Chapter 237 January 2016 Newsletter PDF

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Monday, January 25th 2016
Located at:

8891 Airport Rd NE
Blaine, MN 55449

Jan. 25th - EAA 237s

Fir st Chapter Meet-

The success of teamwork: Coming toing of the year with new Officers. Starts at
We hope to see you there!
gether is a beginning. Keeping
together is progress. Working together is success. Hen- 6PM for social hour & food, 7PM Meeting followed by a
ry Ford
presentation at 8PM by Mark German.
Truer words have never been spoken, and the accomplishments EAA Chapter 237 has achieved the past two years is
a testament to that fact. Team was the one four letter
word our previous president, Bob Heavirland, stressed and
used constantlyfor good reason!
Working effectively as part of a team is incredibly important for project success, morale, and retention. It forces
chapter members to spread knowledge and to do things in a
way that other people on the team can pick up if necessary.
Teamwork enables us to accomplish tasks faster and more
efficiently. Cooperating together on various tasks reduces
workloads for all members by enabling them to share responsibilities or ideas. Teamwork is important because it
provides chapter members with an opportunity to bond
with one another, which improves relations among us. Cooperating on a project is an opportunity for new members
to learn from more experienced members. We have members who differ from one another in terms of skills or talents. Working together is a great opportunity to acquire
skills that some of us never had beforehand.
I know that Bob will agree with me that the success of
EAA Chapter 237 is a direct result of YOU, our membership. We have the most talented, knowledgeable, dedicated, hardworking, and best team of aviation aficionados
anywhere! We are not a team just because we joined the
chapter. We are a team (all 100+ of us) because we respect, trust, and care for each other. Most of all, we have
fun together!
Every one of you is an invaluable team member of Chapter 237!
Kirk E. Fjetland, USN (Ret.)
President - EAA Chapter 237 (ANE)

Jan. 25th -

B-25 Work party at 7PM

Jan. 25th -

B-25 Work party at 1PM

Feb. 1st - EAA 237

Board Meeting at 7pm

Feb. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd - Standing

B-25 Work party at 7PM

Feb. 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - Standing

Feb. 6th - Oshkosh

B-25 Work party at 1PM

Skiplane Fly-in at EAA HQs Pioneer

Feb. 20th - EAA 237

Fly-in / Drive-in Cowboy Breakfast

Social at the chapter hangar. Kick off our monthly event

starting at 7:30am. Volunteers will be needed! Setup
starts at 6:30am
Feb. 22nd - EAA 237

Chapter Meeting 6PM Social and

7PM meeting. With a presentation by Chris Henry,

EAAs own resident aircraft expert.

Next video/movie night

is Saturday, Feb. 13th, 2016
5pm - 7pm Videos and EAA HQ videos
7pm - 9pm MAIN FEATURE Movie
Take a moment and return to the golden days of the theater on the
big screen. Come and enjoy choosing from some great movie
choices along with plenty of aviation related videos to watch before hand. We also show EAAs monthly videos at this time. If
you would like to bring a lawn chair to relax in you may. If you
would like to bring an some food or beverages you may certainly
do so. If you just want to enjoy a movie without bringing anything
thats fine as well.

Please consider submitting an article for next month. To do so please contact, your newsletter editor, Josh and Lyle at

Letter from the Editor

I would first like to thank Becky and Randy for
producing a wonderful newsletter the last several
years. That last newsletter was unbelievable and
took a great deal of effort. Their talent and ability
will be greatly missed. You can see from the pictures on the right, Becky received an award for
her work on the newsletter. Randy proudly
showed off their work on the last newsletter with
chapter members. Finally a picture of Becky and
Randy enjoying the fine dinner. Thanks to both of
you, I hope to live up to the great work you have
I would like to thank the board for allowing me to
be the newsletter editor. There are plenty of
chapter members who would do well as editor,
thank you for the opportunity. I hope you all find
these future newsletters enjoyable and informative.
I am still learning all about producing a newsletter and all that goes with it. Thanks to all those
who provided pictures and stories. It makes my
job easier. Please know that this makes this letter
a true TEAM effort. All chapter members
should feel free to offer any articles any/every
month, I will do my best to get them in.
I am hoping to change things around a little bit.
As I learn more about the technology that is used
to produce this newsletter, I will add some standing articles. I would like to have an area where
chapter members can offer items for sale. I hope
that we can recover some printing costs by offering space for business to offer products and services. Finally I would like to add a section on
member profiles so that we can learn more about
our members interests and where to find help on
our projects. I would also like to know your ideas
about how to make this newsletter better. Please
feel free to reach me at or text or send photos to
Lastly I would like to thank the chapter members
for electing me to Vice-President. I am truly honored to be able to serve this chapter. Thank you
all for this wonderful opportunity.

