Permasalahan Dan CATWOE Analysis-Sungai Couum Chennai India

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Table 1. Problems associated with the Cocum River stuation identfied by workshop partciparts Caco ene, TExempk of kdentiied probiews Sensory pects 3 Visual ejesore; dy image threatened foul smell Health hazards 4 ‘mosquito breeding: habia for rodens; breeding ground of intestinal parasites; ‘contact threat te population in dhe veiity Objectionaie illegal enereachments along banks ofthe river: location of slum developments: land and oncowerage by the sewerage syster of aporeximately $0% of the Tard use population along the banks ef the Coos Hydrology . flooding and orertiowing during reomoon; slow How and stagnation (éy seaon); blockage by sendbar at dhe month, 9 frce low tw the se pelluion ane 20 Iheavy pollution losd—high biochemical oxygen demand, low or nil distohed ‘related ‘oxvgen, high suspended sediment concentration; llega sewage ostflls; faciors iegal dumping of building rubble, debris; open air defecation Population 4 population growth; densification; sum development Tours and 4 no walkways lavn, gatdens, parks, unsafe for pleasure boadng, bathing, Teese prinuniig: Rabingy cra OF x necbruble ei et Political, social 15 citizen and government inaction, neglect, lack of political wll: lack of ‘and ‘communication and ccordination among institutions: inability to solve management environmental problems, mproper/insdequate management, poor planning: aspects lack of knowedge; lack of public avareness Table 2. CATWOE characteristics of population and sewerage provision systems ‘General populaion sem Sererage premision stem ‘Giinene of Crema (tiers of Chenin ‘Giietn of Chenen ‘her Metropobian Water Supply and Sewerage Bard ‘Metroncter T Waste in peed of ispal —yaste disposed af Aveas in need of service bya sewerage msiem —+ propeit served sewere! en W Waste shold be cinponed oF fa the mact convenient Sewage aod be peoperly treated before rsense sna fal best contly manne to the household the etvtemment © Ghenuai Mewopeliun Water Supply and Sewerage Chensai Metropolizan Water Supply and Sewerage Board ‘Beard (“Mettonater"), Chena Metropaitan (leworeater) legilaeors Development Autheity, Corporation of Chena E—Tneflicient sewerage ssiem (with connection innited budget, same areas are imaccesible (e ‘hanges) tora water drainage acressble many ‘objectionable ands)

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