Teme ENG Sem I Cursuri 1 Si 2

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Cuprins: - tema de la primul curs de la limba engleza paginile : 2 - 9 - anexele explicative primului curs paginile: 10 - 13 - tema de la primul curs de la limba engleza paginile : 14 - 23 seria 1 pag 1 Past Tense ley I. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past 1. Christine (to feel) very tired after her exam. 2. She (to decide) to go away. 3. She (to ask) Monica to go with her. 4. They (to go) to a travel agency. 5. They (to book) a room in Christine’s favourite hotel in Constanta. 6. They (to travel) to the seaside the following Saturday. 7. They (to meet) some interesting people and (to have) a lot of fun. 8. They (to enjoy) the holiday very much. 9. They (to return) to Iasi on Sunday evening. 10. Both Christine and Monica (to feel) a lot better after the short holiday. I Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous: 1, When father came home yesterday, mother (to cook) dinner. 2. When the bell rang, I (to wash) the dishes and grandmother (to knit) a pullover. 3. At 90° clock last night Sam (to read) the newspaper. 4, This morning at sunrise Jessie (to jog). 5. This time the day before yesterday we (to watch) TV. III. Tum the following sentences into interrogative and negative: 1, Paula smoked much last night. 2. It was raining hard at 5 AM. 3. Mr. Smith was eating a sandwich at that time. 4. The Browns quarrelled badly yesterday morning. 5. Martha worked hard last week. IV. Translate into English: 1, Mi-am luat servieta si am alergat afard din hotel. 2. Masina ma astepta afard. Soferul citea un ziar. Am ureat in masind si m-am asezat. 3. Vecinii mei au plecat aseard la Piatra Neamt. 4, Postasul a pierdut scrisoarea mea alaltaieri. 5. Cand au ajuns la aeroport, avionul tocmai decola. 6. Cand eram tanar, mergeam la mare in fiecare vard. 7. Directorul scolii |-a lovit cu piciorul pe baiatul cel rau. 8. in vreme ce colegii lui se distrau, Jake séngera de moarte. 9, Cand a intrat in camera, copiii se jucau cu jucdriile lor. 10, Jock isi seria eseul cand cineva a ciocanit la usa. 11. Jucdtorii s-au antrenat intreaga zi ieri. 12. in vreme ce ea asculta un concert, frafii ei vitregi se palmuiau in camera lor. 13. Cand a sunat soneria, Irina dormea, 14. Harry pescuia cand a inceput s& ploud. 15, Ténarul a sirit in autobuz.in timp ce acesta mergea. 16, Baiatul cel mic se servi cu ined o felie de tort cnd mama sa nu se uita la el. 17, Cand trenul a ajuns, multi pasageri asteptau pe peron. 18. Curentul electric se opri cdnd cei doi prieteni ascultau o emisiune la radio. 19. Deodati ei si-au dat seama cd mergeau in directia gresita. 20. Elevul a sters tabla si a rezolvat corect exercifiul. seria 1 pag 2 V. Ask questions to which the words in italics are the answers: Model: The 7 dwarfs were working in the diamond mine at 5 o’clock yesterday. Where...? Where were the seven dwarfs working at 5 o’clock yesterday? 1. Ata table Doc was testing the diamonds. Where...? 2. He was examining them carefully. How...? 3. Sleepy was driving the cart full of diamonds, What...? 4. A bull was pulling the cart. What...? 5. Happy and Sneezy were singing happily. How...? 6. Dopey was sweeping the floor. Who...? 7. Grumpy and Bashful were thinking of the evening’s relaxation. What...of? 8. They were talking about Snow White. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous seria 1 pag 3 Remember the difference between regular and irregular verbs: regular verbs add the -ed ending in both Past Tense and Past Participle (i.e. the 2" and 3" forms), whereas irregular verbs do not receive this ending as they have their own forms: Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle to walk walked walked to receive received received to work worked worked to be was/ were been to have had had to drive _drove driven I. Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Past: Yesterday we (to walk) on the sea shore. Last month, John (to receive) an award. aati ena 1 (to visit) an old castle last year. Madonna (to work) undercover two years ago. My friends (to drive) two hours the day before yesterday. They (to be) very happy at hearing the announcement. Your great-grandparents (to have) an oil company in the 1960's. The thief (not to take) my credit card last night. 9. The worker (not to receive) his salary last week. | regular verbs | irregular verbs II. Read the following sentences and explain why the verbs written in bold have been used in the Past Simple or Past Continuous: 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. - Little Tim took a nap yesterday afternoon. . This time yesterday little Tim was taking a nap. . When the boss came to inspect the site, the workers were sleeping. Last week, mother scolded little Tim for breaking the window. . Roger ate a whole water melon the day before yesterday. . Yesterday at 12 o’clock Roger was eating a melon. . Jimmy was listening to music while he was driving his car. III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous): Two weeks ago I (to write) a short story. This time yesterday I (to write) a short story. Srna eee 9. When the phone (to ring) she (to write) a letter. 