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1)Select one of the laws listed below and explain how it has changed the staffing process.

Also select one governmental activity from the second list and explain how it influences
staffing. Respond substantively to two other learners.
Laws to choose from in answering the discussion question:
1. employment-at-will
2. Fair Labor Standards Act
3. The Civil Rights
4. Act of 1964
5. EEOC Regulations concerning sexual harassment
6. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
7. Americans with Disabilities Act
8. Family and Medical Leave Act
Governmental activities to choose from in answering the discussion question:
1. Social Security premiums
2. Social Security disability insurance
3. Unemployment insurance
4. Federal income tax

The EEOC Regulations concerning sexual harassment changed the staffing process tremendously
in many ways. (Weitzer, 2002) States, It is also a form of discrimination as defined in the Civil
Rights Act and EEOC regulations. There are numerous types of sexual harassment, but the two
most widely recognized are quid pro quo and hostile environment.
Quid pro quo is the exchange of sexual favors for favorable treatment. This could allow someone
to make their way up the ranks in an organization solely on sexual favors and nothing to do with
work skills or work performance.
Hostile environment is simply put as unwanted sexual advances or sexual jokes. This could make
the environment at work very uncomfortable.
Having regulations concerning sexual harassment has made the workplace better in many ways.
The hard workers and ones who deserve the job will be the ones to make it up the ranks because
they will be judged on work performance, not chosen by returning sexual favors. This will also
make the workplace more enjoyable, because a person will be able to walk into work and focus
on work. They dont have to deal with judgment and criticism of others based off of their sexual
Social Security disability insurance is going to influence staffing because people with disabilties
can be hired with a limited list of job requirements. This is going to change the way staffing is
done. Someone who is hired with a disability is going to have their own personal set of job

requirements they are capable of doing, which is most likely going to differ from some of the
other staff I similar positions.

Weitzer, P. I. (2002). Sexual harassment: Cases, case study, and commentary. New York:

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