danilo Rakovi.
According to records from the mechanical engineering faculties in Belgrade and Ni, as well as
those from the Zentralblatts data base, he traveled abroad on several occasions in order to participate in
international scientific gatherings or to expend his knowledge. In 1957 he went to Berlin to do his
specialization studies with a piece of work which was published in the Proceedings of the 20th
International Congress of Applied Mechanics. In September 1956, in Brussels, he participated in the
working of the said congress. He took part in international congresses of applied mathematics and
mechanics of the German society GAMM a few times: 1957 - in Hamburg and 1958 - in Saarbrcken.
Also, in 1959, 1961 and 1962 he was delegate of the Yugoslav Society of Mechanics. In 1963, in
Karlsruhe, he represented Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences. In 1966, in
Darmstadt, he produced a scientific statement in the field of oscillation theory and in 1968 in Prague,

Czechoslovakia, he had a paper entitled Second order acceleration (jerk) for the relative motion of a body
expressed by a matrix method.
He also participated, several times, in the working of the International Conference of Nonlinear
Oscillation (ICNO): 1962 in Warsaw, as a delegate of the Council of Science of the Peoples Republic of
Serbia; 1969 in Kiev; 1972 in Krakow, at the 72 ICNO.
Between the 1963/64 and 1973/74 academic years he was Head of the mechanics section of the
mechanical engineering department at the Technical Faculty in Ni, while giving lectures on all subjects
from the mechanics group. Simultaneously, he taught mechanics at technical faculties in Kragujevac and
Mostar and, for a while, also the subject of applied mathematics at Novi Sad Faculty of Mathematics. He
accepted the position in Ni after being acquitted of the duty as a lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering in Belgrade. The said acquittal was brought in by the Faculty in Belgrade, and was registered
under the no. 67/8, in January 1964. Comments on the controversial decision are left to the others. For
further reference readers should look into the book (*).
In 1974/75 he was arrested in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and unjustly sentenced. Following the
experience, he worked on new editions of his high-circulation textbooks, out of which the 10th edition of
Mechanics I for university studies deserves a special mention as does the 15th edition of his handbook
containing tables from the strength of materials. Last months of his life he spent preparing his textbook
Elasticity Theory for publishing. It came out in 1985 but he did not live to see it.
He died, unexpectedly, on January 29, 1985 in Belgrade.


"oo ao e o, a oa eaa o."

Joa Joao aj

, , .
- . ,
(, , ),
, .
. .

ao . ao, ea e a, oe 28. aa 1910. oe (10

eea o oo aea) . Oo o e aea aje ao je .
oe 1927. o je 55- a e oe oje aaeje, oj je ao 1930. oe ao
aej oo.
Ja 1931., 1932. oe ooo je ao e, o ae eo
aj oo a. ao aej oo ao je 1932. oe oaeoa
ea o oooj.
1933. oe o je aa, oe ooeo jeo a, a ojo ao oa
aa oje oae ao a a oe eo aea eoa a oe
je oao a ao eea eaa 1939 oe.
ao . ao, aej aea e ae eoaa oa aja, e
aje jeo ( ea aae oa a) e ea 12. ja (29. ja o ao
aea) 1938. oe jeo.
aa 1939. oe aea () ooo aea eoa, a 1942.
eea 1940. oe aa je "a eoo o a aea eo aea" a
oja "je ea a ae oo a aae ae e", o a ojoeo ao "aa" a, ao e e aoe a oa eaa. ao je aaaa
aa oea a eejo-e, eoo eea a. e a a je aeao
a oj o.
Ja 1941. oe eaj eaa a o oao je o e, e a je
aea aoo-oooaa oa. o aoaa, eea 1941., e a ea aa
oj aa eoa, o je aoee eejo oeee ee ae. a
oo o je ao eoo ee, a je ae a ee o oo aje oa.
ee je ao, oeo je, aa eo
oo e, 21 ja 1944. oe. a
a o oje a aae oa (. 1697/45) ooa a
ooa e aa.
Oa o oooe je o oa ao eoo ee a "ooa" ao
ee ooo o, a oeeo je ao ooao ee "Aa" a oj
aa. o ae oea a ao a J ao je ooao ao aa
eje a oo ao aaaa.
. . ao je a ao ae eoa eaao ea, Ooo aejaa
eoj oaja. e oa ooao je eaao ea a oo-aeao ae

eoa ee aea a ooo ae oo a. o je e aee a

aeao-e ae a ao ae .
oeaje ao aea eoa a aao eee oae: ae
jea: eoo: a, ea, aja, ee, a e o eao.
aoe ao ooje oa a ao oeooe ooe: aja (1912) a e:
a (1940), jaa (1944) e (1946). a ae: "a oj e eao a aje
ooo?" oooo je: a aa oje aa, ae, a e a
a aoa oj, oooo je: eoja eao eaa.
1951 o, eee . 16578 o 1 aa 1951. oje e oaee aa
aoa a ooaj oeaa ao aea. o eea o 25 ja 1958. oe e
a je aa o a ooaj oeaa aea ea aee a o-aeae ae.
eo o oe 1963/64. o 1973/74. oe o je e aee a ea ao
oea eo aea , a oeeo ao aa eea e a ea.
oeo, je ao aa eae a e aea aje oa, ao jeo
eo aa eee aeae a oo-aeao ae oo a.
, .
. 67/8
1964. .
1974/75 .
I, .
, 1985.
, .
o je, , 29. jaaa 1985. oe eoa.
oeo ao ao je o Ooae aae aa a, a ooe a
ee , o ee ajee aa oje oe oe jea a.


a 1. oeo ao a oeaa a a oea: eao a a ea A

ae 1958. (a*) eaoa oeej a eeae oaje ICNO e 1968 (*).

. ao a a ooe ee : "aeja ao ee oao
oa". e je oao 21 ja 1944. oe, e ojo oj : eo oeo
eo aea: a Aoe, Jao je aoje aa. oja je
oea jeoao oeo oa.
oeo aa je a e oe, oj je eo a eaa oo ao, o a
je eeja jea o ea, oj je eoe e aoeo o. aao je a,
a je oe aa e a o e eea e eaee a oo
eee oje aa ae aae oee ae oe. Oeo je a je oa oa oa . ao
a eo oao.
oeo je a je ooa oaao, e eaee, oae
eejae jeae "ja aoa" a aoao ee, a e e je oje je o aao
ee eoje eao, oeo a oa jaa a ee. e
eae je je aao ao o e eoje eao.

ao-eooo oo aeee aae eae; eoja eao; eoja
oaja; Aaoje oea; ae eo.
, ZentralBlatt-.