10. When we (to get) to the airport the plane (to land). Last week they (to wash) my car. Last week, when they (to wash) my car, they found out the bad news. At 8 o'clock your colleagues (to sneak) outside the school. The principal caught your colleagues when they (to sneak) outside the school. This pupil (to read) ail these books last semester. When I arrived home, Grandpa (to read) the newspaper. 4 IV. Translate into English: 1. Teri am studiat o lectie noua. 2. Jeri, in timp ce studiam o lecfie noua, mi-a sunat telefonul. 3. Alaltdieri voi afi urmarit un film cu Stan si Bran. 4. Alaltaieri, in timp ce voi urméreati un film cu Chuck Norris in rolul principal, ei au baut o sticl cu vin. 5, Alaltaieri, in timp ce voi urméreafi un film cu Chuck Norris in rolul principal, ei méncau un pepene galben. 6, Saptiména trecuta, am dat un examen dificil. 7, Saptimana trecut, in timp ce dideam un examen dificil, hofii au furat un cos de gunoi. 8. Suptimana trecut’, in timp ce dideam un examen dificil, doi hofi furau un cuptor cu microunde. 9. Acest om a murit cu mult timp in urma. 10. Stefan cel Mare nu a murit in aceasta batalie. 11. in acea zi, frafii ei se jucau in timp ce ea igi fcea tema. 12. Rudele tale dormeau cand a avut loc accidentul. seria 1 pag 4 V. Translate into Englis! 1. imi fac tema in fiecare zi. 2. imi fceam tema in fiecare zi cand eram la liceu. 3. Ea fumeaza in fiecare dupi-amiaza. 4, Cfind era tandra, ea fuma in fiecare seara. 5. Ea fumeazd acum. 6. Acest medic este foarte bun. 7. Acest medic era foarte bun acum zece ani. 8. Fizicianul acela descopera fenomene interesante in fiecare an. 9. Fizicianul acela a descoperit 0 gaura neagra urias luna trecuta. 10. Eu urmarese un film plictisitor acum. 11. Eu urmarese un documentar interesant in fiecare saptiména. 12. Ieri pe vremea aceasta noi urmaream stirile la televizor. 13. eri am urmarit un film intitulat Amurg. 14, Cand am ajuns la scoala Robert rezolva probleme. 15. Vara aceasta el a rezolvat multe probleme. 16, Ei rezolva exercifii in fiecare seara. 17. Ei rezolva exercifii acum. 18. Te rog, adu-mi ziarul de pe masa de ling acvariu. 19. Ei se infeleg bine cu omul care fi-a furat bani ieri. 20. iti plac bomboanele? 21. iti plicea ciocolata cand aveai zece ani? 22. John doarme acum? 23. John doarme in fiecare dupa-amiazi? 24, John a dormit ieri 25. Nu, el nu a dormit ieri. De fapt, el nu doarme niciodata dupa-amiazi. 26. Ei se plimba seara. 27. Seful tau aleargi dimineaja. 28. Deundizi polifistul I-a confundat pe Horace cu un hot vestit. Present Simple and Continuous seria 1 pag 5 I Correct the following sentences if necessary: 1. Oh, no! It rains again! 2. Where do you live? 3. Are you speaking much English? 4. He doesn’t usually listen to me. 5. I’m not wanting to go out tonight. 6. John watches a film at the moment. 7. 1 can’t talk to you now. I drive the car. 8. I don’t think you love me. 9. Cats are hating water. 10. Iam reading every day. II Translate into English: 1. De obicei ea incepe lucrul la ora 9. 2. Vara aceasta noi plecim in Suedia. 3. In general, copii lui Mary se culca tarziu. 4, Tata merge la lucru in fiecare zi. 5. Ultimul autobuz pleaca la miezul noptii. 6. Ploua torential acum. 7. in aceasta zona adesea ploua torential. 8. Ma infelegi bine acum? 9. Mancarea aceasta miroase a ceapa. 10. Fereastra lui Kimberly are vedere la mare. III Put the verbs in brackets into the right aspect of the Present tense (simple or continuous): 1. Where (to be) your grandfather now? He (to work) in the garden. What he (to do)? He (to dig) a ditch. 2. The train (to arrive) here tomorrow at noon. 3. Where is Tom now? He (to see) a doctor. 4. Diana (to loathe) snakes. 5. 1 (to think) he is a good man. 6. I (to think) of my former classmates. 7. Mary (to own) a beautiful estate now. 8. My students seldom (to do) their homework. 9, Adriana’s students (to do) their homework right now. 10. Irina and I (to have) dinner tonight. IV Translate into English: 1. Ploua. in Anglia ploua adesea in aceasta perioada a anului. 2. Acum imi dau seama cA prietena ta are dreptate. 3. Jane iubeste caii, Maine ea isi cumpara un armasar. 4. Avionul nostru aterizeazA deseara la ora 10. 5. In zilele noastre din ce in ce mai multi adolescenti se sinucid. 6. Julia este o eleva excelent care rareori face greseli. 