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SAP FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp

Exercises for Day 4

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SAP FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp

Exercises for Day 4

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................2
Asset Accounting Master Data.................................................................................. 3
Exercise 4.1: Create Asset...................................................................................3
Exercise 4.2: Create Asset Sub Number .............................................................7
Exercise 4.3: Configuration: Add Values to Evaluation Group .............................10
Asset Accounting Business Transactions............................................................. 15
Exercise 4.4: Asset Acquisition from FI................................................................15
Exercise 4.5: Asset Explorer ................................................................................20
Exercise 4.6: Asset Transfer Change Cost Centre ...........................................23
Exercise 4.7: Asset Transfer Asset to Asset .....................................................25
Exercise 4.8: Asset Retirement with Revenue to Customer.................................31
Exercise 4.9: Display Asset Document ................................................................38
Asset Accounting Period End Closing & Reporting ............................................. 41
Exercise 4.10: AUC Settlement............................................................................41
Exercise 4.11: Configuration: Maintain Sort Version............................................48
Exercise 4.12: Asset History Sheet......................................................................50
Exercise 4.13: Asset Balance by Asset Number ..................................................51
Exercise 4.14: Posted Depreciation Related to Cost Centers ..............................52
Exercise 4.15: List Origins of Asset Debit ............................................................53
Exercise 4.16: Asset Transactions.......................................................................54
Exercise 4.17: Asset Acquisition ..........................................................................56
Exercise 4.18: Asset Retirement..........................................................................58
Exercise 4.19: Directory of Unposted Assets .......................................................60
Exercise 4.20: Depreciation Run..........................................................................61
Exercise 4.21: Display Log for Depreciation Run.................................................65

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SAP FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp

Exercises for Day 4

Asset Accounting Master Data

Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

Exercise 4.1: Create Asset


The Design Department of Company R100 is looking at buying more sophisticated

computers to replace the PCs that they have been using for more than 5 years.
You need to create asset master for the new computers.
The computer specifications are: Techbuy Progress 3000 Computer System 2.67Ghz, 17" LCD, XP. 512 MB DDR-RAM 400Mhz.
The design cost centre is D81400.



Access the Create Asset: Initial screen.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Asset -> Create -> Asset

Transaction Code: AS01

2. Enter the following information:

Asset Class: 3200 (Personal Computer)

Company Code: R100

Number of similar assets: 1

Note: System can create more than one asset with similar characteristics
using this option. For example, put 15 here if you need to create 15 new
computers with similar specification.
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Click Enter or Execute icon


Enter information in the General tab:

Description 1st line: Techbuy Progress 3000 Computer System

Description 2nd line: 2.67Ghz, 17" LCD, XP. 512 MB DDR-RAM 400Mhz

Note: Inventory number is the number that you assigned to the asset tag. This
number may be different from the asset field number assigned by the system.

Click the Time-Dependent tab and enter the following information:

Cost Centre: D81400

Note: The cost centre will bear the depreciation charges of the asset

Click the Allocations tab:

Click on each Evaluation group and select appropriate values. as


Note: The evaluation group values are for informational/reporting purpose

only. The values need to be maintained in the configuration. You will be
maintaining the values in the subsequent exercise.

Click the Deprec. areas tab.

Useful life and depreciation key of the asset are defaulted from the asset
class configuration. Only change the fields, if necessary. In this exercise,

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we are going to follow the default values.

Note: If Useful life is 3.5 years, it will be shown as 3 in the useful life field
and 6 in the period field.

Click the Save icon


Verify that the message The asset XXXX X is created is displayed in the
status bar.
Note: XXXX X indicates the asset number and sub-number range.

10. Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen displays.

You have completed the Create Asset transaction.


You will use this asset in further exercises so keep a note of it!

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Display Asset


Access the Display Asset: Initial screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Asset -> Display -> Asset
Transaction code: AS03

2. Enter the asset number you just created in Asset field.

3. Enter R100 in the Company code field.
4. Click Enter or Execute icon
5. Review each of the fields listed in the table below.

