Human vs. Zombies Rule Book

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Humans vs.Yetis

The Official Rule Book

Your mission
You have been sent to explore the Himalayas by
your companys Headquarters to study the regions

Three days after the beginning of your journey,

while you are out in the field, far from your base
camp, there is a terrible blizzard.

You and your team mates quickly find refuge in a

nearby cave, and once the weather is cleared,
disaster strikes: you have lost all means of
communication with HQ in the blizzard. Somehow,
all of your equipment has been damaged in the
storm, and you are lost.

To make matters worse, before leaving, your team

leader warned you about the legend of the Yeti who
lives in an area that is strangely similar to the one
you are currently lost in. You distinctly remember
him telling you to steer clear of the Yeti at all times
or it will turn you into one of its kind.

The resources available to you and your team only

allow for one of you to stay alive, and you only
have two weeks worth of supplies.

Your mission is to make it back to the base camp

safely in time - alive, and human.

Good luck.

How to Play

1. Sign up
The first thing to do is register.

Send an email to with your name, student ID

number, and your preferred role (human or yeti). Your information
will be kept private and will only be used for the purposes of the game.
You will receive a confirmation from HQ before the game begins.

If you do not receive a confirmation before the beginning of the game,

you have not been registered, and should follow up with HQ as soon
as possible.
The deadline to register is Sunday, January 31st at 11:59 PM.

2. Dont get caught

Only one of your team members will make it alive. Only the last
remaining human at the end of the two-week period will receive the
prize.You must do everything in your power to make sure that that
person is you.

Be weary - you never know which of your team members have been
bitten, and may be coming after you next.

If you do get caught, you must be ready to give the Yeti your
student ID. This is how the conversion process works. You will then
become a Yeti yourself. HQ will contact you with your own target
assignment, and you can continue to play.

How to Play

1. Sign up
An initial Yeti or group of Yetis will need to be set. If you would like
to begin the game as the Yeti, specify this in your email to, along with your name and student ID. Your
information will be kept private and will only be used for the
purposes of the game. You will receive a confirmation from HQ
before the game begins with one or multiple human targets.
Targets are assigned at random. HQ will only give you the name of
your assignment(s) as it is on Omnivox. You will not be provided
with any other information about your target. It is up to you to
track them down.

If you do not receive a confirmation before the beginning of the

game, you have not been registered, and should follow up with HQ
as soon as possible.

2. Hunt
Your goal as a Yeti is to convert the most humans possible. Some of
your human assignments may have multiple Yetis after them once
the number of Yetis increases, so you must act quickly. You will be
notified by HQ if one of your targets has been converted by another

Once you encounter your target, you must approach them in person
and ask them for their student ID number.

Once you have succeeded at converting one of your targets, you

must send an email to HQ with their student ID number. You will
then receive a new target. Note that if you have been assigned
multiple targets initially, you do not have to wait until you have
converted all of your initial targets before requesting a new one.

You must convert the humans that have been assigned to you or they
will not count towards your total conversion count.

The Yeti with the most human conversions by the end of the
game period (February 12th, 2015 at 11:59 PM) will be named the
Master Yeti and win the prize.
It is important to note that Yetis are not invincible. If you do not
attack within 48 hours of your last kill, you will die of starvation and
will be eliminated from the game.


Violence, inappropriate and unsafe behaviour will not be tolerated.

Q: Can I find my target on Facebook or Omnivox and
ask for their student ID online?
No. You must attack your victim in person.

Q: Do we need to hunt our targets at school only?

Not necessarily. As long as you are reasonable, safe, and
respectful, you can reach your target outside of school.

Q: Are classrooms safe zones?

Only as long as class is going on. You can not disrupt a class to
convert your target - if HQ receives a complaint, you will be
removed from the game. Before class, or once class is over,
classrooms are fair game.

Q: Do I need to give my student ID if Im found?

Yes. By joining the game, you are consenting to giving out your
student ID to the Yeti that asks you for it. You can not say no or
refuse. If you are uncomfortable disclosing your student ID
number to someone, you cannot join (or you can request to be an
initial Yeti, but there are no guarantees that you will receive this
If you have any questions before or during the game, send a
message to

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