Fly High,

Josh Welter

We had three aircraft and 9
guests fly in from Ames, Iowa.
It was their first time in Class B
airspace, so good practice.
They belong to the Flying Cyclones club at college. The head

winds were strong and ground speeds

from 72 MMPH83 MPH. They said
they had semis going faster on the freeway. The temp was 18 wind chill
when they landed. This cold did not
keep folks away. We had a great turn

out of 60 for a great breakfast and wonderful conversation. Thank you to the setup
and cooking crew.

Editors note: From this wanna be

pilot, I bet those Cylcones, had a
tail wind with them on the return
trip and really flew.

Xmas Holiday Party

Lots of great food and conversation was present

at our annual holiday party. Bob lead the festivities while handing over the leadership duties
to new officers.

The new officers pictured to the right

from right to left are Mark German
(Board Member) Kirk Fjetland
(President), Josh Welter (VicePresident), Mark Huele (Treasurer)
and Dave Peterson (Board Member).
Jerry Sadowski was the winner of
flight training in Alaska. Look at that
smile, are you surprised he has it already scheduled?

Chapter Awards
The Chapter awards were
handed out as part of the holiday party. Dave Peterson and
Kirk Fjetland share the Wally
Swanson volunteer award.
Several other awards were presented to the previous officers
and members whose contributions have been valuable to the
It is not often that we get to
have members on the cover of
Sport Aviation.
Awards were presented to Jack
Smith and Al Eke. Jack for
starring as the pilot of the Little
Dipper. Al for his accomplishment of building two aircraft.

EAA January Work Party

The staff that helps take care of us, never gets

enough credit. It is so wonderful to work and
then have nice meals prepared for us. These
fine people are there for us every time.

We all work hard, but manage to find a

way to get in some pilot training too.

Then end of the day reward with access

to the museum.
Thanks to Dave Peterson for the photos


Our next scheduled work party will be coming up the first weekend in March. The Weeks hangar crew is
still desperate for our help!! The B-17, B-25, and Ford Tri-Motor still need work, and many other projects are ongoing. As last time, most volunteers will depart for OSH on Thursday (3rd) and some on Friday (4th). We will
work Friday & Saturday with Sunday a free day to explore EAA, Oshkosh, and/or head home.
EAAs Hops & Props premier beer-tasting event is back for the 12th year in a row and is being held at the
AirVenture Museum that Saturday evening 7-10 p.m.! Wet your whistle with some of the finest beers in the
world as you enjoy delicious food and live music that will keep you on your feet all night long. Spend an evening
sampling more than 300 extraordinary beverages from around the world while the master brewers you love are on
hand to answer any and all questions you have about their craft. For those that are interested: $75 General Admission ($65 EAA Members) | $125 VIP Dining Experience ($115 EAA Members). You can purchase tickets online
at: EAA recommends getting them in advance as the event has sold out in the past.
Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, if you're interested in volunteering with this March work party. Other EAA MN chapter members are also invited. You will have until February 21st to make your decision. EAA will need to be notified of the numbers by then so preparations can be made. There will be plenty of
work to do and no experience is necessary. Women are also encouraged to provide their efforts and a separate
housing facility will be available. EAA supplies us with free lodging and prepared meals at the Air Academy
Kirk E. Fjetland, USN (Ret.)
President - EAA Chapter 237 (ANE)
Discover Aviation Days (ANE) Board Member
EAA #867374, AOPA #03396989

CORSAIR - The Most Popular Powerball Plane

Unfortunately, none of us won the $1.6 billion Powerball, but it was fun to dream a little! I received many responses to my email Whats Your Powerball Plane?, and there were many varied choices, and extremely
few duplicates. It was interesting that nearly all kinds and types were represented. It only goes to prove that
we love anything/everything that flies!!
The VOUGHT F4U WHISTLING DEATH CORSAIR was the most popular plane, but the most popular response was, What, only one! I had to limit it to choice because Im sure wed all have our own mini Air
Force if we could afford it. The CONSOLIDATED PBY was a distant second. Below were some of the other
picks. Can you name them?

Kirk E. Fjetland, USN (Ret.)

President - EAA Chapter 237 (ANE)


8891 A IRPORT R OAD , B OX C-12
B LAINE , MN 55449

Mark Twain

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