Check Your Work

Display Asset: Master Data screen:

Asset: your asset number
Class: 3200
Company code: R100
General tab:

Description 1st line: Techbuy Progress 3000 Computer System

Description 2nd line: 2.67Ghz, 17" LCD, XP. 512 MB DDR-RAM


Time dependent tab:

Cost centre: D81400
Depreciation area tab: Verify depreciation keys and useful life per
depreciation area.

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Exercise 4.2: Create Asset Sub Number


After sometime, the Design Department of company R100 decided to

upgrade the computers with faster processor (i.e., Pentium IV, 3.2 Ghz). It is
desired that the upgrade value and depreciation cost be separated from the
main asset for cost management purpose.
You need to create an asset sub number for the main asset that you have
created earlier.


1. Access the Create Sub Number: Initial screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Asset -> Create -> Sub-Number -> Asset
Transaction Code: AS11

2. Enter the following information:

Asset: the asset you created in exercise 1

Company Code: R100

Number of similar assets: 1

Note: System can create more than one asset sub number with
similar characteristics using this option.
3. Click the Enter or Execute icon

4. Enter information in the General tab:

Description 1st line: Pentium IV, 3.2 Ghz

Description 2nd line: [blank]

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5. Verify that information in all other tabs are copied from the main asset.
1. Depending on the screen layout in the configuration, some of the
asset sub number fields are allowed to be changed.
6. Click the Save icon

7. Verify that the message The asset XXXX 1 is created is displayed in the
status bar.

8. Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen displays.

You have completed the Create Asset Sub Number transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Display Asset Sub Number

1. Access the Display Asset: Initial screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Asset -> Display -> Asset
Transaction code: AS03
2. Enter Asset number you just created in Asset field.
3. Enter 1 in Sub number field.
4. Enter R100 in the Company code field.
5. Click Enter or Execute icon

6. Review each of the fields listed in the table below.

Check Your Work

Display Asset: Master Data screen:

Asset: your asset sub number
Class: 3200
Company code: R100
General tab:

Description 1st line: Pentium IV, 3.2 Ghz

Description 2nd line: [blank]

Time dependent tab:

Cost centre: D81400
Depreciation area tab: Verify depreciation keys and useful life per
depreciation area.

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Exercise 4.3: Configuration: Add Values to Evaluation


You need to maintain evaluation group in Asset Configuration. One new value
needs to be entered for Evaluation Group 4.


1. Access the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG).

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Tools -> Customizing -> IMG -> Execute Project
Transaction code: SPRO
2. Click the SAP Reference IMG button
3. Access the Change View Evaluation Groups for Asset Management:
Overview screen.
Path: IMG -> Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Master Data
-> User Fields -> Define 4-Character Evaluation Groups
Transaction Code: OAVA

Click Execute Button

5. Select No 4, Evalat. grps 1-4 A1 by clicking on the grey box to the left side of
the record.

No represents the evaluation group; i.e., 1 = Evaluation Group 1, 2 =

Evaluation Group 2, 3 = Evaluation Group 3, 4 = Evaluation Group 4.

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The Evaluation Group 1-4 represents the values for the respective
evaluation group; i.e., Evaluation group 1 has two values 0001 and 0002.

6. Click the Copy as (F6) icon

7. Change the fields as follows:

No: 4 (we are adding values for Evaluation Group 4)

Evaluation group 1-4: ZXX (XX = your participant no)

Description: Melbourne Ctrl location XX (XX = your participant no)

8. Press Transfer (Enter) icon

9. Verify Number of entries copied: 1 is displayed in the status bar.

10. Click the Save icon

or CTRL + S.

11. Verify Data was saved is displayed in the status bar.

12. Click the Exit icon
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(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

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screen is displayed.
You have completed the Configuration: Add Values to Evaluation Group transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Change Asset

You need to update Evaluation Group 4 in the asset master that you have
created earlier in exercise 1. Change the value to the new value that you
have just entered in the configuration.
1. Access the Change Asset: Initial screen.
Path: SAP Easy Access : Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Asset -> Change -> Change Asset
Transaction Code: AS02

2. Click Enter or the Master Data icon

Change Asset: Master Data screen.

to display the

3. Click on the Allocations tab.

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4. Change the entry for evaluation group 4 to Zxx that you have created in
previous exercise.

