Types of Hypermetropia

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Types of Hypermetropia

Axial Hypermetropia :
The anterior-posterior diameter of the eye is
shorter than usual
Curvature Hyperopia
The curve of the lens and the cornea are
weaker than usual

Index of Refraction
There a change from normal in the index of refraction of all
or some part of the optical system of the eye

A Clinical Classification Based Upon

Latent Hyperopia
Hyperopic error that can be compensated by eyes own
The younger the the person, the greater the

Manifest Hyperopia

Facultative hyperopia
The refractive error can be corrected by covex lenses
but that is also corrected by accomodation in the
absence of the lenses
Absolute hyperopia
The refractive error is not compensated for by
The distance vision is blurred, and a patient with this
hyperopia will readily accept plus lenses

Management of Hyperopia
1. Wearing glasses ( biconvex lenses)
2. Contac lens
3. Laser surgery

1. Distance and near vision is impaired, but distance vision
is better than near vision ( farsightedness)
2. Headaches (generally in frontal region)
is exaggregated by prolonged use of the eyes for
near vision
3. Uncomfortable vision (asthenopia)
when the person looks at fixed distance where precise
vision is required for great length time
4. Sensitivity to light
5. Spasm accomodation (cramp cilliary muscle and
intermitten blurred vision)
6. Eye crossing without diplopia
excessive use of accomodation may induce an excessive
convergence effort
increase esophoria

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