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W o r k s h o p
TSC - Library Room 300

What is Qualtrics
Qualtrics is Web-based survey software available for use by all UTEP
Faculty, Students and Staff to support teaching and research at
UTEP. Surveys can be created and distributed by anyone with a
UTEP account.

Workshop Objectives

Anyone on your team can build, send and analyze surveys. Our goal is to make
difficult things simple, so you can focus on research rather than software.


Control your logos, branding, text, questions, messages, choices, reports, graphs,
images, colors, exports, code, emails, fonts, skins, sharing, panels, logics, blocks,
andwellpretty much anything else you could imagine.


With Qualtrics, you have absolute data freedom. Enjoy direct exports to SPSS, Excel
& more. Easily pass results to top CRMs, like SalesForce. Or, use our API to
integrate with virtually any other system youd like.


Surveys are rarely created by a single person. Collaborate in real-time across the
office, or across the globe. Grant anyone access to surveys and reports. Keep your
research consistent and efficient. All without breaking a sweat.
Multi-lingual respondents? No problem. We make it easy to translate your survey into
48 languages, then automatically serve it in a persons native tongue. Magnifique!


How to get a Qualtrics

How to create a survey
How to add and edit
How to distribute your

Visit to see

when the next workshop is
No software to install. No files to store.
Access your surveys and data from
any location, any time you need. And
thanks to our uber-secure technology,
you never have to worry about losing
data. Ever.

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