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Unit 7 Rules-Based Availability Check Unit Overview ‘The following unit deals with the definition of rules. You will lear about the individual elements that comprise a rule. You will also learn about the specific functions of the rules-based ATP, for example, mult-item single delivery location ot consolidation location. The second part of the unit will deal with the consolidation technique as a means for rule determination. The third part of the unit deals with interchangeability master data as alternative master data in the ‘SCM system for setting up interchange scenarios. Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: + Explain and define product substitution + Explain and define location determination + Explain the PPM substitution + Describe and set up the calculation profile and rule control + Explain the methodology and technology of ATP rule determination + Describe a field catalog and implement a condition table + Define an access sequence and condition type for ATP rule determination + Setup condition records for rule determination + Define the activation process for rules-based ATP + Explain the options for the interchangeability master data + Define interchangeability master data + Configure the use of interchangeability master data Unit Contents Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check... Exercise 5: Rule Maintenance Lesson: Rule Determination : Exercise 6: Rule Determination .. eee saesees Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data ........... Exercise 7: Interchangeability Master Data... © 2010 SAP AG. All ights reserved, 221 Ey Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘some7o Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will lear about setting up a rule. You will leam about the elements that comprise a rule. This unit deals with the options for product substitution, location substitution and PPM/PDS substitution. We will also learn about the specific functions of the rules-based ATP, for example, multi-item single delivery location or consolidation location. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: + Explain and define product substitution + Explain and define location determination + Explain the PPM substitution + Desoribe and set up the calculation profile and rule control Business Example ‘At Maxitec Ltd., a basic ATP check for a customer's requested product in a requested location could not confirm a large enough quantity ‘You know of alternative locations that can be checked and also alternative products that can be used to substitute the original product. You want Global ATP to consider these altemative combinations automatically and check availability. ‘Ifyou cannot find enough of the requested product to fil the order, you want the system to come up with a proposal to produce the product at the nearest production plant. EX 222 ‘© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2009 1m Enables the avaabilty check for ssubettes 1m Substtutn of products = Substtuton of locations 1 Substtuton of PPM/POS 1 Substtuton leads to outbound Pati in "cube" is determined ‘Alternative product(s) Figure 79: Integrated Rule Maintenance: Objectives Rules-based availability checking is an iterative process. ‘The rules stored in the system and the corresponding check results determine the next steps for each case. Possible steps include: + Product substitution * Location substitution + PPM substitution, if production is started All subsequent checking steps span the three-dimensional area shown in the illustration above. You can move in any direction and combine any dimensions. For example, + Procure or substitute from an alternative location + Produce in another plant If the system has carried out a substitution (product or product and location, characteristic substitution and so on) an ATP check occurs on the substitute using basic methods Rules-based ATP does not carry out any ATP checks itself, rather it acts as a framework that specifies in which sequence and on which substitution ATP checks should be carried out. ‘The system terminates the search as soon as a check step has retumed an acceptable check result (or a result that matches the conditions stored in the calculation profile, if these have been activated (for example, maximum number of partial confirmations). Ey 224 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 2008 SEPenRaLio COasiouanerasecSamermczseneer. ; scMm670 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check Ifno other sotting is active, the system summarizes the results of each step until the requested quantity is reached. If SD is used (in SAP ERP), subitems are ‘generated in the corresponding sales order, mr Se Hint: The rules-based ATP function in SAP SCM (APO) is currently only supported by sales order processing in SD (for example, from the SAP CRM system) and within the multilevel ATP check. Figure 80: Elements of a rule Rules-based ATP checks are based on multiple rules that are executed sequentially. Arrule may be created as an instruction that informs the system of the sequence in which to execute substitutions. Each rule consists of at least one of the following: Calculation profile (the results of which are accepted during a check) Product substitution procedure Location determination procedure Location product substitution procedure (as altemnative to product substitution and location determination procedure) PPM/PDS substitution procedure Characteristic substitution procedure © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2257 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme70, EX” 226 If you use either a product rule or location rule, you must also create rule control parameters (instructions on how to combine the lists of altemative locations and products). It may be necessary to use several rules, meaning that the strategy used for the customer has to be changed gradually if his/her request cannot be satisfied by an initial approach that only uses substitutions, A rule is created in integrated rule maintenance (Master Data — Rule Maintenance). It can be assigned to several processes because rule determination, ‘which has to be executed for an ATP request, is performed in a separate step (see the second lesson in this unit). Inclusive: Availability check for location products, ‘Exclusive: Location products are saved and excluded from the next Inclusive results list =e fos: Figure 81: Rule types Inclusive rules: ‘The location products found are included in the substitution list, An availability check is run for these location products. Exclusive rules: ‘The substitute products and locations defined in an exctusive list are excluded from the substitution list. An exclusive rule only makes sense in conjunction with ‘one or more inclusive rules. The system always evaluates all exclusi ‘and generates a location product substitution list from this. This list is applied to the lists that are created when inclusive rules are evaluated. This means that substitutes from the exclusive location product list are deleted from the inclusive location product substitution list. You cannot assign substitution procedures {product substitution procedures or location determination procedures) containing, several substitution groups to an exclusive rule. Alternative rules: © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2009 fa eee. ioaicabmneml SoM67O Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘The substitute locations defined in an alternative rule ate included in the substitution list as alternatives for excluded locations. An alternative rule is only evaluated in exclusive rule strategies. It is only used as a location alternative for exclusions when exclusive rule strategies are applied to inclusive rule strategies. Mutti-item single delivery location: ‘The rules-based ATP check for a requirements grouping, such as a delivery group, can use this function to determine a common delivery location. You can ‘use a multi-item single delivery location (MISL) to save transport costs, since items in a requirements grouping are not delivered from different locations. You can also deliver products faster from 2 MELL compared with a consolidation, locatioa, since these do not have to be transported from various locations to a ‘common delivery location first. The rules-based ATP check determines a list of substitute locations using a rule of the Multi-Item Single Delivery Location type. The system first checks whether all products in the requirements grouping appear in these locations. If this is not the case, the system removes this location from the substitution list. The system then performs an iterative check of the locations from the list in which all requirements in the requirements grouping can be confirmed fully. Alternative products lai > Different types: 0 Substitution chain (including: end of substitution) 1 Network 2 Fan-shaped structure > Controt Product Substitution Valid-from Valid to Costs Reason TFS Tid 01.01.2001 31.122001 10 0001 ce G Est £55) Figure 82: Product substitution procedure Product substitution procedures allow you to define and control the possible product substitutions that can be made during an ATP check. In addition, product substitution procedures allow you to define a validity period. In substitution procedures ofthe type 0 (chain), you cannot enter any costs because the sequence of the substitutions is fixed. © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 227 Ey Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scMme70 ‘The selection indicator for chains gives you the opportunity to reflect a technology change within a selection of products. The indicator defines with which product in the product list the substitutions start. Moreover, this indicator can only be evaluated for access strategies Ol and 04, b Hint: You should be aware that the requirement quantities and the confirmed quantities from the ATP check always refer to the base unit of ‘measure of the products involved. Ina product substitution, the units ‘of measure are not converted if the units change within a substitution. (Exception: As of SAP SCM 5.0 a conversion of the units of measuce is possible ifan SAP CRM system is used as the order management system!). Location determination procedure > Determine typ Substitution chain (only serial structures allowed) 4. Alternative (alternative locations for excluded substitute locations) Figure 83: Location determination procedure ‘The location and product substitution procedures and the combination of the resulting lists were introduced to simplify maintenance of the resulting substitutions of location products. The system automatically generates a sequence, With this technique, you do not have to maintain cach substitution manually. (although this is also possible). A type is assigned to cach location determination procedure. The determination type defines the possible combinations of location and product substitutions that are evaluated in a subsequent step. SY 228 © 2010 SAP AG. All righs reserved 2009 or se se mssean = 94 sracagcne, ScM670 ‘There are five determination types: + Chain + Fan-shaped structure + Network + List (for determining a primary location if called from a system that docs not support or determine locations by itself, such as a CRM system; is also required for the multi-item single delivery location function) + Alternative (definition of alternative locations for excluded substitute locations) ‘You must assign a determination type to each new location determination procedure that you create. The location determination type defines the possible combinations of location and substitute location. If you define the substitution chain as the type of location determination procedure, you must enter the required substitute location directly below the original location in the list. If you select the fan-shaped structure or the network as the type of location determination procedure, you must specify several substitute locations for one location in the sate field. The substitute sequence is controlled by costs in the control parameters. © Toeatt] / sussutona oo") [200° | ooo Valid from 1/01/2001 m= Activity: @ Parameter determine check instructions / check control? + Stock transferithird-party order processing? ¢ Production? ‘+ Source determination? Figure 84: Location Substitution — Activity Control a | You create new location determination procedures on the Maintain Location Determination Procedure screen. 2008 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 229 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ScMe7O ‘You can further restrict location determination by defining a specific val period for each entry in the substitution list. During a check, this period is then evaluated with the requested delivery date or the corresponding material availability date. These dates have to be within the specified period, & Inan Hint: In the standard system, for the confirmation, the ATP check currently only considers the ATP quantities of those receipts within the defined period. All other elements are excluded, which can mean that existing stock is not taken into account if today's date is not within the relevant interval. activity, you maintain several actions to be taken if'a location determination is carried out. These include: Calling production Business event: This can influence which check control and which scope of check are used. In conjunction with the check mode, it can also determine which check instructions to follow. Check mode for the location determination activity: For the location determination, you determine which basic method or combination of basic methods you want to use in the availability check. Means of transport in third-party order processing: Third-party in this context stands for confirmation and delivery from a substituted location. ‘The means of transport is then evaluated for transportation and shipment scheduling from the delivering location to the customer. ‘You can control substitution processing by specifying costs for each entry in fan-shaped structures. The system sorts the results list according to the costs (ascending). EX 230 @ 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 ‘scm670 Lesson: Rulos-Based Availability Check Common sipstom lation D common doivry date Prerequisites: ‘Transporation lanes ‘Scheduling 1 mmeciato rue evaluation ‘thou previous check Consolidation location ocx Aor At Figure 85: Excursus - Consolidation Location You can use this process to move products from various locations to a consolidation location, from which they can be delivered to your customers. If necessary, you can deliver all products to the customer from the consolidation location on a specific date. You can use a consolidation location to save transport costs, particularly if you deliver products on a single date. The consolidation location can also be used to simplify the export of products: You can move products from locations that cannot deliver abroad to 2 consolidation location, which manages the export business and delivers the products to your customers. ‘The consolidation tocation is an enhancement of rules-based ATP with the generation of stock transport orders (within which stock transport orders are generated from the locations with stock for the initial outbound delivery location). 