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List of Controversial Speech Topics

1. Ocean Policy
2. Weapons of Mass Destruction
3. Iraq War
4. Homo-Sexuality
5. Should Drugs Be Made Legal
6. Right of Privacy : The Different Views
7. Renewable Energy
8. 9-11 Terrorist Attack
9. Abortion
10. Afghanistan
11. America's Global Role Public Agenda
12. Antibiotic Resistance: A Growing Threat study from the FDA
13. Bill of Rights Defense Committee
14. Bioethical Issues Hot Paper Topics
15. Birth Control
16. California Energy Crisis
17. Gun Control
18. Nuclear Weapons
19. Legalized Gambling
20. Legalizing Marijuana
21. Human Cloning
22. Gene Testing
23. Gay Marriages
24. Discrimination Laws

Informational Speech Topics

1. Personality tests
2. Who are the libertarians?
3. Aromatheraphy
4. What is inflation?
5. Electric cars
6. What was Watergate?
7. Political parties
8. Describe a piece of current legislation
9. Biography of an important person...........who is...?
10. History of an event (Halloween, etc.), or describe a historical event
11. Genetic cloning
12. Computer viruses
13. The Bermuda Triangle
14. History of a type of music, or a musician
15. Cryogenics
16. Describe a sport that people are not familiar with
17. Cellular phones
18. Describe a historic place
19. Food preservatives
20. Chemical warfare (or the anthrax vaccine, etc.)
21. LASIK vision correction
22. When will man get to Mars?
23. Top Internet searches
24. Colour blindness
25. Who invented the internet?

Informational Speech Topic Ideds

1. Nonverbal seating arrangements

2. Slang
3. Attraction (physical, social, task)
4. Political correctness
5. Diffusion of innovations
6. Subliminal messages and persuasion
7. Family communication
8. Sibling rivalry
9. Gender differences in communication
10. Health communication
11. Personality as it relates to anxiety
12. Intercultural communication (compare two or more cultures)
13. Communication in the classroom
14. Conflict resolution strategies
15. Compliance gaining techniques
16. Culture shock
17. Sign language
18. Technology in communication (computer-mediated communication)
19. Animal communication
20. Stages of relationships
21. Types of relationships
22. Types of love
23. Mediation process
24. Argumentation
25. Delivery styles
26. Bad news delivery

More Informational Speech Topics

1. Why the Titanic sank?

2. Just how long do we expect to live?
3. How much do we need to save for a comfortable life?
4. Formula one
5. Healthy Eating
6. 5 easy to grow vegetables
7. How to make a perfect soufle?
8. How to have your cake and eat it?
9. What I'd do if I won the lottery?
10. Anglicized spanish words
11. The race for the White House
12. How cheap will PCs become?

List of Persuasive Speech Topics

1. Abortion
2. Adoption
3. Affirmative Action Laws
4. Aids choices for Life
5. Air Bags
6. Aliens and UFO's: Yes or no
7. Amnesty: Should prisoners receive this?
8. Animal Rights
9. Are there Angels among us?
10. Assisted Suicide
11. Bigamy
12. Birth Control
13. Books: are they a thing of the past
14. Breast Feeding in Public
15. Beauty is more than skin deep
16. Brand Names cost more, but is the quality any better
17. Budgeting as well as spending
18. Campus Issues - Dating
19. Campus Issues - Greek Life
20. Campus Issues - Student Fees
21. Campus Issues - Student Funding
22. Campus Issues - Student Govt.
23. Campus Issues - Student Life
24. Campus Issues - Technology
25. Capital Punishment
26. Censorship of Internet
27. Chat Rooms: Are they safe
28. City Curfews
29. Cloning
30. Conservation and Recycling: Is it Important
31. Cults Kill
32. Does Dieting lead to Eating Disorders
33. Discrimination Laws
34. Divorce: Does it destroy children
35. Donor Insemination: Selling Babies
36. Dr. Kevorkian
37. Drinking Age
38. Drug Legalization
39. Drunk Driving
40. Eating Less Meat
41. Ebonics
42. Euthanasia
43. Feminism
44. Filtering Internet
45. Food Additives
46. Food Stamps
47. Foreign Policy
48. Fur is not a Fashion Statement (using animal fur for coats)
49. Should American companies go overseas for workers?
50. Gay Marriages
51. Gene Testing
52. Genetic Engineering
53. Ghosts: Are they real
54. Global Warming: Fact or Fiction
55. Government Regulation of Utilities
56. Human Cloning
57. Hunting Laws
58. Illiteracy: Is it a problem
59. Immigrants and Illegal Aliens
60. Immunity Rights for Political Leaders
61. Legalizing Marijuana
62. Legalized Gambling
63. Mandatory Seatbelt Laws
64. Media Ethics
65. Medicare
66. Mothers should stay at home
67. Nuclear Weapons
68. Online Gambling
69. Organ Transplants
70. Pesticide Use
71. Prayer in Schools
72. Priests: Should they be allowed to marry?
73. Privacy rights for Celebrities
74. Public Office Terms
75. Reincarnation
76. Religions: Should they interfere with medical care?
77. Right to own Pitbulls
78. Smoking in Public Places
79. Space Program
80. Speed Limits
81. Steroids
82. Is stomach stapling the way to lose weight?
83. Tax Laws
84. Terrorism
85. Test Tube Babies
86. Tobacco
87. Unemployment Compensation
88. Women in the Military
89. Wrestling and Football: Should girls be allowed?