* eoja eao.
ae ooe oa eoje eao . je ao o oj oo e
oae 1944, 1947, 1948, 1949. Aa e je ao o eea jee
eejae jeae, oja e e oe e aoeo o je je eee aao
eo eaoo eoo. je aoa aa aoaoo oeo eea, oj je
oeee a ajae, je e aee aoj a oaaj a ae aeja aoa.
a aee oe o a aejaa (Hubert-Hencky) ea ojoj je ejao aa
aoa aa eoaja ea e eoaja oeo oa, . ao je
eo e e ejaoa oejaa eao ea jao o.
eo je ooe jeae eao eoo o ao je o o a
aoa oo eoa jaa je eo Beltrami-jee jeae oao o.
ao je oo aae jeo aea je ajaa ee aoaoo oeo
eea. oo je oe Briot-Bouquet-oo eoo, oo oe ee oaao a je aa
eea x=a , z=0 eeja ae eaa eejae jeae ja aejao
aoa ee aoaoo oeo eea, oeeee a ajae.

* eoja oaja.
aje oj oa aoa . aoa je oa eoje oaja (o 1953., 1954.,
1956., a ae oe o jea oa a o 1966.).
ej eo jeaa oa aa a aj oj oaja aa a e
oa, oao je e aao o a Clapeyron-oo "jeao j oeaa", oja e oe
e a eaae aaaa oj oaja ooe aa. a ae ae oe
eo je eee jeae aeeo o oeo oee e eeje
aao je a ee ae ooe oejeaa ee ooa. eo je
eee oe a eee jeae, ao ooeje eaje oaao oo
Lagrange-oe oe aoe oe aa ja.
o aoo ae oaje oeao ea a oj a eaa, aoo je
oe a oaja ao ea ao o. oaao je a e aoajaa aaa
o a oe a oe eoa, a oo Newton-oe eoe oeo ae a oee
eo. eo je oaaa o oa oaja e ooej eaja.
oaaj aj eje oaa aa oe eea a aeae oaje
ee, ao je oj oo oee ajae eejae jeae a ooaaj a
oa oe oe ajao a. eo je oe a 25 aae ajea
oaaa ea eee jeae oae je. oo je o-e a eaa
oe a aaae eea aaaa a oajaa. a oeje ae oe
eo je oe eee jeae oeo oae je, o je o aaja a oeaae
ojaa oaja eao, a ee aoo.
je je ooej eo a oeae eeja oaja ooe
aa. eo je eee jeae ae a oeae oe eo ao a a oo
ao oeae. eo je ooeje eaje oe ooe e o oejeaa
oaao ao e ojaj eee oe oja o oejeaa, a aj
oaja jee ae oea ea a oj a eaa.
aaj aeae oaje a oa oaa a oea aaa,
eo je a eo oe aj oeje oao a eoeeo
oaa, e oej eoo eoae ae eae .
eo je jea eo a a oeae e ooaa eoa e aa
eoo eao eaa oaao a oaajae oajae ooae o eoa aj
o aee.
a oj je aoo 1956. e o oe ooaa oaoe
oe eee a jeo aj oa ooa aeo , oo je ae-o eo
oae je ooe ea oo jee e ooe
oao oa. eoje eae je oeo a eeea. O eo ea,
a ooae ea, aa a aa General Electric
Company, New York, USA, oeea a e, oj o .

oeoo ea aaa oaaj aeae oaje ooe ea a

ea ea, ao oao, oeo oeo eea, a
a a oa, oj oaaj ajee ea eea, o aaja a a
a je a eja oao ea a a eaa eo je eee
oe a eee jeae oao ooe ee ooa a aj e
aea aa, oe eo a Lageur-o oooa oo, oj e oe aa
ao aae oo jee ejae Jaccobi-jee ae. eo je ooaaje eee
oae a oao e e aa, oaao a o e oooa
oo. eo je oo a oj oa eo.

* Aaoje oea.
o aa ea aaoja ea oaao je a je a oe oeaa ea
aa a ao oe o oea jea eea, oj je oe aaoa eoejo
oe oeaa oa aoa ee eje. oo a oeje a oe a
a, a oeaa e aa a ea, o e aaj a e

* ae eoe.
oao je jea a a a oeae ooaja eae oe oo aja
eeo oaao a ajae oeaa eje aj oje eojo aee.
aoe je oao jea a a oeae ooaja ea eoa ooee ee oo
eoa (a 1954.). .
o a je o. ao oao o oa eaa oa eoje eao,
oe aaa a oooj eaj, aa e ao oea ae ea ea,
a eo eaa ea a ae aae eoe aae aeae aaoje
oea a, a ooo aejaa o eoej oja eea oja,
eao a oee oaja ea ea a e aeja aaa oa
aaa, a a a a eaa a oa.
Aao eo ea, ao ea o. J. jea, o a je ea eo
eaa, oje je aoaao a eaa Oeea
aea A, oa ea eoe ee oa ea. o
e oeo oo a eoe eae ooaa, eoje eao.
ea a e eoje oaja o e oj aj oa
eaa aaa oaja oea ea a e aeja aaa
ea ea ea, ao oaja ea ea a a a oa.
ea oee o aea e ao a
eo oeo jaa. ea o
, oj je ao oeoj eej o aa, a ao oe eo aea .
. je e ao aea aaoj eoeooo eaae oea
a oa eae , ao a je e
aja eoa - Aaa eoeooo eaaa,
. o je eoa aajo ooaa oaj ooj aaa
aaaa oea, eojo ee aeao oea e
aa oa oa.
, . a
o o ee oa aa, a ao ae , oeo ao je oeo aa
aaa oa eeae eae. je oea oea oeo ja a
ao oe eo aea . o oeoe je ojeaj a
aaa a aaa oa aaaa oa a oee aeae A
, aae Jj Aeeje oo, aaa
oe ao eoa oa oooa, . ao oeo
a oo ao oo a a aaa oa eeae eae a
ee . oeo ao je oj aaa oao e ae oaje a
aa oe, .
, . e a
eeoj e ea aeao a o 7. eaa 1947. oe, ojoj je eeaao aae
Ao o, ao ao je oj oa a, aoo a o ao:
"oeja ea ea jao o". 1947. 1964.

22. . 8. aja 1963 oe . Ae, . ao . ao

o a e Oeea eaj a oea eao a a ee aea
ea GAMM oao ae aaa eaa. oe a eaaa eo aoee o
11 aja 1965. o ao: oo aj. ea oeaj oo je eoo oee aoee
aeao A.
1962 o o. ao ao, ao a Oeea a ea aeao
a A, je oaoao aaa e ao-aae e: a oee
ao eaa oo o. e j, a eoj ao oja
o ao, a oee aoo oa aejaa a
oa eoajaa ojo je ooo ao ojao a oae oee
eae oj je oo o. . ao ao.
oeaje , ZentralBlatt-
a ea a oa
aaa: 1957. e a o aaa; oj je oa
Proceedings of XX International Congress of Appled Mechanics; Sept. 1956, e eoao a
aaeo oea; e oj a je eoao a aoea a eao oea
eee aeae eae eao a GAMM o: 1957. a; 1958 . ae;
a 1959. , 1961. 1962. ao eea Jooeo a a ea; 1963. ae ao eea
aeao a A; 1966. aa, e "aje ao aoee oa eoje
oaja"; 1968. a eooaoj a a ao "ae o ea (aj) eao
eaa ea aeo ao eoo".
aoe e oj a eje a eaoae oeeje eea oaja
ICNO o: 1962, aa, ao eea aea a a a je; 1969. e; 1972 a ICNO
Cracow 72 a oao ao ajeo a . eao