2009) © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 231 EY Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o ‘Common ship-from location ‘Common delivery date | Prerequisites: 1 Immodiate rule evaluation without previous check 1 Mubstems — Aativate single locations Figure 86: Excursus - Multi-Item Single Delivery Location ‘The rules-based ATP check for a requirements grouping, such as a delivery group, can use this function to determine a common delivery location. ‘The system checks to see whether all items of a requirements group can be delivered from one plant. You can use a multi-item single delivery location (MISL) to save transport costs, since items in a requirements grouping are not delivered from different locations. You can also deliver products faster from a MELL — compared with a consolidation location, since these do not have to be transported from various locations to a common delivery location first If you want to use the MELL function, you must define a rule of the “multi-item single delivery location” type. Furthermore, requirements groups have to be formed for the order items to be checked. You can achieve this, for example, by setting the “full delivery” option in the sales order. The last prerequisite is the activation of the multi-item single delivery location in the Customizing of the rules-based ATP check. The switch for activating MELL can be accessed via the following menu path: SAP Implementation Guide > Advanced Planning ‘and Optimization -» Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP Check) —» Rules-Based Availability Check —» Activate Multi-Item Singe Delivery Location. If these conditions a met and the rules-based ATP is executed due to the settings in the check instructions, the system tries to find the MELL rule. Ifit succeeds, it tries to find a common ship-from location according to the substitutions stored in the MELL rule, If all items of the requirements group can be delivered from ‘one ship-from location, MELL is successful. In contrast, ffno common ship-from location is found, the “action after MELL” that is stored in the rule is executed. In the “action after MELL” you have the following options: EY 232 ‘© 2010 SAP AG, All rights reserved. 2008 HEE a Prare eee acts scme70 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check = No further action (sales order not confirmed) - Deactivate preselection, continue with rules-based ATP ~ Generate remaining requirement for input product in Ist SubLoe. ~ Generate remaining requirement for Ist substitute product in Ist SubLoc. ~ Generate remaining requirement for last substitute product in Ist SubLoc. = Confirm, in Ist SubLoc., rem. requ. for InpProd. in Ist SL ~ Confirm. in Ist SubLoc., rem. requ. for 1st SubProd. in Ist SL = Confirm, in Ist SubLoc., rem. requ. for last SubP. in Ist SL © 1 Definition of a PPM/PDS substitution procedure '= Assignment of multple PPAVPDS to lecation products within a procedure 1 Assignment of levels to define a sequence Levels are interpreted by their value. 'm_The processing sequence can be defined. | Figure 87: PPM/PDS substitution procedure You define whether or not the PPM/PDS substitution procedure should work with a substitution procedure, PPMIPDS substitution procedure using substitution procedure (standard case) + Ifyou want the system to find PPMs for the substitutions, then the rule must, contain other substitution procedures in addition to the PPM substitution procedure, The location products in the PPM substitution procedure must ‘match the substitutions in content. 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 233 See ea aera Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scms7o PPM/PDS substitution procedure without substitution procedure + The PPM substitution procedure normally always needs another substitution procedure, You can, however, work without an additional substitution procedure if you have set the Start immediately rule in the check instructions. You maintaia the check instructions in the Customizing settings for SAP SCM (APO) system: SAP - Implementation Guide — Advanced Planning ‘and Optimization —+ Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) —+ General Settings + Maintain Check Instructions. + The rule evaluation is then carried out immediately and only on the generating requirement. Ensure that 2 PPM is maintained for the ‘corresponding requested location product. + Set the Rules-based ATP indicator in the check instructions. + You have created a rule control that defines the evaluation of several procedures (a substitution procedure and a PPM procedure). In this rule ‘control, you also select a substitution level for the PPM substitution, = Productllocation and PPM/PDS procedure: Evaluation strategy ‘+ Management of the individual procedures of a rule = Combination of product and location substitutions + Access strategy of substitution lists ‘+ Combination of substitution lists = PPM/PDS substitutions: Substitution level > Controls the results of the entire rule Figure 88: Rule Control ‘The settings for the rule control affect the execution of the actual rule and include general settings such as a list sequence, product strategy, and location strategy. EY 234 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 2008 agree agree eeceepea reat an mansions Higeie ceumimeseersr SCM670 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check The general scttings allow you to specify if the rule control is inclusive or exclusive, and to specify a maximum number of substitutions to be carried out, in an ATP check. £ Hint: Currently, this number can either be “0” when there are no restrictions and “1” when there is only one substitution, £ Hint: The indicator for the number of substitutions is evaluated at rule level. Thatis, if you specify more than one rule, the result may contain ‘more than one substitution. However, at the level of the rule strategy, you can also overwrite the settings regarding the number of substitutions that can be determined from the rule, and specify the number of substitutions at rule strategy level. If you do so, the mumber of substitutions from the rule strategy settings are used and applied to all the rules of the rule strategy. ‘The list sequence defines the sequence in which product substitution lists and location determination lists are taken into account together. The product strategy defines the sequence in which alternatives are processed in a specific product substitution list. The location strategy defines the sequence in which alternatives are processed in a specific location determination (substitution) list. Figure 89: Rule Control: Evaluation Strategy 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 235 Ey ‘peo cstreztee. ue sans ve oo caeesouulcesbnoMEt I= ma. ME RaLArLAOA RE Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme70 Work forward ‘Work backward trom input then forward rom ipa Se eee Work forward from input, cyclic Location determination Work backward Werk becloerd from input hen Location product substitution forward from input Work beckard from input, eli Werk foward from input Work balovard fom nput Stat from top of ist Star fem bottom of st Figure 90: Rule Control: Access strategy Rule control strategies (product strategy and location strategy) control check processing in a single list. Therefore, a product strategy controls check processing in a product substitution list, and the location strategy controls processing in 4 location determination list. EY 236 ‘© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2009 JERS eee ante si scms70 Lesson: Rules-Based Avsi ‘The possible strategies (for either products or locations) are described below: + Strategy one checks sequentislly, working from the top of the list to the bottom. + Strategy two starts the sequential checking at the input value and works ‘toward the bottom of the list. If the product is not found, the check returns to the input value and continues to check sequentially working toward the top of the list + Strategy three starts the sequential checking at the input value and works toward the bottom of the list. Ifthe product is not found, the check returns to the top of the list and continues working down toward the input value. + Strategy four starts the checking at the bottom of the list and then works toward the top. + Strategy five starts the sequential checking at the input value and works backward toward the top of the list. If the product is not available, the check retums to the input value and continues working toward the bottom ofthe list. + Strategy six starts the sequential checking at the input value and works toward the top of the list. Ifthe product is not found, the check returns to the bottom of the list and works backward toward the input value. + Strategy seven starts the sequential checking at the input value and works towards the bottom of the list. + Strategy eight starts the sequential checking at the input value and works towards the top of the list. + Surategy nine starts the sequential checking at the top of the list and works towards the input value. + Strategy ten starts the sequential checking at the bottom of the list and works ‘backward towards the input value. 2008) © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 237 Ey Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme70 © Qualified product / location Combination options Union Complement? Products | Qualified bidity Product = wel input a produet camber 1 t Locations Qualified location = input location Figure 91: Rule Control: Combination of Substitution Lists (1) Defining qualified products and locations: The qualified product or location is ‘used to restrict the substitution list, You can qualify an element in a substitution list (product and/or location). The relevant substitution list is then restricted to this ‘element for the combination. Defining the combination of the product and location lists: you define how the lists generated by the combination sequence should be combined. ‘The system always generates two ordered lists from location products when you apply the combination sequence to the substitution lists; for example, for the setting locations with products, then products with locations, the first list consists ‘of locations with products, while the second consists of products with locations. + Union: Standard setting: All elements from the second list that are not contained in the first list are appended to the frst list + Intersection: The system deletes all elements not in the second list from the list generated first. Ey 238 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights resarved. 2009 SCME70 © 6 Products Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check Qualified product / location Combination options Intersection ronnenet Qualified eats wees Input cai BES Product ete Locations Qualified Ao = input Figure 92: Rule Control: Combination of Substitution Lists (2) Intersection: The system deletes all elements not in the second list from the list, generated first Complement of the combination of the product and location lists: The indicator controls whether t list is the location ue system issues the results list or its complement. The results product list generated by the system after the Combination (of the location and product lists) step. If you have set the indicator, the system issues the complement ofthe results list Check all production levels for every location FP = ised prot PPa = roduton process mecel/ CT = Capabieo anise Figure 93: Rule Control: PPM Substitutions (1) 2009) © 2010 SAP AG. All ighis reserved. 239 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘ScMe7O Ifa level is not present for a specific location product, this location product is not ‘evaluated. In this example, the production methods are evaluated first. Check all locations first for the same production level and then for a different production level ‘PPM2 FP-= inane pots /PPM = peauion process mode /CTP= Cepableto-Fremse Figure 94: Rule Control: PPM Substitutions (2) Ifa level is not present for a specific location product, this location product is not evaluated. The following process is an example from the paper-processing industry where ‘you try to find the finished product in different locations first. Ifthe system is not ‘able to confirm, it searches for a way to cut the paper from reels and, finally, to produce new paper. Therefore, the sequence of the evaluation is set so that locations are evaluated first. A location product list is created from the procedures given in the rule. This can be cither a location determination procedure and/or # product substitution procedure or, alternatively, a location product substitution procedure, The sequence of the location products is calculated using the rule control ofthe current rule, while taking into account the requested location product. + Inthe second step, the PPM substitutions are built on the basis of the ordered location product list. This means that if location product is missing in the basic quantity, it is not included in the check, even if there is @ row for it in the related PPM substitution table, The system searches the PPM substituti procedure for suitable entries for each location product of the basic quantity (Suitable entry means the same location product). If no suitable entry exists within the PPM substitution procedure, this location product is removed from the basic quantity and not checked. If one or more suitable entries exist in the PPM substitution procedure, one or mote complete substitutions (consisting of location product, level, and PPM) are added to the results list. ‘© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 2009 SSE E ie eee. Tea ‘scM670 Lessor :_ Rules-Based Availability Chock Determine the substitution sequence for specifying a characteristic Example: Sellfrom-stock for batch-managed material Batch Char, Specitication Availability / me x = ‘Sales order Figure 95: Characteristic Substitution Procedure ‘The characteristic substitution procedure is used to define material substitutions within rules-based ATP. This could be the quantity of a batch-managed material, for example, In the above example, the customer orders 50 pieces of the product ABC with the batch quantity “good”. The customer has agreed that he will also accept batches with a lower quality if batches in the quality he requested are not available. Since no batches of the product ABC exist with the quality “good”, a substitution is carried out within rules-based ATP to “mediuin” and then to “bad”. A sufficient ‘umber of batches with bad quality are available and they can be used to confirm the sales order: 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 241 te eee eens SES SSESESGERSS Soreeueesragemeenry peer nor recenrecenar, Unit 7: Rules-Based Avai scme7o = Allowed delay: (Aouad peciedomst as cr, Alowed slay delivery. firmation = Allowed early confirmation: ————— potoned naar of dayton }—- Aeceradramber cap Reqd date = Consumption limit: ‘Number of days that prevents @ requirement using receipts/stock that aretoo early a Indicator: Valid Value maintained is taken into account in (follow-up) checks ‘Consumption lit Requested date Figure 96; Calculation Profile (1) ‘You can create new calculation profiles on the Maintain Calculation Profile screen. The calculation profile allows you to control and set limits on substitution processing in a rule procedure if check results are accepted. Calculation profiles are not taken into account during the evaluation of an ‘exclusive rule. You can no longer assign the calculation profile to an exclusive rule since the conditions that you defined in the calculation profile always refer to the location products that resulted from rule evaluation. EN 242 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Be ee eaemarmecen eee retonationr.amacaumreceeaer, 2009 ‘ScM670, Lesson: Rules-Based Avai Check For each new calculation profile that you create, you can define how Tong the system confirms forward and backward from the requested date given by the business event, Hint: Do not confuse this with the absolute validity periods that you can specify for substitutions. This is a range of days that moves forward with the requested delivery date of the orders. + Allowed delay: This enables you to permit delivery of a substitution even after a period of days. If you set this indicator, you must also specify how long the delivery may be delayed (that is, the number of days allowed by this calculation profile). + Allowed early confirmation: This allows you to permit carly delivery (Confirmation) of an order for the ATP check. If you set this indicator, you ‘must also specify how early the delivery may be (that is, you specify the umber of days allowed by this calculation profile). £ Hint: At present, Sales and Distribution (SD) in SAP ERP is not able to handle early confirmations. Therefore, do not maintain this value. + Backward consumption limit: This allows you to specify a time horizon that prevents stock or early receipts from being consumed by orders that lie far in the future. L ‘These options behave similarly to the validity periods with which you are familiar from substitutions; that is, if both periods are specified, they are evaluated together. ‘The Valid indicator indicates that the value hes been maintained. This is necessary so that you can distinguish between an entered value of 0 (which means that no deviation from the request is allowed), and an unspecified value (internally, this is treated like 0, but in this case is regarded as not relevant). If you enter a figure for the periods, the system sets this indicator automatically. 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al igh reserved. 243 EY Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Chock scme7o © Number of delvery spits allowed =~ Figure 97: Calculation Profile (2) ‘The number of partial deliveries restricts the delivery proposals generated for each check. If the number of possible schedule lines exceeds the allowed number, all further confirmations are added to the latest possible confirmation date, if this is allowed by the check methods in use. IF this is not the case, the check is terminated and an additional check is started, if required. Hint: If you want to use ATP rules (in SAP SCM (APO)) for package size and/or overdelivery, this may lead to unexpected results, which are nevertheless correct, as the following examples show: + Fora package size of 12 together with an order quantity of 100, the request is regarded as satisfied if 96 are available (overdelivery not allowed). In this case, the SAP ERP sales order, for example, never gets the complete confirmation status, + Fora package size of 12 together with an order quantity of 100, the request is regarded as fulfilled if 108 are available, provided that an overdelivery of at least 8 percent is allowed. The system confirms 108, even though the quantity requested was only 100. ‘© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 SE ae encamrestce. Eiapuasiotonsomatarssscuunencsseenc. z scmero Lesson: Rules-Based Avallailty Check Exercise 5: Rule Maintenance Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: + Configure a rule — product substitution procedure, location determination procedure, using rule control and the calculation profile Business Example Maxitec Ltd’s PC products are available in two distribution centers 2400 Milan and 2500 Amsterdam. Your task is to define the correct product/location substitution within the rule PROC#, In addition, you have to set up the rule contro! and the calculation profile. Hint: Create the rule PROC## (replace # with your group number_. In addition, use the locations 2400 Milan and 2500 Amsterdam as your two. distribution center substitutions. The data given below is used throughout these exercises. ‘The substitution should be performed in the following manner: 1, Check product T-F13## in location 2400 (Milan). 2. Check product T-F13i## in location 2500 (Amsterdam). 3, Check product T-F14## in location 2400 (Milan). 4. Check product T-F14## in location 2500 (Amsterdam). Task 1: Create a product substitution procedure 1. Set up a product substitution procedure called PS## for two materials. Use T-F13## T-F14## when you create this profile. Hint: You want to check the availability of product T-F13##. If ‘T-F13## is not available, check the availabi of product T-F14##., Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 245 Bese recone eaters, cwmesceencer. Unit 7; Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o 1s a substitution reason required for the product substitution? Task 2: Create a location determination procedure 1. Set up the location determination procedure LS## from location 2400 (Milan) to location 2500 (Amsterdam). Hint: You want to cheek the avsilabilty at DC location 2400, Milan © first. Ifthe stock is not available at 2400, check the availability at location 2500, Amsterdam. Use 2400 + 2500 when you create this profile. 2. Which ATP checks are controlled expli determination? Product check: ly by activity 0001 in the location Check against product allocations: Start product(ion): Task 3: Create a rule control Create a rule control, RC##, to determine the way the substitution lists are accessed and combined, ‘Both the product substitution lists and location determination lists should be nun starting from the top down. ‘There should be no qualifying restrictions on the product and location lists. Use the sequence option Combine qualified product with all locations, then qualified locations with all products. Use Union to combine the location and product lists. Continued on next page EX” 246 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 scme70 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check 2. Ifa sales order comes in for T-F14## (location DC 2500 Amsterdam), which product and location are checked first, based on these rule control settings? Product: Location: Task 4: Create a calculation profile 1. Set up a calculation profile, CP##. For requirements whose requested delivery date is a long time in the future, the system should only include receipts which are a maximum of 3 months before the requirements date, Confirmations can be 30 days after the requested delivery date, Task 5: Create a rule 1, Create nile PROC## ‘The rule must be defined as “inclusive” and contain the product substitution procedure PS## and location determination procedure LS## you just created. In addition, you have to assign the rule control RO## and calculation profile CPi# to the rule PROC. Task 6: Simulate the rule 1. Sitmulate the rule PROC## using the Evaluate Rule function in integrated rule maintenance. Check the result: There is an ordered sequence of products and locations ‘What is the sequence of the requirements? 2009 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 247 EY ‘Sonata at Su/cmici unmermsueasorenrecreter, ‘EDSTSaaSTdaswand a lusrvantnsconeswers err mrmeomrsstener, 14 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme7o Solution 5: Rule Maintenance Task 1; Create a product substitution procedure Set up a product substitution procedure called PS## for two materials, Use T-FI3i#it +T-F14## when you create this profile. Hint: You want to check the availability of product T-FI3##. If ‘T-F13## is not available, check the availability of product T-F14##. a) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu —» Advanced Planning and Optimization + Master Data + Rule Maintenance — Integrated ll sp. Rule Maintenance. % ASP" Choose the Maintain Product Substitutions tab page on the eft ofthe Yo screen. ro Choose Create New Procedure. Enter PS# as the name of the ve substitution procedure, “0” as the type (supersession chain), and Group #4 a the product procedure text. Choose Enter. Blank lines, in which you can enter the products, appear on the right of the screen. Enter the products T-FI3## and T-F14## Save your entries. 2, Isa substitution reason required forthe product substitution? Answer: No, If you do not enter a code, the initial value 000 is transferred from SAP SCM (APO) to SAP ERP. However, a substitution reason must be maintained there with the code 000. Task 2: Create a location determination procedure 1. Setup the location determination procedure LSt# from location 2400 (Milan) to location 2500 (Amsterdam). s or Ue ee Ae ; ; Hint: You want to check the aveilability at DC location 2400, Milan we first. Ifthe stock is not available at 2400, check the availability at location 2500, Amsterdam. Continued on next page Sy 248 ‘© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 Bigehesiie: SheussnrssecSiamonececaaee. SCM670 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check Use 2400 —» 2500 when you create this profile. a) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu — Advanced Planning and Optimization > Master Data —> Rule Maintenance — Integrated Rule Maintenance. ‘Choose the Maineain Location Determination Procedure tab page on the left of the screen. Choose the Create New Procedure icon. Enter “LS##" as a location substitution procedure name, type “0” (substitution chain) and the description “Group##". Choose Enter. Blank lines, in which you can enter the locations, appear on the right of the screen. | | Enter the locations 2400 and 2500. Use activity 0007. Do not choose Enter again because this will make a superfluous row appear. | | Save your entries. 2. Which ATP checks are controlled explicitly by activity 0001 in the location determination? Product check: Check against product allocations: Start product(ion): 8) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu —+ Advanced Planning and Optimization > Master Data > Rule Maintenance —+ Integrated Rule Maintenance. ‘To answer this question, we need to examine the location determination | activity, Choose Profiles & Parameters. Choose the Maintain Location Determination Activity tab page on the left of the screen. Double-click on activityi001 to display it Product check: No ~ Business event and check mode are not stated Check against product allocations: No ~ Business event and check mode are not stated Start production: No - Activity 0001 does not start production Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 249 Ey BES gatt ay sneterse ocmoconns sapnonscs x am kxvarinonns See wean we Se oa seuerasiioconnamuas Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o a \w (ok (omy ow U wre YO yr Task 3: Create a rule control 1. Create a rule control, RC##, to determine the way the substitution lists are accessed and combined. Both the product substitution lists and location determination lists should be run starting from the top down. ‘There should be no qualifying restrictions on the product and location lists. Use the sequence option Combine qualified product with all locations, then qualified locations with all products. Use Union to combine the location 4) and product lists. a) Path: SAP Easy Access —> SAP Menu — Advanced Planning and Optimization -> Master Data —r Rule Maintenance —» Integrated Rule Maintenance. Choose Profiles and Parameters (top left, if necessary. Choose the Maintain Rule Control tab page on the left of the screen, Create the rule control RC##, Choose Create New Rule Control and enter the control RCitfand the description Group #. Choose Enter. For the product substitution, use the access strategy Start from top of list For the location substitution, use the access strategy Start from top of list Choose No Restrictions for Qualifying Product. Choose “No Restrictions” for “Qualified Location” Use the sequence option Combine qualified product with all locations, then qualified locations with all products. Use Union to combine the lists. Ignore the PPM substitution levels for now. Choose Save. 2. Ifa sales order comes in for T-F14## (location DC 2500 Amsterdam), which product and location are checked first, based on these rule control settings? Product: Location: Continued on next page EX 250 (© 2010 SAP AG, All rights reserved 2008 ‘ScM670 Lesson: Rules-Based Availability Check a) Product: T-FI3A#H Location: 2400, DC Milan Task Create a calculation profile 1, Set up a calculation profile, CP##. For requirements whose requested delivery date is a long time in the future, the system should only include + Teceipts which are a maximum of 3 months before the requirements date. Confirmations can be 30 days after the requested delivery date. 8) Path: SAP Easy Access ~> SAP Menu —+ Advanced Planning and Optimization > Master Data > Rule Maintenance — Integrated Rule Maintenance | Choose Profiles and Parameters (top left), if necessary. Choose the Maintain Calculation Profile tab page on the left of the sereen, Choose Create New Calculation Profile. Enter the calculation CP## and calculation text Group ##, then choose Enter. Enter 30 days as the allowed delay. Enter 90 days asthe consumption mit, SetGGt th the Valid indicator for both these sow. Choose Save. Task 5: Create a rule 1. Create rale PROC#E. Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 251 Ey ‘BB otee, <2h, ann, Serae~ oceracepteaccornemnh Peet Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘SOM670 ‘The rule must be defined as “inclusive” and contain the product substitution 1, <> Procedure PS# and location determination procedure LS# you just created : (AX. Imaddition, you have to assign the rule control RC## and calculation profile ae un CP## to the rule PROC#E. a) Path: SAP Easy Access —> SAP Menu —» Advanced Planning and \ \) Sprimization— Maser Data Rule Maintenance — Integrated yy ayo \ Rule Maintenance. & Choose the Maintain Rule tab page on te left ofthe sereen. To create a ye \ * tule, choose Create New Rule. Enter the name PROC ## for the new rule and the description Group ##. Select rule type “Inclusive” on the Rule tab page on the right-hand side. yen at Select the parameter “Direct delivery without consolidation”. © ‘Do not edit the other parameters in the rule header. Choose Enter. Assign the product substitution procedure PS## to the rule PROC## as the product substitution procedure, Assign the location determination procedure LS## to the rule PROC# as the location determination procedure. Assign the rule control RC## to the rule PROC##. Choose Enter to Aisplay the combination and sequencing details. Assign the calculation profile CP## to the rule PROC##. Choose Save, Task 6: ‘Simulate the rule 1, Simulate the rile PROC## using the Evaluate Rule function in integrated rule maintenance. Check the result: There is an ordered sequence of products and locations. Continued on next page Ey 252 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 2008 Sapesee eet see center aeratat mm ono tonns eS eee ina SCM670 Losson: Rulos-Based Availability Check What is the sequence of the requirements? | a) Path: SAP Easy Access —> SAP Menu > Advanced Planning and Optimization —» Master Data Rule Maintenance — Integrated Rule Maintenance. While the rales are still being displayed on the left in integrated rule ‘maintenance, select PROC#, and choose the Evaluate Rule tab page on the right-hand side. Make sure that PROC## is selected as your | standard rule value for the simulation, Enter T-F13## and 2400 as the requested product and location for the evaluation. Choose Enter. Choose Start Evaluation to stat the simulation, b) There is an ordered sequence of products and locations. The ATP | of T-F13## is evaluated at locations 2400 and 2500 first, before the | product substitution T-F 14## is considered for ATP at locations 2400 and 2500. 2009 ‘© 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 253 7 “sg ocmsizame. ue ano DoresmecoNEsEEMON es HELE, WREATLAOMRES Sab aesahag oe s/o iiwmnennseowsonanse: ieee. SniL(eeaelcaangoeA. tent ovRtiens.ANYCRUSCeERGET. Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check SCMé70 © Lesson Summary ‘You should now be able to: + Explain and define product substitution + Explain and define location determination + Explain the PPM substitution + Describe and set up the calculation profile and rule control © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 EX 254 HLaGScSiee aviiiiubinainreyindt ‘SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination Lesson: Rule Determination Lesson Overview In the second part of the unit, we will deal with the condition technique. We defined substitution procedures using rules in the first part of the unit. Now, we need an automatic function so that the system can find the rules during the ATP check according to our specifications. You can use the condition technique in rules-based ATP to obtain this automatic function, ‘The condition technique is a flexible modeling approach that is used to determine the rules in rules-based ATP. You will now lear which elements the condition technique consists of and how you can define condition records to determine ‘your rules in the system. Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: + Explain the methodology and technology of ATP rule determination + Deseribe afield catalog and implement a condition table + Define an access sequence and condition type for ATP rule determination + Set up condition records for rule determination + Define the activation process for rules-based ATP Business Example Maxitee. Ltd. wants to introduce rules-based ATP. To do so, the rule determination using the condition technique must be configured. You as a project member have ‘been chosen to set up the condition technique for determining the rules. 2009) © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 255 ET Sapa awe hE aactceonaet rmcune weer ARNON BEopetuaeanoc souuelcrnmtaucagmancs vometonsener anscemracceacsr. Bitatadiiotosounuaturssectiousnaentavace, Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘ScM670 @ si A Rule ‘ternative location(s} ternative PPM explosion Alternative product(s) ae Figure 98: ATP Rules ‘You have defined many different rules. The prerequisites for which rule(s) is/are ‘used to check availability can be made dependent on any criteria and controlled specifically to a transaction, The condition technique is used for this. Different transactions may require different rules. For example, identical orders placed simultaneously by the same customer could require different checking rules if one of the orders is a rush order, ‘Moreover, it may be necessary to apply more than one of the rules you previously defined. A flexible sequence of rules then provides the required result. EX 256 {© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 ‘FEtemmisiotoponeme wrens ciemwonesccenmee, fee E ScMe7O Lesson: Rule Determination Figure 99: Condition table e Definition of characteristics that determine rule usage Field catalog 1 Sales organizaton = Division _| Sales organization 1 Distrbuton channel Soldto party 1 Soidto partly Product 1 Order ype EG 1 Product em category mr | echtmrset ee f | rene rnc Tamera —] | me | ‘You can make the usage of a rule dependent on certain characteristics or criteria, by using the condition table, ‘You can set up several condition tables in your system. Only specific condition tables are searched during a rules-based ATP check. Access sequences are used to control this, The system checks on the basis of transactions (in other words, using the | information from each document) whether there are rules defined that are | dependent on a specific key field vaiue. | You dotermine the sequence of the key fields according to when they were copied from the field catalog. If you want to change this sequence, you must delete the corresponding condition table and then create a new one. The condition table cannot be changed after it has been generated. However, you can delete the condition table at any time. To change the format of the fast entry screen, choose Tecimical view from the Create Condition Tables screcn. When formatting, you have the following options: Requested Function ‘Required Action Display the field as a header line Leave the Rows field blank. Display the field as a header line Set the Rows indicator. Display the ‘ex? for an item row Select the Text indicator. © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. ‘BRortereusee, we wane on z~scanesomma renames: Bu. MR MRATEMoMUntGS 257 EXT Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o @ 5a a aE a oo See eee values. Foros conor] oo ‘endon Tan SOL TSR TSue a7 fancenlleie Concent key WORE Naren ey ee: “ar YeoRG meu. | Raaara or [eee “ao Pata da iii eo Figure 100: Defining Rule Determination ‘Arnule (used in the ATP check) is assigned to a value of key fields from a condition table if the values of the key combinations match the field values of the sales order. ‘Slaidsion Sone 100 RS O85 em 1.905 10 26S. kA “The relevant rules ore det iis BS + and then evalsatod dapending on |S ‘he characteristics ofthe \ transaction pst that calls the availabilty check: \ re reg) Prarrerame ‘Sona ABI 100. Key fate: VRORGIAGPrecust Key toa: som YAORG [Product aan Paseo Figure 101: Execution of Rule Determination ‘When searching a condition table, the system finds a condition record that matches the specific field values from the sales order that triggered the ATP check, At runtime, each successfil access to a condition record retums a rule. This is taken {nto account in the current ATP check. EXY 258 © 2010 SAP AG. All ights reserved. 2008 scme70 Lesson: Rule Determination SORG: 1000 Check mod = so" pe senate oA resan [sen1e-00 orcs tn ees Figure 102: Configuration: Check instructions ‘The rules-based ATP check is only executed if the call to rules-based ATP is defined in the relevant check instructions. face] (earone Rarer feria nese Rojebas Ah +| imanua Result: Gating a1 1903 nob Figure 103: Configuration: Determining the Rule Strategy A prerequisite for rule determination is determination of the rule strategy. ‘Technical scenario: A teclnical scenario calls ATP check. The ERP system 3 -t determines the indicator for the technical scenario and transfers it to the ATP check together with the other parameters. You can specify in which technical soonarios the rules-based ATP check is executed. Examples: User transact (AA), EDI (DD), internet functions, or batch processing (BB). & s tthe OLTP system is an SAP ERP System, you must maintain the business = 3 4 (5° OSS transaction and assign it to an order type. In the SAP ERP system, choose the Customizing settings for Sales and Distribution Basic Functions — Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements — Availability Check — Rules-based Availability Check —» Define Business Transaction ~» Assign Business Transaction 10 a Sales Order Type. If you want to execute the rules-based availability check within multilevel ATP for the finished product and/or the components, you must define a business transaction for multilevel ATP. In the SAP SCM (APO) Customizing , choose SAP Implementation Guide—+ SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer —r Global Available-to-Promise —> Rules-Based Availability Check» Create Business Transaction for Multilevel ATP Check. create of chore 8 cory OO 2008 {© 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 259 EX Japa pu baminonme remnants Khe BRUArAAONMR SESSEEEESEISSS ape Soauesscamemsones pee ort wemcacteacer, | | Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Chock ‘scme7o Examples of transaction types: Create (A), change (B), copy (C). £ Hint: This value is determined by the application calling from the SAP ERP system. You can use your own values for simulations in the SAP SCM (APO) system. ‘You can define whether the calculation profiles of the rules involved should be handled as "supplements” or “substitutes”. You use this field to control how to use several calculation profiles that originate from gradual accesses. You can choose whether a subsequent rule overwrites or supplements. This means that a calculation profile can be evaluated in an access, and the result is applied to the next location and product substitution rule, ebeckinsncne [Ost ere ing sone 0 coaches [ condone se tie | Po acs sation Pe Resut: cating Ecenanon wpe | ney 09 101 edoetased a? = Rule strategy Figure 104: Configuration: Rule strategy (procedure) The rule strategy (also known as the condition procedure) identifies the steps to be followed during the rule determination process. Each step is a condition type. You use the rule strategy to identify the steps to be taken. Typically, only one condition type is necessary for each rule strategy, though the SAP SCM (APO) system supports several steps. This is because the flexibility provided by the access sequence (to handle multiple dependencies) makes more than one condition type unnecessary. A condition determines under which circumstances an access from the system to a specific condition type is excluded. EX 260 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 2000 See sa eee SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination “hese ence ‘Daceandton ‘tfssos Fea once eo te sees z “cn ae ore da ‘samedi he teyst ‘becandon atest, secre toes ‘ber? Koy ele YRORGIAProdut: ‘000 VRORG /Prosuet — Wauamae ars prog s0c0 03 Pea Boorse Figure 105: Configuration: Access sequence ‘The access sequence is an ordered list of condition tables used to search for condition records that match the values of the order. Finding a matching condition record is vital for identifying the correct rule procedure to be used in a specific ATP check. ‘The access sequence gives the rule determination process flexibility for handling conditional dependencies. This is because more than one condition table can be specified in an access sequence. However, not all condition tables have to be listed in an access sequence. Moreover, several condition tables could contain records. Therefore, the access sequence makes it possible to determine several rules, ‘Access sequences can be defined after the necessary condition tables have been created, To do so, enter a key and description for the access sequence and then go to the individual accesses. Choose the New Entriés field to create condition table entries. After completing this step, proceed to the field view and choose Save to generate the access sequence. If you go back to the previous screen (Accesses), you will notice that the access and condition table numbers can no Ionger be Changed. This means that the generation has been completed successfully. The condition can prevent the corresponding access being executed. Conditions are not currently supported. The Exclusive indicator stops the stepwise evaluation of the condition tables at runtime after the first successful access has been made. 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All ights reserved. 