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Respiratory System: Review Packet

Label the Structures

Role of the Structures: List the role of each structure in the Respiratory System
1. Nose/Mouth: ____________________________________________________
2. Pharynx:________________________________________________________
3. Larynx:_________________________________________________________
4. Trachea: ________________________________________________________

5. Bronchi/Bronchiole:_________________________________________________
6. Alveoli: ___________________________________________________________
Inspiration vs. Expiration

1.What happen to your muscles? Which muscles are involved during normal breathing (quiet)?
2. What happens to the chest cavity size?________________________________________
3. What happens to the pressure inside the chest? Why is this important?________________
4. Is inspiration active or passive? (circle one)
1.What happen to your muscles? Which muscles are involved during normal breathing (quiet)?

2. What happens to the chest cavity size?________________________________________

3. What happens to the pressure inside the chest? Why is this important?________________
4. Is expiration active or passive? (circle one) In which type of situation does this change?

* Air always moves from an area of ___________ pressure to _________ pressure*

Tidal Volume:__________________________________________________________
Vital Capacity:________________________________________________________
Residual Volume:______________________________________________________

Gas Exchange and Transport

Draw a concept map, chart or an image that explains how the two main gases in our
body are transported. Make sure to include the places where the gases diffuse into/out
of and how they are transported in the blood (are they ions? are they attached to
something?) and why hemoglobin is so important!

Malfunctions of the Respiratory System

For each of the malfunctions of the RS we reviewed, write out how it affects the body,
what happens if you have that disease(symptoms), and one or two ways to try and treat
the disease. Malfunctions include: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Asthma,
COPD and Lung Cancer
How it affects the body:
Treatment Options

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

How it affects the body:
Treatment Options

How it affects the

Treatment Options

Lung Cancer
How it affects the body:
Treatment Options

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