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Instituto Anglo Britanico

Una vision universal


Nombre: Monserrat De los Rios Cisneros


Class: Design
Teacher: Aida Hernandez
Date: Janury 2016
EXPLAIN AND JUSTIFY NEED....................................................................................... 3

Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

IDENTIFY AND PRIORITIZE RESEARCH........................................................................4
DEVELOP PLANNING, DRAWINGS/ DIAGRAMS...........................................................12
PRESENT CHOSEN DESIGN....................................................................................... 13
DEMONSTRATE TECHNICL SKILLS............................................................................. 15
JUSTIFY CHANGES MADE........................................................................................... 16
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 17

Table of figures
Image 1 This image shows how does the bully and the affected feel
through the cyberbullying......................................................................3
Image 2 It shows how social networks connect people together............4
Image 3.................................................................................................15
Image 4.................................................................................................15
Image 5.................................................................................................15
Image 6.................................................................................................15
Image 7.................................................................................................15
Image 8.................................................................................................15
Image 9.................................................................................................15
Image 10...............................................................................................15

Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A



Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

Hello, Im Monserrat De los Rios an 8th grade student from Instituto Anglo
Britanico. In the Design class, our teacher, Miss Aida show us a video about a teenager
who suffer harassment and bullying through the social networks, but the bullying was so
hard that time later the teenager suicide. This story is one of the disadvantages about
the social networks, but it has also its perks.

Image 1 This image shows how does the

bully and the affected feel through the

This problem of bullying in social networks, its called cyberbullying. It is an actual

problem today, and it is begun because of the bullies dont have enough and/ or dont
want to be caught, so they make cyberbullying through social networks. The bullies kind
of feel secure because they are behind a screen, so they keep going with the bullying.

The people affected by this problem of cyberbullying, can be anyone but is

mostly teenagers who use often social networks, these ones are the named prey. The
bully (ies) are harmed through mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or
posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake
profiles. According to the stop bullying web site.

Cyberbullying is different from bullying because it can occur every day of the
week, and the twenty four hours. Cyberbullying affect the prey even when it is alone.


Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

Im working the second step of the Design Cycle. And after reading about the
disadvantages of the social networks, I realize that for every bad thing there is a good
side of it. To prove this, I research about the advantages of the actual social networks
and how helpful they are now today for us. I will speak of the most important I did get, or
at least I found most, of this positive aspects, next.

One perk of social networks I found is that

messages, images, or information it is send in real time, this means that
depending on your internet connection, the information you are sharing with others, can
be send in even less than a minute. Comparing this to centuries before, this advantage
is very useful since if it is very important to get known something, like an alarm of
disaster or there is a need, the message would arrive moments after it has been send.

Image 2 It shows how social networks connect

people together.

Centuries before it could have take weeks even months.

There is another positive aspect I found which is that social networks c

an be really helpful to spread information, tags, prays, etc. For example when
there is found a new disease and is really contagious, by one person sharing it, it could
get to get known to other people, and by be sending from contact to contact, everyone
could get knowledge about the topic, or even a pray inside a religious group.

During in the Design Class, our teacher, with the purpose of spreading about the
postive as well as negative aspects of social networks, she teach us how to use movie
maker, so we can use this program to edit videos. We would make a video speaking
about the previous stuff I said before, and making it more visual, like adding captions,
background music, effects, etc. To prove this, Im going to explain how to use movie

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Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

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1 2

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Graph 3

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Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A




Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A


My proposal for the video was making an interview mixed with sharing with the person
interviewed facts about the topic, which in this case is about social networks. I was
proposing for making it the video on a cartoon way, so we dont need to appear in the
video my partner and I. My partners proposal was to making it with us appearing at the
same time and ask another classmate to record us. To solve this difference we conclude
that a cartoon would be very elaborated for the time we got so we end up choosing for
taking turn for recording and make use of the frontal camera.

We found out that both of us, my partner and I have almost the same idea of
interviewing someone about the social networks, with the difference that I add up in my
idea to share between questions facts about them so on the last question that is more
like their reflection about the topic, it would be better since it is answer according to the
known knowledge and the new learnt. So we end up that our story would be about
interviewing a classmate about social networks and sharing with her some facts about it
and finally we would formulate something like a 'reflection question' gathering what he
already know and what we have said.

The draft of the script we bring along with the idea was also more and less different
from the other's. To fix that we mix some questions to converted them into one, also we
just eliminate the questions we think wouldn't be neccesary or useful to consider during
the interview. During this meeting we decide which questions would be, which facts we
would say and of course, in which order we would present them.


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Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A


Image 3

Image 6

Image 9

Image 5

Image 4

Image 7

Image 8

Image 10


Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

During the development of this project, my partner and I did have made several
modifications from the planning until the record of the video. One of the first changes we
made was when we decide for how to present our video. When we bring the ideas we
have for the video, we coincide to present our information on a way of a cartoon, but
after some classes before and studying the time we have left, we decide for better
making the video using ourselves in front of the camera.

Another change we made was the place and timing for doing our video project,
which was an interview. While we were planning we think that it would be great or useful
to use a fifth or fourth grade student, and so can we interview them just in the schools
backyard and while the children were on recess, so we dont have to take any of their
school time during classes.

For the last thing, we changed the fact that we didnt ask a fifth grade student, we
did ask one of our classmates. Also because we didnt have permission for taking
students outside their classes and we have to be under a teacher supervission and
during recess it wasnt possible for us and for our teacher. So we take our classmate
outside from the Design class and interview her, and we did the whole interview during
design class, and after go along with the class.


Protecting my memories Monserrat De los Rios 8A

US Departament of health (2015)


Donna Cosmato (2013)

Techyv (2013)


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