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The Official Publication of PUC/AUPAlumni of Western North America

Winter 2016


Residence Inn by Marriott at River Ridge , 2101 West Vineyard Avenue
Oxnard, California , January 22-24, 2016

Keep Shining

PUC/AUP Alumni

Volume 47 Issue 1


Winter 2016



Western North America

Elmer Bangloy,DMD- President
Lita Laoyan,- Vice President

AWESNA : Keep Shining ! As we commence the new year, I want to

again thank you all for your contributions. In 2015, we heeded the call for better
communication and sincerely endeavoured to strengthen existing bonds while
fostering new ones. Let us continue to fuel the fire in 2016, and make it shine for
everyone to see. Lets keep shining on, moving forward, onward for Gods glory!
God Bless!

Eppie Manalo, - Secretary

Elenita Espiritu, Asso. Sec.
Ella Alcaide, - Treasurer
Rene Donato,- Auditor

Message from AUP President Let your light so shine that they may
see your good works and glorify the Father.. May your topics of
discussion in this retreat reinforce your theme and give you a renewed
dedication to keep shining for Jesus. 4

Edwin Araba,- PRO

Pastor VicLouis Arreola,III,PhD
Pastor Jose Manalo, Ed.D
Pastor Simeon Rosete, Jr.,DBS

AWESNA Spiritual Retreat Our concluding theme Keep Shining is a

continuity of our previous themes Trained for Service and Service Before
Self. Our theme song is Brighten The Corner Where You Are. 5

Roger Rodriguez Alberta,Canada

Rachel Pedernal Cascadia,BC
Ardina Wang Pacific Northwest
Emily N. Garcia-Greater Northern CA
Noli Poblacion-Greater Central CA
Loida Miguel-Greater Los Angeles

FAMILY MATTERS A family is more than a sum of members though

it consists of parents and children. It is a system wherein every member is
a unit by itself, and if combined with another member to establish a relationship such as husband and wife becomes another unit thus forming a
complex wholea spousal unit. 6

Letty Banaag- Glendale,CA

Marjorie R. Huynh Loma Linda,CA
Miguelito Fernando, MD La Sierra
Teddy Malagar- IAPAA
Cristuto Genobaga-Las Vegas, Nevada

Keep Shining For Jesus We should never lose hope nor should we waver
even when life seems to be out of balance. Even when it seems so hard for us to
bear the difficulties in life. Keep shining for Jesus at all times, unflinching and

Ric Calla-Hawaii
Cris Anunciado,- San Diego,CA
Liberty Olive Macias-Young Alumni


George Atiga, DMin. +
Celedonio Fernando,M.D. +

A Minute Devotion with God The Lord is our banner in 2016.

Although demands of enormous challenges may be flying around us, we are to look
to the Lord who stands before us and rally behind us. Let's go to battle under the
banner of our Lord in 2016! 15

Romulo Valdez,M.D.
Eliseo Bautista,M.D. +
John Tulio, Esq.
Honesto Pascual,Jr., M.D.
Ulysses M. Carbajal,M.D.
Alfonso Miguel,Jr., M.D.,D.Hum
Alberto Bagingito, CPA,D.Hum
(+ Symbol means Deceased)

The PUC/AUP Centennial Celebration As a concern alumni

fortunate to be still alive, (God willing) for this celebration I am taking the initiative to communicate with you prime movers in the AWESNA, EASNAC, Philippine
and other alumni that we coordinate our efforts to have a Joint Convention in the
Philippines to celebrate this important occasion .

Message From the President

Elmer Bangloy, DMD,D.Hum

Carmelita Laoyan
Vice President

Keep Shining!

Eppie Manalo,PhD
Ella Alcaide

Dear Fellow Alumni,

Seasons greetings to one and all, as another historic year in our Association comes to a conclusion. At the beginning of this year we set some ambitious goals. After
igniting and uniting, we sought to fan the flame of our progress, so that it might continue to
shine on for future generations. And with the hard work and perseverance of the officers and our
members, we were able to achieve significant progress on our milestones.
The AWESNA administration made an unprecedented outreach effort to all regions where
AWESNA operates, making formal visits to all 14 Chapter organizations in order to revive active membership and promote camaraderie between regions. We also made a concerted effort to
foster more communication and interaction between alumni and family members.
We continued and expanded the various Chapter assistance programs to AUP, including:
1. The food assistance program, which supplies rice to needy students.
2. The tuition assistance program, which grants financial aid to deserving students.
3. The endowment fund, which provides financial assistance toward the upgrading of
university faculty.
4. Continued medical/dental/optical outreach programs to the Philippines.
5. And of course, we celebrated the historic opening of the College of Medicine (COM).
AWESNA has been and will stay committed to help AUP in a anyway we can so that the College of Medicine will train the best Physicians.
As we commence the new year, I want to again thank you all for your contributions. In 2015, we
heeded the call for better communication and sincerely endeavoured to strengthen existing
bonds while fostering new ones. Let us continue to fuel the fire in 2016, and make it shine for
everyone to see. Lets keep shining on, moving forward, onward for Gods glory!
God Bless!

Rene Donato
Edwin Araba, MD

Chapter Presidents:
Roger Rodriguez
Alberta, Canada
Rachel Pedernal
Cascadia, British Columbia
Ardina Wang
Pacific Northwest
Emily N. Garcia
Greater Northern California
Noli Poblacion
Greater Central California
Loida M. Miguel
Greater Los Angeles
Leticia Banaag
Marjorie Reyno Huynh
Loma Linda
Miguelito Fernando, MD
La Sierra
Cris Genobaga
Las Vegas
Ric Calla
Crisamar Anunciado,PhD
San Diego
Liberty Olive Bautista Macias
Young Alumni
Teddy Malagar

George Atiga, DMin.,
Celedonio Fernando, MD,
Romulo Valdez, MD,
Eliseo Bautista, MD
John Tulio,Esq.,
Honesto Pascual, Jr., MD,
Ulysses Carbajal, MD,
Alfonso Miguel, Jr. MD,D.Hum
Alberto Bagingito,CPA,D.Hum

Elmer E. Bangloy, D.M.D., D.Hum

AWESNA President, 2013-2016

Be Blessed. Be a blessing!

Standing Committees and Chairs:

Bangele Alsaybar PhD, Jr.

Eppie Manalo PhD, Leni Espiritu, Co-Chair

History and Archives

Honors and Awards

Carmelita Laoyan, Harley Orzame DMD, Co-Chair

Community Affairs
Ruth Ranchez & Cres Pimentel

Gladys Roman
Social Evants

Oscar Pablo
Finance and Projects
Roy Mananquil

Wilma Dauglash

Elmer Bangloy, Annielie Madigan, Co-Chair

Ernesto Banaag MD

Ben Cuizon MD, Elfrida Cuizon, Co-Chair
Scholarship & Aid Program

Crisamar Anunciado PhD, Edna Domingo PhD & Gemma Banaag MSN Annie Madigan Immeldo Afenir, M. Bartolomew & N. Poblacion,

Co-ChairsGuest Relations
Jethrome Rolle & Benjamin Francisco MD
Sports and Recreation

Continuing Education

Fund Raising

Pastors Vic Louis Arreola, Jose Manalo, Sr. & Simeon Rosete
Spiritual Advisers

Ernesto Banaag MD
Spiritual Retreat

Honor Class Coordinators

Alfonso Miguel MD, Jr.,MD
Administrative Adviser

Fe Asuncion & Fern Kintanar, Administrative Assistants

THE LINK / Winter


4 THE LINK / Winter


AWESNA Spiritual Retreat

Oxnard, California . January 22-24,2016

Dear Fellow PUC/AUP AWESNA members and friends,

Our 2016 Spiritual Retreat followed by House of Delegates meeting is fast approaching! I extend this
invitation and encourage your full participation. Reservation deadline is January 4, 2016 (see attached
flyer for more information).
Our concluding theme Keep Shining is a continuity of our previous themes Trained for Service
and Service Before Self. Our theme song is Brighten The Corner Where You Are. All executive officers and advisers are participants in the program: Dr. Elmer Bangloy, President; Lita Laoyan,
Vice President; Eppie Manalo, Secretary; Ella Alcaide, Treasurer; Rene Donato, Auditor; Edwin
Araba, PRO. Advisers: Pastor Simeon Rosete, Friday Vespers speaker; Pastor Jose Manalo, Sabbath
School Lesson Review moderator; Pastor VicLouis Arreola III, Hour of Worship speaker; Dr. Alfonso Miguel, Intercessory prayer.
Many thanks to our program coordinators and participants: Friday Vespers Loida Miguel, Los
Angeles Chapter; Sabbath School Marjorie Reyno Huynh, Loma Linda Chapter; Hour of Worship
Executive Officers; Sabbath Afternoon Dr. Miguelito Fernando and Crisamar Anunciado, La Sierra
and San Diego Chapters; Sundown Worship and Socials Olive Macias, Young Alumni Chapter.
There will be a dedicatory prayer for our 2016 Samar Mission Team after the Sabbath School lesson
review. All interested are invited to join. Thanks to Don and Gladys Roman for coordinating this
outreach event.
Our special musical numbers include: Aweng ti Amianan and Praise Unlimited, Eunice Jornada
directing; Dale and Stanley Araba; Singing Men, Noemi Tanada directing; Rollie Donato; Bangele
Alsaybar. Our pianists are Lorie Bangloy, Vespers; Noemi Tanada, Sabbath School; Weanne Estrada,
Hour of Worship and Sabbath Afternoon.
Sabbath afternoon program will feature Musical Numbers and Health Presentation by our alumni
panelists Dr. Eduardo Gonzaga (moderator), Dr. Bevan Geslani, Dr. Gina Siapco, and Weanne
Estrada. Refreshments will be served.
You dont want to miss our Saturday night socials as well! Come and enjoy AWESNA fellowship.
Thank you so much for your continued support and commitment!
Lita Laoyan, VP, AWESNA
Overall Spiritual Retreat Program Coordinator

