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The I World War

Phases, Peace Settlements and Consequences

1. Phases
1. The Schlieffen Plan (1914)
2. The Trench Warfare (1914-1917)
3. 1917: the year of the Change
4. The defeat of Germany (1918)

2. Peace Settlements

3. Consequences
1.1 The Schlieffen Plan
1.2 The Trench Warfare
Why the trench warfare
lasted so long?

 Machine guns destroy infantry

 No Man’s Land because of artillery

 General inexperienced

 Always replacing soldiers in the trenchs

Characteristics of the
Trench Warfare
 Lots of casualties: gas, snipers, shells

 Bad weather

 Horrible diseases: trench foot

 Shell Shocks: mental diseases

1.3 1917: The year of the
1.4 The defeat of Germany
 March 1918 made offensive against western front

 Close to Paris

 July-September Second Battle of the Marne

 Retreat of German forces

 11 November 1918 hostilities ended

2. Peace Settlements
 The Diktat of Versailles (28 June 1919: Germany was
forced to sign it.

 Desire of revenge against France, Russia and UK


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