5. Click Save icon

6. Verify that the message The asset XXXX X is changed is displayed in

the status bar.

7. Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Change Asset transaction.

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Exercises for Day 4

Asset Accounting Business Transactions

Estimated Completion Time: 20 minutes

Exercise 4.4: Asset Acquisition from FI


You need to post asset acquisition (vendor invoice) for the Design Departments
computers. You have already created the asset master data in Exercise 4.1.
The vendor is R1001 Walter & Schulz GMBH & CO. The computer price is 700
The accounting journal that you are going to post is as follows:





Trans Type

Account No

Account Desc




Walther & Schulz




Your asset no

Your asset desc

1. Access the Acquisition from purchase w.: Header Data screen.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Posting -> Acquisition -> External Acquisition -> With

Transaction Code: F-90

2. Enter information in the Document Header as follows:
Document Date field: todays date
Posting Date field: todays date
Document type field: KR (vendor invoice)
Company code field: R100
Currency field: EUR
Reference field: Asset Acq XX (XX = your participant no)

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3. Enter information in the First line item section as follows:

PstKy (posting key) field: 31

Account field: R1001

4. Press the Enter icon


to display Enter Vendor Invoice: Add Vendor Item

5. Enter the following information:

Amount field: 700 EUR
Tax Code field: V0
Calculate Tax Checkbox flagged
Baseline date (BLine) field: todays date
Payment terms (Payt terms) field: 0004

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6. Enter information in the Next line item section as follows:


PstKy (posting key) field: 70

Account field: The asset number that you have created in Exercise 4.1

Trans type field: 100 (External acquisition)

Click the Enter icon

Item screen.

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to display the Enter Vendor Invoice: Add Asset

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Exercises for Day 4

Enter the following information:

Amount field: 700 EUR
Tax code field: V0


Click the Document overview icon


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and simulate (Menu : Document ->

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10. Review the entries before posting by simulating the document. The Simulate
step will show all the lines to be posted, including automatic lines generated
by the system; e.g., tax lines.
Note: Use Reset button to correct any line items after simulation.

Click the Post icon


Verify that Document XXX was posted in company code R100 displays in
the status bar.


Click the Exit icon

or CTRL + S.

until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed

You have completed the Asset Acquisition from FI transaction.

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Exercise 4.5: Asset Explorer


You need to display your asset and verify that it has 700 EUR value posted to it.

Access the Asset Explorer screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Asset -> Asset Explorer
Transaction Code: AW01N


Enter information in the following fields and click the Enter icon

Company Code
Fiscal Year


Asset no. that you have used in Ex. 4.4
Select appropriate (Current Year)

Asset values (i.e., acquisition value, ordinary depreciation, net

book value), transaction list and depreciation area list are
You may need to scroll down to see all the asset values i.e.
asset net book value.
Double click on the Transaction Line to display the FI
Double click on Depreciation area to display values in different
depreciation area.

In the Planned Values section, check the asset values 700 EUR for Book

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Depreciation Area.


In the Transaction section:


Check that the acquisition document that you have posted is listed with
transaction type 100 External Asset Acquisition.
Double click on the line item to display the accounting document.

Navigate back to the Asset Explorer screen and Click Posted values tab.
In Depreciation Posted/Planned section, check that your asset has a
depreciation amount planned starting from the current period.

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You have completed the Asset Explorer transaction.


The asset explorer can also be accessed from Asset Display (AS03) or Asset
Change (AS02) screen by selecting the Asset Values button.

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Exercise 4.6: Asset Transfer Change Cost Centre


An existing asset, originally meant for a particular department, is getting

transferred to a different department.
The Design Department (cost centre D81400) that would bear otherwise bear
the depreciation cost of the asset is not the intended owner of the PC and
hence is transferring the asset to the Packaging Department (cost centre
P81400). The PC will belong to the Packaging Department starting from next
You are going to change the Cost Centre in the asset master data and
maintain the change starting date using time interval functionality. No
accounting document is posted for this transfer.



