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2086959,0501-QUNEMC EMEC test report for moulded case electronic circuit breakers, models UP 630X and HIBL 1203NE ‘Arnhem, November 3, 2008 ‘Author G.H.J. van Wee KEMA Quaiiy BV. By order of Hyundai Heay Industries Co, Lid. At Ulsan Korea ia an EMA Qty, Urectseog 31, 612AR Annan #0 Box 585, 6602 ED Ant The Needs ‘Te31 263582015 Fest 3935259 00 cstanergonacow wwe co Reger tn DHE [KEL att, Arba. Nera ABE se le pened cure ny at al vrs of i cane ny ma aoe, dg uot ‘itp ce oscar bean roe wean ag PF fe) ane ral ao rows ea eae wt eva. ets Ghatly artes cris dan fai ay dec nec cn ‘Sete fon snare fay tart smn “ne amar th para tani rds ht wit a oie wih cna on, htion charge, deco lay ees ad Socom 2 2096050,0501-QUNEMC CONTENTS page CONCLUSION 4 SUMMARY, 6 1 Model information 8 1.1 Model desertion 8 1.2 Environment 7 —_ 9 1.3 Classication. 9 2 General information| 10 21 Praduet information 10 22 Client information, rent 23 Testdata. rn 24 Environmental condtions so 1" 25 Performance enteria, 1 28 Monitored check 12 27 Testseting 12 3 Emission test results 13 3.1 Radiated EM Field emission 18 4 Immunity Test Results 14 41 Electrostatic scharge immunity 14 42 Raaled EM flelé immunity (non vipping). 15 43 Ragialed EM fel immunity (tipping). sense 44 Electrical Fast Transient immunity : _ 18 45 Sugetransientimmuniy 19 48 RF Conducted immunity (non tripping) 20 47 RF Conducted immunity (tipping). at 48 Curentaips 23 49 Harmonie eurents, 24 5 Ientiicaton ofthe equipment under test 28 ‘CONCLUSION + 2096959.0501-QUNEMC “The equipment under tes! (EUT) meets the essential requirements of the standard IEC 0047-2 ‘The applicant has changed the lenticaon of the tested type UP 630X into UPB 630 X. The ‘applicant dedares the EUT with changed identification is exacly the same as the orignaly tested type UP 620X. ‘The test results stated in his report ofthe tested type UP 630x (now UPB 630 X) are also representative for types: = UPB630L. ua 6304, = UPB620S = UPB400x = UPB400L UPB 40H, UPB 4005 “The applicant has changed the entfication ofthe tested type HIBL 1203NE into UCB 1250 S. The applicant declares the EUT with changed identfication Is exactly the same 28 the orginally testes type HIBL 1203NE. “The tat resus stated in this report ofthe tested ype HL 1203NE (now UCB 1250 S) aro ‘also representative for types: = UCB 10008 = ues 8008 ~ UCB 1250N = Ucs 1000 N = UCB 200N ‘The only diference between the tested types and the representative types isthe CT ratio. ‘The conclusion and resuls stated in this test report are based on non-ecurrent ‘examination of samples) provided by the applicant ‘The tests deserbed inthis report donot resutin the right to use any approval mark 2s comferred by KEMA. As far as the tests were based on cerain specications, these are ‘mentioned in the report, 2096959,0507-0UWVEMC ‘SUMMARY 2096959,0507-QUA/EMC “This chapter presents an overview of standards and results. Rfer tothe next chapters for details of measured test results and applied test levels. “APPLIED STANDARDS ‘Sandrd Year_[ Tie Tow wolage swiichgear and contolgear: Tec G0e7-2 | 200° | part2 Circuit breakers, Annex F CSPRTT 203 | Eirission — Indust, Scntic and Medical (SU) +a 2004 | oquipmont TEC TOGO | 7005 | Elecirosiae dacharge Mmuniy test +At 1998 +82 2000 TEC STG | 2002 | Radialed RF eiectomagnatc ld amuniy test +A 2002 TECGTOOO-A | 7005 | Elecircal fat wranaianburat immunity teat At 2000 +42 2001 TEC 6TOOO-ES | 7905 | Surge munity est sat 2000 TEC 1000-8 | 2003 | immunly to RF conducted asturbances +A 2004 ‘Gther ERIC standards have been Tound nat applicabe or the EUT. 2096950,0501-QUNEMC ‘OVERVIEW EMISSION RESULTS RESULT Radiated electromagnetic fala PASS ‘OVERVIEW IMMUNITY RESULTS RESULT Electrosae Discharges (ESD) PASS Radiated EM Field PASS Radiated EN Field spot frequencies PASS Electial resi transient (EFT)/ Burst ransienls PASS ‘Surge wansienis PASS Conducted RF disturbances PASS ‘Conducted RF disturbances al spat frequencies PASS Current dips PASS larmonie currant ramunity PASS 1 MODEL INFORMATION + -2096959,0501-QUA/EMC 4.1 Model deseription “The apparatus ae supplied for ha test are moulded case elactranie circuit breskars made by Hyundai with model numbers UP 630X and HiBL 1203NE. The rated operational curent¢ (620A and 12504 respectively. The circuit breakers have an electron tipping device. ‘The appleant has changed the identification of the tested type UP 630X into UPB 630 X. The ‘applicant declares the EUT