THE LINK / Winter 2016

Family Matters

Gods Goal for Creating the Human Family System

By Dr. Armand T. Fabella, PhD, RGC,RP

family is more than a sum of members though it consists of parents and children. It is a system wherein every member is a
unit by itself, and if combined with another member to establish a relationship such as husband and wife becomes another
unit thus forming a complex wholea spousal unit. Since each unit is whole, the term holon is used. We have different
holons in the family, such as: individual holon, spousal holon, parental holon, father-son holon, father- daughter holon,

mother-son holon, mother-daughter holon, sibling holon, etc., aside from nuclear family holon and extended family holon. How
many holons are there in your family? Every holon has a system which refers to a set of principles or procedures according to which
something is done, an organized scheme or method. A good example is the human body which is considered as a system of systems,
i.e., coronary system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system, muscular system, nervous system,
reproductive system, urinary system, etc. Each system (or subsystem) is autonomous yet connected to another system. Thus it is
interacting, interdependent, and interrelated. Ellen White said: Each one is a thread which is to unite with other threads in composing a fabric (MYP 621). Individually, we are connected with our fellow men, a part of Gods great whole, and we stand under mutual obligations. No man can be independent of the fellow men; for the well-being of each affects others (MYP 417). There are
mysterious links that bind souls together so that the heart of one answers to the heart of another. One catches the ideas, the sentiments, the spirit, of another (Ed 455). The family system can either be functional or dysfunctional. My Tagalog translation for the
word dysfunctional is palyado. There is no perfect family system in this world, not even the human family of Jesus when He was
born to the family of Mary and Joseph. Each family system lies in a continuum ranging from dysfunctional to functional side. In a 1
to 10 scale, where would you put your current family system? God created not only the institution of marriage, but also a family system based on His image. What was His purpose? Then God said, Let us make human beingsin our image, to be like us. Gen. 1:26
(NLT). The Message Bible puts it this way: Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.He created
them godlike, reflecting Gods nature. He created them male and female. Gen. 1:26, 27. As echoed by Ellen White: Higher than
the highest human thought can reach is Gods ideal for His children. Godlinessgodlikeness is the goal to be
reached (Ed 19). In a scale of 1 to 10, the closer your family system to 10 the more godlike it tends to be. How
do we know that our family system is functional and godlike? In the first place, God is a family but more than a
family of three (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). God is a system. God is love, rather than God has love. Based on
the image of God as a system, He prescribed the ABC blueprint for the human family system.

6 THE LINK / Winter


By Edwin Araba

Keep Shining for Jesus

We should never lose hope nor should we waver even when life seems to be out of balance. Even when it seems so
hard for us to bear the difficulties in life. Keep shining for Jesus at all times, unflinching and persistent..

ur only hope is in Christ and all other human activities in life

find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

are just peripherals. No matter what you do and no matter how

Matthew 11:28-30. King James Version (KJV).

busy you are the only thing that matters in the end is our goal

to reach Christ-likeness. To be with him and to be like Him. We should

never lose hope nor should we waver even when life seems to be out of
balance. Even when it seems so hard for us to bear the difficulties in
life. Keep shining for Jesus at all times, unflinching and persistent.
Elder H.M.S. Richards inspired millions of people through the Voice of
Prophecy. He was a man of great faith. Some of the Voice of Prophecy
recordings can still be heard at At the end of the VOP

The world is full of evil hatred, murder, terrorism, killings, immoralities, worldliness, selfishness ... it seems all signs are foretelling us of His
imminent return and it is happening at our very eyes. In spite of the
negative events that are happening around us let us keep our lights burning and shining for Jesus! Soon and very soon we will see our King
coming in the clouds of glory. Let us all be watchful and vigilant until
He comes!

program he would say Have faith in God, dear friend, in God. Let me

I would like to thank Dr. Armand T. Fabella for sharing with us his

share with you a poem from his book, The Promises of God:

expertise on family matters. The most important unit in a society is the


family the basic structure that forms a solid foundation in a given society. It is also the main target of the enemy. We see a lot of dysfunctional

Have faith in God, and in the virgins Seed;

families, much are more common nowadaysdivorce and multi-

Have faith in God, His promise meets our need;

structured family. Dr. Fabella is a well known and experienced clinical

Have faith in God, from sin and Satan freed;

psychologist, pastor, educator; he is also a former Adventist University

Have faith in God, dear friend, in God.

of the Philippines president. He is a man of God and Im sure our read-

Have faith in God, His victory brings release;

ers will be blessed by him. We will begin here with a series, Gods

Have faith in God, each day thy joy increase;

ABC Blueprint for Functional Family System. Readers are encouraged to

Have faith in God, soon comes His rest and peace;

interact by asking questions. They can protect their privacy when they

Have faith, dear friend, in God.

The new year 2016 poses some new challenges ahead and it could be
overwhelming to most of us but if we rest our burdens at the feet of

use a pseudonym. Direct your questions to

The Link / Kuya Armand

and we will

forward your questions to him.

Jesus and surrender all our insecurities and all whatever you have that

Let us keep our light shining for Jesus and

is hard to bear, just put all our trust in Him and He will carry them

keep looking unto Him who is the author

through. Jesus said in the book of Mathew, Come unto me, all ye that

and finisher of our faith . May the Lords

labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon

grace and mercy continue to fill us this

you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall

year, 2016. Keep shining for Jesus !

THE LINK / Winter 2016

Memoir Byof
BSN Class 1972
Eunice Ibanez Bragg

t was the year 1972, in April, as our class of Bachelors

degree in Nursing of three tall and handsome lads and 47
intelligent ladies proudly donned on a perfectly pressed
graduating black cap and gown, with a white Peter Pan collar
(ladies) distinguished fashion for the Bachelors degree in

We conducted ourselves properly to the Commencement march to the
dignified rendition as the first note of Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar
started. Chin up, all ear to ear smiles, a very proud moment for all of us.
We made it! What an accomplished feeling it was!
In June of that year, there were so many happenings; our scheduled oneweek long National Board Exam, a very arduous determination to pass
stage one of what a nurse has to go through and many more to come in
North America. There was a heavy torrential rain that poured over Manila, resulted in deep water floods in the examination locale. We were
damped all day until were done at the end of the day. It was very
uncomfortable indeed.
A proclamation of Martial Law under the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos; the immediate decision making of those families connected to North
America was to immigrate quick. Leave before immigration law
changed, otherwise, the fear of long delay or being stuck in the Philippines for indefinite time. While a few of us true and faithful to the so
called work of God stayed on and signed a 3-year contract with Manila
Sanitarium and Hospital.
We did the best we can in honesty and perseverance as green R.N.
graduates, realizing and doing our true calling in life. Most of us found
the verdant side of life coming to North America here we come! With
some classmates tarried behind. Years came, and years gone, lifes
experiences in intellectual, material, and social prosperity varies. Everybody was busy as a bee, forgetting the true individual connection with
one another, except on some very few occasions and whatever came in
between. At this point we forget to laugh loud again. Every life experience was so serious, to make it to the top of North America, Europe, or

THE LINK / Winter 2016

wherever one may be was the priority.

We went through individual experiences childrens graduation,
childrens big weddings, first birth of a grand kid, divorces, and the
courage to be a single mom, and being a widow and be alone once
again. All the joys and pains of life and only some faint smiles in
Until Dr. Teofy and Merlinda Lapena Espiritu took over some gutsy
move to organize and bring together again the classmates during
the San Antonio General Conference. This time we are more wiser,
prosperous, young-er and beautiful too. (maraming salamat ngarud!)
LOL- Lets laugh it out louder! Now most are retired, healthy and
well. We have so much fun to share freely. So much fun and
laughter that if the walls of the River Walk restaurants could participate with us in our laughter, the walls would laugh too. Loud that
is, and belly ached.
We laughed. We laughed. We laughed. What a memorable moment never to forget. Let us get together again sooner than later.
Sooner is our choice, for later may never come. Let us all for a
moment share our thoughts and prayers in memory of Inday Adlaon
and Esther Llasos to their eternal love and light. Amen.
Photo courtesy by Jun & Linda Mercado. BSN Class 1972
(Back row L-R) Grecia Merida Wuerstin, Ruth Casuyon Nuenke,
Marita Aguilar Reyes, Eunice Ibanez Bragg, Ofelia Miranda Osorio, Diony Fabella Pena, Phoebe Diaz Russell, Tobs Tanada, Luz
Bareng (Najera), Edna Bacate Domingo. (Front L-R) Eunice Patricio Villar, Merlinda Lapena Espiritu, Erlinda Gasmen Mercado,
Aurelia Garcia Gumangan, Wilma Jean Obanana Zman.