Dr Ing. dipl. Math. Danilo P. Ra{kovi} (stoji) na odbrani doktorske disertacije, 28 aprila 1961.,
pod nazivom: Kretawe dinami~ki promenqivih objekata i wegova stabilnost, doktoranda Veqka
A. Vuji~i}a, zajedno sa akademicima Konstantinom Vorowecom, Antonom Bilimovi}em i
Tatomirom P. An|eli}em (s desna na levo).
o. eaao a ao ae eoa eee eee: eaa,
Ooo aejaa eoja oaja. oe oa eaao je aej o oa a
a aea , aje oo a oa, oo-aeao
ae eoa, ooo ae oo a, Eeoo ae a oj
ojo-eoj o eoa. ea oa o ao-aao a o. . . o

e a e eea eoa . 75 o 1957. oe, aao ooo aao

oa a eoo oeoa a ea. ea ea aaea ee ao, o.
ao je o e ooa aaa a a aea ooo aea
oo a o je aaoa a ee eea aeaa.
a ao oe eo aea , aje a ao ae ,
ao je aa a oo jaa : Aaa eaa, eoja
eea oaja eaa oa. o je e aee a ea aoa
ao aea . o je eo aa oeo, a aa, oj je o
oe o eaa, a aaa o oj oea oo aea, ao eea ae, je je eo
a oee eoj a oa e aa.
oe oa ae eoo oeoa o. ao je ao eo a ojaa
ee ea eea, oje je eaao, ao a oaa ee aja
ea oj oaa ooea aa. o ea eeaa, oe e
oaoaa oaaa a oa aa. ooo a o aa eae oe o
aa eaa ee aeae, a a oeeo aa e a ooaaj e
ea. eoa eaaa a "aeaa o ea" "eaa a eee ee",
"aeao aae oje" ao e eo aeoa e oa eoa
eaaa ee. aaao je e ooo a oaa oe eejo ea
ee a ,
oja ee eoea.
eo e e a eoa eaaa, je ao a.
a aa, ea eaa I (aa) ojaea "ae e" o
a o 18.000 eaa. a oaa: Oo eoo aaa - eoa
aea. oo 40.000 eaa.
a a aa ea eaa II (eaa) a o 13.000 eaa.
ao e oeo ea ae ea o ea, e je, ao e: "oao e
eae oee, a eo o aao ao eaa, oje e o ao oo a
oaae eae eaaa." eo aa, e eoa
eejaoj eoej eoj oa. o o aa eae ee oe oj
ae: 1* ooee eoa aa oj ooa ea: oaoo eo e ooaa, ao eeaao e ooaa, a aoe
oe ooee eoa aa, a ooaaj ea; 2* Euler-oe oe oaa ea
oo eoe oe; 3* eaa; 4* o Kardana Hook-a. ooj oao je oea
Lorentz-oo oeeaa eo ea.
a a aa, 1947-48. 1956. oe ea eaa III (aa) ojaea
o a o 10.000 eaa. eea aa aa ae eo 1962., 1972., 1973.
o. a a je oo 19.000. eaa. ao oa oo, ee e : Oo
eoje oejaa, oe eje eaa o. e ej o ea eae
oa aaa oaa aeae, Oo ajaoo aa.
eo a 1972. ea eaa III (aa) "oe aea aea",
o a oj e oo a oajae oaajae jeae eaa.
ee ee e, Ooo aejaa oeo je aa 1954. 1984.
o a oo 25.000 eaa.
ae Ooo aejaa aaj e, 1961. , ao a e a ee
ao aea eoa. 13 aa oe e oaa o 40.000 eaa.
o eaeo o aa ea eoja oaja je ooeo ao oao
ea: "Treatise on Natiral Philosophy" jo oaj aa: Lord Kelvin-a Peter Gutrie Tatt-a: "Neither
seeking nor avoiding mathematical exercitations we enter into problems with a view to possible usefulness for
physical sciences ". aaaaj, e 1953 oe, a e oeoj e e e aj
eaoa oe, eaj o oeo je o ee a e ojae e, ao
a a a ae je a o aaja, o o aaj aeeoa e
ao ee oja je aee, eo ee e aea, ao e eee.
aa, oaj e je oo eoa o e aaj. oeo a oooo a
oeo, a je aaj oo ea aa, oe oo oa ea, aee, oe, o a a
ao oee aea aaa.
a Oo ao aaa ojaea je aaoj aa a, eoa, 1971.
aaa je o ooo: "Mathematik ist die Kunst Rechnungen zu vermeiden". . ao eoo oo
ea e: "ao aae e e oe ae ee e: eoj oaja,
eoj eaaa, a oja, eeoe, aoa eae. o oa e a

o e aea o e oaa oe oo oo aaa, oje ao

oaa oea oo oaaa e a oee a aa". oo a
ooe ee e aeae a ee a aea, a eo ea o je
a oaa: Oo eoo aa Oo eoje je oee oee aeo
o ooo a a a o aea aaao a oea eoje eao
eae ee ea, o je aao a je, a aa je, oo a eea.
e Oo eoje eaaa, ojao je ao a aae ea , eoa, 1965.
a o 2000. eaa. Oaj e a eaaa oja je ao ea oo eea e
a ea oo-aeao aea eoa, a je o aaj o ea
a aea, oj a o oa. o a aaa o je jea o ea a
oa aaje a ae je.
oo e Aaa eaa, ojaee 1974. oe, oeo ao je oajo o J. .
Lagrange-a eoe oae ooaje "Mecanique Analytique" 1788. "...Oaj oj o Aa
ae a aooo a je oa e eo e aaa, o a a aj a oo e
oe...". aaj oe e je oaao a oeo ja oj je oeo ao
ao a ao ae aje, a je oo ao a oaea aa
aaa ooaaj ea a oeo jaa ee eae a ao
oe eo aea , aje, aaje oa, oje je a jaa ao.
o. ao je aao ej aaaa eae oje oae a
ooaaj ea.
e oeoa aa . AOA ea oao oaaa ea
ooe ooe aae a a aea j Joaj, ao a
oo-aea aea eoa oo a.
O aj ee ea e eae oeoa aoa ajoje
oo ao ee, oj je oao a ao
ae eoa, a aoo e oj eea: ee oee aaj oo eeo,
je a eo oe oea aejaa oo eea oae jee oe eeae
aae; a o je o oeo ao oje ae oje a ao e aa a oe
aa ea Ooo aejaa o aoa o oeoa aa aoa".