with changed identiiaton is exacly the same asthe cviinally tested type UP 630X. ‘The test results slated in this report of the tested ype UP 630X (now UPB 630 X) are also representative for ypes: UPB 630 L PE 620 H uPB620S UPB 400 x UPB 400 | UPB 400 H PB 4005 ‘The applicant has changed the identiiaton ofthe tested type MIBL 1203NE into UCB 1250 S. The applicant declares the EUT with changed identification is exactly the same: a8 the originally tested type HIBL 1203NE, ‘The test results stated in this report ofthe tested type HBL 1203NE (now UCB 1250 S) are also representative for types: = UCB 1000S cB #00 $ Uc 1250 N = vee 1000 N = UCB B00 N ‘The only diference between the tested version and the representative models the CT rato, 2096059,0501-QUATEMC 1.2 Environment “The requitements and standards apply to equipment intended fr use in: %_| Residential (domecie) envronment | Commercial and ightndustial environment %_[lndustiat environment 13 Classification For the equipment under test the following classiicaton is applicable, ENSS017_] Equipment eulabie or use mall establishments other than Class A | domestic and those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buldings used for domestic purposes ENS5017 | Equipment suitable for use in domestic establishments and in Class B | establishments crecty connected toa low voltage power supply network which supplies buldings used for domestic purposes %_] EN S507? | Ishi equipment in which there intentionally generated Group 1 | andioc used conducvely coupled ratio frequency energy Which is necessary forthe internal funetioning of the equipment itself TEN'S5077 | IS equipment in which radio requency eneray 5 Group 2 | intentionally generated andlor used inthe form of ‘electromagnetic radiation forthe treatment of material, and ‘spark erosion equipment 20¢8059,0507-QUAEMC 2 (GENERAL INFORMATION 24 Product information Equipment under teat Touided Case CWE Breaker "Trade mark yuna TTesied Spe UP 60x Derived p85 Retro S77 U nominal (Ue) B50 Vic Tinaufaton (Uy 70 Vse Rated curent SOR Impulse wihetand Volage | 8kV Equipment under test Wouided Case Ovoin Breaker "Trade mark yunda Tesied pe BL 720GNE Barived pos Roferio S17 Taominal Wey Vac Tinsulation UH 75 Vae Rated curent 250A impulse wihetand Volage | BV 2.2 Glient information Applicant Fyundal Heavy navstres co. Ud. ‘Contac parson Tr Lee, Sung Hun “Telephone #82 52230845427 Telefax FED SP2G08AED "aaress 7 deanha-dong Dong a Place Ulsan 682-752 ‘County Korea = ot 2096059.0501-QUEMC 23° Testdata Tocalon ENA Guay BV, The Netherlands Date ‘December 2006 Enginear [TM Roomaat 24 Environmental conditions “Tests have been performad in a controled laboratory environment, where the environmental conaitons are maintained within the applicable ranges, ‘Ambient temperature | 15°C 95 alative Humily ar | 30% - 60% 28 Performance criteria Performance terion A For step 1, the circul-breaker when loaded at 0,9 times the current setting shall nt trip and the monitoring functions, if any, shall correctly indicate the status of the crcul-breaker. For step 2, when loaded at 2,0 imes the curent setting, the crcui-breaker shall vp within (0.9 times the minimum value and 1,1 times the maximum value ofthe manufacture’ time ‘current characteristic, and the menitering functions, any, shall corectlyinciate the status cf the cieuttoreaker. Performance erteron B During the test, the cicul-breaker when loaded at 0.9 times the current seting shall not trip. After the test, the circuit breaker shall comply withthe manufacturer's time cutent ‘characteristic when loaded at 2.0 times the current seting and the monitoring functions, i ‘any, shall correctly indicate the status ofthe crcul- breaker. ste. 2098059,0507-QUNEMC 2.8 Monitored check Motor peed Tiominaton Sitting Display data Standby mode ala storage Temperature ‘Sensor functors Powor sonsumpion ‘Audible signals eating X__[ Others: Tipping 7Non Tipping Timing X__ | Others: LED 27 Testsetting ‘Both circu breakers has been tested atthe folowing setings: {Long-time threshol 08 Base current 063 uP 630x In=0,8 x0,63.x630 HIBL 1203NE = In=0,8 x63. 1250 630A AL thie sotting tho species bp time le ‘Specified rp time at 2x In: 45 seconds +1- 20% minimum tip time: 45x 0,80 = 96,0 seconds maximum tip ime 45 x1,20 54,0 seconds During the EMC test an extra 10 % tolerance i allowed: Minimum tip ime 36 x09= 22,4 sec Maximum trp time 58 x 1.1 = 59,4 sec 0 the circuit breakers shall trp at 2 n between 32,4 and 58,4 seconds. oe 2006959,0501-QUAIEMC. 