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R (US) IV OSD OUSD POLICY (US) ptember 17, 2014 230 PM IV OSD OUSD POLICY (US) fe ISD Detainee Policy [(evi6) 8) NOTE NEW E4 ip 0X8) SIPR =| riginal Message— : Lietzau, William K SES OSD POLICY 1V OSD POLI IV OSD POI _ OSD POLICY Subject: FW:4SF/NEHSHSPNEY Classification: SECRERHHOFORAL ed ‘Gone think you made a change for the "reason behind the current strike," which Gen Kelly is NOT OK with. Seems like ‘we need to make some adjustment for that too. ‘V/R, WEL Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 9:32 AM To: Miller, James N HON OSD POLICY [eNGy icks, Kathleen H HON OSD POLICY; Anderson, Wendy R CIV SO; Waldhauser, Thomas LtGen $0;| ISSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H}; DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) hl CLASSIFICATIONSS66REF sim, Welcome back. I've just read the proposed memo on GITMO to SD and am generally OK with it with the exception of the reason behind the current strike. This go around is entirely about the disappointment the detainees have over the failure of the USG to close the facility and to transfer some detainees home and the hopelessness of this LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003432 fact. Thisis fact and is repeated by the detainees and the attorneys in the press. | have stated this as fact in my own testimony on the Hil and to have done anything else would have been to lie to Congress, and, besides, | would have been immediately calied on it ct for week: but the detainees and their attorney's talk about this openly as THE reason this current state of affairs exists. The secondary issue is the Quran which is of course entirely fabricated and total nonsense. In the normal course of events my SOP has only translators (who are moslem) touching the book which is what happened in the last routine search. That said, | reserve the right to break from this practice as required because it is in my SOP which | own. Bottom line, Jim, their stated rationale is that this is about closing and transfer with handling of their holy book a distant second. ert her (exe) (6),Sec. 1.4 Jon the day at GMO Fiday (ny th rp and in realty everythings progressing on our timeline! 1 [EXT BN) Seo. 14a) [NCW BW) Se5 ays gcd Gren Cars ey are Tree to start eating normally and remove themselves [ther hope] from losing their communal privileges once the strike peters out, or |can feed them via nasal tube (no one right now is "force" fed) Oe) kelly ~~-Original Message—- From: Miller, James N HON 050 PouIcy (mai Ai ‘Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 2:58 PM. To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC {H) Cc: Hicks, Kathleen H HON OSD POLICY, Anderson, Wendy R CIV SD Subject: REoppee John, just back from a well-disconnected leave, catching up. thanks for sending best Jim From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC ussouTHcom/sc-cc (4) aD Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:36 AM To: Miller, James N HON OSD POLICY Cc: Hicks, Kathleen H HON OSD POLICY; Anderson, Wendy R CIV SD Subjectetonittee LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003433 CLASSIFICATION:SEEREHINO FORTE Doe, My over the weekend SITREP to SD. Would appreciate it if you did not/not forward this informal memo, kelly CLASSIFICATION:SEEREHHMOFORA® DERIVED FROM: dtd:3/26/2013, DECLASSIFY ON. CLASSIFICATION:SEERET DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/1/2013 DECLASSIFY ON. DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: 01 Apr 2023 DERIVED FROM . Multiple Sources OECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003434 Prey From TV OSD OUSD POUCY (US) Sent: ptember 17, 2014 2:31 PM To: IV OSD OUSD POLICY (US) Subject: TESTERS? FW bibs FW: Info Memo on GTMO #oaHiee Attachments: Info Meio GTMO Ops cord vkhh dock - ITT-GTMO-PAO-SJA.docx Secmer HOORAY (ENS ul ISD Detainee Policy PHC) ---=-Original Message=-—- From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [mailto: Sent: Friday, March 2, 2013 4:50 PM oe KSELOS0 POLICY; Liotta, Alan, civ, oso-PoLic|X iv 030 poucyfo™ Vv iv 05p pouty; Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOMTTETMO # FW: Info Memo on GTMO {Saisie Subject: LSMaiep FW: SECREHOFORTE Prey Minor changes from GTMO. dws Classified By: Reason: 1.4{a} Declassify On: 20 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SEERETHNOFORN LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003435 ‘To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; tettko, James € BG.USSOUTHCOMITEGTMO. exe Cc: Letau, William KES O50 POLICY; Lctta, Alan, elv, aS POUCH ENS) ivoso rou Osp. rover IV OSD POLICY Opie Subject: Info TEM Classification: SEGReYHMOFORNE Gentlemen, DASD Lietzau asked that | forward you the attached info memo which covers a range of GTMO-related topics. Dr. Hicks {PD Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) previously forwarded this meme to senior leaders at USSOUTHCOM and the Joint Staff, to include General Kelly and the Vice Chairman. DASD Lietzau wanted to ensure that you had the opportunity to review and provide any pertinent comments. vir, [exer DERIVED FROM; Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: 29 Mar 2023 DERIVED FROM : Multiple Scurces DECLASSIFY ON, 2 LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003436 “SEERETNOFORS Policy Coordination Shee Subject: Status of Opersions at Guantanamo (GTC) Control Number: +1 SPUU2645.15" TitesOrganization Name Date PDUSDWP) Kathleen Hicks soUTHCOM. uspt ASDA, LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003444 fener kre (us) oe From: [PP Fav 050 ouso pouer ws) Sent: ptember 17, 2014 2:33 PM To: IV OSD OUSD POLICY (US) Subject: SFMOD TICOR USSOUTHCOM REQUEST FOR FORCES, RFFIO 6130171, REQUESTING FORCES FOR ISO JTF-GTMO DETAINEE OPERATIONS Signed By: seen PG) Per losb Detainee Policy (Pentagon Room 36252 fiexs) NOTE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESSES: pr {0X6) SPR {DMO Original Message: From: Amhs System Account [mailto] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:31 PM To: IV. 0S0 POLICY ‘Subject: MOD T CDR USSOUTHCOM REQUEST FOR FORCES, RFFID 6130171, REQUESTING FORCES FOR ISO JTF-GTMO DETAINEE OPERATIONS Subject: MOD 1 CDR USSOUTHCOM REQUEST FOR FORCES, RFFID 6130171, REQUESTING FORCES FOR ISO JTF-GTMO DETAINEE OPERATIONS. Originator; HO USSOUTHCOM J3(MC} OG; 0220452 Apr 13, Precedence: ROUTINE DAC: General To: O1K-0SD POLICY(MC) RCRA ~~ Original Message - 5 {C=US/0=U.5. GOVERNMENT/OU=DOD/OU=ICS/OU-ORGANIZATIONS/L=WASHINGTON. DC/OUSJOINT STAFF(MC)/OU=IOINT STAFF J3(MC]/OU=JOINT STAFF 13 DEP-DIR SPECIAL OPS{MC} {C=US/O=U.S. GOVERNMENT/OU=DOD/OU=JCS/OU-ORGANIZATIONS/L= WASHINGTON DC/OU=JOINT STAFF{MC)/OU= JOINT STAFF J3(MC]/OU= JOINT STAFF 13 NMCC OPS{MC) LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003445 /C=US/O=US. GOVERNMENT/OU=DOD/OU=/C5/OU=ORGANIZATIONS/L=WASHINGTON DC/OU=JOINT STAFF(MC)/OUJOINT STAFF J3(MC} /C=US/O=U.S, GOVERNMENT/OU=D0D/OU=AUTODIN PLAS/OU=CE-CS/OU=CICS WASHINGTON DC /C-US/O-US. ‘GOVERNMENT/OU=000/OU-ARMY/OU=ORGANIZATIONS/L=-CONUS/L=WASHINGTON DC/OU-DA HQDA SECRETARIAT(SC) /C-US/O=US. GOVERNMENT/OU=D00/OU=05D/OU=ORGANIZATIONS/L= WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT/QU=D0D/OU=NAVY/OU=ORGANIZATIONS (SC) /OU=MOBILES/OU=COMFOURTHFLT{SC ) {C-US/O=U.S. GOVERNMENT/OU=D00/OU=USMC/OU-ORGANIZATIONS/L=MARFORCOM VA/OU=COMMARFORCOM(SC} /C=US/O=U.S. GOVERNMENT/QU=D00/OU=AUTODIN PLAS/OU=£-H/OU=HQ USAF WASHINGTON OC FC=US/O=US. ‘GOVERNMENT/OU=DOD/OU=SOUTHCOM/OU=ORGANIZATIONS/L=CONUS/L=MIAMI FL/OU=HQ USSOUTHCOM(MC)/OU=HQ USSOUTHCOM 13(MC) /C=US/O=US. GOVERNMENT/OU=D0D/OU=SOUTHCOM/OU=ORGANIZATIONS/L=CONUS/L=GUANTANAMO BAY CU/OU=JTF GTMO/OU=sTF GTMO(MC) 1 {C=US/O=U S. GOVERNMENT/OU=D0D/OU=SOUTHCOM/OU-ORGANIZATIONS/L=CONUS/L=MIAMI FL/OU=HQ. USSOUTHCOM|MC)/OU=HO. USSOUTHCOM 13(MC) 0220452 Apr 13 + ROUTINE 2: MOD 1 CDR USSOUTHCOM REQUEST FOR FORCES, RFFID 6130171, REQUESTING FORCES FOR ISO JTF-GTMO DETAINEE OPERATIONS SRT REF/A/EXORD/CICS 05-06 EXORD// REF/8/DOC/CICS/13JUNOS// REF/C/WEBSITE/WWW.FCG PENTAGON.MiL. // REF/0/00C/USSOUTHCOM/1MAR2013// REF/E/MOG/USSOUTHCOM/0218132APR13// NARR/REF A IS JOINT TASK FORCE-GUANTANAMO BAY EXORD. REF B IS STANDING CICS RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. REF-C IS THE FOREIGN CLEARANCE GUIDE. REF DIS THE USSOUTHCOM GENERAL ORDER 1 - PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES IN USSOUTHCOM AOR. REF E 1S COR USSOUTHCOM REQUEST FOR FORCES, RFFID 6130171, REQUESTING FORCES FOR ISO JTF-GTMO DETAINEE OPERATIONS // RMIKS/THIS MOD CHANGES THE LAD AND DURATION OF ALL REQUIREMENTS IN RFFID 6130171// TIMEZONE/2// GENTEXT/SITUATION// .45pSITUATION. ffoy7),Sec. 14a) Seo. Tae) 7 LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003446 “LE, (U) CAPACITY TO INTERNALLY MITIGATE, CURTAIL OR OFF-RAMP. USSOUTHCOM, DOES NOT HAVE OTHER CAPABILITY TO OFFSET THIS REQUEST. 1LF. (U) AUTHORITY: PERSONNEL WILL DEPLOY UNDER AUTHORITIES IN REF A, CIT GTMO EXORD. 2=4SPMISSION. O/A 05 MAY 2013, FORCES REQUESTED IN THIS RFF WILL DEPLOY TO GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA (IAW REF E) TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DETAINEE SECURITY ‘AND COMMAND CONTROL OF SECURITY FORCES ISO JTF-GTMO. GO/FO VALIDATING URGENCY OF THIS REQUEST IS BRIG GEN ROBERT ARTHUR, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, HO USSOUTHCOM. 3.AGHFORCE REQUIREMENTS. [ENT Seo. t Hah See. 7.440) 3A SSPDESTINATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Te\(7).Sec. 1.4(a).Sec. 1.2(¢) LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003447 fei Sec Tay Sec. Talay 3.8.1 #SbDESTINA B\CT),See. 7.4(a),5¢ fib) Sec. Tatay.Sec. Taccy [ieit)Sec. 1 ala)Sec. Tac) oL Rey7).Sec. 1-2(a).Sec. 12(e) ERT See. 1 Hay Sec. Ae) LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003448 [iextSec, 1ataySec. Trey D. (UY SIMITAR CAPABILITIES, NONE 2.£. {U) NEW FORCES / REPLACEMENT FORCES, THIS IS A REQUEST FOR NEW FORCES, 3. (U) TRAINING, 3.F-1. (U) ANTI-TERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION. ANTI-TERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION (AT/FP). SUPPORTING COMMANDS WILL ENSURE DEPLOYING UNITS ARE AWARE OF THE THREAT LEVELS SET BY CDR USSOUTHCOM AND THAT DEPLOYING UNITS COMPLETE USSOUTHCOM REQUIRED PRE-DEPLOYMENT AT/FP AWARENESS TRAINING, VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS, AND OTHER AT/FP REQUIREMENTS AS DIRECTED IN REF A AND SC OPORD 08.01 3.F.2 (U) HUMAN RIGHTS. SEE REF C. SUPPORTING COMMANDS WILL CERTIFY THAT ‘THEIR PERSONNEL RECEIVED ANNUAL HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING. 3.F.3. (U) PERSONNEL RECOVERY TRAINING. ALL PERSONNEL ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE COMPLETED SERE 100.1 LEVEL A, OR ARMY PR 101 A, B, AND C, WITHIN 3 YEARS OF DEPLOYING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PERSONNEL WHO MAINTAIN SERE TRAINING CURRENCY IAW AFI 16-1301. ALL PERSONNEL MUST HAVE AN ISOLATED PERSONNEL REPORT (ISOPREP) ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED INTO THE PERSONNEL RECOVERY MISSION SOFTWARE (PRMS) WEBSITE AND THE ISOPREP MUST BE REVIEWED 8Y THE MEMBER WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF DEPLOYMENT. 3.4, (U) THEATER ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. ALL PERSONNEL MUST COMPLY WITH THEATER ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED IN THE FOREIGN CLEARANCE GUIDE AND COMUSNAVSO OPORD 4000. 3.G. {U) OTHER. 3.G.1. (U) MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS, COMMANDS WILL COMPLY WITH FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS, PRE AND POST DEPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION WILL BE EXECUTED IAW DOD INSTRUCTION 6490.03, MCM 0028-07, SC REG 1106, AND MEDICAL GUIDANCE FOR DEPLOYMENT TO SOUTHCOM, MESSAGE DTG (0511392 MAY 11. ALL EXAMS AND IMMUNIZATIONS MUST BE UP TO DATE PRIOR TO DEPLOYMENT. DEPLOYMENT LIMITING MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND WAIVER PROCESS ARE IAW DOD! 6450.07 AND MEDICAL WAIVER GUIDANCE FOR DEPLOYMENT TO USSOUTHCOM, MESSAGE DTG 0216472 MAY 11. PERSONNEL WILL DEPLOY WITH A CURRENT DD FORM 2786. URGENT AND EMERGENT MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE ARE THE ONLY LEVELS OF ‘CARE AUTHORIZED BY TRICARE FOR ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL AT CIVILIAN FACILITIES BY CIVILIAN PROVIDERS WHILE TDY/TAD TO THE USSOUTHCOM AOR. ALL EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE SHOULD BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE TRICARE/ISOS NETWORK. EMERGENCY ‘CONTACT NUMBERS ARE: 1-800-834-5514 OR 215-701-2800 {CALL COLLECT). OTHER SH) CONTACT NUMBERS ARE: USSOUTHCOM JOC (24-HOUR CONTACT) F2T (DSN [-7); USSOUTHCOM SURGEON'S OFFICE (NORMAL DUTY HOURS}: Ee (DSP). PoC | \T COMM: (@a__PR sw: 3.4. (U) RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. CICS STANDING ROE (CICS! 3121.018, 13 JUN 05) ARE IN EFFECT. SEE REF 8 3.1. (U) USSOUTHCOM GENERAL ORDER 1 - PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES IN USSOUTHCOM AOR. UNITS WILL ENSURE ASSIGNED PERSONNEL READ, UNDERSTAND AND ADHERE TO REF D. 3.1. (U) DEPLOYMENT DATA. USE OF JOPES IS DIRECTED FOR ALL STRATEGIC MOVEMENTS. USE PLAN ID (PID) 63GTD, FORCE MODULE (FM) XSGTO. REDEPLOYMENT. PID IS63GTR. USE GCCS NEWSGROUP SOUTHCOM.JOPES.CURRENTOPS FOR COORDINATION AND VERIFICATION OF JOPES TRANSACTIONS. 