eee, ae oeo oa ooe, oa eao .
oa Oao, aje aae A, eea 1957. oe : "...aao je oe
oao-ee ae, eoo a eae, aeae, Ooo aejaa a
ee eae oe ee eae, Ooo aejaa eoje oaja a
ee e aea eee. e e oe eoo aa". a e
a a a aoa a ooaaj a ao eaa. a aj eaj:
"....aao a aajao oao-ae ae, oje je aa ojao a
aoa. oao o ae 31 a 22 e. eo a o oa o eoe o oo
aaa ao ao aa, aa aaa. aoj oa ojo e ao, oao je
aa e. a - ao e ao oa oaj eea - aae e a e aa a a
ao e ee oa. aa je eo a aaa ae oe, a aaa oa o
e oa, a je eo a ao ao ee oeo o oj ea, oa, a, ojoj
. o je a e ea a oeoj oo aaa a a ao, oja a
o a ao a o aa ooae, a aojao a aj a, a
oa a a aea, a oe ee ooa aa ea ao ee eoe aa
a aa ae ee.... . . ao je oa aa eao. e oaa
oje eee e aao je ee eea, oje je eaao e e oo
ee oj aoa...".
. ao je o o oaa oe ao je aa aj a aoj ae
oooe aae a ee . eoo o o je aaeo a. Oao
je oje oae ojea "e aje" o ao e o eaa.
oeo ao aea a jea o eoa eea aje
ojoj oeo, o oeo ao, e oao, e:
"aa, a, ooo je a oao a e eee a ae e oooje
eoje oe. o je o aeo o e, je e aje oj eea oj e aa a
a aea o a oeee eoe e... oo oaae aeae...O

eaa je ao ae. oea je o aea...ao je o, a o e a

aeo, ajee oeo a eo oa.
.....oaao je eo ee a eaa. je ao aao ae,
oaaj ae a ae.... A e eaa je oaao ae: "a ee a
ooaae a e oe?"
Oeo ea a, oj ae oea, oj je aao
, j a ee, ao je oao ea ea, a
ooe aaaa. aea, oj e aja ee
ojoj a, eaaa e aaa eoo aea,
eee e a o a. oeoa aoa je ao oo aaae
eeje, ojo a je oa oaa, o je ooo oe , eao ejao
eeo. a .
aj , o, oe. oojaeo
oeo a oj ea aao a o oa . o oao,
oo ee aa, .
o aa oe oj e eo aa a o ooa.
, , oe o oa
e aea, oje e, eeo oaaa a e aaa, a aao, a
o eajo eoa oee a. eoa a oeaa
ea ea, e oa aa oa eja aa oeje ee, a a
o aea aaa a a ae ejaa aa, o oo aa,
o eoaa aa.
ao ao je o a a eea eaa, a aeaaa aa
, Socit mathematique de France, Geselschaft fr Angevandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) eaa,
aa aeao a A ao a A, eee aoa Applied
Mechanics Reviews USA, Mathematical Reviews USA, Zentralblatt fr Mathematik und Grenzgebiete Berlin
eeao aa eaa oa.
eae ooo oeoa aoa eo 1974-75. oe. o a a
eaaa, a eaj eoa oa, ae je a ea, ao o ao e o oe aa.
ea je a oe aa o aoa e oo o, oea oj je oao o a e
oe, oj je e oj aaa oe oa, ae a o oee o
eoja eao, ao, ao eao: "ao a aa eae ee ee a
oaoae aoea. ooo a ao a, jeo a oo aoo oeo. a a
e e". oa oa je a a ee. je a jeaa a ea a oeo, o
eae oja je ea. a ee ee, ao
, o eaaa.
ao je oeo eeje o oaa o. aa aoa, o je a e
ea o eeaja e aa, ao e eea oj o, ee
ea, oj eo ooe o eo aaa a aoj ao oaa aoa e
aa e oa aa, oae o eeaja ee oeoa. o
eeajaa eaa, oj o oeoa AOA , aoe ea, ao
a a ae ee, ao o eaaa, ao o e o 140.000 eaa a
ea aaaa, oao je
a a ao oe eo aea , a oeoa aoa je o eoa
aooa, je je oe eao aae a oja e aa, , o je
ooo a aa e ee eej, oj ao-eao a a ea, oe
ja e aoa oaa ae eee a eaj o eoaa o a. eao, 2000.
o, eea oa oe, a ea Oeea a ea aeao a A
oeeo 50. oa je e a ea a aeao ae o jao ,
o jeo oeoa eae ao aea eoa oe "a je oeo ao ao
aaje eeee aa a oa eae" a o ae, a o "e ea a e
aeaeo, je je aajo oeo ae aae eae,

Spisak radova dr. Ing. Math. Danila P. Ra{kovi}a


- 1936.

Metod gaanja protivaaeroplanske artiljerije na vazduhoplove pomou komandnih tablica, Peadijsko-artiljerijski

Glasnik, - 1933. godine.
Problem centralizacije komandovanja u protivavionskom gaanju, Peadijsko-artiljerijski Glasnik, - 1933. godine.
Izraunavanje greaka kod daljinomera, Peadijsko-artiljerijski Glasnik, - 1934. 21godine.
Ekonomsko politiki i strategijski zna~j izgradnjvelikih tunela, Ratnik, - 1936.
Matematika, (za podoficire), izdanje knjiare "La France", 1936.

1947. - 1949.
Le potentiel d'un corps lastique sous forme diadique, Publi. De l'Institute Mathematique Ac. Serb. des tome I ,
1947., str. 136-142. (Registrovano u Applied Mechanics Reviews, May 1950, page 133).
Forme dyadique des quations fondamentales de la thorie d'lasticit, Publi. de l'Institute Mathematique, Ac. Serb.
tome II , 1948., str.248-256. (Registrovano u Applied Mechanics Reviews, May 1950, page 133).
Osnovne jedna~ine teorije elasti~nosti u vektorskom obliku, Godi{wak Tehni~kog fakulteta u
Beogradu, 1949.
Jedan singularitet funkcije savijawa grede pravougaonog popre~nog preseka, Glas SAN, Odelewe
tehni~kih nauka, 1949, ( 195). (II 1600/195) str. 79-87.