7. in mod normal locuiese in Roman, dar anul acesta locuiesc in Tasi. 6 seria 1 pag 6 8. Lucy se uit la televizor in acest moment. Se difuzeaza telenovela ei preferata, Rebelde. Ei ii place acest program foarte mult. 9, Bella se uita la televizor in fiecare seara. 10. Noii nostri vecini intotdeauna fac o gramada de zgomot noaptea! Ne innebunesc! 11. De obicei, noi jucdm sah dupa cina. 12. Jane nu doarme acum. Fa isi face tema. 13. Voi ascultati muzica country in fiecare dup’-amiaz’. Astizi ins& ascultati muzica rock. 14. Pamela Anderson se marita pentru a treia oard sfmbita aceasta. 15. Ann m&nancé paine cu unt chiar in acest timp. 7 3 seria 1 pag 7 Present Simple vs. Present Continuous ee I. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple form: 1. I (to like) music very much. 2. You usually (to go) to school in the morning. 3. He often (to spend) his holidays with his grandparents. 4, We (to help) our parents with their housework everyday. 5. Sheila (to love) cats, but she (to hate) dogs. 6. They (to build) houses for a living. 7. The principal (to be) a kind man. 8. The boss (not to pay) his employees on time. 9. His wife (to bake) tasty apple pies. 10. This man (to help) people in need. IT. Read the following sentences and explain why the verbs written in bold have been used in the Present Simple or Present Continuous: 1. Wood floats. Birds sing. 2. 1 see that my boat is floating down the river. This nightingale is singing wonderfully. 3. Every Saturday morning I watch Hannah Montana. We are watching Miley’s latest concert at the moment. 4, John goes to school every day. They are going to work now. ; . L usually do my homework in the afternoon, but this week I am doing it in the morning. 6. She normally lives in Canada, but this year she is living in U.S.A. 7. Oh, no! The teacher is yelling at me again! 8. They are jogging now. They jog every morning. 9. We believe in her now. 10. You have a new T.V. set this year. 11. 1 think that she is right. 12. 1am thinking about what happened yesterday. Ill. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Present Simple or Present Continuous): 1. She always (to wear) make-up at school. 2. They always (to chew) gum at school! 3. Joan (to sleep) every afternoon. Joan (to sleep) now. 4. Mike usually (to eavesdrop) on your conversations. 5. Your wife (to see) somebody else now. 6. I (to see) many things wherever I go. 7. Last year I used to love roses. Now I (to hate) them. 8. Their bus (to arrive) here on Monday, at 6 o’clock sharp. 9. Tonight we (to go) out. 10. Ice (to melt) at 0 degrees. This piece of ice (to melt) rapidly on the hot pavement. 11. My colleagues (to work) on an important project this week. 12. I (fo like) country music. 13. This opera singer (to sing) wonderfully. Now she (to sing) a difficult piece. 14. Bud Spencer (to play) the xylophone. My sister (to play) the piano now. 15. We normally (to travel) by car, but this summer we (to travel) by plane. 8 IV. Translate into English: 7 Lemnul pluteste. Apa ingheaféi la 0 grade Celsius. seria 1 pag 8 Eu adesea clatoresc cu trenul. Tie iti displace/ nu iti place pizza. Avocatul se intalneste cu clientul séu acum. Bunicul meu detine o ferma mare. M& gandesc (=meditez) la ce mi-ai spus ieri. Cred ca ai dreptate. Cred c& nu ai dreptate. Mary crede c& eu nu am dreptate. Rareori imi fac tema. Adesea ies afara. De obicei, urmaresc filme de groaza seara. 10. Ea urmareste un film polifist acum. 11. De obicei, studiem gramatic’, dar anul acesta studiem literatura. 12. (Ea) ma innebuneste de cap! 13. Lor le place Bugs Bunny, dar le displace Foghorn Leghorn. 14. Tie iti place Poveste faira sfarsit de Michael Ende. 15. Ei nu fi plac povestile politiste. Lui ii place sa citeasca. Lui Jerry ii place s& se plimbe. Colegelor mele le place sa fumeze figari tari. 16. Acum inteleg aceasta problema, desi este foarte dificila. 17. in fiecare sear’, Chloe asculté Radio Vacanta. Varul meu ascult M.C. Hammer in fiecare dupa-amiaz. Parintii lui Ray asculté Vocea Americii in acest moment. 18. in fiecare noapte, Batman lupta impotriva criminalitatii. 19. in acest an, crestinii lupta impotriva paganilor. 20. Directorul de scoala plateste o mare suma de bani pentru aceasta turma de oi. 21. Directorul adjunct scrie compuneri pentru fiul sau. El scrie o analiza literara acum. 22. Seriful nostru cAstigd mari sume de bani. 23. Ajutorul de serif prinde trei hofi pe zi. 24. Vanitorul isi bate joc adesea de seful sau. 25. Primul ministru nu stie cum si declanseze cresterea economica. 26. Profesorul acela il confunda adesea pe Eric cu Johnny Lee. (a confunda pe cineva cu altcineva — to mistake somebody for somebody else) 27. Charlie o confunda pe Iris cu Cher. 28. Noaptea, Angel se transforma intr-un vampir. CEI AY RYE V. Correct the following sentences if necessary: 1. Lam loving cartoons. 2. He is reading every day. 3. We do our homework in the morning. 4, Jimmy likes Lady Gaga’s music. 