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Brainstorm What are the

most important skills needed
to play basketball? What are
the critical elements of those

Quiz History and origins of

basketball (where did it start,
who invented it, why, etc.)?

Exam Name the skills,

critical elements of the skills,
history of the sport, key areas
of the court, and at-home
activities to improve your
Group Presentation Teach
the class the at-home activity
your group came up with and
the skills/critical elements that
go along with the activity.

Ranking Most important

skills when learning the game
of basketball. What skills
should be taught first?
Group work In a group, look
up and discuss some at-home
activities that will allow you to
practice basketball by yourself.
Label the court Individually,
students will label the key
areas of a basketball court on a
picture of the court.

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