Create a new asset as per Exercise 4.1.


Access the Change Asset: Initial screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Asset -> Change -> Asset
Transaction code:



Fill in your asset number in the Asset field and R100 in the Company
Code field.
Note: Fill in the sub number if you want to change asset sub number.
Depending on the screen layout configuration, you may need to maintain
the sub asset manually.


Press the Enter icon


Click on the Time Dependent tab.


Change the Cost Centre field from D81400 to P81400 and press the
Enter icon

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to go to Change Asset: Master Data screen.

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Click on the New time interval button

Note: If you click the Yes option, the system will overwrite the old data
with the data you enter. In this case, the change takes effect
immediately; i.e., after the change is saved.

Enter new date in From-date of new interval field. (Eg : 01.09.2007)


Click the Enter icon

This entry means that the change will take effect starting from

10. Click the Save icon

11. Verify that the message The asset XXXX X is changed is displayed in
status bar.
12. Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Asset Transfer - Change Cost Centre transaction.

Processing Tip

Discuss the SAP situations in which this approach can be used.

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Exercise 4.7: Asset Transfer Asset to Asset


You just realized that several assets that are categorized under asset class
2100 Machines straight line need to be reclassified into a different asset
class. Those assets have already got some balance; i.e., acquisition has
been posted to the asset.
You need to transfer the asset to asset class 2000 Machines declining
The accounting journal that you are going to post is as follows:






Sender Asset



Sender Asset accumulated depreciation



Receiver Asset



Receiver Asset accumulated depreciation

Note: All the above line items will be created automatically by the system
after you specify the sender and receiver asset.



Access the Enter Asset Transaction: Transfer within Company Code

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Postings -> Transfer -> Transfer within
Company Code
Transaction code: ABUMN

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2. Fill in the following fields:

Asset field: This is the sender asset number. (Look for instructions
from the instructor for the sender asset number.)

Document date field: todays date

Posting date field: todays date

Asset value date field: todays date

Text field: Asset class correction XX (XX = your participant number)

3. Select the New Asset radio button.

Note: If you have already got asset number/asset master created for
receiving the transferred value, select Existing Asset option and fill in the
receiver asset number.
If Receiver asset is already created, enter the receiver asset number in
Existing asset field and proceed to Step 9; To create a new receiver
asset, perform the following steps.
4. Click on the Master Data button
Create Asset screen.

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to display the

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5. Verify that the Sending asset is selected in the Reference section; i.e.,
values for the receiver asset master data are copied from sending asset
master data.
6. Update the Description field to Packaging Machine Type GFS Trainee
XX (XX = your participant no).
7. Change the Asset class from 2100 to 2000.
8. Press Enter or click the Enter icon

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Note: Receiver asset number will be assigned when the FI document is

9. Click the Additional Details tab and check that Transfer Variant field is
4 (Transfer within company code).
10. Click the Simulate icon

11. Click the Save (Post) icon

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Message displayed that receiver asset is created and transfer document

is posted.


Press Enter or click the Continue icon


Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Asset Transfer Asset to Asset transaction.

Processing Tip


Multiple asset function is available if you wish to transfer multiple

sender to multiple receiver. Click the Multiple Asset icon

Asset can also be transferred partially; see the Partial Transfer tab.

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Asset Explorer

You need to display the sender and receiver asset values and verify the values
for both assets. Refer to Exercise 4.5 for detailed instruction on how to access
the transaction.
Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Asset -> Asset Explorer
Transaction Code: AW01N
Note: Open two sessions and display sender and receiver asset in separate

Check Your

Your sender asset net book value should be 0 as full transfer has been posted
to the receiver asset.
Sender Asset
1. In the Transaction section:
Check that the transfer document that you have posted is listed in
the sender asset with transaction type 320: Retirement transfer
current year acquisition.
Double click on the line item to display the accounting document.
2. Click the Posted values tab.
3. In the Depreciation Posted/Planned section, check that your asset has no
depreciation amount planned starting from the current period.
Receiver Asset
4. In the Transaction section of Receiver Asset:
Check that the transfer document that you have posted is listed in
the receiver asset with transaction type 330: Acquisition transfer
current year acquisition.
Double click on the line item to display the accounting document.
5. Click Posted values tab.
6. In the Depreciation Posted/Planned section, check that your asset has
depreciation amount planned starting from the current period.
You have completed the Asset Explorer transaction.