5. She sleeps now. 6. This week the President is visiting Cambridge University. 7, Metals are melting at high temperatures. 8. You are usually teaching Chemistry, but this year you teach Physics. 9. They are watching Mr. Bean now. 10. I always go shopping in the evening. anexa explicatii 1 _ ©} ip rAispunsuril sureans ‘nit op le in invebirs se. pas Particale No pentiw a te crits repetaren Do you want to come with me? “fe tke t= He intend to visit they?” "He oaght in. 1. Panticipinl (ihe Participic) cuprinde spre deoschine de limba runt ei 4 2) panicipiul prezeni (Present Panicipic) eee 2) participiul perfect (Perfect Paniciple) 3) panicipiul wecut (Past Panticipic) Ol prezent gi perfect sint folosite atit lo dustezs CUE cit p fe dares J) Pamticiptul prezent. nainie de 1 Prezcnta, atragem atenjie asvpra [aptalic Apiului prevent este identict cu Gerund ambcie find numite mai simplu tn une! uci “forma in -ing™. Decsebirile dintre cele dou forme vos fi presentate tnt on ‘capitol separae, Se formesza dintezs active: anexa explicatii 2 g) -Ifinal se dubleazi to travel - travelling ‘o fulfil - fulfilling to control - controlling to compel - compelling hy) -ic devine -ick to picnic - picnicking to mimic - mimicking © Participiul prezent este folosit impreun’ cu auxiliarul TO BE pentru formarea aspectului continun, ‘We are reading now. ‘When you saw her she was talking with a friend. © Participiul prezent inlocuieste 0 intreagtt propozitie secundaréi al cirei predicat este la ‘aspect continua, While walking we met Tom. (While we were walking...) The man sleeping on the sofa is my father. (The man who is sleeping. Jove), She stopped to talk with the working man. (with the man who was working...) Prezent poate avea functie de adjectiv, caz in care are grade de comparape. The news is even more terrifying than I thought. is is the most interesting book I have ever read. ctive pot fi folosite ca adverbe prin adiugarea sufixului -ly. ; He looked at me smilingly. They kissed the baby lovingly. | plezent poate fi folosit ca adverb, avind functia de complement determinind un adjectiv, ___ She sat down sighing. (mod) - going home he bought a book. (timp) anexa explicatii 3 The Simple Past Tense arati o Actiune care s-a desfagurat dlin trecut §i s-a incheiat. Momentul tie desftisurare a acyiunis intr-un moment bine definit adverb de timp definit (yesterday, i poate fi precizat printr-un 8 day/ week/ month/ year ago, last weet] month) year/ Summer etc., in 1989 etc), printr-tn alt verb la un timp trecut, prin context. Se formeaiza; afirmativ: verbe regulate: V-ed verbe neregulate: forma a I-a interogativ: did + subiect + V7 subiect + did +not+V | didnot= didn't My sister arrived last week. They went home a week ago, When did you come? ee The pupil did not (didn't finish his exercise yesterday, ortogt ad%ugarea terminayjei -ed: : ; ab zai ialablce cu ee pe a doua silaba, terminate int-o singurd ssingurdi vocal dubleaz consoana final: stop = stopped: regret - =p precedat de vocala, respect regula de mai sus: ai el fulfil - fulfilied (exceptie: anexa explicatii 4 “When we mer they were coming from Gahool and we were going home. “ayhat were doing you when T rang you up?” “1 was not steeping. I was writing) letters.” le Simple Future Fense expriml o aepune care se v8 desfiigura inte-un moment din f oo pers.1 shall av A pers.I, E11 will subject + shall/will + not + V pa Se I shall see them tomorrow. uxiliarwl . , voi) acest fapt subliniat printr-o Present Perfect eotaciead | L acon the best option: . Jim's t ¥ meio mt Saw this film. I'm sure he'll like it a Feady do/ Have you already dor In't get/ haven't got married es : ed in the end 4. haven't been on holiday for/ si ia 5. Frances has been/ Zone to Jamaie; 6. L live/ I've lived here for eigh years, gl . 7. The rabbit dug/ has dug a hole our garden last nighi 5 ig n our garde} ‘orth-west America and several e were kille« 9. Hey look! Concorde's just landed/just landed . eer 10. Ever since I was a child I wanted/ I've wanted to go to Zanzibar. ages, e'll be back next month. Il. Which description (1-4) fits each sentence (a-j)? 1 A recent action in the past with an effect in the present 2A finished action in the past 3 An action which started in the past and is still going on now 4 A past action at an indefinite time in the past a I've never been to Tibet. b Stan has had that car for years. c We took the dog to the vet's yesterday. dT've finished my homework at last. e Pete's just finished painting the kitchen. f We had oysters and champagne last night. : g They've known each other since they were kids. h Rick's been to Malaysia several times. { Didn't you see David last week? j Mirela's just had a baby girl. ‘tten in italics are the answers: sons to which the phrases written in i Be pps lke to John about your problem. aave talked fo John about your probet. a reed the Ripper bas killed these women. 