In Retrospect : AWESNA at a Glance,Year 1 (2013-2014)

By Dr. Elmer Bangloy, D.M.D., D.HUM
President, AWESNA




UNITE and IGNITE, the organization has endeavored to plan and

Vice President Armand Zabala

Secretary Clarita Siapco
Treasurer Fenina Garaza


has resolved to commit to imple-

Morning Service Speaker

ment programs aimed at achieving its goals.

Dr. Vic Louis

Arreola Afternoon Service Speaker

Within the TEN (10) MONTHS after the

Dr. Elmer Bangloy

new set of AWESNA Officers assumed

office, the organization has witnessed posi-

Induction of Officers Dr. Elmer Bangloy-

tive signs indicating renewed and continued

Las Vegas Chapter, led by Cris Genobaga ,

interest in AWESNA affairs.

began the series of chapter gatherings on

CHAPTER RALLIES: AWESNA Leadership has likewise been responding to invitations to rallies from different chapters,
which aim at reviving interest of members
and encouraging active participation in the
organizations programs and projects.
1) October 5, 2013, Saturday, 5:45 p.m.,
Loma Linda Filipino SDA Church

Auditor Mar Velasco

2) November 9, 2013 Saturday , San Jose
SDA Church
Alumni Rally/Socials
Morning Service Speaker:
Pastor Jym Tayag
Afternoon Service Speaker:
Dr. Elmer Bangloy
Coordinated by Gladys Roman and Liberty

November 16, 2013.


leadership team participated in the church

services. It was also during this time that a
new choral group was born: the AWESNA
Officers Choir, which had their debut
performance during the afternoon service.
Elected Las Vegas Chapter

officers are:

Olive Bautista (Young Alumni Chapter

Cris Genobaga, President; Johnny Acang-


Vice President; Edie Sandro-Secretary;


President Elmer and Lorie Bangloy

Susan Acang- Treasurer; Arlene GayaresPRO;





Villamor-Meriales, Advisor.

Fil and Ella Alcaide, Treasurer


Edwin Araba, PRO Odette and Oscar

Pablo, Chair Finance & Projects (members,
Northern CA Chapter) Pete and Cherry

ATTENDANCE: Elmer and Lorie

Bangloy, Alfonso and Loida Miguel, Rene

and Imelda Donato,

Octavius and Cely

Quijada, Bert and Violy Bagingito, Annie



Dela Cruz (LA Chapter)

Devotional and Prayer by Pastor Nepthali

Manez, AUP Board Chair Remarks and
Induction of Officers by Dr. Elmer

CA Chapter, Jose and Carol Esposo



President Majorie Reyno


Ernie and Emily Garcia, President Northern

Madigan, Meldie Ward, Lita Laoyan,






Kintanar, Fe Asuncionmaking a total of

(members, Central CA Chapter) and San

16 from Los Angeles and Loma Linda.

Jose SDA Churchs Pastor Daniel Bo-

Emphasizing AWESNAs theme, Unite


and Ignite, the President encouraged the

alumni to unite and volunteer for His
service and for our alma mater .





4) NOVEMBER 24, 2013, SUN-






















24, 2014; 3:00 p.m.


Proposed Amendments to the AWESNA



Constitution from the January 5 COMCON



were voted on and ratified on February 23,

10) APRIL 26, 2014 CENTRAL VAL-

2014 by 56 House of Delegates representa-






5) JANUARY 5, 2014, SUNDAY,
This meeting was led by Roy Mananquil,
Chair , Commission on Constitution.
Proposed amendments were discussed and
voted on by the Commission on Constitution to be presented to the House of
Delegates for approval and ratification.

Such amendments will enable the




organization to function efficiently and


ensure better interaction and participation

OFFICERS Central Valley Chapter, led by

among the members. Commendation goes

Noli Poblacion held their Chapter Rally in

to the Chair of the Commission of Constitu-

the afternoon during their church anniver-














message, AWESNA President Elmer Ban-


gloy, commended the Chapter for active




involvement and underscored the value of




volunteerism and unity towards achieving


the goals of the organization and even-


tually contributing significantly to Gods




through the training ministry of

6) FEBRUARY 21-23, 2014 RESI-



AUP. Election was held and the Chapter



Officers are: President- Noli Poblacion



Vice Presidents:




Bakersfield- Juvy Gaje;






An overwhelming positive response from

members translated into more than SRO
(standing room only) attendance from Vespers to the afternoon service. About 250
attended the weekend event.


noteworthy is the participation of all age

groupsYoung Alumni to Seniors, in both
spiritual and social activities. Above all,
attendees were treated to a feast of Gods
Word from all four (4) of the organizations
spiritual advisers. Sabbath School Promotion Dr. Elmer Bangloy presented the
AWESNA LOGO which encapsulates the
organization theme UNITE and IGNITE
Speakers: Friday Vesper P a s t o r
Vic Arreola ,Sabbath School Lesson Study

Pastor Jose Manalo

our of Wor-

ship Pastor Dale Barizo Afternoon

Devotional Pastor Simeon Rosete, Jr.


THE LINK / Winter









Fresno-Joe Esposo;

Visalia-Clarita Dalida




This years outreach program to the



Philippines reeled off with a symposium led



by Several members of the outreach team

Asso. Treasurer-


served as resource persons: Elmer Bangloy,


J u d y

Eduardo Gonzaga, Edna Domingo, Lita



Laoyan, Bella Litvin and a guest lecturer,



Dr. Tota Shimizu, a Japanese endodontist



O s e n a



specializing in microscopic Endodontics at




Glendale, California. Speakers shared their

Elmer and Lorie Bangloy; 2) Alfonso and

expertise to the doctors, nurses, dentists and

Loida Miguel; 3) Rene and Imelda Donato;

medical professionals at the Adventist

4) Bert Bagingito; 5) Lita and Ralph Lao-

Medical Center-Manila (AMCM), formerly

yan; 6) Ed and Alma Gonzaga; 7) Ernesto



and Miriam Banaag; 8) Fern Kintanar; 9)

(MAMC). The team then proceeded to the

Fe Asuncion, (10) Eppie Manalo. Total

following venues and served about 4,000



Angeles,Glendale, and Loma Linda-16.




GUIO (March 19-21) BANGAR, LA UN-




11) MAY 2 - 3 , 2014 HAWAII Honolulu

Fil-Am SDA Church
Fulfilling Life of Service
Speaker- Dr. Elmer Bangloy
Volunteerism, Unite and Ignite
Ric Calla
Vice President
Melba Arreola
Brenda Cababa
Moises Medrano
Elmy Ann Cordova
Romy Villoso
Vic Arreola
David Madrid
Alfred Reyno
Gilbert Agir

and a sundown devotional preceded the twohour meeting on updates on the AUP
proposed COM.
14) MAY 31, 2014 SAN DIEGO
Organized by Crisamar Anunciado,
SD Chapter President
Hour of Worship Speaker
Pastor Limuel Liwanag
Afternoon Rally SpeakerDr. Elmer Bangloy
Topic: Unite and Ignite
Present were: Elmer and Lorie Bangloy, Lita
and Raffy Laoyan, Ella and Fil Alcaide, Rene
and Imelda Donato, Bert and Violy
Bagingito, Annie Madigan, Ruth and Danny
Ranchez, Fern Kintanar, and Fe Asuncion.


Elmer and Lorie Bangloy; Lita and Raffy
12) MAY 18, 2014 Rose Bowl Park, Pasadena,
CA 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Hosted by LA Chapter President, Loida
Miguel, attended by about 50-75 members and
officers including surrounding Glendale,
Temple City, White Memorial and Pasadena
SDA church members.
13) MAY 24, 2014 Bakersfield, CA- YOUNG
IN ATTENDANCE: Lita and Raffy Laoyan
MAY 24, 2014 -Reche Canyon, Colton,
Organized and coordinated by Dr. Alfonso
Miguel,Jr. the meeting was held at Drs. Wilson
and Mariclen Laos residence. Present at the
meeting were: Dr. and Mrs. Alfonso Miguel,
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Bangloy, Dr. and Mrs.
Felcar Morada, Dr. and Mrs. Tavy Quijada,
Drs. Ed and Alma Gonzaga, Dr. Benny Banaag,
Dr. and Mrs. Miguelito Fernando, Dr. and Mrs.
RomuloTabo, Don and Gladys Roman, Fe
Asuncion and two other doctors from the
Philippines. A sumptuous dinner was served,


- Emily Garcia, Chapter President
Hour Of Worship Speaker
Dr. Ed Gonzaga
Walk Across The Room
Greetings on behalf of AWESNA
Dr. Elmer Bangloy
Afternoon Rally Speaker
Dr. Elmer Bangloy
Volunteerism-- Unite and Ignite
AWESNA Mission Report Lita Laoyan
Emily Garcia pointed out that the Chapters
main focus is helping the working students of
AUP, especially the majority who are
financially-challenged, and made an
emotional appeal for help.