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Exercise 4.8: Asset Retirement with Revenue to


Company R100 is going to sell some old PCs owned by Packaging Department
that are no longer used. Negotiation with ABC Corp (customer R999) was done
with selling price of 1000 EUR per computer.
Company R100 will gain some revenue from the asset selling since the net
book value of the PC is less than the selling price.
You need to record the asset selling i.e. asset retirement with revenue to ABC
The accounting journal that you are going to post is as follows:




Account No





ABC Corp




fixed asset



Your asset









fixed asset


Profits on

Note: System will automatically create line items 3 to 6.


1. Access the Asset Retirement from Sale with Customer: Header Data
Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Posting -> Retirement -> Retirement with Revenue -> With

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Transaction Code: F-92

2. Enter information in the Document Header as follows:

Document Date field: todays date

Posting Date field: todays date

Document type field: DR (Customer invoice)

Company code field: R100

Currency field: EUR

Reference field: Retirement XX (XX = your participant no)

3. Enter information in the First line item section as follows:

PstKy (posting key) field: 01

Account field: R999 (Customer no for ABC Corp)

4. Press the Enter icon

to display the Enter Customer Invoice: Add
Customer Item screen.

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5. Enter the following information:

Amount field: 1000 EUR

Tax Code field: A1

Calculate Tax checkbox: checked

Baseline date field: todays date

Payment terms field: 0001

6. Enter information in the Next line item section as follows:

PstKy (posting key) field: 50

Account field: 825000 (suspense account disposal/sale fixed asset)

7. Press the Enter icon

Account Item screen.

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to display the Enter Customer Invoice: Add GL

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8. Enter the following information:

Amount field: 1000 EUR

Asset retirement field: checked

9. Press the Enter icon

to display the Create Asset Retirement screen.

10. Enter the following information:

Asset field: This is the asset that you are going to retire (Refer to the
instructors instructions).

Transaction type: 210

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Asset value date: todays date

Complete retirement: checked

Note: System also allows you to do partial retirement. In this case, you
need to enter the amount to be retired, percentage or quantity.
11. Click the Continue icon

12. Review the entries before posting by simulating the document. The
Simulate step will show all the lines to be posted including automatic lines
generated by the system; e.g., tax lines.
Note: Use the Reset button to correct any line items after simulation.
Path: Document -> Simulate

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13. Click the Save icon

or CTRL + S.

14. Verify that Document XXX was posted in company code R100 displays in
the status bar.

15. Click the Exit icon

until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Asset Retirement with Revenue to Customer


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Practice Exercise Feedback

Asset Explorer

You need to display the value of the asset that you have just sold. Refer to
Exercise 4.5 for detailed instruction on how to access the transaction.
Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Asset -> Asset Explorer
Transaction Code: AW01N

Check Your

1. Your asset net book value should be 0 as full retirement/selling has been
2. The document that you posted should appear on the transaction list.
3. Planned depreciation for the asset is 0 starting from period after the

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Exercise 4.9: Display Asset Document


In this exercise, you need to display asset documents for your asset.


1. Access the Documents for Asset screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Postings -> Edit Documents -> Display
Transaction code: AB03

2. Enter Company code field R100.

3. Enter an asset number in the Asset field.
This can be done by typing the value in directly or by searching for the Asset
using the fields search help (F4) - (Use the asset that you have retired).
4. Enter the current year in the Fiscal year field.
5. Press the Enter icon
Document screen.

to go to Overview of Asset Accounting

6. Double click on any lines to display the Asset document.

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7. Review the documents header details by clicking on the Document header



8. Close the dialog by clicking the cross

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in the upper right corner.

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9. Review the accounting document by clicking on the FI document icon

10. Click the Back icon

11. Repeat steps 6 10 for different documents of the asset.

12. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Display Asset Document transaction.