1952. - 1959.
Prakti~no ra~unawe, skale, logaritmari, nomogrami, Beograd, Tehni~ka kwiga, 1952, str. 144.
Primena metode jedna~ina kona~nih razlika kod torzijskih oscilacija vratila sa vi{e diskova,
Zbornik Ma{inskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1953/3, str. 29-39.
On Some Characteristics of the Frequensy Equation of torsional vibrations of Light Shaft with Several Dicsks, Publi.
de l'Institute Mathematique, SAN Belgrade, 1953, pp, 155-165. (rad je prikazan u ZBL Zentralblatt fr Mathematik, u.
Grenzgebiete, H.6/10,1955, pp.424).
Jedna analogija u mehanici, Zbornik Ma{inskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 1953/3., str. 49-56:40.
Male oscilacije konzervativnog sistema sa dvojnim stati~kim vezama, Zbornik Ma{inskog
fakulteta u Beogradu, 1954-1955, 28-41. (1956). (Referisan u referativnom ~asopisu Referativniy @urnal
Mehanika No. 9, 1956, Moskva).
Caracteristiques des functions propres des vibrations transversales des poutres homogenes tenent compte des
influences de cisaillement et d'inertie de revolution, (saop{teno na II Jugoslovenskom kongresu Mehanike), Publi. de
l'Institute Mathematique, SAN Belgrade, 1954.
Jedan na~in odre|ivawa kru`nih frekvencija slobodnih torzijskih oscilacija homogenih ma{ina,
Ma{instvo i Elektrotehnika, br. 6, 1954.
Jedan grafi~ki na~in za odre|ivawe polo`aja te`i{ta delova homogene sfere i obrtnog
elipsoida, Tehnika, br. 5, 1954. str. 665-669.
Transverzalne oscilacije lakih kontinualnih nosa~a sa koncentrisanim masama, Zbornika radova
Ma{inskog fakulteta 1954/55, 42-52 (1956).
On Some Characteristics of the Frequency Equation of Small Vibrations of Holonomic Conservative Systems with
Statics Couplings, Quaterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. XIV, No. 3, Oct. 1956, USA, pp. 309-311. (Referisan u
referativnom ~asopisu Mathematical Reviews, vol. 18, No. 2., Febr. 1957. i u Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 4,
April 1957, Reviewer: R. Zurmuhl).
On Some Characteristics of the Frequency Equation of Small Vibrations of SomeParticular Holonomic Conservative
Systems, Quaterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Vol. IX, Part. 3, Sept. 1956, pp. 334-344. (Referisan u
referativnom ~asopisu Mathematical Reviews, vol. 17, No. 10., Nov. 1956.).
Quelque proprits de l'quation caractristique d'un systememechanique oscillant soumis liasons statiques,
Comptes Rendus de l'Academ. des csiences, Paris, tome 242, No. 4, p. 448, Jan. 1956. (registrovano pod naslovom: Su

certe proprieta della une equazione sekolare speciale u kongresnim materijalima

matemati~ke unije).

kongresa italijanske

On the Transforms Bending Vibration of Continuous beam Carried by of Concentrated Masses, izvod iz ~lanka,
Publi. de l'Institute Mathematique, SAN Belgrade, 1956.
Stati~ka osobina Pitagorine i kosinusne teoreme, Tehnika, br. 11, 1956. 477-497.
Dopunski stavovi uz Papus-Guldinove teoreme, Tehnika, br. 9. 1956.
Jedan vektorski na~in za odre|ivawe sfernih koordinata vektora brzine i ubrzawa, Zbornik
radova (50) Matemati~kog instituta SAN, Beograd, kw. 5, 1956. , str.249-263:8 (II 40144/50 SAN). (prikaz
Zentralblatt Math. 0074.18802, Reviewer: C. Woronetz).
Le vibrations transversales d'uneplane triangulaire soumise l'amortissement, Proceedings of XX International
Congress of Appled Mechanics, Sept. 1956, Brissel.
Neke karakteristike frekventne jedna~ine malih oscilacija jednog specijalnog sistema sa
dinami~kim vezama, saop{teno novembra 1956. u Matemati~kom institutu SAN, Zbornik radova posve}enih
uspomeni na profesora Farmakovskog.
Small vibrations of conservative system with double static constarints. (Serbo-Croat, Einglish symmmary), Zbornik
Masinskog fakulteta 1954-1955, 28-41 (1956).
Transverzalne oscilacije homogenih greda sa elasti~nim ukle{tewima, Tehnika, Ma{instvo i
Elektrotehnika, br. 2, 1957. str. 249-253.
Uber die Eigen schaften der Frequenzgleichungen Einos systems, Abstracts GAMM, Hamburg 1957.
Uber die Eigenschaflen der Frequenzgleichungen eines schwingenden Systems, ZAMM, Band 37, Heft 7/8, 1957., pp.

Wlasno{}i funkciji dla drgan poprzcznych betek jednorodnych z uwzglednieniem wplywu scinania i bezwladno{}i
obrotowej. Rozprawy Inzynieskie. Poljske Akad. Nauka, War{ava, 1958., 6, pp. 203-218.
Neke karakteristike frekventnih jedna~ina malih oscilacija specijalnih sistema sa dinami~kim i me{ovitim vazama.
Zbornik radova Ma{inskog instituta SAN, Beograd, tom. LX, knj. 8, 1958, str. 151-191.

Neke osobine skalara jedne specijalne Jacobi-jeve matrice, Zbornik radova Srpske Akademije Nauka LXIII

Matemati~ki institut, Beograd, knj. 7., Godina 1959. str. 99-106.

Prigu{ene transverzalne oscilacije homogenih plo~a. Zbornik radova Ma{inskog fakulteta 1958, iza{lo 1959, str. 75.
Contribution to the problem of vibrations of plates with damping considered, ZAMM, Heft 9/II, 1959.

1960. - 1968.
Small damped vibrations of homogeneous torsional system with double static constraints, ZAMM, Band 40, 1960.,

Sonderheft, T108-T110.

Male prigu{ene oscilacije homogenog torzijskog sistema sa dvojnim statikim vezama, saop{teno na Jugoslovenskom

kongresu Teorijske i primenjene mehanike na Bledu, Tehnika 1961, br. 3, str. 392-402.

Amortizovane oscilacije jednog specijalnog oscilatornog sistema sa dinami~kim i me{ovitim vezama, koautoorski sa
B. Jovanovi}em, saop{teno na Jugoslovenskom kongresu Teorijske i primenjene mehanike na Bledu - Tehnika 1961, br. 6,
On small damped vibrations of some particular vibrating systems with dynamic and mixed constarints, ZAMM, Band

41, 1961., Sondeheft T105-T107.

Beitrag zum Problem der Transversal beigeschwingungen durchlaufender masseloser Trager mit punktformigen
Massen, ZAMM, Band 42, 1962., Sondeheft T115-T116.
Small forces damping vibrations of homogenous torsional system with special static constraints, saop{teno na
Jugoslovenskom kongresu Teorijske i primenjene mehanike u Splitu 1962. Publi. de l'Institute Mathematique, SAN Belgrade,
1963, tome 3(17), pp. 27-34.

On Some Particular Vibrating Nonlinear System, ZAMM, Band 43, 1963., Sonderheft, T92-T93.
O karakteristi~nom polinomu jednog specijalnog homogenog nekonzervativnog sistema sa
me{ovitim vezama, matemati~ki vesnik I, (16), Sv. 3, Beograd, 1964. str. 203-206. (ber die Eigenschaften der
charakteristischen Gleichungen eines besonderen Schwingungssystems mit gemischten Kopplungen (Serbo-Croat), Mat. Vesn.,
N. Ser. 1(16),203-206 (1964). (Zentralblatt Math 0137 43601)

Prilog fizi~kom zna~enju ubrzanja drugog reda (trzaja), Bilten, 1960-1065., Tehni~ki fakultet Ni{, 1965.str. 33-37.
Male oscilacije jednog specijalnog nekonzervativnog oscilatornog sistema sa me{ovitim vezama,
Godi{wak 1965-66, Tehni~ki fakultet Ni{, 1966, str. 43-50.
ber die Eigenschaften der charakteristischen Gleichungen eines besonderen Schwingungssystems mit gemischten
Kopplungen (German), Z.Angew. Math. Mech. 46,Sonderheft, T130-T132 (1966).
Ubrzawe drugog reda (trzaj) pri obrtawu tela oko nepomi~ne ta~ke, koautorski sa K. Stevanovi},
Zbornik radova Tehni~kog fakulteta u Ni{u, 1966/67., str.93-100.
Ra{kovi} Danilo i Sokolovi} Nikola: Der Reckvektor der relativen Bewegung in Matrizenform, ZAMM, Band 48,
1968.Sonderheft, T273-T275.
Danilo Ra{kovi}, Iz `ivota i dela Dalambera, Zbornik Radova 1968-1969, Tehni~ki fakultet
Ni{, str. 141-146.

