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Kangaroo Mother Care

Kangaroo Care is the practice of holding your diapered baby on the bare chest (for the
father) or between the breast (for the mother), with a blanket draped over the babys back. This
skin-to-skin benefits both the mother and the baby.
Kangaroo care help the baby maintain her body warmth, it also helps in the regulation of
her heart and breathing rates, gain weight, spend more time in deep sleep, spend more time being
quiet, and to have a better chance of successful breastfeeding because Kangaroo Care improve a
mothers milk production. Kangaroo care is safe and beneficial, even if your baby is connected to
machines. It builds the mothers confidence as she provides intimate care that can provide her
babys health and well-being. Kangaroo care can be done when sleeping or walking around and
this should ideally be 24 hours.
During the first day of our visit and assessment on the neonate, it was seen in the
Doctors order sheet that KMC should be done, and was reiterated when the doctor came in the
ward as she assessed the neonates skin, which was cold. Continuing KMC was also seen in the
chart of the client in every Doctors Order.

Nursing responsibilities:
Provide information and comfort to the family
during the NICU hospitalization of their
newborn and during the transition home.

To assure the family for the safety of the baby

and her condition.
To relieve stress to the whole family especially
to the mother and the father.

Provide assessment criteria to determine infant, To know if the parents are knowledgeable
parenteral and institutional readiness for

about the condition of their baby and to

kangaroo care and make decisions about

determine if they know what to do in case of

transfer and positioning the infant.

emergency situations.
For the babys improvement.

Make recommendations for monitoring and

documentation throughout the kangaroo care

To identify what are the procedures done.

Educate the mother and father about the

To promote understanding on the procedure,

rationale of the skin-to-skin procedure.

this is to be done by the mother and father to

improve or assure for the babys health.

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