16) JUNE 27-29, 2014 CAMP HOPE,

(Rachel Ching Pedernal, Chapter
President) Present were: Elmer and Lorie
Bangloy, Alfonso and Loida Miguel,
Marjorie Reyno, Fe Asuncion, Fern Kintanar,
Richard and Wilma Dauglash.
Morning Manna Speaker
Dr. Alfonso Miguel
Reaching Together in His Service
Afternoon Health Lecture
Dr. Alfonso Miguel, Osteoporosis
Afternoon AWESNA Promotion
Dr. Elmer Bangloy
4th Joint Convention;
Volunteerism, Unite and Ignite
Sunday Afternoon Dinner given by
the Cascadia Chapter. It was not only a treat
to meet with the Cascadia Chapter; extra treat
was eating very rare fruits: lanzones,
jackfruit, atis, guyabano, santol, etc. As
chapter President Rachel (Ching) Pedernal
summed it up, Our togetherness may seem
quick and hasty, but the memories created
has rekindled in us the desire to unite and
17) August 29-31, 2014Hilton Lake Las
Vegas, Henderson ,Nevada
The 4th Joint AWESNA-EASNAC-ACCNAST Convention
This convention culminates the first year of
this term and ushers in future, challenging
years of productive service for AWESNA,
Alma Mater, and our LeaderGOD!

AWESNA officers
present were: Elmer
and Lorie Bangloy,
Lita and Raffy Laoyan,
Ed Gonzaga Special
Projects committee
member, Oscar Pablo,
Edwin Araba and all
Greater Northern
California Chapter





In Retrospect: AWESNA at a Glance,Year 2 (2015)

By Dr. Elmer Bangloy, D.M.D., D.HUM, President, AWESNA
he AWESNA Convention theme:
Bridges For Today and
Eternity conveys a dramatic
view on what each one of us has
to be for now until we reach our heavenly
home. We are bridges in bringing peace and
goodwill to our fellowmen. Over the past
year we started a journey to reach our goals
and objectives. The road is sometimes
tough, long and tiring but its worth the trip
as we cross the bridge to eternal glory. My
sincere appreciation and thanks to all
AWESNA officers and chapter officers for
dedication, unselfish service, their
time, and resources to accomplish goal and

18) January 23-25, AWESNA Spiritual

Retreat, Queen Mary, Long Beach, CA
Theme: Service Before Self
Retreat Guest Speaker: Pastor Benjamin
Del Pozo
19) March 22-24,2015 Northern Luzon
Adventist College Hospital, Artacho, Sison,
Medical/Dental/Optometry Mission
Loma Linda Chapter President Marjorie
Loma Linda Filipino Church Pastor and
Mrs.Jose Manalo
Evangelistic Outreach- Pastor VicLouis
Arreola, III, Speaker
20) March 18, 2015 Adventist University
of the Philippines Constituency/AUP Board
Dr. Elmer E. Bangloy: AWESNA
President, Member- AUP Board
21) March 29, 2015 AUP Graduation
Commencement Exercises
Alberto Bagingito AWESNA immediate
past President Awarded Honoris Causa
Doctor of humanities
AWESNA Officers present: 1. Dr. and Mrs.
Elmer Bangloy 2. Pastor and Mrs. Jose
Manalo 3. Lita and Raffy Laoyan
22) April 4,2015 Glendale Filipino Church
Glendale Chapter President - Letty Banaag
Greater Los Angeles Chapter President Loida Miguel, Guest Speaker
Dr. Francisco Gayoba, AUP President
AWESNA Officers present 1. Dr. and
Mrs. Elmer Bangloy, 2. Fe Asuncion,
3. Fern Kintanar
23) April 17-19 Young Alumni Retreat
and Picnic by the beach , Dana Point

12 THE LINK / Winter 2016

Marina Inn, Dana Point, CA

Coordinators: 1. Liberty Olive BautistaPresident 2. Don and Gladys Roman
3.Armand Fabella Moderator
AWESNA Officers present: Dr. and Mrs.
Elmer Bangloy, Lita and Raffy Laoyan,
Marjorie Reyno
24) May 16, 2015 San Diego Fil-Am
Church, San Diego Chapter Rally, San
Diego ,CA
Hour of Worship Speaker:
Pastor Jose Manalo
Coordinator: Cris Anunciado, President
AWESNA Officers present: Pastor and
Mrs. Jose Manalo,Sr.
25) May 16, 2015 Greater Northern
California Chapter, San Jose Fil-Am SDA
Church, San Jose, CA
Theme: Jesus Living in Us
Hour of Worship Speaker:
Pastor Dan Botabara
Afternoon Rally Speaker:
Dr. Elmer E. Bangloy
Coordinator: Emily Garcia, GNCC
President, AWESNA Officers present: Dr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bangloy, Lita and Raffy
Laoyan, Annie Madigan, Fe Asuncion,
Oscar and Odith Pablo , Edwin Araba.
26) June 20, 2015 Central Filipino Church
Greater Los Angeles Chapter officers
Induction, CFC Church, Los Angeles, CA
President: Loida Miguel, Vice President:
Ruth Ranchez, Secretary: Mayflor Mallari,
Associate secretary: Fern Kintanar,
Treasurer: Josie Santa Ana, PRO: Esther
Arafiles, Immediate Past President and
Adviser: Juanito Afenir,III Standing
Committee, Membership: Fe Asuncion,
Cely Quijada, Tuition Aid: Esther Bautista,
Needy Students: Ceres Durango and Esther
Villanueva, Honors and Awards: Minnie
Tamayo, COMELEC: Philip Trilles and
Deomie Zenith, Sports and recreation: Don
Roman, History and Archives: Celso
Caagbay, Hospitality: Helen Rivero, Luz

27) June 28, 2015 Pacific Northwest

Chapter Rally, Portland ,Oregon
President and Coordinator: Ardina Wang
AWESNA Officers present: Dr. and Mrs.
Elmer Bangloy, Lita and Raffy Laoyan
28) July 18, 2015 Hawaii Chapter
Honolulu Fil-Am SDA Church, Honolulu,
Hour of Worship Speaker:
Dr. Elmer E. Bangloy
AWESNA Mission Report: Lita Laoyan
AWESNA Officers present: Dr. and Mrs.
Elmer Bangloy, Lita and Raffy Laoyan
29) August 7-9, 2015 AUP College of
Medicine -Inaugural Program and White
Coat Ceremony
AWESNA Officers in attendance: Dr. and
Mrs. Elmer Bangloy, Dr. and Mrs. Alfonso
Miguel,Jr., Lita Laoyan, Fe Asuncion,
Annie Madigan, Meldy Ward, Dr. Alberto
Bagingito, Dr. Edmund and Mrs. Julia
Bagingito , with daughter Katie.
30) August 29, 2015 Alberta Canada
Chapter Rally, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
President : Roger Rodriguez, Coordinator:
Ben Barboza , AWESNA Officers present:
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Bangloy, Lita Laoyan,
and Fe Asuncion.
31) September 4-6, 2015 AWESNA 43rd
Convention, San Jose, CA Double Tree By
Hilton Hotel and Suites, 2050 Gateway
Place, San Jose, CA 95110
Guest Speaker: Dr. Larry Blackmer.
This convention culminates the second year
of this term and ushers in future challenging
years of productive service for AWESNA,
alma mater, and our Lord God!


Borongan, Eastern Samar
Dear PUC/AUP Alumni and Friends,
AWESNA (Alumni of Western North America) is holding its
annual medical-dental outreach on March 22-24, 2016 in the
city of Borongan, Eastern Samar, one of the hardest-hit
places by strong typhoons in the past two years. There will
be an evangelistic crusade to be held at the city plaza that
will start March 12 through the baptism Sabbath on March There will be a dedicatory prayer for the team

during our annual Spiritual Retreat on January 23, 2016 at the
Residence Inn by Marriott, Oxnard, California. I appeal for
your prayers and financial support as well. You may send your
tax-deductible donation, check payable to AWESNA, Inc, for
Samar Medical Mission, to our treasurer Ella Alcaide, 1712
Orchard Avenue, Glendale, CA. 91206 or you may donate
online at, click Donation then Medical
Any assistance extended to this noble cause is very much appreciated! May our Almighty God continue to bless us all as
we Keep Shining for Him. Thank you so much for your continued support to our organization. Mabuhay AWESNA!
Lita Laoyan
Vice President ,AWESNA
Cell # 909-801-4152

26. Our AWESNA team will arrive in Borongan on March

21 for the medical mission to be held at the provincial hospital area and will join the crusade.
You have been our committed partners in providing services
to the physically and spiritually ill, so once more we extend
this invitation for you to join us in this outreach event. Your
response to this invitation to join this worthy cause of reaching out and serving our fellowmen in Borongan, Samar, will
significantly contribute towards improving the lives of those
who will be served.
For further information, please contact either Gladys Araba
Roman at or myself at clao-