261 EY Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check soms70 ® toner pay i eee An access is successful ifthe characteristics | Nohts for the operation match the key fields in the > master records, ‘The systom ignores any inl kay flést | Figure 106: Configuration: Access Sequence “Free Key Fields” ‘You can assign the following access types to a key field: + Pied key field: ‘You must define values during rule determination for fields to which you have assigned the Fired key field access type. + Free key field: ‘You must define values during rule determination for fields to which you have assigned the Free key field access type. However, you must also assign a priority to these fields. ‘The system can also use the access type to define a rule if'no suitable values rave been transferred for free key fields from the sales order if the following conditions apply: + The values in the fixed key fields match the values from the sales order. + You have not defined values for any of the key fields that do not match the values from the sales order in the rule determination. EXY 262 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 2008 ‘SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination The Fixed key field access type is automatically assigned to all key fields of the access at the start. + This priority controls the way in which the system makes a unique selection from the condition records found during an access with free key fields. + The system only evaluates the condition record with the highest priority. If the key for a condition record contains a large number of high priority fields, the system is more likely to evaluate the condition record. + You can assign values from 01 (very high priority) to 99 (very low priority) for the priority. Hint: Note that you cannot assign the same priority to two fields. This is the only way to ensure that the access can determine # unique condition record, + The priority field is only ready for input for free key fields. Figure 107: Digression: Rule Strategy Sequence A rule strategy sequence defines which rule strategies can be evaluated in which order during a rules-based ATP check. A rule strategy sequence can contain inclusive and exclusive rule strategies. + Inclusive rule strategies: An inclusive rule strategy defines the search area (products and locations) in a rules-based ATP check using the rules it contains. Products and locations, which can be transferred to the ATP check as substitutions, are defined in these rules. + Exclusive nile strategies: An exclusive rule strategy defines exclusions, which can restrict the search area (products and locations) for inclusive rule strategies during a rules-based ATP check, using the rules it contains, 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 263 EY SCAAREDEM (iS tOnASROT. QRNCURTSceRUET. Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme70 You use rule strategy sequences to group rule strategies. The system evaluates rule strategies, which are assigned to a rule strategy sequence, during the same rules-based ATP check. The result of the evaluation is a substitution list with substitution location products. Grouping and collective evaluation of inclusive and exclusive rule strategies can mean that you do not need to define numerous conditions and rules. This applies particularly if you define exclusions to exclusions (exclusive rules in exclusive rule strategies) from substitution lists or alternatives to exclusions (alternative rules in exclusive rule strategies). Rule strategy sequence (RSS1) Figure 108: Example Scenario: Alternative Location ‘Temporary Plant Substitution with The above figure describes a useful example of the application of rule strategy sequences. It is also known as “Temporary plant substitution (with alternative location)”. Assume that you find your rules using the inclusive rule strategy RS2. ‘The substitution sequence for your rules will be as follows: Rule 1: 3800 (Denver) > 3300 (Los Angeles) -» 3350 (San Francisco) Rule 2: 3350 (San Francisco) —> 3800 (Deaver) —> 3100 (Chicago) Rule 3: 3400 (Seattle) + 3350 (San Francisco) > 3300 (Los Angeles) ‘The plant in San Francisco (3350) must be temporarily exchided from the ATP check for specific reasons (maintenance, damage by natural disaster and so on). Up to now, you had to delete plant 3350 from the list in all location determination procedures (that contain plant 3350). This was very time-consuming if there ‘were many rules/location determination procedures. Then you had to spend time later on, adding the plant to the ATP check again. ‘The rule strategy sequence enables the rules to be determined at a higher level than the rule strategy (namely EX? 264 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 2009 -ecareazer, sora nex un 2o/comssoumesenponeot Ham ‘SCM67O Losson: Rule Determination the rule strategy sequence). In this example, this means that the rules are now determined based on the rule strategy sequence RSSI. By defining exclusive rule strategy RSI and inclusive rule 4, location 3350 is excluded from the location substitution in all rules that exist in rule strategy RS2. You also have the option to 3300 (Los Angeles) —> 3700 (Orlando) Rule 2: 3700 (Orlando) ~» 3800 (Denver) —» 3100 (Chicago) Rule 3: 3400 (Seattle) + 3700 (Orlando) +> 3300 (Los Angeles) The result is issued in the form ofa hierarchical display. The scope of the display is dependent on your user-specific settings. You see the original requirement, the requirement item, the requirements schedule line as well as the substitution results in the hierarchically ordered requirements groups (colurnn 1) ‘The product and location are displayed per requirement item. The requirements date, the requirement quantity and the confirmed quantity, among other things, are displayed per requirements schedule line. On the right of the display, there are pushbuttons that you can choose to select further functions (for example, to display the rule or the ATP situation). In the display, from a user-specific point of view, you see failed checks and substitutions that have not contributed to covering the requirements. Unchecked check options are also displayed. © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 265 Ey Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme70 Figure 110: Excursus - Preselection of Substitutions In Customizing, as of SCM 5.0, you can activate “Preselect Suitable Substitutions”. ‘The system then simulates a rules-based ATP check (without temporary quantity assignments) and determines substitutions for the location product entered. The substitution list is displayed on the Preselect Suitable Substitutions (Simulation) seroca, You can sclect the most suitable combination of substitutions for each item on this sereen by selecting the indicator Copy/Reject Delivery Proposal. You can also specify a different quantity for the substitution proposed. The system performs a rules-based ATP check for the substitutions you have selected (with temporary quantity assignments). Following the rules-based ATP check, the system only displays the results screen in the following circumstances: + The system was not able to confirm all of the quantity you modified for at least one of the items. + Notall items checked were involved in the substitution preselection. EY 266 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2009 ‘SOM670, Lesson: Rule Determination Exercise 6: Rule Determination Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: + Set up determination of a rule during sales order entry + Use the simulation component of the rules-based ATP check + Execute the rules-based availability check in SAP SCM (APO) based on a sales order from the SAP ERP System, + Identify which order items the system creates in the rules-based availability check Business Example Maxitec Ltd, wants you to set up the criteria for determining the rule PROC#K. Assume that the following events will be sent from SAP ERP to SAP SCM (APO) when the simulative and actual OLTP availability check is executed. ‘Technical action type: AA Business event: A## Action type: A. & Hint: You will use PROC## as your rule, 2402 Jashanmal International Trading Company, Dubai, as your customer, and T-F13-## as your PC product (## is your group number). This information is used throughout these exercises. Task 1: Create a condition table. 1. Create the condition table 7## with the product and sold-to party fields. Task 2: Create an access sequence 1. Create access sequence 7## for table 7H Enter the description “Group ###”. Continued on next page 2000 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved 267 Sy ‘szociesuene. ge nny on ce conecogme ssunont WR Rus? 2FLAoMREGIIE a8 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check seme70 Task 3: Create a condition type. 1. Create the condition type CT## and link it to access sequence AS##. Enter the description “Group #2”. Task 4: Create a rule strategy 1. Create rule strategy STR##. Assign condition type CT## to rule strategy STR#E. Enter the description “Group ##”. Task 5: Assign a rule strategy 1, Create an entry for event AA-A##-A and assign schema STR## to your event AA-AMHE-A. Task 6: Create a condition record 1. Maintain the master record for rule determination. Check that rule “PROCH#” is determined according to your product T-F13## and sold-o party 2402 with reference to an operation during order processing. Enter the following data for condition type CT##: Field Name or Data Type ‘Values Product TRISH Sold-to party 0000002402 Rule PROCH#H# Task 7: Cheek the check instructions 1. Check the activation of the rules-based ATP check in the check instructions. Assume that you are creating a sales order and that check mode 050 is, transferted from the ERP system. Continued on next page SY 268 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 ‘SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination Task 8: Check the check control. 1, Make sure that the Consider CH (consider checking horizon) indicator is deactivated for the relevant check control, Task 9: Simulate the rule determination 1. Use the simulation component to verify the configuration of the rule and rule determination. The simulation should be performed for a value of product ‘T-FI3## and location DC 2400 Milan Enter the following characteristic values to enable the simulation: COperation-dependent activation parameters: AA — A##— A Use sold-to party 0000002402, Jashanmal Intemational Trading Company. Enter your product T-FI3##. Requirements date: Monday after next Quantity: 300 PC Task 10: Define a business transaction Define business transaction A## in the SAP ERP Customizing settings. Task 11: Assign the business transaction 1, Assign the business transaction to order type ZA## “Trade Fairfi# Order”. Task 12: Create a sales order 1, Now you can create a sales order in your SAP ERP System. The sales ‘order should refer to customer 2402 Jashanmal Intemational Traders. Sell the material T-F13# and a quantity of 300 pieces. The sales order data is given in the table below: Enter the following data: Continued on next page 2009 {© 2010 SAP AG. All ights reserved. 269 EY the logo easton Riot RAWCORTICIAECST Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme7o Field Name or Data Type ‘Values Order type ZAK Sales organization 2400 Distribution channel 10 Division 00 Sold-to party 2402 Purchase order mumber PO. Delivery date ‘A.week on Monday Plant 2400) Material TRISH Quantity 300 PC Analyze and interpret the result ofthe availability check. Do not save the order! © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 EX” 270 ‘ScMe70 Lesson: Rule Determination Solution 6: Rule Determination Task Create a condition table. 1. Create the condition table 7## with the product and sold-to party fields. 8) SAP SCM Implementation Guide: Advanced Planning and Optimization —+ Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) —» Rules-Based Availability Check —» Define Condition Table. In the dialog box, select the activity Create Condition Table (Usage O). Click Choose. : ‘) ‘Enter 7## in the Table field and choose Enter. Assign the product number and sold-to party fields either by double-clicking the field name in the right-hand column or by placing the cursor oa the field and choosing Select fieid. Choose Generate (Confirm the next warning message by choosing Enter). When asked | for the development class in the dielog box that appears, choose Local object. A log is generated. Choose Back twice and then choose Cancel (X) in the dialog box. Task 2: Create an access sequence 1. Create access sequence 7## for table 782. Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rghts reserved. 271 Ey Hae Aetsinomacerenerr. : Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o na we Enter the description “Group ##”, a) ‘SAP SCM Implementation Guide — Advanced Planning and Optimization + Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) Rules-Based Availability Check + Maintain Access Sequences. Confirm the information message that appears: “Table is cross-client”. Create access sequence AS##. To do so, choose New Eniries. Enter the description “Group #2”, Choose Enter. Assign condition table 7## to access sequence AS#. To do this, select the access sequence on the right of the screen and double-click Accesses (on the left) to get to next lower level of the table. Choose New Entries. Access No.__| Table 10 Tit . Choose Enter. Confirm the information message that states that the development class of condition table 7## is local if necessary. Select the row for access mumber 10 on the right-hand side and double-click Fields (on the left) to drill down to the field level. (This step is necessary for technical reasons). Choose Enter. Choose Save. Select an order that has been defined previously or create a new order on the dialog box for the Customizing order (see below). 1. Choose Create Request. Enter the short description “Changes Group ##” and then choose Save 2. After the request number is generated, choose Continue. The message Data saved appears. 3. Go back to the IMG (by choosing Back several times), Task 3: Create a condition type. Create the condition type CT## and link it to access sequence AS##. Continued on next page EY 272 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 scms70 Lesson: Rule Determination Enter the description “Group ##”, a) ‘SAP SCM Implementation Guide: Advanced Planning and Optimization — Global Available-to-Promise —> Rules-Based Availability Check > Maintain Condition Type. Choose New Entries. Condition type ___| Access sequence CTE ASH Task 4: Enter the description Group #8. Choose Save. Select an order that has been defined previously or create a new order on the dialog box for the Customizing order (sce below). 1. Choose Own Requests. | 2. From Own Requests, choose the number with the changes for ‘group ##, Choose Continue. The message Data saved appears. 