3 Ack the Ripper has killed these women. ; homework. 5. Taye demework the day before yesterday 7. 8 oposal. : ‘The dean has oy njoyed listening to this concert with these students Very well. Peter teagperaid wi tse risen "7 well. gical. Ei au terminat deja Cae Jeoaice au evadat de la oa he 7c u td 2. 0 troy hidrogen a expla in Pot put Nu, mua nes : vi 4, LAL inceput sili rez0N1 SSS 5. Te-ai hotirat sA participi la acest concurs? Selle epee 6. Ti-a plicut si caliresti acest ponei? 7. is aa 3 7 ae infeles ci nu ai incotro si esti nevoit si le faci o vizita lui Mary si soacrei 8. Mi-am dat seama in ultima vreme ca nu sunt interesat de fizica 9. Trebuie si recunosti ca Jane te-a mintit. 10. Am vorbit cu directoarea de doua ori pind acum si tot ‘asemenea comportament nu poate fi acceptat. 11. Te-am rugat de mai multe ori s4 mA ajuji, dar m-ai refuzat de fiecare data. 12. Am citit aceasta reclama de mai multe ori si tot nu am infeles lace se refera. 13. Nu am mai vazut niciodata asa ceva. 14. Am vazut adesea aceasta cladire, dar nu am intrat in ea niciodata. 15. Am folosit aceast4 imprimanti doar de doud ori si acum nu mai functioneaza- 16. Ti-ai platit datoriile? 17. Aceast gina a facut doud oua astazi. 18. Fla fost vrajit de farmecele acestei vrajitoare. 19. Desi vrajitorul a distrus intreaga flota a grecilor, acestia din urma s-au nu a infeles cf un regrupat. 20. L-ai platit pe instalator? 21. Portarul a fost concediat? ‘ 22. Dirijorul si-a ales un alt violonist. into English: “ae : eerie a ceva mai cumplit deeat ce mi-ai dat aici, si cred pur s! simplu i cA precis ai s4 otr pe cineva eu marfa asta intr-o © : 2. Nuam condus niciodaté un autobuz atiit de iute, asa ci nu trebuie si te mize daca nu respect semne’ de circulatic. dace nlc de as stanca si s-a lovit la cot, dar a si sosit un 3. i Mai ni ee iat jntr-un apartament atat de luxos. apa curenta si 4. nick jncalzire central, si care a fost deja platit de cineva pe care nu Lam cunoseut maneat foarte i a | asa c&, intrucat iu de cocos, dupa cite fin eu minte, 42° ; ees ee etal place si ce nu imi place, pot sS-ti spun cA nu sau tal plac nucile de coos, Sines oe nu is cag brani i ‘indea am fost prea g : ae a vut pa ee roe renunfat la chimie. AM studiat fizica 7. Nuamai dat it ee aj jan 5 care au dus multe f pce aca avet noroc c& am trait 1a 20% en mu lam pier 9. Foes nu am gist linia $1 com Ps Mecea cht eo rack S sd-i spun r 2 economiile mele, niciodatii pe toate, mite reas altele, din €°° i pot eu jmprumut pe ale lui pana am ¢ ee Sent : _ sis intrucét nu care au sporit in ulin Dyno att PAI Fe. fick onto ce Bi Ee ne a fugit ina lupi in liniste et qasat pe nimeni aici CA°° cao yor intalni- 15 ae Exercises - Present Perfect seria 2 pag 3 I. Put the verbs i oc oe into the Present Perfect Simple: perce yoe ne hands.” “I (to wash) them already.” Bietocis ty miss his nurse?” “No, he (to forget) her.” eed 've got a head cold and he (to give) me pi . Sareea theman?” “I(tomect)him. eee ce mayer you? You make me sad talking like this.” it (to do) more against tuberculosis th ASFisic ion jan any man living in this country cee n all day” th ; 8. “Sir, I (to write) a poem.” “Gos e na rie said mournfully. 9. Well, this is a h 5 ell ofa be) a tere soe ess Your son (10 get) int! I don't wonder you are upset™“It (to 10. “Are you keen on sailing?” “I never (to do) any.” Il, Translate into English: 1. Tocmai am avut o vacanta. = Will tocmai a splat masina. aa Arai fericit. —Pai, tocmai am luat un examen dificil. te a taaratf nou’, ~Tocmai am cumparat-o. ee ee onal pierdut stiloul cel nou. . Soarele nu a risirit ino. Sau poate este un pic innorat. 7. Majordomal nu a spalat inci vasel 8. Nick nu stie ce s fac, Nu s-a hotrat inca, 9. Susan e inci prea grasé. Nu a inceput si slabeascd ined. 10. Debbie inc nu a terminat de citit romanul. IMT Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using for or since: 1. He has been away ... three years. 2. She hasn’t worn that dress ... she was a girl. 3. He has been working ... ten years. 4, They have been climbing ... half an hour. 5, We have forgotten the language... we left the country 6, He has been gathering strawberries ever ... sunrise. 7. She has been ill ... a fortnight. 8, Have you read many articles ... gave you the newspaper? 9, They have been here ... 2 0°clock. 10. I've been trying to tell you ... you came. 11 It has been raining ... two days. TY. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or continuous as appropriate 1. Paul (to wait) for Laura for half an hour. 2. She never (to be) $0 late before. Paul thinks, “Laura (to have) an acciden 4, Now he (to go) to phone to her house, §. He says, “Hello, Laura (to leave) yer?) & Yes”, Laura’s mother answers. “She (10 wait) for you outside the cinema twice already” 7 Paul Beret {to stand) outside the cinema for hall. the wrong cinema! She is outside the Scala.” Freannd E (to wait) outside the Patria allthis time!” Bae Laura (> look) for you outelde toe Scala. ‘ To. When Paul reaches the Scala, Laura is there. “Where you (to be) Patria.” 