Isledovanie "vi{e~astotnih kolebaniy" v odno~astotnom re`ime v nelineynih sistemah so
mnogimi stepeni svobod i medlenno menims parametrami, koautorski sa K. Stevanovi}, Nonlinear
Vibrations Problems Zagadnenia dragan neliniowicz" No. 15., 1974. Warsaw, pp. 201-202.

Spisak univerzitetskih uxbenika Danila P. RA[KOVI]A

Mehanika I (Statika), Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe 1947, str. XII+368;403., tira` 6000.; II izdawe 1949,
str. XII+346;403., tira` 6000.; III izdawe 1950, str. XIV+288; 403., tira` 6000.; IV izdawe 1960, str.
IX+3+403., tira` 3000.; V izdawe 1962, str. 403.; VI izdawe 1964, str. IX+2+403.; VII izdawe 1965, str. 403.; VIII
neizm.izdawe 1968, str. 403., tira` 3000.; , IX izdawe 1971, str. 5+1+ 403.; X izdawe 1973, str. X+2+ 403., tira`
3000.; XI izdawe 1978, str. 403., tira` 3000.
Mehanika II (Kinematika), Zavod za izdavawe uxbenika SRS, Beograd, I izdawe 1947, str. XII+268+1, tira`
6500.; II dopuweno izdawe 1950, tira` 6500. ; III dopuweno izdawe 1966, str. 348. tira` 3000.

Mehanika III (Dinamika), Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe 1947-48, str. XIV+459+5. Tira` 5000.; II izdawe
1956, str. IX+424+2. tira` 5000.; III izdawe 1962, str. 348. tira` 3000.; IV izdawe 1972, str. IX+2+424. tira`
Zbirka zadataka iz Otpornosti materijala, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe, 1947-48, str. 8+392+12,
tira` 3.000. primeraka.; III prera|eno i dopuweno izdawe, 1965., tira` 2.000. ; V prera|eno i dopuweno
izdawe, 1971., tira` 2.000. ; VI popravqeno i pro{ireno izdawe, 1975., str. 406. tira` 3.000. primeraka.; VII
popravqeno i dopuweno izdawe, 1981., str. 406. tira` 2.000. primeraka.; VIII popravqeno i dopuweno izdawe,
1985., str. 406. tira` 2.000. primeraka.
Op{ta mehanika, Tehni~ka kwiga, izdava~ko preduze}e Narodne tehnike, Beograd, 1950, str. 892. tira`
7.500. primeraka; II prera|eno i dopuweno izdawe, 1955, str. 260. tira` 2.000.
Mehanika I (Statika), Tehni~ka velika {kola, Vesnik rada, 1950, str. VII+356.
Tablice - Zbirka zadataka iz Otpornosti materijala, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe, tehni~ka velika
{kola u Beogradu, 1952., str. 132.
Blanketi iz Mehanike I, Otpornosti materijala i Mehanike II za studente tehnike., str. 12.
Teorija oscilacija, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe, 1953., str. 503. tira` 3.000. primeraka; II izdawe 1957.,
str. XV+476.; III prera|eno izdawe, 1965., str. X+2+503. tira` 3.000. primeraka.; IV izmeweno izdawe,
1974.,str. XII+503., tira` 3000.
Osnovi numeri~kog ra~unawa, Gra|evinska kwiga, str. 8+168.
Otpornost materijala, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe, 1954-55.; II izdawe 1955., str. XII+300.; III
prera|eno izdawe, 1961, str. IX+1+426.; IV popravqeno izdawe, 1965, str. IX+1+426.; V izdawe, 1967.; VI
izdawe, 1971, str. 426., tira` 2000. ; VII izdawe, 1973, str. XI+1+426., tira` 2000.; VIII izdawe, 1977, str. 426.,
tira` 2000.; IX izmeweno izdawe, 1980, str. 426., tira` 2000.; X izmeweno izdawe, 1984, str. 426., tira` 2000.
Tablice iz Otpornosti materijala, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, III dopuweno izdawe, 1959., str. 234.; IV
dopuweno izdawe 1961.,str. VIII+200.; V izdawe, 1962.,str. 4+200+2. tira` 3.000. primeraka.; VI izdawe,
1965.,str. 4+231+3. tira` 3.000. primeraka; VII izdawe, Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, {tampa Budu}nost
Zrewanin,1968.,str. 4+231+3.; VIII izdawe, Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, {tampa Budu}nost
Zrewanin,1971.,str. 4+237+3.; , IX izdawe, Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, {tampa Budu}nost Zrewanin,
1974.,str. 4+237+3.; , X izdawe, 1976.,str. 234.; XI izdawe, 1979.,str. 240. tira` 5.000. primeraka.; XII izdawe,
1982.,str. 240. Tira` 5.000. primeraka, recenzent dr K. Hedrih.
Mehanika I (Statika), {tampa Obod etiwe, 1961, str, IX+2+403.
Mehanika, Peto izdawe, Nau~na kwiga, 1961, str, VI+2+182.
Otpornost materijala, za prvi stepen studija, Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe 1962, str. 238.; II
prera|eno izdawe, 1962, str. 234.; III izdawe, 1962.,str. 234. tira` 3.000. primeraka; IV izdawe 1965, str.
XIII+238.; V izdawe 1974, str. 238.; Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, VI izdawe 1975, str. VIII+238.; VII izdawe
1978, str. 238. Tira` 3000. primeraka.; VIII izdawe 1990, str. 238.
Mehanika II deo (Kinematika i dinamika), za prvi stepen studija, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe 1962; II
popravqeno izdawe 1966, str. 236.; Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, III izdawe 1975, str. VIII+236.
Dinamika, (sa deset priloga), Univerzitet u Beogradu, {tampa Obod Cetiwe, str. IX+3+424.
Mehanika I, II deo, Nau~na kwiga, 1962, str, VIII+2+235.
Ra{kovi} D., redaktor: Pitawa za usmeni deo ispita iz Mehanike I, i Otpornosti materijala (za
studente prvog stepena nastave) Izdava~ Preduze}e Matice srpske, {t. Minerva, Subotica, 1962, str.
20; 80.
Osnovi teorije mehanizama, Zavod za izdavawe uxbenika SRS, Beograd, I izdawe 1965, str. 272, tira` 2000.
Zbirka zadataka iz Mehanike I, (za prvi stepen studija), Zavod za izdavawe uxbenika SRSrbije, I izdawe,
Beograd, 1966, str. 392. Tira` 4000 primeraka.
Mehanika I deo (Statika), za prvi stepen studija, Gra|evinska kwiga, Beograd, II dopuweno izdawe 1967, str.
Zbirka zadataka iz Mehanike II, (za drugi stepen studija), Zavod za izdavawe uxbenika SRSrbije, I izdawe,
Beograd, 1967, str. 244., Tira` 4000 primeraka.

