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(Based On The Book by Dato Vijay Eswaran)

Ever asked yourself the question: What will I be doing in the next five years?, and
got lost finding the answer? The answers are often not clear, because most of us
have not tried to find them.
Lifestyles in the 21st century, characterised by chaos and a routine lifecycle, do not
give us much time to analyse ourselves and examine our aspirations.
Many of us have vague notions of what we want to do, but very few of us set targets
which are realistic, and do what it takes to meet them. The Sphere of Silence is a tool
which gives us the ability to address our goals and do much more, by showing us a
way to go down to the fundamentals of our self. If you don't know who you are, you
don't know where you are going, says Dato' Vijay Eswaran, author of the book In
the Sphere of Silence . Hence, the quest must begin with discovering who we are
first and then knowing where to go and how.
This path of self discovery over the years led Dato' Vijay Eswaran to devise this
simple but unique methodology that combines ancient wisdom with modern everyday
practicality. It stems from the ancient Hindu concept, especially from yogic traditions,
of practicing mouna (silence), a concept that finds resonance in all religions and
philosophies of the world .
Two years ago, he decided to share this with the world, by putting it out in the form of
a book. And so, In the Sphere of Silence was born. Published in English by RYTHM
House Publishing (RYTHM is an acronym for Raise Yourself To Help Mankind) in
2005, the book is available in other languages including German, Farsi and Bahasa
Indonesia, with editions in other languages in the pipeline.

(To be practised daily for a successful life)

1. Best time is between 4:30a.m. & 6 a.m. But in case the time is not convenient
a period as close to that can be chosen.
2. You should maintain absolute silence during this period. Having your full
concentration on what you are doing.
3. No form of communication during this period
4. If you break the silence, you start again from that point of time for an hour.

The Path of Duty is the setting of goals for each day and the next day, spending time to look
back at those set the previous day. The time spent on doing a post-mortem' of the
achievements of the last day helps in analysis of actions, and also in articulating who we
want to be. All of these must be written down in the journal for keeping record and looking
back. The purpose of the post-mortem is to look into the mirror, to see who we really are,
says Mr. Eswaran.
Analyse yesterday (10 minutes)
1. Reflect back on yesterday and where you could have improved or done the task
2. Analyse why the task was not done.
Plan for today (10 minutes)
1. Write down all your plans for the day.
2. Do not over promise and under deliver.
Short-term Goals (10 minutes)

Set your goals for the next seven days.

Set your short-term goals for the next six months.
Set your long-term goals for the whole year.
Write these goals every single day.


Here we analyze our activities yesterday we see how was our success % in
carrying out the activities, and the reasons for failure.

PRESENT: Here we plan for today. What are our activities for the day. We write down all
the things to do
1. We plan our activities for tomorrow by writing it down
2. We plan for the next seven days (week)-write it down
3. We pan for next 12 months(year), what we plan to do where we will be
after one year, setting goals etc

The Path of Knowledge seeks to build memory of the human mind. In doing this, the mind's
ability to retain facts is said to improve drastically. Memory is a tool we require everyday and
this is in the Path of Knowledge, according to the author, who believes that memory is
required to achieve continuity in thought process. All great leaders, he points out, have
excellent memory and are able to recall facts effortlessly.

Pick a book which will benefit you in any field.

Read the book for 15 minutes.
Summarise all the important points you remembered, while reading for five minutes.
Check what points you have missed out.
Add the points you have missed out.
Next day start with the points before reading the book.

During this time we depend upon some source for ex: books, casettes, notes, to enhance our
1. The first 5 min is to recollect what we have gone through the previous day.
2. The next 15 min is to seek the knowledge for today.
3. The last 5 min for summarizing of what you have gone through today

The Path of Devotion is the time taken to converse with the Almighty. It is a 10-minute
reflection on the outcome of the discussion that one chooses to have with God. Pray, seek
and ask Him questions in your heart that need answers. The beautiful thing about this
process is that your answers will come to you in some form or another.
The atheist is not excluded in this Path. The author suggests for the atheist to commune with
morality and goodness. I would add another o'. Instead of God, I would use good.
Your 10-minute reflection here should also be written down.

During this time you remember your creator. Thank him for today. You are talking to him
directly thinking him in your mind. You tell him what you are here for and what are your plans
during this life given to you, by him.

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