3. Go back to the Implementation Guide (IMG). Create a rule strategy 1. Creat c rule strategy STR##. Assign condition type CT# to rule strategy STR#E. Corlition 07 wth Continued on next page 2009) ‘© 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 273 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scmo70 Enter the description “Group #2”, 8) SAP SCM Implementation Guide + Advanced Planning and Optimization —+ Global Available-to-Promise —+ Rules-Based Availability Check — Maintain Rule Strategy. Assign condition type CT## to rule strategy STR# Choose New Entries. Enter STR## as the strategy and “Group #" as the description. Set the rue strategy type to “Inclusive”. Choose Enter Select the strategy that you have just created for STRA# and double-click Control on the left-hand side of the screen. Choose New Entries and enter the data shown in the table below. Level Cnt. Condition type | Description and Condition 10 Leave blank | CT## Leave blank Choose Save and confirm the prompt for the Customizing request number, if it appears. The message “Data saved” appears. Go back to the Implementation Guide (IMG). Continued on next page EX” 274 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2000 SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination Assign a rule strategy 1. Create an entry for event AA-AMEA and assign schema STR## to your event AA-A#EA. a) SAP SCM Implementation Guide — Advanced Planning and Optimization > Global Available-to-Promise — Rules-Based Availability Check -» Assign Rule Strategy or Rule Strategy Sequence. Choose New Entries. phe 2 aL - : »yftfa_{ Technical seenar Note: Enter this Siebore F value. ged 4 Business Note: Enter this i transaction value. Ik $G .7€-_ | Action type ‘Note: Enter this value. Rule strategy Note: Do not enter sequence any data Strategy Handling | Substitute STR## | Use the input help of CP 4) Preselection Note: Deselect Choose Save and confirm the prompt for the Customizing request ‘number that appears. Go back to the Implementation Guide (IMG), Task 6: Create a condition record 1, Maintain the master record for rule determination. Check that rule “PROCi##” is determined according to your product T-FI3# and sold-to party 2402 with reference to an operation during order processing. Enter the following data for condition type CT##: Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 275 Ey eecenece cenrnegera Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o Field Name or Data Type ‘Values Product TRISH Sold-to party (0000002402 Rule PROCH#H a) In the SAP Fasy Access menu, choose: SAP Menu — Advanced Planning and Optimization > Master Data + Rule Maintenance —» Create Rule Determination. Enter the condition type: CT#, Choose Enter, Enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type ‘Values Product T-FI3# Sold-to party 0000002402 Rule PROC## Choose Save. Continued on next page Ey 276 {© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 2008 Zatehanantobsumecursuschinnomacceaaeer, SCM670 Lesson: Rule Determination Task 7: ‘Check the check instructions 1, Check the activation of the rules-based ATP check in the check instructions. Assume that you are creating @ sales order and that check mode 050 is transferred from the ERP system. a) Inthe SCM system, call Customizing transaction SPRO. SAP SCM Implementation Guide — Advanced Planning and Optimization > Global Available-to-Promise > General Settings —» Maintain Check Instructions. Select the combination: check mode 050 / business event; A. Choose Details (magnifying glass). Product check: First step Allocation: No check Forecast: No check Activate RBA: Select Start immediately: Do not select InC master data: Do not select Start product(ion): Availability check only, no production The remaining parameters in the check instructions are not relevant and ‘you can leave the default values as they are. Choose Save and confirm the prompt for the Customizing request number that appears. Go back to the Implementation Guide (IMG). Continued on next page 2008 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 277 s-Ginconmisopnniese a Hi RRL ATinoRUnAOS Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check _ scme70 Task 8: Check the check control. 1. Make sure that the Consider CH (consider checking horizon) indicator is deactivated for the relevant check control a) Inthe SCM system, call Customizing transaction SPRO. SAP SCM Implementation Guide > Advanced Planning and Optimization > Global Available-to-Promise — Product Availability Check —» Maintain Check Control. Select the combination: ATP group 02 / business event: A. Choose Details. Set the Consider CH to No Checking Horizon. Choose Save. Go back to the Implementation Guide (IMG). Task 9: Simulate the rule determination 1. Use the simulation component to verify the configuration of the rule and rule determination. The simulation should be performed for a value of product ‘T-F13## and location DC 2400 Milan, Enter the following characteristic values to enable the simulation: Operation-dependent activation parameters: AA — A##— A Use sold-to party 0000002402, Jashanmal International Trading Company. Enter your product T-P13##. Requirements date: Monday after next Continued on next page EY 278 © 2010 SAP AG. All Aghts reserved. 2009 FEppuind loboshtarsnvsaecsvanomececaener SCM6TO Lesson: Rule Determination a) Inthe SAP Easy Access menu, choose: SAP Menu — Advanced Planning and Optimization ~+ Global ATP — Reporting —r ATP (Simulation Enter the following data on the initial screen: Enter the data for your product ‘T-F13## and location 2400. Choose check made 080. Choose Business Event A. Use the date a week Monday as the material availability date. Entet 300 PC as the requirement quantity. Choose Execute. Enter the following characteristic values to enable the simulation: Action-dependent activation parameters: AA — A##— A Use sold-to party 0000002402 Jashanmal International Trading Company. Enter your product T-F13##. “The Global ATP graphic appears. Task 10: Define a business transaction 1, Define business transaction A## in the SAP ERP Customizing settings. a) Inthe ERP system, call Customizing transaction SPRO, SAP Customizing Implementation Guide + Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions —+ Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements — Availability Check — Rule-based Availability Check — Define ‘business transaction Choose New Entries BT: Age Business transaction: Text: “ATP Group ##” Save your entries. ‘Continued on next page 2008 {© 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved 279 Ey ‘FeGepnasiecousiomarivaasiushenarcseawee Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o Task 11: Assign the business transaction 1. Assign the business transaction to order type ZA#! “Trade Fairit# Order". a) In the ERP system, call Customizing transaction SPRO. SAP Customizing Implementation Guide —+ Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions + Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check + Rule-based Availability Check —+ Assign business transaction to sales order type Locate sales document type ZA#H# in the list. Choose Derails (magnify glass). Scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter business transaction A# in the “Business Transaction’ field, Save your entries. Task 12: Create a sales order 1. Now you can create a sales order in your SAP ERP System. The sales order should refer to customer 2402 Jashanmal International Traders. Sell the material T-F13## and a quantity of 300 pieces. The sales order data is given in the table below: Enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Values Order type ZAUH Sales organization 2400 Distribution channel 10 Division 00 Sold-to party 2402, Purchase order number POE Delivery date ‘A week on Monday Plant 2400 Material TEI3#E Quantity 300 PC Analyze end interpret the result of the availability check. Continued on next page EY 280 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 BeGehaiats otaubuer-nrsaetsuanonaccousnee. rare scw670 Lesson: Rule Determination Do not save the order! 2) Call the transaction VAOI (Create Sales Order). Enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Values Order type ZAs# Sales organization 2400 Distribution channel 10 Division 00. Sold-to party 2402 Purchase order number PO-## Delivery date ‘A week on Monday Plant 2400 Material T-FISHE Quantity 300 PC Analyze and interpret the result of the availability check. Do not save the order! 2008 © 2010 SAP AG, All rights reserved. ‘Seema ue tase sre ononme epmane me MRAP nom 281 SY Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme70 6 Lesson Summary You should now be able to: Explain the methodology and technology of ATP rule determination Describe a field catalog and implement a condition table Define an access sequence and condition type for ATP rule determination Set up condition records for rule determination Define the activation process for rules-based ATP EX” 282 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 2009 EE ere EIS lcemaamen scM670 Lesson: Intorchangeability Master Data Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data Lesson Overview This Iesson deals with interchangeability master data. You will be introduced to the interchangeability master data and will learn how to configure the product interchangeability master data Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: + Explain the options for the interchangeability master data + Define interchangeability master data + Configure the use of interchangeability master data Business Example To date, Maxitec Ltd. has not mapped interchange scenarios in the SAP system. Instead, interchange scenario data was managed in non-SAP systems or in spreadsheet programs. This resulted significant additional work such as the need to modify planning runs in the SAP system every time a product was removed from or introduced onto the market, The introduction of the global ATP has now ‘made the process yet more complex because the interchange scenarios must now take account of the availability check, Moreover, since product lifecycles at Maxitec Ltd. are, on the whole, increasingly short, the decision was made to seek 1 practical way to map interchange scenarios in the SAP system landscape. At the same time, in the future, the interchange scenarios defined in the SAP system landscape must be taken into account both in planning and in the availability check, You are a product manager at Maxitec Ltd. responsible for a particular product range. As a member of the project team assembled to introduce the global ATP, you want to get an overview of the options for defining interchange scenarios. © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 283 Ey nso -AReRoNE NANETORRERDY CRWCRRTEESRCET. Fetensinst iohsmmacersaa iumonacseaneer” Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme7o e Interchangeability Groups Drag and drop Te rene roralocsons_ Figure 111: Interchangeability Group and Group Type ‘The master data for product and location interchangeability is the central data required to create interchangeability scenarios for planning and global available-to-promise (global ATP). It includes information about products, locations and the conditions for product substitutions. ‘You use product interchangeability for logistical processes in which one product, is to be replaced with e different product. This type of substitution can have a significant impact on planning and execution. It is therefore important for example to know the circumstances in which a product can replace another product. A substitution takes place for example because the new product is an improved version of the old product. A product substitution can also take place for delivery reasons. It may be the case that you have several sources of supply and normally use the cheapest, but sometimes have to use a different one. EX 284 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 2009 Se a ervcanrecencet, ScM670 e Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data Product substitutions ‘Supérsedsion chain <—“FiF dlass CR GE Dissnedes \ Product substitution ec. é eee Location determination Figure 112: interchangeability Group and Group Type AS of SCM 5.0, locations can be substituted using the interchangeability master data (the product interchangeability master data was then renamed interchangeability master data). You can now model your interchangeability scenario completely using the interchangeability master data. + Supersession chain: In this case, a product is substituted with a new product, which is more technically advanced or can be manufactured more efficiently. It is possible to include several products in a supersession chain, The simplest form of product substitution is discontinuation. Discontinuation only involves one product pair. Two possible relationship types are available for the discontinuation steps: forward interchangeability and full interchangeability. If forward interchangeability is possible for a product, it can only be substituted in one direction. This means that a product A can be replaced by product B, but product B cannot be teplaced by product A. If fall interchangeability is possible for a product, product A can be replaced by product B and product B can be replaced by product A. + Form-Fit-Funetion Classes: An FFF class contains several products, which can be used in an order and all have identical technical attributes (form, fi and function). Planning is only carried out for one product (the leading product), It is only possible to procure or manufacture the leading product. + Product substitution procedure:. 