28 Brilliant Tips For Living Life: Leo Babauta

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28 Brilliant Tips for Living Life

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Sometimes the littlest change can make a world of difference.

Start waking a little earlier and spending some quiet time to start your day? The rest of the
day has been transformed.
What little change might change your life? Y ou can pick one or two from the list below at
random I can almost guarantee that one of them will do worlds of good for anyone.
I compiled this list this morning after asking on Twitter: Whats your best tip that has
made life better/easier? The result was a wonderful influx of brilliant wisdom. Thank you,
my friends.
1. Use travel delay as opportunity to stop rather than get stressed. When the world stands still,
let it. [Karl Durrant]
2. Whenever your spouse says something the first thing you should hear is I love you & want
to spend my life with you. [David Inman]
3. Stop clinging and embrace change as a constant. [Isabelle Cholette]
4. Try and give people the benefit of the doubt if they snap at you. Might be something going
on you dont know about. [misslmdavis]
5. Wash your bowl immediately after eating! [niekstarr]
6. The daily practice of silence. [dimovich]
7. Life is so much easier when you make a decision within 5 minutes. Longer than that and
you get bogged down & never decide. [Tiffany Cooper]
8. Friendship is a gift, not a possession. [Chris Reetz]
9. Mostly nothing is that serious as it seems in the first moment. [Julian Pollman]
10. Before you go to bed, write down only 3 things that you want to do the following day. This
is how to prioritize. [Ziba]
11. Do the most important task first thing in the morning. [Jordan Ayres]
12. Make all driving a mindfulness practice. Well being and safety! [Branden Barnett]
13. When you think you want something, put it on the planner a month from now. When that
month rolls around and you still want it, OK. [connie baber]
14. Smiling seems to help with most things. :-) [zen fostering]
15. Love where you live and working in walking distance from where you live. [Anoel]




16. Expecting less or nothing, and just being. That way disappointments are nil and you are
pleasantly surprised often. Simple. [Traci]
17. Allow extra time in your schedule for wandering. [dylan]
18. Meditate it makes everything fall into place. Being happy makes life so much better and
easier! [Gabriel Rocheleau]
19. Do something relaxing before going to bed. No electronics. [Rozanne Paxman]
20. Dont fold clothes. Saves time and hassle. [Rachel Jonat]
21. QTIP: quit taking it personally. [Will Hopkins]
22. To avoid cluttering: After any activity, put everything in place. It only takes 5 minutes vs. 3
hours if you allowed to pile things up. [La Pia]
23. Organic steel cut oats. Y UM! [Prem]
24. Realizing that you treasure experiences over possessions makes life better. [Sophia Khan]
25. If you lick a glass before drinking from it, your lipstick doesnt smear the glass. [natalie
26. When in doubt, take a deep breath. [Kevin Cuccaro]
27. Define whats necessary; say no to the rest. [Dana]
28. Expect nothing. Welcome everything. (from a homeless man with AIDS on the streets of
Vancouver.) [Sarah Chauncey]

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