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Asset Accounting Period End Closing & Reporting

Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

Exercise 4.10: AUC Settlement


Expense/cost for Packaging machine capitalization project has been settled

on a monthly basis to Asset Under Construction (AUC). The project is
completed and the AUC needs to be settled to fixed asset.
You need to create a receiver asset (fixed asset) in asset class 2000 for cost
centre P81400, create a settlement rule from the AUC to the fixed asset, and
post the settlement.
The accounting journal that you are going to post is as follows:






Receiver fixed asset



Sender asset under construction (AUC)

Note: The above journals are created automatically by the system when you
post the AUC settlement.


Receiver Asset
(Refer to the instructors instructions.)
Create Settlement Rule for AUC to the fixed asset

Access the Settlement AuC: Initial screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Posting -> Capitalize Asset u. Const ->
Transaction code: AIAB

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Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:



Company code

The company code.


Sender AUC (Refer to trainers



Press Execute


Select the line item to be settled (As shown above, choose the line item
with a click on the first column of the line item); for this exercise, select
all line items available.


Click the Enter rules icon

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to display Settlement AUC: Line Item List screen.

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Enter the following information in the Distribution rule table:




FXA (Asset)
The account assignment category of the
settlement receiver.

Settlement Receivers

Receiver asset number (Refer to the

instructors instructions.)

Note: The percentage of asset to be settled.
System also allows partial settlement e.g.
50% of the AUC is settlement to fixed asset
1 and the other 50% is to a different asset.




to check the rule definition; if found correct, click the Back


Click the Save icon

The Message Distribution Rules saved is displayed in the status bar.


Note: Up to this step, you have created the distribution rule to let the
system know that you want to settle the AUC to which fixed asset. You
have not settled any amounts yet that, no FI posting has been
generated. You are going to post the settlement in the next step.
Run AUC Settlement
9. Click on Settlement icon
Settlement: Initial screen.

to access the AuC

Alternatively, you can access the screen from the following path and
transaction code:
Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
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Assets -> Posting -> Capitalize Asset u. Const -> Settle

Transaction code: AIBU

10. Enter information in the following fields:



Company code



Sender AUC number (Mention the same

sender asset used in the previous exercise
for distribution rule definition)

Document date

Todays date

Asset val. date

Todays date

Posting date

Todays date


The posting period.


Packaging Project AUC Settlement to Fixed

Asset XX (XX = your participant no)

Test run

Note: It is always a good practice to test run
your settlement and do verification before
running the actual settlement.

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Note: This option will provide you with
detailed list of items being settled.

Detail list

11. Click the Execute icon

12. Verify that the receiver asset and the amount to be settled are correct.
13. Click on the Back icon

14. Uncheck the Test run field and click the Execute icon
15. Verify that the settlement is posted into the system. The message Asset
transaction posted with document no XXXXXXX is displayed in the
status bar.

16. Click the Exit icon


(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the AUC Settlement transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Asset Explorer

You need to display the value of the sender AUC and receiver fixed asset that you
have just done settlement for. Refer to Exercise 4.5 for detailed instructions on how
to access the transaction.
Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Asset -> Asset Explorer
Transaction Code: AW01N

Check Your

Your sender AUC asset balance should be 0 as full settlement has been posted to
the receiver asset.

1. Verify that the Net book value of the AUC asset is 0.

2. In Transaction section:

Check that the transfer document that you have posted is listed in the
sender asset with transaction type 345: Line item retirement transfer:
Current year acquisition from AUC.

Double click on the line item to display the accounting document

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Receiver Asset

3. In Transaction section of Receiver Asset:

Check that the transfer document that you have posted is listed in the
receiver asset with transaction type 346: Acquisition transfer: Current year
acquisition from AUC.

Double click on the line item to display the accounting document.

You have completed the Asset Explorer transaction.

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Exercise 4.11: Configuration: Maintain Sort Version


You need to report your asset by Company Code, Asset Class, and Evaluation
group 4.
The existing Sort Version does not have the selection, and you need to create a
new sort variant to be used in Asset reporting.



Access the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG).


