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Speakers / Relatori

Location / Sede
New Hall of the Synod Vatican City
Aula nuova del sinodo Citt del Vaticano
For Registration and Information / Iscrizioni e informazioni
Pontificia Academia Pro Vita
Via della Conciliazione 1 00120 Vatican City

Vincent van Gogh, Il buon Samaritano (1890), olio su tela - Graphic Designer: Liliana M. Agostinelli

AMADO FERNANDEZ Antonio, Professor of Metaphysics, Los Andes University, Santiago (Chile)
BISHOP Jeffrey, Professor of Medical Ethics and Philosophy, Saint Louis University, St. Louis (USA)
CONDIC Maureen, Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (USA)
CRUZ PRADOS Alfredo, Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)
DA RE Antonio, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Padua (Italy)
DELLORO Roberto, Director of the Bioethics Institute, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles (USA)
FARAG Mounir, Director of the St. Joseph Institute for the Family pro Vita and Bioethics, Cairo, (Egypt)
GAMBINO Gabriella, Professor of Bioethics, Tor Vergata University, Rome (Italy)
JOH Reiko, Past President of the Japan Catholic Nurses Association, Chiba (Japan)
PINSENT Andrew, Research Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, Oxford University, Oxford (UK)
RODRIGUEZ LUO Angel, Professor of Fundamental Moral Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome (Italy)
RYBICKI Adam, Professor of Systematic and Practical Spirituality, Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin (Poland)
SANDRIN Luciano, Professor of Pastoral Theology, Camillianum, Rome (Italy)
SCHOCKENHOFF Eberhard, Professor of Moral Theology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt, Freiburg (Germany)

Workshop 4 March 2016


in the Ethics of Life

Le virt nelletica della vita

Friday, 4 March 2016 WORKSHOP

First Session: The dynamics and completion of the moral act in the virtues
Prima Sessione. La Dinamica dellAgire Morale e il suo Compimento nelle Virt
Moderators: H.E. Msgr. Fernando Chomali (Chile), Prof. Mnica Lpez Barahona (Spain)




The intentionality of the human act: good and evil from a moral perspective
Intenzionalit dellatto umano: bene e male nella prospettiva della morale
Virtue ethics and moral life
Etica delle virt e vita morale
Mercy and compassion
Misericordia e compassione

11.00 Coffee break

Second Session: Biomedical ethics from a virtues perspective

Seconda Sessione. La Prospettiva delle Virt nellEtica Biomedica
Moderators: Prof. John Haas (USA), Prof. Mounir Farag (Egypt)



Alfredo CRUZ PRADOS, University of Navarre (Spain)

Luciano SANDRIN, Camillianum, Rome (Italy)



Antonio DA RE, University of Padua (Italy)

Moderators: Prof. Adriano Pessina (Italy), Prof. Laura Palazzani (Italy)

Knowledge and the experience of the good: analogy, differences

and the synergy between speculative and practical reason
Conoscenza ed esperienza del bene: analogie, differenze e sinergia fra ragione
speculativa e ragione pratica

Angel RODRGUEZ LUO, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome (Italy)

Third Session: The rediscovery of the Virtues

Terza Sessione. La Riscoperta delle Virt

Medical decision-making and the problems of Proceduralist bioethics

Medical decision-making e i limiti della bioetica proceduralista
Jeffrey BISHOP, Saint Louis University (USA)

Virtues beyond the utilitarian approach in biomedical research

Le virt oltre lutile nella ricerca biomedica
Maureen CONDIC, University of Utah (USA)

Ethical virtues in the nursing profession

Le virt etiche nella professione infermieristica
Reiko JOH, Japan Catholic Nurses Association (Japan)

12.35 Discussion
13.00 Lunch break


Professionalism and virtues

Professionalit e virt

Roberto DELLORO, Loyola Marymount University (USA)

Care and justice

Care e giustizia

Gabriella GAMBINO, Tor Vergata University (Italy)

Educating in virtue within the biomedical disciplines

Educare alla virt nelle discipline biomediche
Antonio AMADO FERNANDEZ, University of the Andes (Chile)

16.15 Coffee Break





The virtuous institution in service to life

Listituzione virtuosa a servizio della vita

Mounir FARAG, St. Joseph Institute for the Family pro Vita and Bioethics/OMS (Egypt)

Current research trends in virtue ethics

Prospettive attuali della ricerca nelletica delle virt
Andrew PINSENT, Oxford University (Great Britain)

The defense of life between parresia, mercy and forgiveness

La difesa della vita tra parresia, misericordia e perdono
Adam RYBICKI, Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)

The Christian perspective on the virtues

La prospettiva cristiana sulle virt

Eberhard SCHOCKENHOFF, University of Freiburg (Germany)

18.25 Discussion
19.00 Conclusion

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