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 285 Sy Unit 7: Rules-Based Av lability Check ‘some7o A product substitution procedure is « grouping of multiple product interchangeability groups. Product interchangeability allows you to combine multiple interchangeability groups in a product substitution procedure. ‘You use this interchangeability group type to save information on product substitution to improve integration with rules-based ATP. int: The product substitution procedure is part of a rule in rules-based ATP. + Location chain: ‘A location chain represents a sequential relationship between locations that can be substituted for one another. + Location list: Locations are grouped in location lists. This is similar to how products are grouped in FFF classes. This group type does not contain any substitution information. You use this group type to combine locations in a specific sequence as fully interchangeable locations. + Location determination procedure: ‘You combine interchangeability groups for location substitution in a location determination procedure. This group type is similar to the product, substitution procedure (PSP) in product interchangeability. Hint: The location determination procedure is part of a rule in rules-based ATP. + Location product substitution chain: A location product substitution chain represents a sequential relationship between location products that can be substituted for one another. + Location product substitution procedure: ‘You combine interchangeability groups for location substitution in a Location substitution procedure. This group type is similar to the product substitution procedure (PSP) in product interchangeability. Hint: The location product substitution procedure is part of a rule in rules-based ATP. EY 286 (© 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 2009 Hees cen ciara a ... See ‘SOMs70 Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data Supersession chain FFF class = Sequential relationship between 1 Summary of products with ful products that ean be exchanged for interchangeably that al have the same Seon other technology-relevant properties (Term, and function) 1 Primarily used for seting up use- ‘upsubsttution scenarios 1 No vataty date 1% Subsition type determines thetype | m Only the leading product can be ordered of product eubstution Figure 113: Product Substitutions: Substitution Chains and FFF Classes During product substitutions, there are two modeling options: as substitution cchains or as FFF classes. Substitution chains represent sequential relationships between products that can be substituted for one another. On the other hand, FFF classes are a combination of products that agree in their form (F), fit (F) function (F), and can be substituted for one another. However, only the leading product can be ordered for FFF classes. ‘Substitution chain - substitution type + One-to-one substitution + One-to-n substitution + neto-one substitution + nto-m substitution + Multi-level substitution, 2009 (© 2010 SAP AG, All rights reserved 287 ET Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme70 ‘One-to-one substitution: One product is replaced by another product, This process is also known as Discontinuation, A product is replaced by an assembly. + One-to-n substitution: One product is replaced by a group that consists of several products: A > (B, C). This type of products group is also referred 10 as a product combination. An individual product is replaced by several products as a result of specific conditions (such as the vehicle model). + mto-one substitution: A group of products is replaced by a single assembly. Several different products are replaced by the same product: (A, B) — C. + n-to-m substitution: A group of products is replaced by another group of products. + Multi-level substitution: A replaced product is replaced again by @ new product or a group of products, This may involve several one-to-one substitutions, several one-to-n substitutions or a combination of these two types. Multi-level substitution is not controlled using the user interface for the ‘master data for product interchangeability, rather it is controlled using an indicator in the respective SAP APO applications that use product interchangeability, ‘vatpom date th 7 ili pe ‘ | ar es 2/0 Pg Figure 114: Consumption Strategies If you use substitution chains, you must define a consumption strategy. If you specified “Forward” (forward substitution) as the substitution direction, you ‘can choose between the options Yes, Restricted and No. If you choose the Yes consumption strategy, the system first checks the availability of the requested product, Only if itis not available, the alternative product is selected. The Restricted consumption strategy is similar, except that here you also specify an interval (valid-fom date -valid-to date). Ifthe check date is after the valid-to date, SY” 288 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2009 “eecnerren ae anug once cmmtnurcennamnas an menisoiomuntes She ia eR Tee cota SORE TRRESER WotR emecomescance, SESH Reamer ate ‘SCM670 Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data the system does not check the availability of the requested product, but directly checks the availability of the alternative product. If you use the No consumption strategy, the system immediately switches to the alternative product when the valid-from date is reached without checking the availability of the requested product. Ifyou use the “Full” substitution direction, you can only choose between the Yes and Restricted consumption strategies. Maintain Check instructions ™ Activate rules-based availability check = Select "Master data interchangeability” = Select the "Start immediately” rule . femaining requirement” deci "Validity mode” decision Figure 115: Configuration of The Usage of Product interchangeability Master Data ‘When you use the interchangeability master data, rules-based ATP must be activated. © 2010 SAP AG. All ights reserved 289 7 Sereser, gore nuoe jo concn sepmenst ca RRARL A ORM ERS an ieee ian 7 Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘scme7o ‘cheskinsivens A Hatt Ra Result (Cling clap nsed ATE [1 away mas dab]) [EI vinceg as Dect cetrninatin of Determination ofr Fterhengeany eegtne condition imester dae twcigu Figure 116: Possible Uses of Interchangeability Master Data There are two ways to use interchangeability master data: ‘The first option is to use interchangeability master data directly. In this case, you set the options Master data interchangeability and Start immediately (Gtart time for rule-based ATP) in the check instructions. With regard to the remaining requirement, set the option Remaining requirement according to product interchangeability master data in the check instructions. With direct use of interchangeability master data, rule-based ATP is called, but no rules are determined. Instead, the system branches directly to the interchangeability master data and determines the substitution chains defined in the system based on the ocument jtem transferred for the ATP check. In other words, for direct use of interchangeability master data you do not need to define any rules or, consequently, any condition records for the determination of rules, in the system. However, the use of location substitutions is not possible when using interchangeability master data directly; only product substitutions are supported. The second option is to use interchangeability master data using rules. In this case you set neither the Master data interchangeability not the Remaining requirement according to product interchangeability master data option in the check instructions. When using the interchangeability master data using rules, the system applies condition records to determine rules that are processed in rules-based ATP. However, the rules are no longer assigned to product/location substitution lists. Instead, you assign the rules to product substitution procedures or location determination procedures. These must be created beforehand in master data maintenance for the interchangeability master data, The product substitution procedures and location determination procedares, in turn, reference substitution EY” 290 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights rosorved. 2009 Lesson: Intorchangeability Master Data seme7o : chains or location chains in which the actual substitution scenarios are defined, ‘When using interchangeability master data using rules, you can model product replacement scenarios as well as location substitution scenarios. 2008 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 291 EXT Hea neoecawane ee fowaconracceacee, Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scms7o Ey 292 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 2009 ‘ScM670 :_Interchangeability Master Data Exercise 7: Interchangeability Master Data Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: + Configure the use of interchangeability master data + Maintain interchangeability master data Business Example PC products sold by Maxitec Ltd. are subject to continuous ongoing development. It may be necessary to substitute products that are technically out-dated with new products, These interchange scenarios are not managed in the SAP system so far. With the interchangeability master data you are now able to observe discontinuations and introductions of products in the context of the availability check, In addition, you arc supposed to set up location substitutions with interchangeability master data so that, in the future, there will still only be cone central place for maintaining product and location substitutions. You are the Maxitec Ltd. product manager and want to find out about the options that interchangeability master data offers you. Hint: You will work with the PC products T-F13## and T-F14##, where ‘is your group number. In addition, you will use locations 2400 and 2500 as your distribution centers (DC). During the ATP check, you want the system to check for product T-F13## in locations 2400 and 2500 first, and then for product T-F14## also in locations 2400 and 2500. Task 1: In this exercise, you will use the rule that you defined in the exercise for lesson 7. You will also use the rule determination that you created in the exercise for lesson 8. The aim of this exercise is to show you how you can work with the interchangeability master data instead of the product and location substitution lists from rule maintenance. 1. Create a location list. Create a location list to substitute location 2400 for location 2500 (2400 —» 2500). Choose “LL_GROUP_##” as the group name and “Location list: Group #2” as the group description (replace ## with your group number). ‘Then save your entries. Release the location list (the status changes from In Processing to Released), 2. Assign the location list to the model Continued on next page 2009) {© 2010 SAP AG. All rghts reserved. 293 BLY ‘Faoeetes Sue. eoumitcenmccucwama sue Mroietoneemnr muccaRraccencar. ‘TRiaralatiSusuernwvesactianonscreaneer Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Chock scmero Assign the location list that you have just created “LL_GROUP_##" to the model 000. Save your entries. 3, Create a location determination procedure ‘Now create a location determination procedure. Give your location determination procedure the name “LDP_GROUP_##” and the description “Location determination procedure: Group #1?” (replace ## with your group | number). | Assign the location list that you created in step 9-1 to your location determination procedure. Then save your entries. Release the location | determination procedure (the status changes from “In Processing” to “Released”). 4, Assign the location determination procedure to the model Assign the location determination procedure that you have just created “LDP_GROUP_##” to the model 000. Save your entries. 5. Create a supersession chain Create a supersession chain to substitute product T-F13# for product ‘T-FL4i##. Give your supersession chain the name “SC_GROUP_##” and the description “Supersession chain: Group ##” (replace ## with your group number). ‘Maintain 2400 and 2500 as the allowed locations. Now maintain the substitution of T-F13#H#t for T-F14## and enter the following data: replacement type Product -Produet, Prec, Mem. Product Predecessor TPIS PrQuaFact. 1 Successor T-FLati ‘SuQuaFact. 1 Valid From| Today Direction Forward Use-up Restricted ‘Then choose Enter. This releases the “Use-up Date” field and you can ‘maintain a value there. Enter the following value in the “Use-up Date” field: “Today + 2 weeks. Continued on next page EX” 204 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 2008 ‘Eaoc aan, yon sr doy be oRR:SORNONTEL BE. RRL ATACOBHBELE Sarees ee eum vamonarceenece. _ scme7o Lesson: Interchangeability Mastor Data Save your entries. Then change the status of the supersession chain from “In Process” to “Released” 6. Assign the supersession chain to the model Assign the supersession chain that you have just created “SC_GROUP_##” to the model 000. Save your entries. 7. Create a produet substitution procedure Create a product substitution procedure for the supersession chain that you created in step 9-4. Choose “PSP_GROUP_##” as the name and “Product substitution procedure: Group ## as the description (replace ## with your ‘group number). Save your entries. Then change the status of the product substitution procedure from “In Process” to “Released”. 8. Assign the product substitution procedure to the model Assign the product substitution procedure that you have just created “PSP_GROUP_##” to model 000. Save your entries, 9, Assign the location determination procedure and product substitution procedure to the rule Go to rule “PROC##” that you created in step 5 of the exercise for lesson 7. Remove the product substitution procedure and the location determination procedure entered there. Go to the tab page “Prod. + Loc. Subst. (Inc MD)" and enter “PSP_GROUP._##” as the product substitution procedure and “LDP_GROUP_##” as the location determination procedure. Check that your rule works correctly by going to the “Evaluate Rule” tab page and entering “T-F13##” as the requested product and “2400” as the requested location. Choose Enter and then “Start Evaluation”. 10. Check the check instructions In check instructions “OSO/A”, check that the following parameters have the values specified below. If this is not the case, change the settings accordingly. If you make a change, censure that you save it Product availability check: First step Activate RBA: ‘Yes (indicator set) InC master data: No (indicator not set) Start immediately: ‘Yes (indicator set) Continued on next page 2000 © 2010 SAP AG, All ights reserved. 