4,(U) ADMIN AND LOGISTICS. 4,A. (U) FUNDING, CDR USSOUTHCOM WILL NOT PROVIDE FUNDING TO SUPPORT THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONAL COSTS OF THIS DEPLOYMENT. THE SOURCED LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003449 SERVICES ARE EXPECTED TO FUND THESE COSTS, INCLUDING ALL PRE-DEPLOYMENT, DEPLOYMENT, REDEPLOYMENT, AND RE-CONSTITUTION COSTS, USSOUTHCOM COMPONENT ‘COMMANDS WILL CAPTURE AND REPORT TO SERVICE COMPTROLLERS AND USSOUTHCOM RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT DIRECTORATE THE INCREMENTAL AND TOTAL COSTS INCURRED IN SUPPORT OF THIS OPERATION. 488 (U) PUBLIC AFFAIRS GUIDANCE. NONE 5. (U) COMMAND AND CONTROL RELATIONSHIPS FOR THE REQUESTED FORCES. ‘CORUSSOUTHCOM IS THE SUPPORTED COMBATANT COMMANDER, CORUSSOUTHCOM WILL EXERCISE OPCON VIA COR JTE GTMO. 6. (U) COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS. NONE. 7.{U) POINTS OF CONTACT. 7.4 (U} JTF GTMO TAL (0) FOps FATETPNC), 10 USC 51400 BS ET a 7.8, (UJUSSOUTHCOM TENT [exer [Bier >_> 7.8.2. (U} FORCE MANAGEMENT P16) ever &(U) RADM VINCENT 8. ATKINS, USCG, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, HO USSOUTHCOM IS THE APPROVING OFFICIAL FOR RELEASE OF THIS MESSAGE // Classified By: RADM VINCENT B. ATKINS, USCG, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, HO USsOUTHCOM Reason: 14 Declassify On: 0220407 Apr 2023, DERIVED FROM : Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 6 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003450 [exer [stv CSD OUSD POLICY (US, SDESCaL September 17, 2014 2:36 PM [ee Tevasp ousp poucy cus) Wi GTIMO Sonam ITF Press Release - Initial Camp VLRDP edits. 00CX exey Josp Detainee Policy — Pentagon RgOm 3€252 [exe E-MAIL ADDRESSES: ~-~--Original Messag: fof aso roucy Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 9:44 AM 7 ‘ fee Ob OUCY Unt, A, ospzouef 7 Cubes Fore Cecvettau Willan x es 050 70uy ES soa Subject: RE: GTM Ox6f/ NR HEHE Classification: SECRER MORGAN Here's what I've done, | welcome your thoughts ASAP. Thanks, [(eye) Original Messages. From[(OX6) IV OSD POLICY sent: TRursday, ArT, 2013 9:22 AM ns To: Liotta, Aian, CIV, OSD-POLUICEN®) 1v 050 POLICY oso pouicyf>% civ (00 PoLicy Ce: Lietau, Wiliam K SES 050 POU IIE va Subject: FW: GTMO iehbitinther> Importance: High Classification S8CREREANGRO RH BBs 00 is way up to discuss this with us. My in fl eecton tet i rrr LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003451 ——Original Message From: SD LA Senta 2013 9:13 AM To: 1SD POLICY Subject: FW: GTMOSShiNHf SdH Classification Se REHMOEORH UssOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) [mailto] } 013 6:40 PM OSD LA lussoutucom/sc-cc (Hy JussoutHcomysc-cc(HP™ =i [USSOUTHEOM/SC-CC (H) TBJECT GTM hie CLASSIFICATION S6GRERUNGRORK Here's the close hold draft press release message, understand OS0-PA got it today and DASD George Little is currently Feviewing. We have an SVTC tomorrow at 1500 with $5 and OSD, will you be there? ll call you tomorrow morning to discuss additional specifics Thanks EI 2 LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003452 IBY Po CLASSIFICATIONSSECRERMGRORA DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/10/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: 11 Apr 2023 DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: 11 Apr 2023 DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: 11 Apr 2023 DERIVED FROM : Multiple Sources DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003453 [ee OSD OUSD POLICY (US) tember 17, 2014 3:02 PM ‘IV OSD OUSD POLICY (US) Subject: FIs for SC and JTF-GTMO Smith John W. ROMA USSOUTHCOM ITEGTIAG ce ‘Disa, Joseoh P UGLUSA USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (HN; Alins, Uncot BADY USCG USSOUTCOW/SCD Ci ‘Subject Tap VIPER (SNF) Date: Sutday, pil 13, 2013 6:32:37 aM Good. Unfortunately they will ntify the world and when the world wakes up we willbe inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world trying to be the first one to tall their boss. At this, juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and I will await werd from Boomer with no intention of badgering him. All request for info should come through me until I authorize the release of the macia statement which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please. Thanks. Kelly Original Message From: Arthur, Rovert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Leitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (H) Subject: RE: (S#*¥F) Camp VI Update [S/eNE] CLASSIFICATION:SECRETWNGFORN Sirs DDO watch officer at NMC was notified when actions began this morning. They had no questions. Steve -Original Message From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sen: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM ‘To: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Br'g Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 3G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/A¥F) Camp VI Update FS#¢NE] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN. + Kernan John, Roger. No need for a phone call until all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cells or in communal areas cuffed Thanks, kelly LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003154 (oy) S00 14 AUNTIE Original Message-—— Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO (mailtos> Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCONY/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brg Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFSTNO Subject: (4) Camp VI Update SECRETHNOFORN General Kelly, 05:10. We have secured theo include isolation [OT SecTATNTNE) No significant “eontact or incidents thus far. [ECSee DSA (awe, ——————————_————d [Pui Se TEACHOWE Petainees in [yt] Ses 1.4 A DINE) are ‘Sweeps. Twill provide upd V/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) man SN perer sneer comme Classified By: Reason: 