THE LINK / Winter 2016


AWESNA Young Alumni

Medical Mission 2016
The AWESNA Young Alumni Medical-Dental
Mission will be held on March 22-24, 2016 in
Borongan, Eastern Samar, one of the typhoon belt
cities affected by super typhoon Yolanda. The
yearly medical mission team of AWESNA will be
coming mostly from California with some
local medical and dental practicioners from the
Philippines will be joining the group to perfom
minor surgery and dentistry. Last years successful
medical mission was held in Northern Luzon
College, Pangasinan. Next years medical mission
will be led out by the young alumni team of Olive
Macias and Gladys Roman. The med mission team
will leave LAX on March 20, 2016 to Manila and
should arrive in Tacloban the following day. Evangelistic crusade will start two weeks earlier than the
medical mission. Baptism and culmination of the
crusade will be on March 25-26, 2016. Departure
from Tacloban to Manila will be on March 27, 2016.
Let us pray for the success and safety of this medical mission. The gospel preaching and healing are
both exemplified by our Saviour, Jesus Christ, while
on earth and we do the same gospel co mission in
following His footsteps saving souls for Gods
kingdom. For more info, please contact Gladys
Roman at and Lita Laoyan,

THE LINK / Winter 2016 14


"Jehovah-Nissi in 2016"
By Dr. VicLouis Arreola III

he Israelites won their first battle as recorded in Exodus

17:13-16. But there was something more important going
on. They were going to learn about God. God tells Moses
to write something important (Exodus 17:14). The message was
clear: God would defeat the enemies of His people. In response
to God's message, Moses built an altar, or a memorial, and gave
it a name, one of the names of God (Exodus 17:15). He called it
Jehovah-Nissi. The Hebrew word nissi means "signal pole,"
"standard, ensign, or banner." Moses was declaring that the Lord
is our Standard, and that we march under His banner or His flag.

Union's hopes for a quick history. And Thomas Jonathan Jackson was thereafter known as Stonewall Jackson. That day, he
was the "banner" for the Confederate troops. Although shots
were flying all around them, they saw Jackson, standing before
them, as impregnable as a stone wall, and rallied behind him.
Similarly, the Lord is our banner in 2016. Although
demands of enormous challenges may be flying around us, we
are to look to the Lord who stands before us and rally behind
us. Let's go to battle under the banner of our Lord in 2016!

What did God reveal in Israel's victory? What does God reveal to us when we win victory? That He is Jehovah-Nissi. What
does that mean? When we go to battle, we go with God's presence. When we go to battle, we go with God's power. When we
go to battle, we go with God's provision. When (not if) we are
attacked by the enemy, we need to remember that He is Jehovah
-Nissi. God is the source of our victory when we are engaged in
battle by the Devil, the world, or the flesh.
A great lesson in American History will always be a reminder. In the First Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War, Gen.
Thomas Jonathan Jackson was leading the Virginia troops of the
Confederacy. The Confederates were being routed by the Union
forces. One man from another division saw General Jackson
mounted on his horse, leading his troops, and pronounced,
"There stands Jackson like a stone wall! Rally behind the
Virginians!" They did so, and the Confederacy won a decisive
and surprising victory at the outset of the war, dashing the

THE LINK / Winter 2016


Updates on the AUP College of Medicine

By Dr. Alfonso Miguel, Jr. MD, D.Hum,

t was August 10, 2015 when

the AUP College of Medicine inaugural class of 16
medical students started their
first year. The weekend before that
was a very significant celebration of
the opening of the new College of
Medicine building which was attended by dignitaries from the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. Dr. Peter Landless, Director of Medical Ministries Department; Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy,
Director of Educational Ministries;
Dr. Roger Hadley, Dean LLU School
of Medicine. In addition, Pastor Leonardo Asoy, SAPD President and
Pastor Alberto Gulfan, former SAPD
President; Pastor Naphtali Manez,
NPUC President and other leaders of
our Medical Institutions in the Philippines were present. Other special
guests from our Alumni organizations headed by Dr. Elmer Bangloy,
AWESNA and Salcor Quines, EASNAC also graced the event. Of
course, CHED dignitaries, and supporting Physicians -Faculty members, who indicated their willingness
to serve in the teaching staff for this
new fledgling COM in the Philippines marched in at the start of the
The Sunday "White Coat" ceremony
was very colorful, presided by our
AUP President Dr. Francisco
Gayoba and the Founding Dean of
the COM- Dr. Doris Mendoza.
From a recent communication from
Dr. Gayoba and Dr. Mendoza, the
COM inaugural class are "enjoying
their classes and the teaching environment". Dr. Doris Mendoza has
done an excellent work in the realization of the establishment of the
AUP COM and continue to do so in




making sure that this endeavor will

move forward to fulfill its philosophy "Through Christ healing and
wholeness". With this philosophy
AUP envisions that the COM
becomes a leading Adventist medical
training school in the Asian-African
region- producing PhysicianMissionaries as a force utilized as an
opening wedge in spreading the
Gospel message not only in the
Philippines but to other regions of
the world.
Another item of interest is the lifting
of the stringent rule of limiting the
number of students from other countries to enroll in the COM program
for the coming years. Hopefully, we
will get top-notched students to carry
the tradition of excellence as we
endeavor to continue to provide the
best teaching environment following
the blueprint of Adventist medical
education as described by Ellen G.
White that is exemplified by Loma

Linda University Health Services, our

flagship medical institution.
As we move forward, let us seek the
Lord in prayer on behalf of the AUP
COM with its medical faculties and
students. Let us all be united in support
of our very own AUP College of
Medicine with our finances and
resources that will enhance its progression in the coming years. It is my
fervent hope that the God we serve
"the giver of all good and perfect gifts"
will richly bless you in all your
Wishing all our Alumni and friends the
best for 2016 filled with Love, Joy,
Peace and all the other good things that
come with it.

Healthy Eating For Life

By Edwin Araba, MD

ccording to the PCRM report ,there are more than 1.6 million people diagnosed with cancer in the
United States each year, the fourth highest incidence rate among peer countries in the world, and
there is an urgent need for a new direction in battling this disease. Second, and just as important, we want to

improve survival after cancer has been diagnosed by offering comprehensive information about the role of dietary factors in keeping people healthy. Approximately 80 percent of cancers are due to factors that have been identified and can
potentially be controlled, according to the National Cancer Institute. Not only do we have the potential to prevent most
cancers, we can also improve the survival rates of people who have cancer. Cancer starts when one cell begins to multiply out of control. It begins to expand into a lump that can invade healthy tissues and spread to other parts of the body.
But this deadly disease can often be prevented and, when it occurs, can often be stopped in its tracks. At least one-third
of annual cancer deaths in the United States are due to dietary factors.1A recent review of diet and cancer shows that
much of our risk for colon, breast, and prostate cancer, among other types, is due to dietary factors. The link between
diet and cancer is not new. In January 1892, Scientific American printed the observation that cancer is most frequent
among those branches of the human race where carnivorous habits prevail. Numerous research studies have since
shown that cancer is much more common in populations
consuming diets rich in fatty foods, particularly meat and
dairy products, and much less common in countries with
diets rich in grains, vegetables, and fruits. One reason is that
foods affect the action of hormones in the body. They also
affect the strength of the immune system. While fruits and
vegetables contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that protect the body, research
shows that, by contrast, animal products contain potentially
carcinogenic compounds that may contribute to increased
cancer risk. Established or Suspected Obesity-Related Cancers. Gods original diet for man, according to Ellen G.
White, was a plant-based diet. Behold, God said, I have given you every herb yielding seed, and every tree , in
which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food. According to Gods original plan for mans diet,
grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the chosen diet for us by our Creator. - Counsels on Diet and Foods, p.81,
Cholesterol Levels High in U.S. Children and Adolescents
Why is childhood obesity prevalent in our society? It poses greater risks toward type two diabetes among children. High
levels of cholesterol are also higher. One in 5 children in the United States has high cholesterol with total cholesterol

levels over 200 mg/dL, according to a report published by the National Center for Health Statistics. Researchers examined cholesterol data of 6-19 year olds as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). More than 7 percent of children and adolescents experienced high total cholesterol, with the
highest levels, up to 11 percent, among obese participants and those ages 16-19. Much to its high levels are
attributed to diet rich in fats and cholesterol. The key factor to lower cholesterol level is to
encourage them to eat a plant-based diet.

