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****Most important topics***

-Semen analysis

Questions of dr. mo3taz

*Types of impetigo
*Ttt of pityriasis versicolo
*1ry lesion & ttt of scabies
*Ttt of psoriasis
*Pathogenesis & ttt of acne
*DD of Gonorrhoea & their ttt

*Lesions of pityriasis rubra pilaris: face & scalp & palme and sole
*Lesion of erythema multiforme : iris lesion
*Other causes of discharge: mechanical & chemical & phosphorrhea & Ecoli in

Questions of dr. wa2l

*Pathogenesis & ttt of acne:
Pathogenesis:::: 5 alpha reductase enzyme in sebaceous gland which reduce
testeron(((( don't say hyper responsive to androgens as testeron is association not

Questions of dr Hassan
*Pathogenesis & ttt of acne
*Ttt of psoriasis
*Norwegian scabies:: no itching & acari is more & in immunocompromized patient
*AIDS:: skin lesions
*$ :: chancre
*Def & causes of Azospermia::
Causes (1) obstruction:
(2) functional

Questions of dr.m7md el khyate

*Types & ttt of vitiligo

*types of psoriasis
*Function of skin::: (1) barrier
(4)vit D formation

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