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Worksheet Answer Key

The Well
1 (b) well (c) tap (d) bucket (e) volcano
(f ) rope
2 a water tap
well bucket
volcano fire and smoke
soldiers checkpoint,
oranges tree
sickness cure
lunch bread and sausages
farm animals
boys gang
b 1 Fire and smoke are coming from the
2 Water comes from a well and a tap.
3 The soldier is guarding the checkpoint.
4 He wants to eat some oranges. He is
pulling them from the tree.
5 The gang of boys are running away from a
6 There is a bucket with a rope in the well.
7 The farmer looks after the animals on the
8 I had bread and sausages for lunch.
9 Tell me doctor is there a cure for my

6 a a 5, b 4, c 1, d 2, e 3
b 2 checkpoint
3 friendly womans house
4 bridge
5 grandmothers farm
6 volcano
7 a b Jay
c the gang of boys
d Lias Grandmother
e Lias mother
f Lia
g the friendly woman,
h the soldier
b 2 e, 3 a, 4 h, 5 g, 6 f, 7 b, 8 - c
8 Speak to the soldier. Then go through the
checkpoint. Keep going. You will see a house
next to a bridge. Walk on past the dry grass and
dust. There are no houses there. Finally you will
see oranges on a tree at my Grandmothers farm.
9 Students own answer
10 Students own answer
11 Students own answer

3 Good
friendly woman, fresh water, gold coins
dust, dry grass, ghost, dirty water
Not good or bad
photograph, magic, bridge, the wind
4 Students own answers: e.g. bread, meat, knife,
hat, sunglasses, blanket, compass
5 a 1 Lias grandmother
2 Lias mother
3 Lias brother Jay
b 1 Lia
2 Lias brother Jay
3 Lias grandmother
4 Lias mother
5 Lias father

Macmillan Readers


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