develop a plan to

Continued next page

THE LINK / Winter 2016


Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health

Two themes consistently emerge from cancer research: Vegetables and fruits help reduce risk, while animal products and
other fatty foods are frequently found to increase risk. When the terms fiber and fat are used, it is easy to forget the
foods from which they come. When you hear about the dangers of fat, think meat- and- dairy-based diets, aided and abetted by oily foods. Fiber is found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. There is no fiber in any product from an
animal. A vegetarian menu is a powerful and pleasurable way to achieve good health. The vegetarian eating pattern is
based on a wide variety of foods that are satisfying, delicious, and contribute to the risk of certain forms of cancer.
Vegetables (4 or more servings a day)
are packed with nutrients,
vitamin C, beta-carotene, riboflavin,
iron, calcium, fiber, and other nutrients.
Dark-green leafy vegetables, such as
broccoli, collards, kale, mustard and turnip greens, chicory, and bok choy, are
especially good sources of these important nutrients. Dark-yellow and orange
vegetables such as carrots, winter squash,
sweet potatoes, and pumpkin provide
extra beta-carotene. Include generous
portions of a variety of vegetables in
your diet. Serving size: 1 cup raw vegetables 1/2 cup cooked vegetables.
Whole Grains (5or more servings a day)
This group includes bread, rice, pasta,
hot or cold cereal, corn, millet, barley,
bulgur, buckwheat oats, and tortillas.
Build each of your meals around a hearty
grain dish. Grains are rich in fiber and other complex carbohydrates, as well as protein, B vitamins, and zinc. Serving
size:1/2 cup hot cereal 1 ounce dry cereal1 slice bread Fruit (3or more servings a day) Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamin
C, and beta-carotene. Be sure to include at least one serving each day of fruits high in vitamin Ccitrus fruits, melons,
and strawberries are all good choices. Choose whole fruit over fruit juices, which do not contain very much fiber. Serving size:1 medium piece of fruit 1/2 cup cooked fruit4 ounces juice
Top Five Foods You Cant Live Without
1.Beans and lentils add heartiness to soups, stews, chili, and other recipes. Plus, theyre loaded with cancer-fighting fiber
and healthy plant protein. 2.Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cauliflower, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts contain potent cancer-fighting compounds and have been shown to help rid the body of excess hormones.3.Berries such as blueberries and blackberries are full of powerful antioxidants that help stop free radical damage
which can otherwise lead to cancer. 4.Carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes,
mango, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and squash are incredible sources of beta-carotene, which is crucial for cancer prevention
and survival. Just one large carrot a day helps you meet your daily requirement!5.Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, and millet are rich sources of fiber and B vitamins, essential for health. Plus, theyre loaded with complex carbohydrates to keep you full and help you avoid unhealthy snacking. Our bodies are designed by God to take food according to His original plan of diet consisting grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Happy healthy eating for life!

Edwin Araba, MD is a member of American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM), Physician

Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and International Society of Infectious Diseases


THE LINK / Winter



That was 64 Years Ago

By Dr. Herman Reyes

A Flabbergasted Dean

hen Lally, my wife, was in her senior year at the

College of oral and dental Surgery in 1950, Dr.
Eladio Aldecoa, President and Dean of CODS,

invited her to be a part-time dental assistant in his private practice. Her sweet personality and performance seemed to have
impressed him immensely.
I want you to join my faculty. He told her one day. To
prepare you for the job, I will send you to the U.S. for postgraduate studies.
Aldecoa was flabbergasted when in May, 1951, Lally handed
him our wedding invitation and requested him to be our
Ninong (wedding godfather). Learning about the man she was
to marry, he exclaimed: How can you turn down my offer and
choose to marry one who does not even have a parish of his
own? (He did not attend our wedding).

from each of our guests. They left with big smiles; and advertised widely that there were good new residents in town or barrio.

On July 4, 195164 years ago Lally and I began our walk

The toughie friends of our toughie friends look at us as friends,

and work together for God and His cause. (And I never hear

too. Our meetings were never bothered or disturbed by unruly

her say she regretted that she married a lowly minister in the


person of me). We, too, plan to continue our walk and work
together till the sun sets in our lives.

Stones Enough For a Church Foundation

A Successful Evangelistic Approach

A fellow evangelist, the late pastor Teofilo Barizo, said that he

Lally, with her skill and know-how, proved to be a terrific asset

stones thrown at his meeting hall. And some of these toughies

to my evangelistic crusades. Let me give you an example.

gave their hearts to the Lord. Goriong Tangkad (Greg the Slim)

One of the first things I did when I entered a targeted town or

was an example of one of them. (Read Chapter 14 of my book,

barrio at the time was to befriend some of its toughies. I

I Could Have Been A Monk).

invited them to our home and introduced them to my wife.

had enough stones for the foundation of a new church with the

(My three little girls were still little then). As per Filipino cus-

A Simple Plea

tom , we served them kalamansi drinks and cookies. Before

We are not young anymore. The ravages of age have already

they leave, my wife would say: I am a dentist. I notice that

taken their toll on us. Although our brains are still lucid and

there is something I can do for you. Please sit on my chair

bright, our knees are already weak.

(portable dental chair).

The new patients were just too happy to do so. Dental proce-

Fellow Travellers to the Land Made Newbreathe a prayer on

our behalf!

dures were still areexpensive in the Philippines. Teeth were

often left to rot. My wife would extract a decayed front tooth

THE LINK / Winter 2016


AWESNA Greater Los Angeles Chapter News

Loida Miguel, Chapter President


Having raised more than $42,000 in donations from individual chapter members and some friends, the Food Service area at AUP College of Medicine Building was named after the Greater Los Angeles Chapter. The participation of these supporters is a testament of their dedication to help fulfill the long dream of AUP to start a College of Medicine program to train young people for the Medical Ministry. Such gesture of support to our
Alma Mater makes a refrain from our AUP song more meaningful.

For true and faithful

we will always be,
By deeds and praises,
well honor thee,
And Hope God blesses
Thee, our AUP.

20 THE LINK / Winter



By Emily Nimo Garcia, GNCC President
will graduate in May. Jay Ponsaran is in his junior year in Accountancy.
Oscar Pablo, our chapter adviser, will be in the Philippines in March
and he will interview some working students and we will accept eight
working students to receive financial assistance from our chapter.
Instead of holding a chapter rally this year, we plan to have an afternoon of fellowship and lectures on health and healthy lifestyle sometime in May. I have sent letters in the mail to our alumni informing
them of our chapter plans and reminding them to turn in their membership fee.
I plan to meet with the working students and provide them free lunch
this year if I could raise enough funds for it without using our chapter

e are doing fundraising. We are selling mini cookbooks for

$8.00 each, fifty percent of the
sales is our profit and it will go to our scholarship funds.Of the
twelve working students we provided with tuition assistance, 10
have graduated. Two of them have recently passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and are now employed. Leomar Percival
teaches at the 1000 Missionary Movement and Aven Lagrada works as
graduate assistant at AUP and plans to earn her Masters degree.

There are two more students that we are currently helping. Kei Sapungan
is in her last semester and is doing her internship practice teaching. She


Good day to you Ma'am.
The Lord had blessed me so much through the assistance of your organization to help me financially
in my education. Words are not enough how thankful I am of your support and it is my utmost prayer
that God will continually bless you and your organization as you had been a blessing to me and to my
other fellow scholars. Thank you very much for helping me come closer to my dreams and aspirations
and I am very happy to tell you that I am about to graduate this May 2016. As of now, I am a Teacher
Intern in one of the public schools here near AUP. This could had not been possible without your concern and support to us, working students to be able to attain Adventist Christian education.
I do pray that God will continue to bless your organization more as you help working scholars. Thank
you again for the love that you shared to me. I am teary-eyed of imagining my graduation day for I
will not be on that day without you. Thank you very much.
God bless you,

Kei Sapungan

Kei Sapungan

THE LINK / Winter 2016


AUP College of Medicine

Pioneer Medical Students


THE LINK / Winter 2016

AUP College of Medicine

Pioneer Medical Students
By Lailanie Antonio Fronda
Youth: Cagayan Valley
College: Manila Adventist College
Degree: BS Nursing Honors: Magna Cum
Laude; Clinical Excellence Award
Other distinctions: graduated as Class
She recognizes AUPs high standards, its
quality Christian Education and has seen
the competent graduates it has produced.
So, even if AUP COM were a novice in
the field of medicine, she believes its students will turn out to be truly wholistic
physicians ready to yield to Gods
Jon Sergei Jimenez ACLAN
Permanent Address: Lipa City, Batangas
Youth: Lipa, Batangas
College:UP - Manila Degree: BS Physical Therapy Honors: Best Research Presentation. Other distinction: outstanding
student leader; violinist/pianist
Chose AUP COM believing that to become a compassionate and responsible
medical doctor, ne needs a good foundation in character as well as in spirituality which he believes Seventh-day Adventist Education can provide. Maternal
grandfather, Dr. Benjamin Jimenez - an
early renowned SDA worker - had a
strong influence of his life choices, as
well as both his parents who are physicians as well.

Jessly Rose Delos Angeles ACOBA

Permanent Address: Tumauini, Isabela

Student: Janina Bianca Garcera Cabili

Permanent Address: Matnog, Sorsogon
Youth: Bicol
College: AUP
Degree: BMLS
Honors: Cum Laude
Other distinctions:
My greatest dream in life is to become a
medical doctor and be part of God's end
time mission, blessing people thru healing. Since I started school I went to
Adventist institutions and I believe that
Adventist Education is the best and that
AUP through its quality Bible-based
Christian education will help in the realization of my dream.

Student: Joy Lugas BELARMINO

Permanent Address: Silang, Cavite
Youth: Cavite
College: AUP
Degree: BMLS
Honors: Deans List Awardee
Other distinctions:
She believes in the Philosophy, Mission and
Vision of AUP COM. She has been working as
a medical technologist but would still like to
pursue her dream of becoming a physician. At
AUP COM she realizes students here have
greater opportunities to do personal ministries
unlike if they were in other schools.

Student: Christopher Dale Gallemit CHUA

Permanent Address: Binan, Laguna

THE LINK / Winter 2016


Youth: Sta. Rosa, Laguna

College: De La Salle University Manila Degree: BS Pre-Med Physics
Honors: Other distinctions: Presented Thesis at
the 2014 DLSU Research Congress

produce a holistic physiciansocial mobilizer,

researcher, academician, clinician, manager and
most importantly, physician missionary.