SAP Easy Access -> Tools -> Customizing -> IMG -> Execute Project

Transaction code: SPRO


Click the SAP Reference IMG button


Access the Change View Sort versions for asset reporting: Overview

IMG -> Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting ->

Information System -> Define Sort Version for Asset Reports

Transaction code: OAVI


Select variant 0007 - Co. code / asset class by clicking on the grey box to the

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left side of the record.



Click the Copy as.. (F6) icon


Change the name and the description of the Sort Version:


Sort version name: Z0XX (XX = your participant no)

Description: Co code/Asset Class/Eval group 4

In the Definition section, add the following information to the Sort Variant; this
can be done by typing the values in or by selecting them using the field search
helps (F4).

Table name = ANLAV

Field name = ORD44

Total = check

Press the Enter icon


Click the Save icon

or CTRL + S. Verify that message Data was saved
appears on the status bar.


Click the Exit icon


(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Configuration: Maintain Sort Version transaction.

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Exercise 4.12: Asset History Sheet


1. Access the Asset History Sheet screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting -> Notes to
Financial Statements -> International -> Asset History Sheet
Transaction code: S_ALR_87011990
2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:


Company code

The company code

Asset Number

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets list.

Asset class

The first asset class to list (select from list)


The last asset class to list (select from list)

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

Depreciation area

Select the depreciation area use standard.

Sort version

Select the sort levels and/or the summation

levels for displaying the data records.
Use the sort version that you have created
in exercise 4.11.

3. What level of detail do you want the assets to be listed?

If you need to list


Every asset MAIN number

AND, if applicable, every

Select the List assets radio button.

A summary of GROUP

Select the group totals only radio


Use ALV Grid

Activate the checkbox

4. Click the Execute icon

5. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Asset History Sheet transaction.

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Exercise 4.13: Asset Balance by Asset Number


1. Access the Asset Balances screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting > Asset Balances -> Balance Lists -> Asset Balances -> by
Asset Number
Transaction code: S_ALR_87011963
2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Asset Number

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

should be the end of a period.

Depreciation area

Select the depreciation area.

Sort version

Select the sort levels and/or the

summation levels for displaying the
data records. (select the one you

What level of detail do you want the assets to be listed?

If you need to list


Every asset MAIN number

AND, if applicable, every

Select the List assets radio button.

A summary of GROUP
TOTALS, only

Select the group totals only radio


4. Click the Execute icon

5. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Asset Balance by Asset Number transaction.

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Exercise 4.14: Posted Depreciation Related to Cost


1. Access the Posted Depreciation Related to Cost Centers screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting ->
Cost Accounting -> Depreciation Posted -> Posted depreciation,
related to cost centers
Transaction code: S_ALR_87010175

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Cost center

The first cost center to list. (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)



Fiscal Year

The fiscal year to report on current yr

Posting Period

The first posting date to report on. select


The last posting date to report on. select

3. Click the Execute icon

4. Click the Exit icon
Access screen.

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy

You have completed the Posted Depreciation Related to Cost Centers


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Exercise 4.15: List Origins of Asset Debit


1. Access the List of Origins of Asset Charges screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->
Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting ->
Day-to-Day Activities -> International -> List of Origins of Asset
Transaction code: S_ALR_87012058
The List of Origins of Asset Charges screen displays.
2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:


Company code

The company code

Asset Number

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Asset class

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Cost center

The first cost center to list (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

Sort version

Select the sort levels and/or the

summation levels for displaying the
data records.

3. Click the Execute icon

4. Click the Exit icon
Access screen.

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy

You have completed the List of Origins of Asset Debit Reports


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Exercise 4.16: Asset Transactions


1. Access the Asset Transactions screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed
Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting -> Day-toDay Activities -> International -> Asset Transactions
Transaction code: S_ALR_87012048


Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Asset class

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Cost center

The first cost center to list (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

Depreciation area

Select the depreciation area.

Sort version

Select the sort levels.

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2. What level of detail do you want the assets to be listed?

If you need to list


Every asset MAIN number

AND, if applicable, every

Select the List assets radio button.

