Learning Cycle

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Connecting Circuits

4th Grade Circuits Learning Cycle

By: Nicole Heinrichs
Learning Standards
Science Content:

4-PS3-1. Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an

object to the energy of that object.
4-PS3-4. Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that
converts energy from one form to another.*
Science Practices:
Planning and carrying out investigations
Developing and using models
21st Century Skills:

Demonstrate productivity and accountability by producing quality work.

Demonstrate initiative, creativity, self-direction, and entrepreneurial thinking

What Students will be doing:

Students will be experimenting with circuits and different materials. They will look at conductors
and insulators along with different types of circuits.

-Steel Wool
-nine volt battery
-safety gloves
We are beginning a new unit today in science. We will be learning about circuits. Circuits can
be found in many places! This video will show an incident that really happened! Show the video
found in the materials. Now I will show you a demonstration. It is important to remember
safety, and this activity is not to be done outside of the classroom. Be sure to pay special
attention to what I am doing and what is happening. When doing this demonstrations, be sure
to do it over a sink so that you can drop it after it starts on fire. As the teacher, you will touch an
end of the 9V battery with the steel wool while wearing safety gloves. Show the demonstration.
The steel wool will catch on fire just like the tree in the video. After the demonstration, ask
students the following questions.

-What similarities and differences do you see between the demonstration and the video?
-Why do you think the fire was caused?
-If I would have not touched the steel wool to both sides of the battery, would it have started on
fire, why or why not?
-What could prevent the fire?

-Battery Holder
-Bulb Holder
-Various Materials such as aluminum foil, plastic, glass, cloth, crayon,penny, popsicle stick
(All these materials are to be put into baggies. Each group will receive one baggie with each of
these materials in it.)
Have the materials in an organized fashion so that it is easy for clean up. Do not show the
students how to use the materials because they will be in charge of figuring out how they work.
Give students around 25 minutes for them to explore and make a circuit and discover how the
different materials react
Safety: Remind students that they should no poke with the wires or put anything into their
Here are the materials each of you have to work with. You will be exploring further into circuits
and how they work. Your goal is to make the bulb light with the given materials. The materials
you have to work with are a couple wires, batteries, and a light bulb. Do not worry about keeping
any data, but be ready to share your findings with the class. After finishing, make sure your
area looks clean and your materials come back to the front of the room.
Once you have figured out how to make the circuit, test out the different materials to see if the
light bulb can still light. You will record your findings on that sheet labeled, Does the Light Bulb
Light? Students will need to understand that if the lightbulb lights up when the wires are
touching either side of the object, then the object is a conductor and if the light bulb does not
light up, then it is an insulator. These vocabulary words will be explained in the explain section.
After about 15 minutes bring students back together to have a discussion.
-What are some of the different ways everyone tried to make their light bulb light?
-Where their ways to make the light bulb brighter, and what were they?
-What did not work when creating your circuit.
-What objects were able to still make the light bulb light?
-What object did not allow the light bulb to light?
-Why do you think some objects worked and some did not?

Does the Light Bulb Light?

Below you will record the object and if the light bulb lights.

Does the Light Bulb Light?

-Anchor Chart Paper
While working on with the different materials what are some different vocabulary words that you
think are important. Students will generate a list of words. Below is the list of words that should
be brought to the students attention. Use an anchor chart to list the vocab and their definitions.
Use the exploration activity to correspond with the new terms. Label the chart, Circuits. Write
each definition and vocabulary word underneath. This anchor chart will be displayed in the

Battery: stores energy, and provides electricity for other objects

Conductor: material electric current can pass
Insulator: material electric current cannot pass
Circuit:provides a path for electrical current to flowLight
Electrical Current: The flow of electricity
Switch: device for making or breaking an electrical current

Introduce students to these terms, and write them on the board. Have students write the
definitions down in their science notebooks.

-multiple Light bulbs
-battery holder
-bulb holder
(put materials into baggies for each group. Each group should have on baggies that contains
each of the materials listed above.)
Each group will be given a baggie that contains your materials. We have experimented by
making circuits and discovering what conductors and insulators do. Within your groups, you will
solve the challenges presented. Your challenge is to create a circuit with more than one light
bulb where when you disconnect one light bulb the other one goes out. You will then create a
second circuit that when you connect one of the light bulbs the other one stays lit. Be sure to
keep careful recordings of what you find in your Thinking log. Be sure to label the parts of your
circuit. You will also complete the Venn Diagram where you will compare the two circuits you
have made. Write the challenges up on the board so that students can easily see them. While
students are working, walk around and watch what they are doing. Ask questions if need be.

Challenge 1: Create a circuit with more than one light bulbs, so that when you disconnect one
bulb the other bulb goes out.
Challenge 2: Create a circuit with more than one light bulb, so that when you disconnect one
bulb the other bulb stays lit.

Connecting Circuits Thinking Log

Group Members:
Challenge 1: Create a circuit with more than one light bulb, so that when you disconnect
one bulb the other bulb goes out.

Draw a picture of your circuit. Be sure to label the parts of your circuit you have created.

Challenge 2: Create a circuit with more than one light bulb, so that when you disconnect
one bulb the other bulb stays lit.
Draw a Picture of your circuit and label the parts of your circuit.

Compare the Two Circuits

Draw pictures and write sentences to compare the two circuits made in your
Challenge 1 Circuit


Challenge 2 Circuit

-bag of materials from the Explore Section
-bag of materials from Elaborate Section
Have you ever walked into a room and turned on a light? How does this work? Today you will
be working individually to create a switch that will turn on and off the light bulb. Your switch
should be able to work by using your finger. You each will be given two bags of materials to
use. It is important to work on your own. Once you have created your switch, you will take a

picture and upload it to the class folder on Google Docs where everyone will be able to see it.
You will also write a paragraph describing your circuit and what is happening with each part.
This paragraph should include and use all vocabulary words used in class.
Give students materials. Have the vocabulary words listed on the board. Explain they will work
independently below is a checklist of what the student should achieve with their circuit while
incorporating a switch.
Submission Checklist:
____Students shows understanding of how is a circuit is made by creating a working circuit.
____Student Show understanding of conductors/insulators by creating their switch with the
popsicle switch.
____Student shows understanding of how circuits work through their written paragraph. This
paragraph should include all vocabulary words to explain their circuit.


Current Electricity Learning Cycle


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