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003155 SECRETHNOFORN CLASSIFICATION:SEERETYNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN. DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERER/NGFORN, DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003156 From: ‘Acute ig Gen USAE USSOUTHCOSCI3 (HD To: ‘Kalb ohn £ Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (4; Smit. John M-RDML USSOUTHCOM ITEGTMD ce cs 7 ‘Subject Date: Sour, At 1320186850 A CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN Sir, dene. Steve -Original Message---- From: Kelly, John & Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:32 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA. SOTHO -CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOW/SC)3 (H): be OUTHCON JTEGTMO: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOMISC-CC (Hi USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: Te aN Coty WUE CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/MOFORN. | Good. Unfortunately they will ntify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world tying to be the first one to tel their boss. At this, juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and I will await werd from Boomer with no intention of badgering him. Al request for info should come through me until I authorize the release of the mecia statement which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please. Thanks. Kelly Original Message-- From: arthur, Robert Erig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (Hy; Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc; DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/F) Camp VI Update [SHNE} CLASSIFICATIONSECREF/NGFORN- Sirs DDO watch officer at NMCC was notified when actions began this morning. They had no questions. Steve -Original Message---— Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM Tor Smith, Jonn W ROM USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalve, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (MH); Lettko, James ¢ 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNG; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSGUTHCOM/SC-CC (It) Subject: RE: (SHNF) Camp VI Update [S//NF] LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003157 CLASSIFICATION:SEEREFYNOFORN + Kernan John, Roger. No need for a phone call unti all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in ces or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, Kelly From: iy Jon of ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTHO Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM ier kelyc Jobe ben usue assoumcowse-cc (ty (2; DEAD osepk? MG USA USSOUTACOKISE CE: Akin cent RADKLUSC USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC]3 (H); Lettke, James C 8G Subject: (SUMF) Camp VI Update SECRETONOFORS. General Kelly, Stil in the beginning stages of conver (Oy) $0014 05:10,_We have secured the[=——__ho includ 5 a (IUREENGIOIG} AMET ‘contact of incidents thus far. [Bit ses PACE Jetainees in POO) Seo 1 AOKI To Tor WEapOTE TEATS wil begin sweeps. I will provide updates as Thay occur, Y/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) wa [pe sn: [EX LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003158 comm: PPS Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHNOFORN— CLASSIFICATIONSSPEREFHNEFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERETYNGFORA. DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETANOEORAL DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETH-NEFORN DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003159 From: ‘al John F Gen Us USSOUTHCOMSC.Cc An To: ‘Au obs ris Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCI (i; Smith John W/ ROMA USSOUTHCOM ATEGTIAG ce ‘Saha. Lowa P MGLUSA USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (bi; Ais, Vnceat RADY USCG USSOUTCOM/SCD Ci: eh rea ‘Subject Tap VIET (HH) Date: Saturday, Api 13, 2013755:30 AM CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORH Ok, damn it, wino is talking to Bill Letzau or anyone else???27? DC is all agitated. I knew this would happen. ['ve got to talk to the NSS ASAP. Admiral Smith 1 have to apologize and break my word and ask you for a SITREP ASAP. Kelly -oignal Message From hur Rose Bg Gen USAF USSOUTHCOWSC ( Seo satrap 1 2013 6239 A Fer kel Jon Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (Smith, John W ROW. USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNO Cc: Disalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG COUTNCOM SES ON Lap nes oe GREE: Peace REN UssoUTHCOMSCCe {| USSOUTHCOMISC:Ce CH) Subject: RE: (S#*NF}-Camp VI UpGate CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN Sir, dene. Steve -Original Message-- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:32 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHEOMBC CL ():[ORE————ssouTHcoMrse cc tH) Subject: RE: (SHNF) Camp VT UpGSTE TSAR CLASSIFICATION:SECREYHGFSRN- Ee Good. Unfortunately they will notify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates fram everyone in the world trying to be the fist one to tell their boss. At this juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and I will await word from Boomer with no intention of badgering him. Al request for info should come through me until I authorize the release of the mecia statement Which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please. Thanks. Artur, Robert Erig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H) Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM Tor Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003160 (ox S00 14 AUNTIE) USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Leitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/#NF) Camp VI Update [5//NF] CLASSIFICATION:SEERETHNGFORA- Sirs DO watch officer at NMC was notified when actions began this morning. They had no questions. Steve Original Message- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROM USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 3G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseah D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: ¢S//NF) Camp VI Update [5//NF] CLASSIFICATION:SEGRETHNOFORN- + Kernan, John, Roger. No need for a phone call unti all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cels or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, from: Smith John W ROML UssQUTHCOMATFGTMOPT id Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USC USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNC Subject: SH#F}-Camp VI Update -SECRETUNOFORN. General Kelly, Stllin the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into si 05:10. We have secured thef to include foi) S80 HAH No significant ‘contact or incidents thus fa. DIC $00 TAITIE Jaetainees ifNO) Sao AGE) J presumably to form weapons, Teams will egin sweeps. Twill provide updates ax thay occur VIR Boomer LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003161 John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) PE] [rer comm: [OR Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Deciassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ‘SEERET/NOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SEEREFYNGFORN, DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNOFORN, DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREPWNOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN- DERIVED FROM: tdsa/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN- DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003162 (oy) see 144, vrve) From: ih, th SOUTHCOM ITE To: ‘aly. ohn £ Gen USC USSOUTHCOMISC.CC Cn ce ‘Disalun,lowoh PMG USA VSSOUTACOMISC-CC (has ‘Ati Robert Big Get USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCI3 (Leh, Lenes CBG USSOUTHCOM [TEGTHO Subject: (rNFF-Camp VI Update Date: Sunday, Al 13, 2013 6:07:34 RW SECRET/NOFORN— General Kelly, DISS hace Still in the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into single cell ops.}E) | team entered at 05:10, We have secured the 0 include [OT Se TSAI No significant ‘contact or incidents thus far. [ORT Sex TERMITE) pose atime] S21 TATDITHE | detainees Tn PORT See T= A PITA Presumably to Torn weapons. Teams will Tegin sweeps. Twa] provide updates as they cccur VIR Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) i [rer sn: | comm: [P™ Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Deciassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003163 LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003164 (gy10use $1500 (090) roe a uc Subject: (GAANP) FW (GPRD Como VI Update (SEPP Date Sourny, Ape 132013 6337 al SECRETHNOFORN FYSA. Looks lke the Gen is awake and on SIPR, Classified By: Reason: 1.4(6) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantaname Bay, Cuba SECRETH/NOFORN -Original Message---— from: Kely, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (HY (mato f>7™ Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSGUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SY/NF) Camp VI Update [S484] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGFORN— + Kernan, John, Roger. No need for a phone call until all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cells or in communal areas cuffed ‘Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [mailto:{F7°7 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, Jobm F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RAM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8 USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (6*##F) Camp VI Update SEERER/NOFORN. General Kelly, LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003165 porTse ha ae Still in the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into single cell ops |e) [team entered at (oy) Sec 144, 05:10. We have secured ta include [OC Sec TEAK No significant (WXTIE) ~~~ contact or incidents thus fF RUSECTEATRAET | detainees IBHTSSETEROHET [reso To Wr weapns, TERT wi Begin sweeps. Twil provide updates as They occur VIR Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo (TF-GTMO) | ower sn: [Pr comm: PT Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETH/NOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SEERETH/NOFORN DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003166 From: ‘Sh John w ADM ussoUTHCOW ITEGTHO To: ‘aly. ohn £ Gen USMC USSOUTHCOWSC.CC Cn Subject: {SANE RE: (54M Camp VI Uptac [S/F] bate: Saturday, ap 13, 2012 6212336 A SECRETIACTDRY Copy Sir VIR Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.442) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cube SECREHUNOCDRS, -Original Message -— _ From: Kely, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) {mailto} Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DSalvé, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOMISC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/S()3 (Hi); Arthur, Robert Brg Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H); Lettke, James C 86 USSOUTHCOM JTFSTMG; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSGUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SH/NF) Camp VI Update [SifH FE CLASSIFICATIOI -CRETHNEFORN- + Kernan John, Roger. No need for a phone call until al the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cel or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO (uaito™ Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 86 USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO Subject: (SHAE) Camp VI Update SECRETWNOFORN- LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003170 (oy sec 144, our General Kelly, lapse Stil in the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into singe cell ops.[ivri®” [team entered at (05:10... We have secured: the| defOMTTS2CTSARHIED 0 CUES) CCE Contact or incidents thus far. detainees i smeeps—Tvt provide upda ‘Presumably to Torm weapons. Teams will Y/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo TF-GTMO) ee) [Ber comm:[>%er Classified By: Reason: 1.4() Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETI/NOFORN CLASSIFICATION:SECRETWNOFORN— DERIVED FROM: tdsa/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003171 From: ‘Soh John w aD, ussOUTHCOW ITEGTHO To: ‘aly ohn £ Gen USC USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (; hus. Robt Big Gn USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCI2 (HD ce ‘ial Loweoh PMG USA USSOUTHCOMSC-CC 8; ‘Subject TTR Update SF Date: Saturday, Agi 13, 2013 8:34:19 AM ‘SECRET//NOFORN- General Kelly, Update since our phoncan: [SmseTAAT IIE [OO _Jsurfered Te puncture wounds on his left side from use of "Tess than legal” ToUndS. [ORO] —_]stable. There made be other minar injurias that have yet to be reported, V/R Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHNOFORN- Oca Message irom: Hey, John Pan USMC ussouTHCow/Sc-c ( tmattof™—_____] Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 7:55 AM Tor hur, Robert Gen USAF USSOUTHCON/SCJ3 (Hy Sth, ohn W ROM USSOUTACOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); eitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN ISSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S//NF) Camp VI Update CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NGFORN (OK, damn it, who is talking to Bill Letzau or anyone else???27?. OC is all agitated. I knew this would happen. ['ve got to talk to the NSS ASAP. Admiral Smith I have to apologize and break my word and ask you for a SITREP ASAP. Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:39 AM ‘or Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFETMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H);Leitko, James C_DG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOMSC.cC (Hyer —___] USSOUTHCOM/SC-Cc (H) LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003172 Subject: RE: (S//NF) Camp VI Update [5#¢NF] CLASSIFICATION:SEERETHNOFORN. Sir, done. Steve -Original Message From: ely, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOMV/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13,2013 6:32 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN ussoUTHCoWSC-cc (HOO ussourHcomrsc-cc (H) Subject: RE: (SAME) Camp-VIUPORETS CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NOFORN Tey Good. Unfortunately they will notify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world trying ta be the first ane to tal thelr boss. At this juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and T will await word from Boomer with no intention of badgering him. All request for info should come through me unti I authorize the release of the mecia statement which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please, Thanks, From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHICOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SHAVFY Camp VI Update (S4/NE] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGFORN- Sirs DDO watch officer at NMC was notified when actons began this morning. They had no questions. Steve riginal Message--—- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCONYSC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSCUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SHNF) Camp VI Update IS/NFF CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN + Kernan John, LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003173 Roger. No need for a phone call until all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cells or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, Kelly Original Message From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [maito:[F7°7 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John'F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SGJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFSTNO Subject: (5+4F) Camp VI Update SEERET//NOFORN General Kelly, Still in the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into single cell ops.) lieam entered at (bx Sec 44, 05:10. We have secured the| urn contact of incidents thus far. ui ORTHEY | detainees rears Will provide updates as they occur. Y/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" Commancer, Joint Task Force Guantanamo (TF-GTMO) LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003174 Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECREHNOFORN CLASSIFICATION:SECRETYNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYHGFORA DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNGFORN— DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION: SEEREF/NEFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003175 From: To: ‘Aus ober. rig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOWSCI (i; Smith John W ROMA USSOUTHCOM ATEGTIAG Subject: (S77) RE: (SNFEnorMaton Paper ISONED Date: Tuesday, ap 23, 2013 0008 AM SECRETENO EDR Steve, Thanks for your thoughts. Ed WhO RAVE EXPETENCE TH COnTSCUONS are WOTRTE THe Tayo OT this. Is important to Rep in mind that this is a detention operation not a corrections environment. Additionally, most of the detainees here have been here for over 19 years on indefinite detention. This situation is not like any other in the free world and i's taking considerable efforts to ensure we balance compliance, discipline, safety with humane care, Jim Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba “SECRETHNOFORN— Original Message- From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) t Sent: Monday, Apri 22, 2013 11:40 AM To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTM Subject: RE: (SAN) Information Paper [SHNF} CLASSIFICATION:SECRET#/NGFORN ettko, James C 3G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Boomer, Jim Here's my thoughts... we oo LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003176 WEF Gen Kelly made a comment this morning about nearly 30 tons of " areas. He thought it was mainly supplies from arts & craftclass. [Od [pe Sieve -Ovignal Message from: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTGTMO Sent Fday, Apr, 2013 8:31 AM Ter kins, Vincent RADI USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H): Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO;’ Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; [PISHUUSC FSIBDIET LUSSOUTHCOM ‘JrrGTMo; [Bie ussouriicow/scy3 (HEE USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (Whsfle TUS FURIE] USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNO Subject: (54A4F} Information Paper SECRETUNOEORN RADM, Atkins Attached is a info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI. R/Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) Zia} a Classified By: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003177 Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SECRETYNOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNGFORN— DERIVED FROM: tds4/22/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003178 Fm CSTE saunicom rece To: “Sih oi W-ROML USEOUTHCOM JTSGTNO: Leto, lames C BG USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO: Bogdan, Joba V fseouTicou Trin Subject: (S/NFFRE. (S/N) Pont Paper Date: Fay, Ap 19, 2013 02348 ie Attachments: Executive Suramatyon IIE-GIMD CAMP VI Wey Shend (18 600 APR 12, dice "SECRETHANOFORN- ve Cos. Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Deciassify On: April 16, 2023 SEERETH/NOFORN- Original Messages---- From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Son Fay’ ABEL 19, 2013 7:02 AM to peat USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO? Leto, James C 86 USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Zoglan Jann CO-USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (SH#F) Point Paper “SeeReT/NOFORA- Team, Minor edits. Please read to ensure it flows smovthly. Additionally, need expert to fit top line. John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003179 remo) a | os] conn] Classified By: Reason: 1.442) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cubs -SEERETNOFORN- 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003180 LEOPOLD/ From: ‘Soh John w aD ussounicow IT=GTHO To: ‘thins. Vincent RADMUSCG USSDUTHCOAUSCIS iH Subject: (SrA) RE: (SHNEY RE: (SEN) Camp WI Update [SNA] bate: Saturday, ap 13, 2012 £47205 at ‘SEERETHNOFORN. Copy. Tired eyes. iws Classified By: Reaso: 3 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cube SEERETNOFORIT Original Message---—- ati il ‘OWUSCJ3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:45 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE: (St*NFY RE: (S//NE) Camp VI Update [S/F] CLASSIFICATION:SEERETNEFORN Morning Soomer...check belowr.."less than lethal" rounds. Original Message---— From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO (mailto) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 8:24 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSCUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettho, James CBG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (+) USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (Ht) Subject: (SANFFRE: (SNF Camp VI Update [S7NF] SECRET/NOFORN General Kelly, Update since our phoncon: EIT SECT A ATNTRET HTSSCTSRTOCRET TOG) suffered 16 puncture wounds on his left side from use of "less than legal Tourds is stable. There made be other minar injurias that have yet to be reported, VIR Boomer LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003183 Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SECRETHNOFORN- Original Message From: Kely, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCONV/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 7:55 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJS (Hy; Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM ITFeTMo Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H);, USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H rt, James © BG USSOUTHCOM JTF.GTMO: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN em ssouneaic eG) Subject: RE: (SNF) Camp VI Update CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNGFORN- OK, damn it, who is talking to Bill Letzau or anyone else??227? DC is all agitated. 1 knew this would happen. ['ve got to talk tc the NSS ASAP. Admiral Smith I have to apologize and break my word and ask you for a SITREP ASAP. Kelly -Original Message-—-—- From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:39 AM To: Kelly, John'F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RAOM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lait (OM JTEGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN vssoumacowse-ce pees Yissourucoulse ce Subject: RE: (S44F) Camp VI Update [SNF] CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NGFORH- Sir, done. Steve Original Message----- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:32 AM To: arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROMIL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO ‘Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Leitko, James CBG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN UsSOUTHCOM/SC-cC (H) {KO JussoutHcomsc-cc (H) Subject: RE: (SHAF) Camp WI Update [S/7NFT CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN Good. Unfortunately they will notify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world trying to be the first one to tell their boss. At this, juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and I will await word from LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003184 Boomer with no intention af badgering him. Al request for info should come through me until I authorize the release of the madia statement which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please, Thanks. Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John'F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SHANF) Camp VI Update [SNF] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN Sirs DDO watch officer at NMC was notified when actions began this morning. They had no questions. Steve riginal Message-- Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROM, USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Br'g Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S444) Camp VI Update ES#eNF] CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NGFORN + Kernan, John, Roger. No need for a phone cal until all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cells or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [maillof™F Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Raber: Br'g Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Leitko, Jemes C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNO Subject: (S#/ttE}Camp VI Update -SECRETHNOFORN General Kelly, LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003185 (Sec 144, 05:10. We have secured-the| ure contador intents thus ta, SEGA ETERS TwA provide updstes oe ‘VR Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" UTF-GTMO) =——y eT) cow: PT] r Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: 10 years after completo of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cube “SECRETYNOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERETANGFORI DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEEREF/NOFORN- LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003186 DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/7NOFORN DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETYNGFORN DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFHEFORN DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003187 From: ‘Soh Joba w ADM, ussoUTHCoW ITEGTHO To: ‘el ohn £ Gen USMC USSOUTHCOMVSC-CC CH; Anhur, Robert Bis Gen USAF USSOUTHCOMISCL3 HD ce: ‘alin Lowa P MGLUSA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (i; Als, Vncet RADY USCG USSOUTCOM/SCD