1? Or she (to forget) about our date?” for half an hour. ‘an hour too! Maybe Laura (10 £9) 1° jne asks. “Outside the 16 ie Whe But we (already see) the film there!” serla'2 pag nie hs ean some other films more than once. One of us must have misunderstood. Bera Pearse tee months, and this is the first mistake we (to make). fey . , We (to miss) the first part of the film, Shall we wait for the next show? “Yes. I (not have) my coffee yet. Let's go to a café.” 15. “All right. 1 (to think) of my coffee for some time too” V. Translate into English; 1. Sora mea igi face bagajele de azi dimineajii, dar incd nu a terminat 2. Acum 2 ani am cumpérat o magina noua. B. Nu ‘am mai vazut-o pe Jane in ultima vreme. Am vazut-o ultima data iarna trecuta. 4, Directorul scolii vorbeste de doud ore. 5, Este a treia oar cind imi pui aceasta intrebare. 6, Cfite clirti ati citit pind acum? 7, Cate cirti afi citit anul trecut? 8, Unde ai fost siiptiiméina trecuti? 9. Unde ai fost saptimdna aceasta? 10. De cf timp il bate la cap Sue pe Mike? De 2 ore. 11. Cfind ai vazut Familia Bundy? 12. George invata de 2 ore, 13. Ela invatat 4 ore simbiita. 14. Este prima dat cind o vad. 15, leri nu mi-ai dat manualul inapoi. 16. Nu mi-ai dat manualul inapoi. 17. Cu cine te-ai dus la concert weekend-ul trecut? 18, M-am dus cu colegii mei de clas. 19, Jack joacd fotbal in fiecare 21 20. Jack joacd fotbal chiar in acest moment. 21. Tata a reparat telecomanda alalidieri. : 22, Alaltdieri, in timp ce tata repara telecomanda, a venit copilul vecinilor nostri V1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous: ig 1. Virginia (to be) good at languages asa child. 2. The phone (to ring) for the past five minutes. 3. Aunt Martha (not get back) from Brayov yet. 4. 1 just (to write) an article for our student newspaper. 5. 1 (to take) Engl ish lessons since October. 6. Lily (to be) good at maths in her teens. 7, The weather (to get) worse for the last hour. : 8. Betty (to lack) confidence in herself when she was young 9.1 (to forget) all the history I learnt in school. 10. Mr. Brad (to show) us his new car today. 11. Emily (to make) many mistakes since she began learning German. 17 Homework seria 2 pag 5 (Present Perfect) i i i a eo ec ae the Present Perfect or the Past Tense 2. She (forget) to take her book with her. 3. They (leave) the village last week. 4. Ann (live) in Bucharest from 1968 to 1970. 5. They not (play) football since last week. 6. John started to learn English last October. 7. Father not (come) home yet. 8. I cannot tell you where she is, as I not (see) her. 9. They (become) well known now. 10. When you (receive) the letter from them? 11. Much progress (be made) lately in nuclear science. 12. She never (teach) grammar before. 13. Years ago he (work) here but now he (move) to another factory. 14. This novelist (write) some very good plays too, he (write) them in his youth 15. The play (begin) half an hour late last night so we (be) late for dinner Il. Translate into English: 1. Ai citit ceva de Dickens? Pe care dintre romanele lui le-ai citit in copilairie? 2. — Afi luat masa? — Nu, nu inca. Ospatarita mi-a luat comanda acum 15 minute gi ined nu mi-a adus nimic. pi 3. Este un bun prieten. Totdeauna m-a ajutat in momentele grele. 4. De cand locuiti in acest oras? Cand ati venit sa locuiti aici? Gs Am stat la parinti in ultimele 6 Juni, iar acum ne gandim sa ne mutim in apartamentul riu. 4 at pean pss: vrcodath la aceasta galerie de tablouri? ~ Da, am vizitat-o 0 data cand eram copil gi tablourile m-au impresionat mull, De atunei nu am mai fost aici is ti colar. 5 tenis ined de cdind era sco! : z i Nes fost duminica nicdieri finde’ veneau niste prictent la mine. odea confinea 20 kg de fina. ie wa Recaiiat iil fit rcaiachins Tales? Cand ai terminat-o? Cat timp ti-a luat s-o Ai ‘ citesti? 11. Acum, ci a autorul scriind-o. 12. — De unde ai panto! fost publicati cartea, toat lumea poate vedea ce munca grea a depus fii acestia frumogi? — Mi i-au dat printii mei de ziua mea. II1, Translate into English: 1. in ce a fost implicat seful ei? 2. Cite reguli fi s-au impus? 3. Cu ce era ocupat? 4. De ce ai dedus din vo! 5. Cand nu vrusese el sa te rbele lui ci nu vrea si vind? deranjeze? 18 _ La unde si pun asta? oe “i eae i et pe fratele tui cand are s& se intoarca. 9. Discipolul lui se Fee ide lentese, 2 i faa gas weed gu . citi ani am, cine sunt, ce studies 5 ice prietent 10. Descoperitorul intreba daca i-ag fi citit sau nu cartea. 