Although not an Adventist, an opportunity to attend to a Medical School

that enabled him to stay with his family proved to be an enticing offer as
the home is definitely the best place to
be when the going gets tough. Especially in medical school where more
than blood, sweat, and tears will be
shed. AUP COM is therefore the best
fit as not only are the Adventists renowned as health care trainers and
providers, the atmosphere of the campus is conducive for the mind, as well
as for the soul.

Student: Weamirson Razon ESTRADA

Permanent Address: Silang, Cavite
Youth: AUP campus College: AUP
Degree: BS Nursing Honors: Cum Laude
Other distinctions: student leader; Class President
He believes the AUP COM program will be
good - besides, living on campus it is very accessible. He says life will be easier here than
in other medical schools.

Student: Lexan Erdin Lim CORDIAL

Permanent Address: AUP, Silang,
CaviteYouth: AUP campus
College: AUP
Degree: BS Nursing Honors: Magna Cum
Laude; Clinical Excellence Award
Other distinctions: Top 6, Phil. Nursing
Licensure Examination;
President, Graduating Class 2011
I believe that AUP-COM is the only medical school here in the Philippines that provide quality education and training and at
the same time emulates the Master Physician, Jesus Christ in His transforming healing ministry. AUP emphasizes the value of
service, the missionary spirit that Jesus
exhibited when He healed the sick and
those who are in need. I also believe that
AUP-COM will equip me with all the
world class knowledge and skills necessary
to effectively provide care to my future
patients. I also admire the Goal of COM to


THE LINK / Winter

Student: April Rae Obregon GARCES

Permanent Address: Makati City
Youth: Pasay and AUP


College: AUP
Degree: BS Biology
Honors: Summa Cum Laude
Other distinctions:
Having heard of the Sabbath-keeping problems
many SDAs face at other medical schools, she
kept hoping the AUP COM would start operating soon after her graduation from premedical
studies - and it did! She believes she can
achieve many things at AUP COM.

Student: Paul Rothwel Condino DE JESUS

Permanent Address: Sta. Maria, Laguna
Youth: Laguna College: AUP
Degree: BMLS
Honors: Deans List
Other distinctions: Top 3, Phil. Med.
Tech Board Exam
He chose AUP COM because he is convinces
that the Adventist faith is integrated in its
curriculum. There is no other medical school in
the Philippines that offers such unique and quality instruction. He says I strongly believe
that this school will provide a wholesome environment that will harness my total development
in preparation for a life of joyful service as an
excellent, compassionate, Adventist Missionary
Physician. The very long wait to have the program approved did not hinder my desire to be
part of the AUP College of Medicine:

Youth: Bukidnon
College: MVC
Degree: BS Nursing
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Other distinctions:
Having been in SDA educational institutions
since primary schooling, he firmly believes
that Adventist education is best.

Student: Vanda Charisse C. DEJOLDE

Permanent Address: Silang, Cavite
Youth: Mindanao
College: Father Saturnino Urios University
Degree: BS Biology
Honors: Other distinctions: Why AUP COM?
Her brother came across the announcement of
AUP COMs soon opening in Facebook. This
prompted her to apply because it is an Adventist
school and there will be no conflicts with Sabbath-keeping. Also, she trusts AUP COM has
incorporated spiritual concept of health in its
medical education. In her words, . . . Being in
this school will make me more driven to what I
hope and plan to do in the future.

Student: Eimarlouyd P. MANSAGUITON

Permanent Address: MVC, Valencia City

Student: Aedrian Clifford RODRIGUEZ

Permanent Address: GMA, Cavite Youth: College: AUP
Degree: BMLS
Honors: Other distinctions:
He chose AUP COM not just because it is
close to home but more because here he
wont have the Sabbath observance difficulties SDAs in other medical school experience.

College: CPAC Degree: BS Nursing

Honors: Other distinctions:
He believes that AUP COM is Gods institution for spiritual as well as academic
advancement and this institution and the
environment is conducive for learning.

Student: Nim Franzio II A. SALAZAR

Permanent Address: AUP, Silang, Cavite
Youth: AUP campus College: AUP
Degree: BSML Honors: Deans Award
Other distinctions:
Since childhood he has lived on campus and
done all his studies here. Now, as he works
toward his dream of becoming a missionary
doctor, he thinks AUP COM is best for him.
Here he hopes to work toward his passion to
help the needy. He believes God has something in store for him as a future physiciandisciple.

Student: Andy Graham Molina ROSAS

Permanent Address: Silang, Cavite
Youth: Romblon

THE LINK / Winter 2016


Youth: Pasay City

College: AUP
Degree: BSML
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Other distinctions: Why AUP COM?
He has always wanted to become a physician
knowing that way God could better use him
to help the sick and heal not just their physical bodies but most importantly their spiritual
illnesses. The environment at AUP is a plus
factor, compared to other medical school

Student: Julienne Rowelie Aujero SANCHEZ

Permanent Address: Caloocan City
Youth: Caloocan City and Bulacan
College: AUP
Degree: BS Nursing
Honors: Magna Cum Laude;
Clinical Excellence Award
Other distinctions: Why AUP COM?
She says Aside from AUP being my Alma
Mater, this institution has provided me with
high quality education and prepared me to
become a registered nurse, ready in service
for others. AUP provides and equips students not only with necessary knowledge and
skill for their chosen profession but also
helps to strengthen faith and above all,
teaches to put Christ as the first, best and last
in life. I strongly believe I can achieve my
dream to become a world-class Christian
Physician and serve others till the Master
Physician comes.

Student: Alexzan Dela Cruz BERNARDINO

Permanent Address: Imus, Cavite


THE LINK / Winter 2016

Dr. Doris A. Mendoza, MD

Founding Dean, AUP College of Medicine;
University of the Philippines College of
Medicine, Class 1975; Pediatric Residency,
UP-PGH Medical Center; Fellowship in
Pediatric Cardiology, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan; Fellowship in Pediatric
Cardiology , Childrens Medical Center of
Israel, Petah Tiqva, Israel; Clinical Mentorship in Pediatric Cardiology & Pediatric
Heart Transplant, International Heart Institute, Loma Linda Medical Center; Clinical
Mentorship in Bioethics, Spirituality, and
Wellness, Loma Linda University; Head,
Institutional Ethics Review Board for BioMedical Researches, West Visayas State
University (Past); Fellow, Philippine Pediatric Society; Pediatric-Cardiologist; Academician, Retired Professor V, after 36 years as
Pioneer Faculty at West Visayas State University College of Medicine, Iloilo City.

Vision of the College of Medicine in the next

5 years:
By the end of 4 years, the first batch of medical
students would be graduating as the 5-star plus
physicians that the COM purposed for them to
become: clinician, educator, researcher, manager-administrator, and social mobilizer. But
over and above that, they have been trained to
become missionary physicians. They would
then be proceeding on their fifth year as postgraduate interns who will put into clinical practice all that they have learned.


Letty Banaag, Chapter President

The 43rd AWESNA 2015 Convention in San Jose was a success attributed to God and to the host chapters, Central valley and
Greater Northern California; behind the scene are the hard working men and women of AWESNA. Building Bridges for Today and
Eternity is all about Gods providential leadings us to Him. What we do are just peripherals, and details that can go around and
around. But the main focus is to glorify God and Him only is the central figure in our organization. The FACES of AWESNA are
men and women who dedicated their lives to Serve and Shine for the Master . Here are happy faces of AWESNA who have the
willingness to use their God-given talents to serve the Alma Mater, AUP and the communities far and near. This year,2016,
AWESNA is going for a medical mission in Borongan, Eastern Samar. Let us work together to make this outreach event a success
and a real blessing to many people that were affected by calamities. Thanks to all willing helpers and God bless AWESNA!

THE LINK / Winter 2016


By Laurence T. Gayao,,M.D.