A summary of GROUP
TOTALS, only

Select the group totals only radio


3. Click the Execute icon

4. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Asset Transactions transaction.

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Exercise 4.17: Asset Acquisition


1. Access the Asset Acquisition screen.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->

Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting ->
Day-to-Day Activities -> International -> Asset Acquisition

Transaction code: S_ALR_87012050

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Asset class

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Cost center

The first cost center to list (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

Depreciation area

Select the depreciation area.

Sort version

Select the sort levels and/or the

summation levels for displaying the
data records.

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3. What level of detail do you want the assets to be listed?

If you need to list


Every asset MAIN number

AND, if applicable, every

Select the List assets radio button.

A summary of GROUP
TOTALS, only

Select the group totals only radio


4. Click the Execute icon

5. Determine what to do next.

If you need to


Print the report from SAP

Go to step 1 of the Print Reports

transaction in this user procedure to
continue. (Cannot do in this course)

Export the report to Excel

Go to step 1 of the Export Reports to

Excel transaction in this user
procedure to continue.

6. Click the Exit icon

screen .

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Asset Acquisition transaction.

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Exercise 4.18: Asset Retirement


1. Access the Asset Retirements screen.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->

Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting ->
Day-to-Day Activities -> International -> Asset Retirements

Transaction code: S_ALR_87012052

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Asset class

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Cost center

The first cost center to list (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)

Report date

The date to report the asset(s)

Depreciation area

Select the depreciation area.

Sort version

Select the sort levels and/or the

summation levels for displaying the
data records.

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3. What level of detail do you want the assets to be listed?

If you need to list


Every asset MAIN number

AND, if applicable, every

Select the List assets radio button.

A summary of GROUP
TOTALS, only

Select the group totals only radio


4. Click the Execute icon

5. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Asset Retirement transaction.

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Exercise 4.19: Directory of Unposted Assets


1. Access the Directory of Unposted Assets screen.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->

Fixed Assets -> Info System -> Reports on Asset Accounting ->
Day-to-Day Activities -> International -> Directory of Unposted

Transaction code: S_ALR_87012056

The Directoy of Unposted Assets screen displays.

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Asset class

Leave blank to view all assets.


Leave blank to view all assets.

Cost center

The first cost center to list (B81400)


The last cost center to list (P81400)

Sort version

Select the sort levels.

3. Click the Execute icon

4. Click the Exit icon

to view the results.

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Directory of Unposted Assets transaction.

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Exercise 4.20: Depreciation Run


1. Access the transaction to execute Depreciation Run.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->

Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Depreciation Run ->

Transaction code: AFAB

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year.

Posting Period

Enter the fiscal Period.

Planned Posting Run

Activate this check box.

List assets

Activating this check box provides

detailed report.

Test Run

Its a good practice to execute a test

run before the final run.

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Note: As there can be only one planned run for a posting period, for practice
sessions you can run multiple Repeat Run for the same posting period.
3. Click the Execute icon

to view the results.

4. Click Yes to process to view.

Note: In case you get an error message, use the error log to decipher the
errors and take corrective action.
5. Go back to the selection screen and execute the transaction again after
unchecking the Test run. Menu: Program -> Execute in background.

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6. Specify the print parameters for the background job:

7. Press the Enter icon

8. Schedule the background job (if the job needs to be executed, choose the
option Immediate).

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9. Click the Check button and the Save icon

The system will display a message in the status bar.

10. Choose the menu option Own jobs to view the status of the background job.

Note that the status should be Finished.

11. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Depreciation Run transaction.

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Exercise 4.21: Display Log for Depreciation Run


1. Access the transaction to view the log of Depreciation Run.


SAP Easy Access -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting ->

Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Depreciation Run ->
Display Log

Transaction code: AFBP

2. Enter the information in the following fields, as necessary:



Company code

The company code

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year.

Posting Period

Enter the fiscal Period.

List assets

Activating this check box provides

detailed report.

3. Click the Execute icon

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to view the results,

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Note: There can be several assets for which depreciation can be posted in
one depreciation run
4. Click the Exit icon

(SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access

You have completed the Display of Depreciation Run Log transaction.

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