3 EMISSION TEST RESULTS 3.1 Radiated EM Field emission Standard CEPR Group 1 CaS Measuring distance Tomato Frequency (Fa) GP [eB 30 200 3 20 1000 a Por Enlosure wih sbINg Mode Setup “Anechote chamber According gure F.2 of lEC 60947-2 Results Frequency INF] GP [eB VIN Tevel Tent @ Sater 3020 = 100 Vac) Setup ‘coring figure F2 and F 1 of IEC 608472 Tnjestion metiod X [ Exteral capacior Capacitive camp Polarity | Postive X [Negative Observations No tripping at 0.9 times the curent setting “Trip ime within specification at 2,0 times the current satting Conclusion PASS 45 Surge transient immunity 19. 2096959,0501-QUAEMC ‘The surge transient immunity tet simulates the surges thal are caused by over-vollages due ‘0 indirect (induced) ightring transients, The pulses slow transient wit high-energy contents and due tis long duration may cause damage to an unprotected EUT. Requirements Sandard ECTS Basi standard TEC 6100045 Perfomance erferon [8 Pulse characteratios | 127508 Peak Vollage; Part ‘DEV; AC input pOWG® por (ine Toney 4 XV; AC input power port (lin to earth) Performed taste "Tested Votiage; Part] 2V;AC Tapul power por (ine Tole) 4 KVAC input power port (in fo earth) Tease ‘ecording fgure FS and F.12 of IEC 6847-2 Povey X_[Postve X | Negatve Observations. No tripping at 09 times the current setting. ‘After the test Trp time within specification at 2,0 times the curent setting Conclusion PASS 4.6 RF Conducted immunity (non tripping) 2 2096050.050-QUNEMC ‘During this test the immuniy ef the equipment for induced or conducted electomagnetic. files is checked, Fields generated by radio and cther transmitters cause RF voltages in long cables lke the mains network. This test reproduces these induced disturbing voltages by Injacting thom to tho EUT via the cabling Requirements Standard TEC COTE Basie standard TEC TONE Performance crieron | Arstep 1 Frequengy range 0,15 80 WF Modulation TREE 80% AMT Test evel Port TOV; AC input power pom Performed tests Tested level Port TOV; AC input pOWer por Frequency range 0.18 — 80 WH Dweiltime "second Teal sown ‘Recording Ngute F20 and FT of TEC 6OBATE Trjecion methog X [CONMT EM camp Observations No tripping at 0.9 times the curent setting Conclusion PASS 47 RF Conducted immunity tripping) 24 2096050,0507-QUAEMC During this test the immunity ofthe equipment fr induced or conducted electomagnetic fields is checked. Fields generated by radio and other transmiters cause RF voltages in long cables Ike the mains network. This test reproduces these induced disturbing voltages by injecting them to the EUT via the cabling Requirements Slander TE BOOT Basi standard TEC 6100086 Performance crieron | Arslep2 Frequency range 0.15 — 80 NZ Modulation TREE 80% ANT Testievel Port TOV; AC input power part Performed tests Tested level Pot TOV: AC inout paver port Frequency range 01580 Mz Dwi time 7 second “Fest setup Recording Tgure F20 and F21 oFIEC 6OaTE Injection methog [CONT Ent clamp 2096950.0501-QUNEMC Observations Frequency [Mra] UP 30K Trip time fo] [HIBL 1203NE Trip time Is] 0.480 4 @ 0.300 Ed e 0.480 a a 0.600 6 @ 0.900 6 B 120 a a 180 EJ a 2a0 s a 300 a e 280 5 s 720 5 5 360 a 6 72.00 6 5 7920 a 5 27,00 cd s 940 a7 5 72,00 ot 6 30,00 3t cs Conelusion PASS a 2086059,0501-QUNEMC 48 Current dips Requirements Standard TEC oraz Basi etandard TEC SiON 77 Performance eiteion ‘No Wiping allowed at 0.9 tines the current sting Performed tests Testno [1b Dela | Resa Resa HBL (up6aox) | 1203NE) T oe OK Or 7 7 OK Ok 7 3 o% Ok c 3 0% Ok a 30 OK Ok oa 70 O% Ok oa [2s O% OF oar [80 Ok Or ort 70 OF OK orn | oe OK arr [50 OK OK Observations No tipping at 0.9 times the curtent soting Conclusion PASS 2. 2008959,0507-QUNEMC 4.9 Harmonic currents Requirements Slander EN GOST 2200S Performance ofeion iz ‘Current characterises 50 Hz plus 150 He, 72% 689% Harmonie crvort 50 Hz plus 250 Hz, 45 94 56% Harmonic cutrent Performed tosts ‘50 Hz plus 150 He, 75 % Harmonic current Currentcharacterstes | 59 Hz plus 250 Hz, 50 % Harmonic current aaa ‘Siep 1: Total RMS value = 0.9 times the current sling ‘arentlevel ‘Step 2: Total RMS value = 2 times the current setting Observations [No tripping at 0,9 tes the curtent setting ‘After the test Tip time within specification at 20 times the curent seting Conclusion PASS 7096059,0501-QUNEMC 5 IDENTIFICATION OF THE EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST “The photograph shows the tested device, EUT: HBL 1203NE

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