11. Scaf ii i Adi i dug fandrul intrebA ce ai vazut la grddina zoologica si cu cine erai cand te-ai intalnit cu ee Donatorul de sdnge intreba unde e casa, cand va fi daramata si daca o vol reconstrui. 3.La ca Ziceai cd se uitd cand te-ai dus si-i inapoiezi banii? 14. M-a intrebat pe cine sunt suparat. 15. Jane a aflat de cine rasesera copii. IV. Translate into English: 1. Daca nu te tii de cuvant, GnseamnA cd ne-ai mintit pana acum. 2. E intotdeauna trist si te desparti de cei pe care j-ai cunoscut atat de bine: 3. Mi-ai fost simpatic de cand te-am intalnit. 4,—Te-ai gandit la ce ti-am spus ‘aseara? —Nu m-am gandit Ja nimic altceva- 5. Au incercat in ultimul timp s4 vorbeasc numai englezeste. 6. Aseara au incercat sA vorbeasc& numai englezeste. 7, Fa a avut mult de lucru astazi. 8, Ea a avut mult de lucru in ianuarie. 9. Am exersat trei ore in dimineata asta. 10, Am exersat trei ore aseara. % 11. Am exersat timp de trei ore fnainte de a veni aici. 12. John a fost Ja Paris cu 10 ani in urma. 13. John a fost la Paris de mai multe ori. fost o student bund anultrecut. . : s-au uitat 1a televizor seard de seara saptimana trecuti. uitat la televizor sear de seara zilele acestea. ai locuit acolo jnainte de a veni s8 stai cu noi? yreodata pe Laura Stoica cfntind live? 19 Present Perfect vs. Past Tense seria 2 pag 7 1. Translate into English: 1. Am citit mult in ultima vreme. 2. Am citit mult saptimana trecuta. 3. Ea mi-a spus vestea. 4. Ea mi-a spus vestea ieri. 5, Eu am predat aceasta lectie astizi. 6. Euam predat aceasta lectie luna trecuta. 7. Noi am muneit mult gi acum suntem obosi 8. Noi am muneit din greu acum doua saptimani. 9. Tu nu ti-ai flicut tema semestrul acesta. 10. Tu nu fi-ai facut tema semestrul trecut. 11, Am citit aceasta nuvelii de doua ori. 12. Am citit aceasta schiti de doua ori acum: doua luni. 13. Magina lui s-a stricat. (+ nu mai merge) 14. Masina lui s-a stricat de mai multe ori pana acum. 15. Masina lui s-a stricat de mai multe ori anul trecut. 16, Ela baut trei sticle de coniac pana acum. 17. Ela baut trei sticle de vin alaltdieri. 18, Este a doua oard cand 0 vad pe Iris astazi. 19. Ti-ai reparat calculatorul? 20. Ti-ai reparat calculatorul ieri? 2]. Nu am mai ascultat niciodata acest cdntec. 22. Acest lup a maneat trei oi pani acum. 33. Cu mult timp in urma, acest conducator a construit un imperiu urias. 24, Am aflat avionul lor s-a prabusit acum doua ore. 25, Ce ti-a spus reporteru! ieri? 26. CAnd i-au furat masina 2 27. Ce ai aflat? 28, Ea.a baut trei cafele. 39. Mi-am pierdut ochelarii. ; $0, Micam pierdat ochelarii stptiména treet 31, Mi-am pierdut ochelarii saptimdna aceasta. 11. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense © 1, She (buy) two dresses: yesterday. 2, She (buy) three sweaters 30 Tar. 3. We (sleep) for one hour that night. 4 Our Chemistry teacher (teach) two lessons today. S, Their Physics teacher (teach) 19 lessons last week: 6. Sue (lose) her ring: Sue (lose) her ring three weeks age. 7. Our principal (have) an accident and he is not here today. 8. Our principal assistant (have) an accident last week. 9. They (be) here the day iis yesterday. 10. They (be) here twice 5° 0 11. Two days ag° they (walk) in the park. 12. They often (walk) in the park lately. a 13. Mircea Cartarescu (write) ba books so far. seria 2 pag 8 14. Mihai Eminescu (write) some wor fi > cal poe! Perec (do) this is) nderful philosophical poems. 16. What you (do) last week? 17. She (not/ win) the contest last year. 18. She (not/ win) the contest this year. 19. The accident (occur) just now. 20. At that time contradicting the King (be) extremely dangerous. IIL. Correct the following sentences if necessary: 1. Mary met your parents. 2. The peasants have harvested their crops. 3. You have learnt your lesson. 4. It’s the first time I see this woman. 5. The President resigned. 6. A mad dog bit John. He is seeing a doctor now. 7. A mad dog has bitten John two years ago. 8. | listened to this song and I think it’s great. 9, Mary Jane won the contest and now she is extremely happy. 10. Michael Jackson launched several hit songs. 11, DJ Project launched several Romanian hit songs. 21 seria 2 pag 9 Present Perfect Continuous I. Use the Present Perfect Sim i a Otis bi) wa of the verb in parentheses a ae we ...... already 20 miles. (walk) ieee Tong you ......?°“1.....-for eight hours.” (drive) . He ...... stamps since he was 10 years old. (collect) 5. You ...... to music since I left, I suppose. (listen) 6. She letter or a posteard regularly lately. (drop) 7.1......a minute since 12 o'clock. (not sleep) 8. Why you ......in time? (not come) 9.1 ......for three years. It is high time for me to get married. (be engaged) 10. Almost all our students...... high marks this term. (get) 11. 