Zbirka zadataka iz Mehanike III, (Teorija oscilacija), Zavod za izdavawe uxbenika SRSrbije, I izdawe,
Beograd, 1969, str. 415., Tira` 2000 primeraka.
Osnovi matri~nog ra~unawa, Univerzitet u Ni{u, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, 1971, str. VI+2+344.
Analiti~ka mehanika, kratki kurs, Ma{inski fakultet u Kragujevcu, Kragujevac, I izdawe, 1974., str. 145.
recenzent dr Milo{ Koji}.
Osnovi Tenzorskog ra~una, (kratki kurs), Ma{inski fakultet, Kragujevac, II dopuweno i popravqeno
izdawe, 1974., str. 64.
Teorija elasti~nosti, Nau~na kwiga, Beograd, I izdawe, 1985, str. 415, tira` 2.000. recenzenti: akademik T.
An|eli} i prof. dr V. Br~i}, korektura, Registar imena i Registar pojmova K. (Stevanovi}) Hedrih.

Uxbenici za vi{e tehni~ke {kole

Mehanika - tri sveske u saradwi sa Inf. Jeli}em, nastavnikom VT[ Novi Sad.
Otpornost materijala u saradwi sa Ing. Prov~ijem, nastavnikom VT[ Novi Sad.

Uxbenici za sredwe tehni~ke {kole

Statika, dva izdawa, 1950, Vesnik rada, str. 358.
Kinematika, dva izdawa, 1949 (str. 178) i 1955, Nolit, Beograd, str. VII+1+140.
Dinamika, jedno izdawe, 1950, Vesnik rada, str. VII+1+205.
Otpornost materijala, dva izdawa, 1950, Vesnik rada, str. VII+1+270.
Za sredwe tehni~ke {kole treba ista}i publikovane do 1951 godine slede}e uxbenike: Statika u tira`u od
9.000 primeraka, Kinematika 7.500, Dinamika 10.000 primeraka.
Tablice iz Otpornosti materijala, Vesnik rada, Beograd, 1950.,str. 67.

Kwige i priru~nici
Energetika, deo u kwizi Enciklopedija tehni~kih znawa - Enciklopedija ma{instva, Izdawe Sveop{te
biblioteke, Beograd. Izdawe pre 1950. (bez detaqnih podataka).
Osnovi Mehanike, deo u Elektrotehni~kom priru~niku, izdawe Ministarstva za elektro-privredu Vlade
FNRJ, 1951. (bez detaqnih podataka).
Osnovi numeri~kog ra~unawa, (bez detaqnih podataka).
Prakti~no ra~unawe - nomogrami, skale, logaritmar, (bez detaqnih podataka).
Ma{inski priru~nik - Tehni~ar, odgovorni redaktori: N. Obradovi}, V. ^ur~i} i D. Mali}, Gra|evinska
kwiga, Brograd , 1961., Tom I, str.601.; - deo Tehni~ka mehanika (Statika, Kinematika i Dinamika) i
Otpornost materijala, D. Ra{kovi}, str. 160-234;
Schleisher-ov gra|evinski priru~nik - prevod odeqka Oscilacije, (bez detaqnih podataka).
Tehni~ki priru~nik - izrazi iz Tehni~ke mehanike, Otpornosti materijala i Teorije oscilacija. (bez
detaqnih podataka).

Saop{tewa nau~nih rezultata u Matemati~kom institutu SAN 1946-1961. Matematika i Mehanika,
Beograd 1990. Priredio Milan P. ^av~i}.
Referat od 20 maja 1957. godine.
Referat 1517/2 od 17 februara 1956. godine.
Slu`beni~ki list br. 128450 dr Danila Ra{kovi}a
Personalni list serija: 503 294, broj: 47213, dr Danila Ra{kovi}a
Arhivska dokumenta Ma{inskog fakulteta u Beogradu - fascikla dr Danilo Ra{kovi}

Autobiografija dr Danila P. Ra{kovi}a iz 1952. godine.

Predgovori iz univerzitetskih uxbenika Danila P. Ra{kovi}a iz prvih i ponovqenih izdawa.
In Memory of Professor dr ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. Ra{kovi}, Professor of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering in
Belgrade, Ni{, Kragujevac, Mostar and Novi Sad, by Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, Facta UNIVERSITATIS, Series Mechanics,
Automatic Control and Robotics, University of Ni{, Vol. 1. No. 4, 1994.,pp. VI-IX.
Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, Prof. dr Ing. Dipl. Math Danilo P. Ra{kovi}, redovni profesor Ma{inskih
fakulteta u Beogradu, Ni{u i Kragujevcu, Mostaru i Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, i wegov
doprinos razvoju nastave i studija Mehanike na Univerzitetima u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji, Round Table: O.M.
History og Mecchanics in Yugoslavia, Proceedings on\f the YUCTAM Vrnja~ka Banjaa '97, XXII Yugoslav Congress of
Theoretical and Applid Mechanics, Mathematical Institute SANU, Jugoslovensko dru{tvo za mehaniku, 1997, str. 39-54.
Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, Akademik Tatomir An|eli}, @ivot i delo srpskih nau~nika - Lives and work
of the Serbin Scientists, Urdenik Miloje R. Sari}, Biografije i Bibliografije, Kwiga VI, Odbor za
prou~avawe `ivota i rada nau~nika u Srbiji i nau~nika srpskog porekla, Sarpska akdemija nauka i
umetnosti, tom 6., 2000., str. 435-486.
Professor dr ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. Ra{kovi}, 90 years from the birth, by Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, The Fifth Yugoslav
Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics, Nonlinear Sciences at the Threshold of the Third Millenium, October 2-5, 2000, Ni{,
Abstracts I, The Symposium is organised under the patronage of the Department of Technical Sciences Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, 5th YUSNM Ni{ ' 2000, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Ni{, pp. 84-85.
Professor dr ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. Ra{kovi}, 90 years from the birth, by Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, The Fifth Yugoslav
Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics, Nonlinear Sciences at the Threshold of the Third Millenium, October 2-5, 2000, Ni{,
Abstracts II, Part D, Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Problems, 5th YUSNM Ni{ ' 2000, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering University of Ni{, pp. 125-126.
Pola veka prirodno-matemati~kih nauka i 30 godina Prirodno-matematri~kog fakulteta u Novom Sadu,
Novi Sad, 2000.
Katica (Stevanovi) Hedrih, Close Meeting of the Threefold Kind at the Begining of Third Millenium or Tensor Calculus

