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Lopez 1

Ruth Lopez
Ms. Marlowe
Expo R/W P5
14 October 2015
Respectful and Respected Latina
Both of my parents are Salvadoran. They got married in 1987. My dad came to California
in 1989, while my mom came in the year of 1992. When they came to Los Angeles they left my
older sister Nancy at El Salvador. My brother Santiago and I were born and raised in South Los
Angeles. We rented a two bedroom house with one kitchen and one bedroom. Our house was
very tiny and the neighborhood was very rough. We were not every rich but we always had what
we needed. Both of my parents recieved no higher than an elementary education. My mom has
always worked as a cleaning lady and my dad as a packager. My parents are the most hardest
workers people I had ever meet. I do believe that the reason why I do not give is because my
parents never gave up. They are also the main reason why I have the goals that I had. They
taught me that even though I may go through many difficult situations I should never give up.
While growing up I was surround my very hard working people. All of my dads family
immigrated here. They started there life with 20 dollars in there pocket and one pair of clothes.
They all worked hard until they were happy with who they were. They never gave up on there
self and especially not on their family. To this day most of them are either managers or cofounders at their jobs. My mother was the first in her whole family to come to Los Angeles. She
is one of the most respected and hardworking women I know. She started off by cleaning
people's houses to being a janitor at Kohl's. She has never given up on her family and especially
me. Even though she does not make a large amount of money she still helps her parents a lot. She
has always told me that I could become anything that I wanted to be. She is my role model. She

Lopez 2

has taught me so much. Whether it is from learning how to cook to learning how to make my
bed. She never gave up in her dreams and never forgot where she came from. The most
important lesson she has taught me is to never forget that GOD is always next to me. Even when
I feel alone or confused he is guiding my way through life.
My whole life I have been surrounded my hard working people. They did not have the
biggest dreams to others but for them it was everything. All of them came to California with not
much in their pockets but in there heart full of hope. They have made me who I am today. A
strong, happy, intelligent, and respectful young woman. A young woman who fights for what she
believes in and does not let others bring her down. Who know that she can reach farther than the
shy because there are footprints in the moon. I understand what I am, which is a hard working
respected Latina. Who does not bring people down to be the best. But instead helps others to
become the best they can be.

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