1...... since 9 o’elock. (type) 12. She ...... for two hours. (swim) 13. He...... anything since he was taken from the hospital. (not eat) 14. It ...... for three days and the snow is very high. (snow) 15. Nobody see the house since we gave the advertisement. (come) 16, Let me give you a hand. You...... to repair this radio for six hours. (1ry) 17, Leannot go fishing: I...... earth worms in vain for two hours. (look for) Te SYeuli. my paper?” “Tust ..... it somewhere, but I eannot remember where". (see; put) 19, Why you ...... the house? You ...... the key? (not enter; ose) II. Ask questions to which the phrases written in italies are the answer: 1. They have been running since this morning. > [have been talking fo James about ths trip since January. 5 Lhave been talking to James about this trip since January. 4. They have been watching TV for ten hours. 5, You have gone to the cinema with your teacher today. 1e into English: va . eee inte fg chestiune de ednd esti acl gitme nu ay ahs Jao concluzie. aceasta exte casa tn care locus; Toate megs... 3. Acct pierdut ceva? — Da stiloul. — 1 + eau peste tot? De cand il eauti 4. Nin a de cinci ore, aga cA nam iegit din cas toatd ziua. BE al vizat-o de chad sa mart. NF var de cin mariah icei in dimi asta nu a sosit inc: + Eade be a imines care vores cu aia men me se E ai ‘ nosis care loculese A emp incerci si iei legatura cu el?” i fratele tau? De cit timp inceret e a 3.Ne Sere Fi aici in aceast perioadl a nul, Plows incon 9, Nu-mi place sl stay at aa si mai plange ined, dey reo PERO. ei i" Ee cog ra tan original? Ce cites acum? Co sites de a at ato Ce ai cit ata inreaga GPSS : i citi Ce ai citit astizi pe ee Se ss eta i Con Ie un ran dar ie inca, Nu a strins Tock tot materialul necesar si acum is timpul Ia far8. ae 22 seria 2 pag 10 iy Ser the best option: ¢ ve solved/ been solving the probl 2. Jack has been Fees ths book 5 ony trying/ tried to get his book published for ages but so far no one has said 3. So, what have you done/ been doit wh .en doing recently? Anything interesting? _ ae friend has been buying/ bought a new car Itlooks great B at ae Doelieved/ een believing in hosts ot witches or fairies. ses fe news! They've been agrecing/ agreed to buy the house! a eo a well. Have you been tal ing/ taken more exercise recently? eee 'e children are tired because they've played/ been playing all day Have you swum/ been swimming? Your hair looks wet. . 10. Oh, there you are! I've looked/ been looking for you everywhere! V. Translate into English: 1, Cocosatul arunca cu ‘scrumiere in spargatorul de ‘banc de dou ore incoace, dar spirgatorul de baneé a stat Jinistit in tot acest timp. jvindu-l drept in ochi. fe 2. Randunica zboara de doua zile incoace si incd nu a ajuns Ia cuibul ei, desi stie c perechea ei a asteptat-o in tot acest timp. 3, De la o vreme incoace, br uit cam multe si a inceput s& umble cu un creion $1 un carnet, ca sd noteze tot ce {rebuie si-i amintesc eu Si faci. 4. Sora medicala a plans din now fiindea de edteva siptiméni incoace Pree obositi, iar doctoral pur si simplu a refuzat fri dea un concediu medical de © saptimana. 5, Portarul ingheati de atata vreme incat sa hotarat si-si schimbe slujba si si lucreze ca ‘mecanic la incdlzirea ‘central, aga cd tocmai a facut o cerere sf i se dea slujba aceea, dar t s-@ Tefuzat mériea salariului, pe care, de asemenea, o solicitase mu de mult 6 De cfiteva ore incoace fi “vand bibliotecarului cArfi pe car Tea inghesuit in geanta lui gi ma intreb doar cine |-a trimis la mine gi daca o si inceteze vreodati si mai ceard altele. 7, Fulgarinul farmacistulut vteiend in spatele usii de dou Zile ‘incoace, dar el n-a venit si-l ia ceea ce inseamn’ ca nu |-a folosit in aceste doul zile, degi a plouat cu gileata. , Gospodina a ascuns © ‘nultime de taine de soful ei, care © igunoier si care a dezamagito ccrunt, desi el nu si-a dat seame de acest Iweru niciodata. 9, Copilul fine in mand pachetul de ciocolats de jumstate de ord ncoace, BU de mirare 8 2 topit si acum plange ct nu mai are ceea ce tocmal $18 ‘cumparat 10. Prietenul tu, Tingvistul, tia pAstrat waina prea muluh vreme, nu st de ce a Meut-0, sunt sigur 08 i-a venit foarte greu s-o fac’, stiindu-l ce fire vorbireata are. 1L-De cand ingheat contabilul si de cc nut SH dat inc haina pe care #8 cumparat-o nora lui? 12. Habar n-am- de ce a macinat morarul atita find, presupun ca i s-a dat mat mult griu decat de obicei si poate cha auzit ch vyrei sa i-| jet ca si-] semeni. adesea pe diri Ll oa 3 fil hat de nal, dat ela evitat mereu 13, L-am intrebat pe dirijor de ce au ait i fiinded eu nici a a dma in ot 4 tavan, fil i Jo pind acum dost F indc proprietareasa D2 i race ok me Age gua cscans io rma re - mere ae pot inchipul ‘ra lovit azi git . reodat Wg Je cipal scunde in pivnitd st ‘ai zivori Us pana mu vine s te loveascd 5 pe tine. 23

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