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"1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks." Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. N.p., n.d. Web.
Senator Kennedy was present at the 1977 Senate Hearing on MK-ULTRA, where he revealed that over
eighty institutions were unknowingly involved in this mind control program. This firsthand account
allowed me to understand his attitude towards MK-ULTRA. He was bothered by the fact that most files
were destroyed because he believed that the public should be informed about the truth.

"Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents." N.p., n.d. Web.

I used this declassified file to provide evidence for the amount of funding the CIA was able to provide
Project MK-ULTRA with. This primary source helped me understand that the government really was able
to fund such experiments due to the post-war economic prosperity in 1953.
"I-Team: Whitey Bulgers Notebook Chronicles LSD Prison Testing." CBS Boston, n.d. Web.
Whitey Bulger is one of the victims of the Mk-Ultra project. The information provided are of his own
thoughts during the time he was being experimented on; written by himself in a notebook after being
released from prison. This information was useful due to the fact that I was able to better understand
the feelings of those who were involved with the various experimental tests.

"MKULTRA FILES." FOIA Collection (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

This declassified file provides evidence regarding when and who ordered the destruction of MK-ULTRA
files. This primary source helped me clarify who made the order because when I was researching,
several secondary sources did not give me a solid answer.

Marchetti, Victor. "Ex-CIA Official Speaks Out." Interview by Full Disclosure. N. C. O. I. C. N.p., n.d. Web.
Victor Marchetti is a former CIA agent who criticized the CIA for hiding the truth from the public
in a 1986 interview. His actual words helped me understand that the CIA may not have stopped
conducting mind control experiments. Since he can be viewed as a reliable source, it gave me a better
understanding on the importance of MK-ULTRA.

"The Olson Matter/ CIA Suicide." Secret Order (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
This document allowed me to understand in depth what actually happened in the mysterious Dr. Olson

case. This official document explained the court case and contained reliable information to increase my
understanding of the events surrounding Dr. Olsens death

Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control. N.d. St. Elizabeths Hospital.
This image depicts a girl being experimented. This showed me that MK-ULTRA experiments were
performed on people of all ages.

MkUltra Evidence Today. Digital image.

Http:// N.p., n.d.
This image shows the evidence that may have never been terminated. This tangible piece of evidence
helped me understand why CIA veteran agent Marchetti was claiming that the project is still going
on today.

"Washington Post, June 11, 1975." The Washington Post (11 July 1975): n. pag. The Frank Olson Legacy
Project. Web. 2.
I used this image of a newspaper article, published by the Washington Post in 1975, revealing
the true cause of Frank Olsens death, to add more visuals to the website and for proof. It helped me
understand that at the time, when MK-ULTRA was exposed to everyone, it must have shocked them,
especially the Olsen family

"10 Real Victims Of The CIAs MKULTRA Program."
Http:// Listverse, 2007-2016.
This website offers the names and background information on very different victims involved with the
Mk-Ultra project and their different experiences. This source was important to our website because it
offers a connection between the victims and the reader by allowing them to better understand how it

must have felt of being subjected to drugs and other tests without and knowledge of it occurring.

Albarelli, HP. "TruthOut Archive." The Strange Story of Sally Hartman. 10 June 2010. Web.
This source assisted me to comprehend the experience of victims. It showed what kind of horrendous
experience were these victims facing and how the experiments still effects them.

Dowling, Kevin. "The Olson FIle." The Frank Olson Legacy Project. N.p., n.d. Web.
This website provides a detailed description of Dr. Olsen, an individual who was both well aware of the
Mk-Ultra project, for he was one of those who were involved in its operation, and an unknowing victim.
This source was helpful because it shows how the Mk-Ultra project functioned, since they were willing
the test on one of their own men.

"Project Mkultra: One of the Most Shocking CIA Programs of All Time." Gizmodo. 13 Sept. 2013. Web.
This website aides to find out what kinds of drugs were being used and also the justification for using it.
Furthermore, it shows the horrendous condition of victims.

"Project MkUltra." Sometimes-interesting. N.p., n.d. Web.

This website gave valuable information about whether such an experiment such as Project MKUltra
could occur. It gave statements from CIA agents on this topic and they have the insight to make these

"Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA." Project Monarch: Nazi Mind
Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2016.
This source provides a brief summary of past attempts of creating a mind controlling program plus the
beginning of the Mk-Ultra project. This website is useful because it describes the different experiments
the operation had provided and how this project was influenced by past programs.

Salazar, Adan. New DHS Headquarters Was a CIA MKUltra Test Facility." Infowars. N.p., 26 July 2013.
Information used to go in depth with the question of what really was MkUltra about? Included economic

information and where some of these experiments were conducted from a website that focuses on
real-time events around the world especially political problems.

Weiner, Tim. "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A." The New York Times. The New York Times, 9
Mar. 1999. Web.
This website assisted me to identify the victims of the experiments. Also, it helped understand why
specific kind of people were picked.

"5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MK Ultra." DARK5. N.p., 17 Mar. 2014. Web.
This video shows 5 shocking mkultra experiments done by CIA. These experiments also show what
kind of poisonous drugs like barbiturates and amphetamine used during experiment . It also shows, in
which body parts of the body and where it is used.Furthermore, it shows the effect of these drugs in
different parts of the body. In addition, it shows where, why to whom was it experimented.

"National Economic Accounts." BEA. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2016.
This graph provides even more proof that the United States went through an economic boom due to
World War II and makes the website more visually appealing and not just words. As a visual
representation, this source helped me better understand the economic causes of MK-ULTRA.

Camper, Frank. The Mk/Ultra Secret. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
This book gave an overview of what Project MkUltra was. It helped us understand the basis of the who,
what, when, where and the why to this experiment. It gave insight into some victims story allowing us
took at our topic from a different perspective.

McGowan, David. Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder. Lincoln, NE: IUniverse, 2004. Print.
This book went over the history of mind control and gave us a different perspective from a reliable
person. The author explains Bundy, a victim of Project MkUltra, which in turn helped us understand how
the victims felt.

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