List of Demonstrative Speech Topics

1. How to wash your hands

2. How to wrap a package
3. How to carve a pumpkin
4. How to make a paper snowflake
5. How to make a paper boat
6. How to make beef jerky
7. How to set a formal dinning table
8. How to locate the “Big Dipper” in the night sky
9. How to make a birdfeeder
10. How to make brownies
11. How to make a balloon animal
12. How to make a Kaleidoscope
13. How to polish leather shoes
14. How to make your own valentine card
15. How to remove a splinter
16. How to change a baby’s diaper
17. How to make fresh lemonade
18. How to make fruit salad
19. How to make a pita sandwich
20. How to transplant a plant
21. How to clean a window
22. How to make a book cover
23. How to hem pants
24. How to tie a tie
25. How to check oil in a car
26. How to dye Easter eggs
27. How to fold an American flag
28. How to polish silver
29. How to put together a gift basket
30. How to set up a gold fish bowl
31. How to sponge paint a wall
32. How to make chicken salad
33. How to sand wood
34. How to pack a suitcase
35. How to treat a bee sting
36. How to arrange a bouquet of flowers
37. How to make a charcoal crystal garden
38. How to tie-dye a t-shirt
39. How to make potpourri
40. How to make homemade Gatorade
41. How to make sidewalk chalk
42. How to take someone’s blood pressure
43. How to make a snow globe
44. How to make your own facial
45. How to patch a hole in a wall
46. How to make a sachet
47. How to clean a keyboard
48. How to press flowers
49. How to make herbed potato chips
50. How to make a Christmas stocking
51. How to make a dradel
52. How to make a God’s Eye
53. How to make trail mix
54. How to change a washer in a faucet
55. How to clean jewelry
56. How to make a beach bag
57. How to make a lamp
58. How to clean stains

List of Motivational Speech Topics

1. Selling ... the game of life!

2. The future is now!
3. Talk tactics.
4. What winners do to win!
5. Get motivated!
6. Service that sizzles!
7. The rules of life.
8. Working together for fun and profit
9. Persuasive leadership.
10. Sensational selling secrets.
11. Management motivational magic.

List of Impromptu Speech Topics

1. You are a famous rock star. Explain what the lyrics of your latest hit song mean.
2. If you were an animal, what would you be?
3. Tell us about a nickname you have and how you got it.
4. Convince us to vote for you as president of the USA.
5. Explain three uses for a pencil besides for writing.
6. Read us a letter you might write home when you are staying at a circus training
summer camp.
7. Tell us about your summer plans.
8. Convince us that homework is harmful to your health.
9. Tell us about your favorite pet and why it should win the Greatest Pet Ever award.
10. You are an ant. Convince an anteater to not eat you.
11. You are a salesperson trying to sell us the shirt you have on.
12. Explain how a smart person might not be wise.
13. If you were the teacher, how would our class be different?
14. Tell us about the hardest thing you have ever done.
15. You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.
16. You are a famous sports player. Describe your best moment of a game.
17. Tell us about the best job.
18. Explain the benefits of drinking milk.
19. Tell us how to become a millionaire.
20. Tell us about the best dream you've ever had.
21. Create a myth that explains why pelicans have large beaks.
22. Tell us how to make a new friend.
23. Tell us about the most fun recess activity.
24. Tell us about your favorite holiday.
25. Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo cookie.
26. Tell us how to make your favorite meal.
27. Explain which came first: the chicken or the egg.
28. Explain the rules to your favorite game.
29. If everything in the world had to change to the same color, what color would you
choose and why?
30. Explain how you would use a hat to catch butterflies. Be sure to identify the type of
hat that is required.
31. You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you get recycled.
32. Explain how to make a pizza.
33. Explain four uses for a drinking glass other than for holding a liquid.
34. Convince our principal to give students their birthdays off of school.
35. Describe how you would modify a snail so it can go faster.
36. Explain the best way to teach an old dog a new trick.
37. Describe the life cycle of a frog or butterfly.

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