295 SEP RFe ate Sei ceebeea ota anmarr gem mero Feo setitawenic conmicortmanuicwammons Pane tOnmemne MEECRMYSCEERCEY. SEigtaclsStossaveraeeavanssaboceesee Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check ‘SoM670 Remaining requirement: “Create remaining requirement for source location product” Task 2: Check the rules-based ATP in the ATP simulation 1. Use the simulation component to verify the configuration of the rule and, rule determination, Enter 100 pieces as the required quantity and today + 1 week as the required date. What is the result of the ATP check? Enter today +3 weeks as the requested date and carry out an ATP check. ‘What is the result now? Is it different from the previous result, and if yes, why? Ey 296 © 2010 SAP AG, Al rights reserved 2008 feat. na nou eek sepROM TA we MRA AA ‘FEzenwiiotonsniws aivauerciemoneccesseet. : scMme7o Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data Solution 7: Interchangeability Master Data Task 1: In this exercise, you will use the rule that you defined in the exercise for lesson 7. You will also use the rule determination that you created in the exercise for lesson 8. The aim of this exercise is to show you how you can work with the interchangeability master data instead of the product and location substitution lists from rule maintenance 1. Create location it Create Wrlocati6 list to substitute location 2400 for location 2500 (2400+ 2500). Choose “LL_GROUP_##” as the group name and “Location list: Group ##” as the group description (replace ## with your group number). ‘Then save your entries. Release the location list (the status changes from In Processing to Released). a) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu —+ Advanced Planning and Optimization > Master Data —> Application Specific Master Data + Product and Location Interchangeability —> Maintain Interchangeability Group. Choose Create (blank sheet icon), go to the “Header” tab page and enter the following data Group type: Location list Group: LL_GROUP_## Group description: Location list: Group ## Enter the following data on the “Details” tab page: Item Number: Location 10 2400 20 2500 b) Release your interchangeability group using the button with the green flag. 2. Assign the location list to the model Continued on next page 2009 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 297 EY demon topetonntibr.euvcanrectencer, Unit 7: Rutes-Based Availability Check ‘scme70 ‘Assign the location list that you have just created “LL_GROUP_##” to the ‘model 000. Save your entries. a) Todo this, choose “Model Assignment” on the screen for changing the interchangeability groups. You come to a sereen where you can make model assignments. Move model “000” from the right-hand frame to your location list “LL_GROUP_#4° wing drag and drop, Save the model assignment. 3. Create location determination procedure’) Yn le Wa iM grnnce Now create a location determination procedure. Give your location determination procedure the name “LDP_GROUP_##" and the description “Location determination procedure: Group ##" (replace ## with your group number). Assign the location list that you created in step 9-1 to your location determination procedure, Then save your entries. Release the location determination procedure (the status changes from “In Processing” to “Released”. a) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu ~» Advanced Planning and Optimization —» Master Data + Application-Specifie Master Data — Product and Location Interchangeability + Maintain Interchangeability Group. Choose Create (blank sheet icon), go to the “Header” tab page and enter the following data: Group type: Location Determination Procedure Group: LDP_GROUP_## Group description: Location determination procedure: Group # b) Enter the following data on the “Deals” tab page: Item Number: Subgroup 10 LL_GROUP_# ©) Confirm your entries using the button with the green flag. 4. Assign the location determination procedure to the model Continued on next page EXY 298 (© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 “octane te ona Sos canncmms septa Wa RR A2 mine ‘FESsBusal fouonvenceraner Samenacentseer 7 scm670 Assign the location determination procedure that you have just created “LDP_GROUP_##” to the model 000. Save your entries, a) Todo this, choose “Model Assignment” on the screen for changing the interchangeability groups. You come toa screen where you can make ‘model assignments, ‘Move model “000” from the right-hand frame to your location Lesson: Intorchangeability Master Data determination procedure “LDP_GROUP_##” using drag and drop. Save the model assignment. Create a supersession chain Create a supersession chain to substitute product T-F13## for product ive your supersession chain the name “SC_GROUP_##” and the T-EL4HE. description “Supersession chain: Group #2" (replace # with your group number), Maintain 2400 and 2500 as the allowed locations. ‘Now maintain the substitution of T-F13## for T-F14## and enter the following data: replacement type Product -Produet Prec. Mem. Product Predecessor TRISH PrQuaFact 1 Successor TEIaH SuQuaFact. 1 Valid From Today Direction Forward Use-up Restricted ‘Then choose Enter. This releases the “Use-up Date” field and you can ‘maintain a value there. Enter the following value in the “Use-up Date” field: Today + 2 weeks. Continued on next page 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 299 EY Unit 7: Rules-Basod Availability Check ‘some70 Save your entries. Then change the status of the supersession chain from “In Process” to “Released”. a) Path: SAP Easy Access > SAP Menu — Advanced Planning ‘and Optimization + Master Data —» Application-Specific Master Data — Product and Location Interchangeability —» Maintain Interchangeability Group. ‘Choose Create (blank sheet icon), go to the “Header” tab page and center the following data: Group type: Supersession chain Group: SC_GROUP_## Group description: Supersession chain: Group ## 1b) Maintain the allowed locations 2400 and 2500 on the “Locations” tab age. ©) Now maintain the substitution of T-F13## for T-F14## and enter the following data: Enter the following data on the “Details” tab page: ‘Substitution type Product -Product Prec, Mem, Product Pre. Prod. TRISH PrQuaFact L Succ, Mem. TRA SuQuaFact. 1 ‘Valid from ‘Today Direction Forward Use-up Restricted ‘Then choose Enter. This releases the “Use-up Date” field and you can maintain a value there. Enter the following value in the “Use-up Date” field: Today + 2 weeks. Save your entries. Then change the status of the supersession chain from “In Process” to “Released” Confirm your entries using the button with the green flag. 6. Assign the supersession chain to the model Continued on next page EX” 300 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 ‘SELepnanLstouounumsurantenamOnArsER Os 7 eee ‘SCM670 of pon Losson: Intorchangeability Master Data Assign the supersession chain that you have just created “SC_GROUP_##” to the mode! 000. Save your entries. a) Todo this, choose “Model Assignment” on the screen for changing the interchangeability master data. You come to a screen where you can make model assignments. ‘Move model “000” from the right-hand frame to your supersession chain “SC_GROUP_##” using drag end drop. Save the model assignment ie e 7 2 MANU he 7. Create a product substi 1 proceduse- > Pale Create a product substitution procedtifé for the supersession chain that you ‘created in step 9-4, Choose “PSP_GROUP_##” as the name and “Product substitution procedure: Group ##” as the description (replace ## with your group number). Save your entries. Then change the status of the product substitution procedure from “In Process” to “Released” a) Path: SAP Easy Access + SAP Menu —+ Advanced Planning ‘and Optimization > Master Data — Application-Specific Master Je aY & Data — Product and Location Interchangeability — Mainiain OS * Interchangeabitity Group. Apes Choose Create (blank sheet icon), go to the “Header” tab page and G center the following data: Group type: Product Substitution Procedures Group: PSP_GROUP_## Group description: Product substitution procedure: Group ### Enter the following data on the “Details” tab page: Item Namber: Subgroup 10 SC_GROUP_## b) Forthe release, click the button with the green flag in the menu bar. Assign the product substitution procedure to the model Continued on next page 2008 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved 301 EI BRreec SSB ea Stat Saserencenactcoemener meee EE PREIS See reoeemeeonne gees Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scms70 ‘Assign the product substitution procedure that you have just created “PSP_GROUP_##” to model 000. Save your entries. a) Todo this, choose “Model Assignment” on the screen for changing the interchangeability master data, You come to a screen where you can make mode! assignments. ‘Move model “000” from the right-hand frame using drag and drop to your product substitution procedure “PSP_GROUP_##”. Save the ‘model assignment. 9, Assign the location determination procedure and product substitution procedure to the rule Go to rule “PROC##" that you created in step 5 of the exercise for lesson 7. Remove the product substitution procedure and the location determination procedure entered there. Go to the tab page “Prod, + Loc. Subst. (InC MD)” and enter “PSP_GROUP_##” as the product substitution procedure and “LDP_GROUP_##” as the location determination procedure. Check that your rule works correctly by going to the “Evaluate Rule” tab page and entering “T-F13##" as the requested product and “2400” as the requested location. Choose Enter and then “Start Evaluation”. a) Path: SAP Easy Access > SAP Menu —> Advanced Planning and Optimization + Master Data —> Rule Maintenance —» Integrated Rule Maintenance. Now go to the “PROC##” rule. Remove the product substitution procedure and the location determination procedure entered there. Go to the tab page “Prod. + Loc. Subst. (InC MD)” and enter “PSP_GROUP_##” as the product substitution procedure and “LDP_GROUP_##” as the location determination procedure. Save your entries. Check that your nile works correctly by going to the “Evaluate Rule” tab page and entering “T-F13##” as the requested product and “2400” as the requested location. Choose Enter and then “Start Evaluation”. 10, Check the check instructions. In check instructions “OS0/A”, check that the following parameters have the values specified below. If this is not the case, change the settings accordingly. If you make a change, ensure that you save it Continued on next page EY” 302 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2008 ‘scme70 :_Interchangeability Master Data Product availability check: First step Activate RBA: ‘Yes (indicator set) InC master data: No (indicator not set) Start immediately ‘Yes (indicator set) Remaining requirement: “Create remaining requirement for source location product” a) Path: SAP SCM- Implementation Guide: Advanced Planning and Optimization + Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) — General Settings = Maintain Check Instructions In check instructions “OSO/A”, check that the following parameters have the values specified below. If this is not the case, change the settings accordingly. If you make a change, ensure that you save it Product availability check: First step Activate RBA: Yes (indicator set) InC master data: No (indicator not set) Start immediately: Yes (indicator set) Remaining requirement: “Create remaining requirement for source location product” Task 2: Check the rules-based ATP in the ATP simulation L Use the simulation component to verify the configuration of the nule and rule determination, Enter 100 pieces as the required quantity and today + 1 week as the required ate, What is the result of the ATP check? Continued on next page 2009) aE AR a eco tone cnpmtr Re © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved, 303 EY examen mae rrioBEse: Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme70 a) SAP Easy Access menu: Advanced Planning and Optimization > Global ATP —+ Reporting + ATP Simulation Enter the following data on the initial sereen: Enter the data for your product T-F13## and location 2400, Choose check mode 050. Choose business event A. Choose today + 1 week as the material availability date. Enter /00 PC as the requirement quantity. Enter the following characteristic values to enable the simulation: Action-dependent activation parameters: AA — Att#— A Use sold-to party 0000002402 Jashanmal Intemational Trading Company. Enter your product T-FI3##, ‘The Global ATP graphic appears, 5) In location 2400, 50 pieces of product T-F1300 can be confirmed, and 50 pieces of product T-F1400. 2. Enter today +3 weeks as the requested date and carry out an ATP check. What is the result now? Is it different from the previous result, and if yes, why? Continued on next page EX 304 © 2010 SAP AG. Al rights reserved. 200 ScM670 a) b) Lesson: Interchangeability Master Data. SAP Easy Access menu: Advanced Planning and Optimization —» Global ATP -+ Reporting > ATP Simulation Enter the following data on the initial sereen: Enter the data for your product T-F13## and location 2400, Choose check mode 050. Choose business event A. Choose today +3 weeks as the material availability date. Enter 100 PC as the requirement quantity. Enter the following characteristic values to enable the simulation: Action-dependent activation parameters: AA ~ A##— A Use sold-to party 0000002402 Jashanmal International Trading Company. Enter your product T-F13##, ‘The Global ATP graphic appears. Since the expiration date for the product substitution has been exceeded, only the 50 pieces of product T-F1440 can be confirmed. ‘The temaining requirement is then transferred to the location product T-F1400/2400, according to the interchangeability master data. 2009 © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 305 EY Eb yeste nth. ten Seice™ natconotonniciuvetnne aes. 77 ORMRENS ing oan Gn REcaAaance tasetonaTant emscenreciencer, sinidicast Siamesacechoees + Unit 7: Rules-Based Availability Check scme7o e@ EX” 306 Lesson Summary ‘You should now be able to: + Explain the options for the interchangeability master data + Define interchangeability master data + Configure the use of interchangeability master data © 2010 SAP AG, All rights reserved. 2009 sateuere rotten santana gay en an-nimoments scme7o Unit Summary Unit Summary ‘You should now be able to: Explain and define product substitution Explain and define location determination Explain the PPM substitution Describe and set up the calculation profile and rule control Explain the methodology and technology of ATP rule determination Describe a field catalog and implement a condition table Define an access sequence and condition type for ATP rule determination Set up condition records for rule determination Define the activation process for rules-based Al Explain the options for the interchangeability master data Define interchangeability master data Configure the use of interchangeability master data 2009 {© 2010 SAP AG, All ights reserved 307 EY eae a ace bermicmmrc enn A ARADO OMON SED Sadis0sSesunimcieeewcbunonascoetece, Unit Summary scme70, EX 308 © 2010 SAP AG. All righis reserved. 2009 Ppoveettiuen cso cleatcucwanaonn unmet to CM eR. HEARLidtdhsionmcnrcastanoensessnere. eee Fe seeae o coeeu eens eeneeee tar feta tor epmeamrscamcs ieaaeinousleenneeee rm :

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