The PUC-AUP Centennial Celebration

Fellow Alumni,
Greeting hope youre all doing well and blessed this
new year.
Lately some alumni have been inquiring about next year
AUP centennial celebration wanting to know specifics so
they could plan to participate in this momentous milestone celebration for our alma mater. So I took
the initiative to ask contact in the Philippines and they
too have don't know of any definitive on going effort to
organize at this point of time.
As a concern alumni fortunate to be still alive, (God willing) for this celebration I am taking the initiative to communicate with you prime movers in the AWESNA, EASNAC, Philippine and other alumni that we coordinate our
efforts to have a Joint Convention in the Philippines to
celebrate this important occasion. If this is something we
want then let us be cognizant that time is of the essence
and we need to move right away. Have a steering committee and get the organizational infrastructure so we
could move on.
We know the AUP administration hands occupied running the school most especially the recent opening of the
College of Medicine which is understandably a large
undertaking, and we take our hat off to them. So I hope
we could band together as proud alumni and pool our





Shine on Forever AUP,

Your humble foot soldier,

Laurence T. Gayao, MD


THE LINK / Winter 2016



The Story
I'm Lailanie Fronda, a travel blogger/writer and a vegetarian runner. I'm a firm believer of quality and holistic education as a channel of growth and success. I grew up in
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, and I'm an alumna of PAES (Pinamalayan Adventist
Elementary School).
I was in Saraburi, Thailand on Dec. 14-18, 2016 when typhoon Nona's wrath wrecked
my hometown & its nearby towns in our province, Oriental Mindoro. Since I had no
WiFi connection until I got back to Bangkok on December 18, I had no idea how horrible the aftermath of the
typhoon was.
I was grateful that our house wasn't much destructed, some of our roof were torn and nowhere to be found. But
seeing the news online broke my heart, seeing the huge damage of our town to be particular. My heart sank
upon seeing my beloved alma mater, PAES (Pinamalayan Adventist Elementary School), was devastated by
typhoon Nona.
Editors note: I would like to appeal to our alumni to help restore the PAES school building . If you feel
impressed to help and donate any amount please do so. Thank you in advance for your generous support.
AWESNA Treasurer, Ella N. Alcaide
P.O. Box 11053
Glendale, CA 91226
1712 Orchard Avenue, Glendale, CA 91206
Tel. 818-240-2086 , Email:

THE LINK / Winter 2016


Adventist News

Southern Asia-Pacific Division President

Succumbs to Rare Disease
Leonardo R. Asoy was just elected to office six months ago.

eonardo R. Asoy, president of the Seventh-day Adventist

Churchs Southern Asia-Pacific Division, died Tuesday after a

months-long struggle with a rare bone marrow disease. He was
Asoy was just elected president at the General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas, in July 2015, replacing the ailing
Alberto C. Gulfan Jr., who died of cancer on Sept. 26.
Asoy, who was hospitalized about two months after the General
Conference Session, died at 8:35 p.m. on Jan. 12 at the Adventist Medical Center-Manila, Philippines, from complications due
to myelodysplastic syndrome, a rare disease in which the bone
marrow is unable to produce adequate healthy blood cells.
It is with great sorrow we announce the passing of Pastor Leonardo R. Asoy, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division said in a
statement. We request your continued prayers for the family
during this tragic time. We cling to Gods enduring presence and
His promise of the resurrection.
Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Adventist world church,
called Asoy a dynamic promoter and supporter of evangelism.
He was a valiant guardian of the eternal truths of Scripture and
the marvelous Advent movement God has entrusted into the
hands of Seventh-day Adventists, Wilson said on his Facebook
He offered his condolences to Asoys wife, Elma, and two adult
children, Elnardz and Shawnette, on behalf of the Adventist
world church and said he and his wife, Nancy, had prayed for
them. We have prayed for them and will pray that the Comforter will come close to them bringing the realization of the
blessed hope we have in Christs soon return, he said.
Funeral arrangements are pending, the division said.
The divisions executive secretary, Samuel Saw, will serve as
acting president until a new president is elected, in accordance
with the General Conferences Working Policy. The secretary
also serves as president in the absence of the president, according to Article VI of the bylaws of the General Conference Constitution. Saw filled that role during Asoys illness.

Eager to Serve as President

Asoy enthusiastically welcomed his role as president after his
election last July. When Adventist Review/ANN reporter Michael W. Campbell asked him what burdens God had placed on
his heart, he said he was especially eager to find ways to reach
the many Buddhists and Muslims in his division, which encompasses the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and 10
other countries.


THE LINK / Winter 2016

One of the burdens we have in this territory is how to reach

Buddhists and Muslims, Asoy said.
He also expressed concern about nurturing new members and
said he hoped to encourage all members to read the Bible and
the writings of Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White
This quinquennium has seen an average of 80,000 individuals
baptized each year, he said, speaking of the five years from
2010 to 2015. Our challenge is to strengthen and nurture new
believers in this division.
Campbell, who interviewed Asoy backstage at the General Conference Session before newly elected division leaders went on
stage for an official introduction on July 6, remembered him
Tuesday as a very gracious man.

Leonardo R. Asoy, president of the Southern

Asia-Pacific Division. (David B. Sherwin)

Turning Trips into Mentoring Sessions

Leonardo Remulta Asoy was born on Nov. 18, 1959, in Mindanao in southern Philippines, and graduated from the Adventist
-owned Mountain View College in 1983 with a degree in theology. He first worked as a district pastor in Ozamis City in the
churchs Western Mindanao Conference and later as its youth
director from 1988 to 1990.
In 1990, he earned a masters degree in pastoral studies from the
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in
Cavite, Philippines.
Whatever knowledge Asoy gained from his Adventist education,
he returned hundredfold, friends said.
Felixian T. Felicitas, dean of the School of Theology at Mountain View College, recalled traveling with Asoy on numerous
evangelism outings early in their 15-year friendship.

On most of our trips, Pastor Asoy would

turn our long travels into mentoring sessions, Felicitas said. At times he would
park his blue pick-up truck and we would sit
in the back, resting. He would simply share
his ministry experiences to me. Little did I
know then that this was his own little way of
teaching and mentoring me.
Felicitas last saw Asoy at the hospital on
Dec. 23, two days before Christmas.
We talked our conversation was filled
with his eagerness to hear news about me,
my family, my ministry, and Mountain View
College and we prayed, Felicitas said.
As I was praying, I could hear his affirmations and felt his deep commitment and love
for Jesus. Felicitas gave Asoy a hug as he
prepared to leave. Asoy broke into tears, saying: Pray for me. Serve well. Thank you!
Then he added in a quivering voice, See you
again! Yes, Pastor Asoy, Felicitas told
the Adventist Review. We will see you again
on that great resurrection morning!

A Passionate Sabbath School Leader

In the 1990s, Asoys church work took him
to the South Philippine Union Conference,
where he served as youth director and later as
Sabbath School and personal ministries director. After a one-year stint as president of
the Davao Mission in 2003, he returned to
the union to serve as ministerial secretary. In
2007, Asoy accepted a call to serve as the
Sabbath School and personal ministries director for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division.
He was passionate about Sabbath School
and the importance of strengthening the faith
of our members through lively and interesting Sabbath Schools, said Linda Mei Lin
Koh, director of the Childrens Ministries
department of the Adventist world church,
who worked with Asoy for the past nine
Koh said Asoy organized large Sabbath
School congresses and always invited her to
provide training for the children Sabbath
School teachers and leaders. Because of his
wit and humor, Asoy also was known as a
sought-after interpreter for foreign speakers
in division-wide meetings hosted in the

southern Philippines, friends said.

A Celebration of Piety and Humility
Asoy served as president of the South Philippine Union Conference from 2011 until
last year, turning it into one of the bestmanaged unions in the Adventist Church,
known for its forwarding-looking leadership, evangelistic fervor, and team spirit,
said G.T. Ng, executive secretary of the
Adventist world church and a friend of
Asoy for more than two decades.
Ng said he would long remember the one
day that Asoy left the hospital to attend the
opening of the Southern Asia-Pacific Divisions year-end meetings on Nov. 6. Asoy
had been confined to his hospital room for
47 days, but he made it a point to be discharged from the hospital in time to attend
the morning worship of the opening session.
With a distinct voice he welcomed the
delegates, Ng said. He spoke with resounding gusto, saying how grateful he
was to be present in the midst of fellow
leaders from the unions. He thanked the
assembly for their prayers on his behalf.
He described his medical condition and the
doctors prognosis of his recovery.
He was fully committed to the Lord and
to the full restoration of health. I saw with
my own eyes the extraordinary valor and
tenacity of a godly man.
Ng described Asoys life as a celebration
of piety, humility, zeal, and unflinching
Though assailed with great odds, he demonstrated exceptional fortitude, he said.
Like the Apostle Paul, he could say, This
one thing I do, in his lifelong commitment
to the mission of the church. Here is a valiant soldier of Christ waiting to see His
Master face to face soon.

Reported by Andrew McChesney,

News Editor , Adventist Review


The Link is published by the

Adventist University of the Philippines
Alumni of Western North America.
Please send news articles, photos
and comments to: The Editor,
9600 Flame Tokay Way,
Elk Grove, CA 95624.
Ella Alcaide
Elmer Bangloy, DMD,D.Hum
Edwin Araba,MD
Copyright 2016
All rights reserved


Editor in Chief
Edwin Araba
Editorial Assistants
Emily N. Garcia
Kathy Laberinto
All Chapter PROs
Arlene Ferrolino
Fem Ramirez
Myrna Dial
Josie Nicolas Sta. Ana
Tessie Sajid
Ralph Tigno
Layout & Design
E.Dale Araba
Circulation Manager
Ruth Ranchez
Roditha Pablo
Rene Donato
Eppie Manalo, PhD
Alfonso Miguel, Jr. MD,D.Hum


THE LINK / Winter 2016


The Adventist University of the Philippines


Alumni of Western North America (AWESNA)

Address Service Requested

The Link
9600 Flame Tokay Way, Elk Grove, CA 95624
Phone:(916) 230 3969



AWESNA Serve and Shine!


AWESNA 44th Annual Convention

Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2-4, 2016
Change of Address Form




The Link Editor , 9600 Flame Tokay Way, Elk Grove,CA 95624


Co-hosted by the Loma Linda and Hawaii (Aloha) Chapters

Please support our next AWESNA Medical Mission 2016 in Borongan, Eastern Samar,
sponsored by AWESNA Young Alumni. Send your donations to AWESNA Treasurer.

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