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HBCA Board Meeting 1/4//16

Board Members Attending: John Capone, Ken Herzog, Rebecca Radon,

Jacquie Russo, Maria Hultz, Bonnie Doyle, Janice Landis, Pat Tuccio
Rebecca Updates:
Current Balance - $7,042.67. Rebecca felt we were off to a good start with
receipts of requested membership dues payment. Already received 18
responses for $580.00. We received $117.00 cash back from HBCA credit card.
Pat gave back her $200.00 winning from Duckie Day. Second and third place
winners returned their winnings. Thank you Pat!
Civic Promotion Through Community Events
Rebecca felt this is a very important effort to raise our profile. Noted the
following events: St. Patricks Day Parade, San Generaro, Memorial Day Parade,
Carnival, 4th of July Parade in Southampton as events we should have a
presence at. Discussed purchasing a full body Duckie costume and involving the
high school children in putting a float together.
Duckie Day Date confirmed for September 17, 2016
Winter Benefit All agreed that having a dinner at local restaurant was a good
way to raise money. We looked for places to have it. Villa Paul is not a possibility
as Historical is having their benefit there. This lead to the need for a community
calendar so all civic groups are aware of events.
HBCA Website John feels we should start over with our website. We are still
paying Andy to service it. John suggested we could build a blog site for free that
would have posting, and calendaring functionality as well as an option for picture.
Rebecca discussed the Dems site and she was going to follow through with them
for insight.
Planning Upcoming Meetings
John spoke to Kyle and Janice to request they come to our next board
meeting. They agreed. They will discuss what can be done with Overlay
Districts in HB. We will ask for their help with revitalizing down town HB
and Good Ground Park. The park construction has been delay due to
rewriting of bid.
Too soon to engage Scott in discussion of Ponquoque Bridge.
Janice will pursue Don C from Peconic Baykeeper for our next meeting
He is currently suing Suffolk County to have the Health Department
controlled by an independent consortium.

The board wanted to have a candidates debate for the 1/26 election. This
was not possible as both candidates agreed on only two debates presented by the Southampton Press and the League of Woman Voters.

We will follow up on Marks idea to bring in independent companies to

speak to some of the community requested improvements in depth such
as bio swales. Follow up on our community vision i.e. roadwork, shuttle
and downtown revitalization, and garbage pickup.
Ken wanted to bring in the highways department and sanitation to discuss
the issue of garbage pickup. We discussed the possibility of bringing in an
independent sanitation company as an alternative.

Village Incorporation Update: Maria said there has been no activity since the
dinner. The exploratory phase is over and there seems to be a reticence to move
forward. Noted that they meeting they had at the high school did not draw many
volunteers to support the effort.
HBCA Scholarship Discussed the positive impact of the scholarship. All
agreed we were not getting the necessary publicity and community buy in for the
$1,000.00 scholarship. Perhaps scholarship could be put to better use if we get
young adults involved in some programs to help the bays or revitalizing
downtown. Ken suggested we involve the Boy Scouts in our scholarship in an
effort to support the bays.
Candidate Positions We discussed sending a questionnaire via email to
candidate in an effort to get clarity on matters of importance to Hampton Bays.
CCHB did this prior to last election. John forwarded it to us for comment.
Submitted by:
Bonnie Doyle

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