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CHARTER of the Order Sovereign and Military of the Temple of Jerusalem

The O.S.M.T.J. has nothing in common with the various associations or so called Templar sects that arise
anywhere. Unlike these, the Order does not have a absolute Chief to whom you vows absolute obedience
with the aim, in fact, to allow an individual or a group with mystical, pseudo-religious or esoteric activities
having as main objective the personal enrichment, using the resources of its members with the plundering of
their property.
The chivalry of blood and sword, characteristic of the Middle Ages in the present days has turned into a
chivalry of spirit, intelligence, humanity, culture, ecumenism and charity; it refers to the legacy of the great
ideas and the great ideals of the ancient Templar brothers.
The OSMTJ, for spiritual affiliation and direct tradition, it is considered the heir of the Order of the Temple,
whose existence and whose activities took place from the twelfth to the early fourteenth century.
The Charter of the OSMTJ is, in summary, the expression of faith, the principles, the structure and operation
of the Order. The OSMTJ, in its present form, is an order of chivalry and not religious; nevertheless it
remains faithful to the traditions which it recalls. Welcomes, with ecumenical spirit, on the basis of perfect
equality and harmony and absolute respect for the opinions of others, people belonging to different religions
and philosophical currents.
As the true heir of the traditions and the spirit of the Order of the Temple, the OSMTJ today operates within a
framework adapted to the characteristics and needs of our time, for the realization of that purpose that
animated the ancient Templar brothers: the creation of a world in which every human being can be realized
according to their faith, in accordance with their aspirations, the harmonious and balanced development of all
possibilities compatible with civil society to which it belongs.
The OSMTJ refuses behavior in cotradiction with the Christian precepts, with morality and the laws of the
State and exercises its activities in full transparency: none of its structures, events or publications has
character secret or occult.
The hierarchy of the Order is pyramidal, partly elected and partly appointed among the most competent
The Order does not accept that in its hierarchical structures the practice of dominance of a single person.
The behavior of its leaders, chosen or elected, are constantly subjected to criticism and control.
The OSMTJ is organized according to the principles that have characterized the ancient Order of the Temple
since 1119 - 1120 and, above all, by 1128, the year in which the Order received its Rule at the Council of
Troyes, whose outward manifestations are ceased, at least in large part, in 1307.
The primary objectives of the OSMTJ are the moral order and the ideals of spirituality; their
foundaments are the peace and justice in the world. The ideals of individual liberty, of fraternity
among human beings, tolerance toward other cultures and faiths of others and progress are the
guiding forces of its activities.
The Templars of today are aware that the realization of an ideal society, founded on spiritual principles,
ethical, social and philosophical, always looking for humanism and spirituality, is an operation which may
seem utopic, resulting in the material and spiritual elevation of every human being.
Therefore the Order recruits its members among those, men and women, that for the strong desire to devote
themselves to these Templar ideals, can exert an influence for good in their social, intellectual, philosophical,
religious and professional surroundigs, between those who seek an ideal, humanitarian aims and profess
love for nature and other human beings.
According to ancient principles, the Order assigns to its members different degrees depending on their merits
and their responsibilities, accompanied by specific decoration corresponding to the degree and gives them
the right to wear the mantle of the Order bearing the Templar cross on the left. The historical reasons,
specific and traditional, of these esterior signs, in particular the mantle (the historical and symbolic
significance is primordial) and the decorations on the occasion of the official ceremonies, are the visible and
tangible sign of the same fraternity and ethic and communion of purposes.
The layered structure of the Order, its hierarchy, its discipline, its external apparatus, as well as degrees and
responsibilities which honor the members of the Order, infuse their awareness of the high quality of the task
that they have agreed to take.
The activity dell'OSMTJ covers both the improvement as person of each member of the Order and the
individual action of every Templar in his/her environment and towards people that are close to him/her,
ecumenical, ethical, cultural and charitive actions, which excludes all forms of sectarianism or political or
partisan activities.
The Order of the Temple, in the twenty-first century, is an organization founded on a traditional and spiritual
legacy almost millennial, adapted to the needs of its tasks that enhance individual efforts and focus them
towards the express purpose of contributing to the creation of a Civil society in which everyone can reach
that level spiritual and material that enhances the excellence of qualities of the human being.

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam

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