Identify Your Grammar Knowledge

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1. There is a (slice / piece) of onion in the refrigerator.

2. Japan consists ( a range / a group) of islands
3. The pupil needs (a few / a little) time to finish the remaining questions.
4. Do you have (many / any) money?
5. We bought many (furniture/furnitures) from that shop.
6. There are a few (sheep/ sheeps) in the farm.
7. Cats are tame animals. (Its / They) are adorable too.
8. Do you want me to do the work? (you / I ) am so tired.
9. The trophy belong to (them/us). We won the match.
10. We cleaned the class (themselves/ourselves)
11. The bicycles are (ours/theirs). The children park here.
12. (Where/What) is the solution?
13. (Whom/ Which) bag is yours?
14. (This/These) houses are expensive.
15. I am (old / older) than my sister.
16. She is the (beautifulest/most beautiful) girl in the class.
17. Mr.Rizal drives the car (careful / carefully)
18. The poor boy ate the food (angrily/hungrily)
19. The sun sets (in/on/at) the morning.
20. She must finish her cooking (in/at) noon.
21. The burglar jumped (on/over) the wall.
22. The train moved (into / in/ through) the tunnel.
23. She walks (across / along) the river.
24. He is studying in (a/an) university in England.
25. (A/The) sun rises in the east.
26. (An /The) apples are imported.
27. It was raining (but/so) we could not play football.
28. You can stay her ( and / or) come with me.
29. We played football (yesterday / everyday)
30. Izzati cooks for the family (yesterday/everyday)
31. You (must/could) take care of your health.
32. (Could/Should) you help me, please?
33. The boy (borrow/borrows) book from the library every Thursday.
34. Nobody (likes/like) her because she is a proud girl.
35. Johan and I (am/are) eating noodles.
36. They (are playing/were playing) badminton just now.
37. Lily (made/makes) the sandcastle ten minutes ago.
38. The man (has taken/have taken) his breakfast.
39. She (has gone / had gone) to cinema last week with her friends.
40. The water (is/are) cold.
41. It is noisy, (doesnt/isnt) it?
42. Harun sleeps early, (isnt, doesnt) he?

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