Break-impact in Mechanics, Invited Plenary Lecture, The 6-th International Conference of Tensor Society on
Differential Geometry and its Applications and Mathematical Foundations of Information Sciences and its
Applications on occasion of the Anniversary of Akitsugu KAWAGUCHIs 100 years birth, who is the Founder of
Tensor Society, Kawaguchi Inst. Institute of Mathematical Sciences Sengen 1-13-33, Tsukuba, JAPAN, 305-0047.,
Abstracts, Tensor Society, 2002., pp.8-10.
* Simi, D. Profesor, dSp-mecatronic, Kragujevac, 1999. ID-78968588.
Katica (Stevanovi) Hedrih, Tensor Calculus Break-impact in Mechanics-Danilo P. Ra{kovi} (1910-1985), The Sixth

International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics-Nonlinearn Sciences and Applications, 2003., Booklet of

Abstracts,pp. 35-48.
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Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. RA[KOVI], full-professor

of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Ni{, Kragujevac, Mostar
and Faculties of Science in Belgrade and Novi Sad

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(, , ),
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This distinguished scientific figure of exquisite creative energy and inspired enthusiasm, a scholar deeply
attached to the Yugoslav and Serbian scientific and cultural heritage and an exquisite pedagogist of high ethic
principles is in the living memory of many generations of students whom he taught how to learn and love
mechanics, as a basic scientific branch of mechanical engineering either directly, through his lectures, or through
his various and numerous textbooks and collections of problems. His disciples and colleagues are glad that he had
the ability to transmit to them his great enthusiasm permeated with his sincere devotion for mechanics and his
exquisite scientific eagerness.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. RA[KOVI] was born in 1910 in U`ice. Upon completing elementary
school and six grades of high school, he graduated from the Military Academy in 1930. As an engineering military
officer he enrolled in the Department of Mechanical-Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering in
Belgrade in 1933. Having graduated in 1938, he enrolled in the Department of Theoretical Mathematics of the
Faculty of Philosophy and graduated in 1941. As a graduate mechanical engineer he was appointed assistant section
head of the Military-Technical Institute in ^a~ak. He remained on that position during 1941. In 1942 he was
appointed assistant of the Faculty of Engineering in Belgrade where he earned his doctor's degree in 1944 upon the
defense of the thesis entitled: "Tangential strains of normally profiled beams".
Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl. Math. Danilo P. RA[KOVI] lectured mechanics, strainght of materials and oscillation
theory at the faculties of mechanical engineering in Belgrade, Ni{, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Mostar, as well as in
the Faculty of Science in Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Electronics in Ni{ and at the
Military-Technical College in Belgrade. More details on the research work of professor RA[KOVI] can be found
in the Belgrade University Bulletin no. 75 of 1957, issued on the occasion of his appointment as full professor at
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. During his university career he was twice elected Vice-Dean of
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Belgrade University. In the Mechanical Engineering Department of
the Faculty of Engineering in Ni{, he lectured statistics, kinetics, kinematics, dynamics, oscillation theory,
resistance of materials, theory of elasticity, as well as analytical mechanics, theory of nonlinear oscillations and
continuum mechanics on the postgraduate level. He was the first head of Department of Mechanics and Automatics
of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ni{. He was an extremely inspired professor, scientist and practitioner
much favored among his students, respected by his colleagues both as a professor and an engineer, because he
knew to relate engineering theory and practice.
Professor Ra{kovi} was a very fertile writer. While still in military service he wrote five professional
papers. In the period before 1957, when he was appointed full professor, he published 26 scholarly papers. As a full
professor he wrote 37 scientific works published in the scientific journals of the Serbian Academy of Arts and
Sciences, Polish Academy of Science, German Society for Mechanics ZAMM and in other foreign journals. He
took part in a number of scientific meetings in the country and abroad. He reviewed papers for four leading referral
journals in the world: Applied Mechanics Review (USA), Mathematical Reviews (USA), Zentrablatt (Germany)

and Referativnii `urnal (Moscow). Professor Ra{kovi} was a member of several professional and scientific
societies/associations in the country and abroad, GAMM being one of them. He initiated the foundation of the
Yugoslav Society for Mechanics during 1952.
He wrote a considerable number of university textbooks which ran through numerous editions. Some of
them still hold records as for the number of editions and copies printed within the group they belong to. In addition,
he wrote a series of textbooks in the field of mechanics for secondary technical schools, as well as a number of
chapters in professional technical handbooks, mimeographed course materials and textbooks for post-secondary
schools of mechanical engineering. He also wrote several textbooks for postgraduate studies.
Among the publications for postgraduate studies the following should be mentioned: ANALYTICAL
MECHANICS, Theory of Elasticity and TENSOR CALCULUS.

Most of his university textbooks and publications were at the time of their first editions the only
professional literature in Serbian language in the field. So, his publications played an important part in spreading
the knowledge in the field of technical mechanics among the students and mechanical and other engineers in Serbia
and Yugoslavia. It is particularly worth mentioning that he has interpreted all his material by the most modern
mathematical apparatus and has illustrated it by numerous examples from the engineering practice. Many of the
cited university publications are reprinted even now and are still used by both students of engineering and engineers
Although he has left us ten years ago, professor Rakovi is still present among the new generations of
students, as well as among the engineers through his distinguished textbooks bearing memory of his merits which
have left an indelible imprint on the development of mechanical engineering science and practice, as well as on the
formation of many a generation of university professors. His life and work set an example serving as a creative
impulse to the forth-coming generations educated at the University of Nis. He is an everlasting example and proof
that one's deeds can outlive one's physical existence by far.
1962 o o. ao ao, ao a Oeea a ea aeao
a A, je oaoao aaa e ao-aae e: a oee
ao eaa oo o. e j, a eoj ao oja
o ao, a oee aoo oa aejaa a
oa eoajaa ojo je ooo ao ojao a oae oee
eae oj je oo o. . ao ao.
oeaje , ZentralBlatt-
a ea a oa
aaa: 1957. e a o aaa; oj je
oa Proceedings of XX International Congress of Appled Mechanics; Sept. 1956, e
eoao a aaeo oea; e oj a je eoao a aoea a
eao oea eee aeae eae eao a GAMM o: 1957.
a; 1958 . ae; a 1959. , 1961. 1962. ao eea Jooeo a a
ea; 1963. ae ao eea aeao a A; 1966. aa, e "aje
ao aoee oa eoje oaja"; 1968. a eooaoj a a ao
"ae o ea (aj) eao eaa ea aeo ao eoo".
aoe e oj a eje a eaoae oeeje eea oaja
ICNO o: 1962, aa, ao eea aea a a a je; 1969. e; 1972 a ICNO
Cracow 72.
eo o oe 1963/64. o 1973/74. oe o je e aee a ea ao
oea eo aea , a oeeo ao aa eea e a ea.
oeo, je ao aa eae a e aea aje oa, ao jeo
eo aa eee aeae a oo-aeao ae oo a.
, .
. 67/8
1964. .
1974/75 , , .
, 1985. , .
o je, , 29. jaaa 1985. oe eoa.

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