Ci: Subject: (SNE) RE (SAN) RE (SHRI Camp V1 Update [SNF] Date: Sautday, gil 13, 2013 $19:48 A SECRET//NOFORN General Kelly, = TERT SET AOR Y/R Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHINOFORN- Fm ly jie eq Use ussourscowsc-c a naita™—] Sr ly ga 1S eae (K) ssc OUIneOMIs nr ei inner ee OAR rae kaon dcr oY Use USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); [" JUSSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/F) RE: (S223E) Camp VI Update [57 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET/NGFORN Roger orignal Neg om: Sith John W ROM USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 8:34 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Leitko, Bs {THCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN Cee e ee SOUTHCSMISE CCC) USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H Subject: (S//MF) RE: (SNE) Camp VI Update SNF SEERETHNOFORH General Kelly, LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003188 Update since our phoncon: PINT SECTAADITTEY 0) ‘fered 16 puncture wounds on his leh side from use of "Tess than Tegal" [stable There made be cther minor injuries that have yet to be reported. Y/R Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Deciassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SECRET/NOFORN— Orginal Message Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H). malt Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 7:55 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Leto, James © BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph O VADM USN USSOUTHCOW/SC-Cc (Hse. JUSSOUTHCOIN/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: S7rwF) Camp VI Update STREP CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGFORN- Ok, damn it, wn is talking to Bill Letzau or anyone else??277? DC is all agitated. 1 knew this would happen. I've got to talk to the NSS ASAP. Admiral Smith I have to apologize and break my word and ask you for a SITREP ASAP. kelly Orginal Meare From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) See saturday pl 2013639 Ter aly, Joh? Gen Ute USSOUTHEOMISC-CC (i): Sth John W ROW. USSOUTHCOM JTFGTO ez ise, Joseph ? MG Usa USSOUTHEONISC-CC ey At, Veen RADM USCU USSOUTMCOMSEIS (1): etka. lames C50 USSOUTHCOM JTF Kerra Joveph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOMSE-CE UsSoUTHCWISCce Sabjees RE (UNE Cam WUE PT CLASSIFICATION:SECRETNGFORN Sir, done. Steve Original Message-—-—- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:32 AM To: Arthur, Rabert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSaivo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Leitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003189 ussoutHcomsc-ce (H); [7 ______Jussourcommse-ce (#) Subject: RE: (S#NF)-Camp VI Update [SNF CLASSIFICATION:SECRERNGFORA- TET Good. Unfortunately they will notify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world trying to be the first one to tell their boss. At this juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and I will await word trom Boomer with no intention of badgering him. Al request for info should come through me unt I authorize the release of the mecia statement Which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please. Thanks, From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gon USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H); Leitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SH*F) Camp VI Update ESH#ANF] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGEORS_ Sirs DDO watch officer at NMCC was notified when actons began this morning. They had no questions. Steve Original Message----- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, Jonn W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMG. Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SHNF) Camp VI Update [SHNF] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN + Kernan John, Roger. No need for a phone cal until all the pods entered and at a minimum detainees restrained either in cells or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, Kelly Original Message----- From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [mailto Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003190 oy sec 44, ourve) USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNO Subject: (S//#F) Camp VI Update SECREFYNOFORN, General Kelly, Sullin the beginning stages of converting Camp VI pase gl wp entered at 2 act oF Incidents thus far. PRT EAGHEY [detainees Tn Pout see 14 ADTRET presumably to form weapons. Teams will Tegir sweeps, Tw provide updates as Mey occur. V/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) osn:fr | comm: [> Classified By: Reason: 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cube SECRETHNGFORN CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN— LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003191 DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETYNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATIONSSEEREHANGFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERET//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRERYNGFORA DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003192 From: ‘Leto, James ¢ 86 USSOUTHCOM TESTO. To: “atu Robert ri Gen USAF USSOUTHCOMU/SCH3 Subject: {S/F} RE-{SHPNF) RE: (SN) Information Paper TSF Date: “Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 10:24:32 AM “SEERET//NOFORN- Tunderstand... Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECREHO FoR Original Message From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H), h Sent: Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 5:07 AM To: Lettho, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE:-€S/NF)-RE: {S//NF) Information Paper ESH#NF CLASSIFICATION:SEEREF#NGFORN— Sorry, I have to vent on occasion... S Original Message: From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:36 AM To: Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE:-4SH#NFFRE: (SHNF) Information Paper ES#NFL CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN- Hmmm, detention vs correction... the lawyers play-ground. Reali (bins te then we can discuss release options. Detainee ‘Comphance is nat an option, and there fas to be accountability. S original Message From: ttt, Janes € 66 USSOUTHCOM JTFGTUO Sent Tues, Apri 23,2013 8:00 alt Ter Arthur Robert Big Gen USAF USSOUTHCON/SCJ3 (hs Smith John W RML USSOUTHCOM reco jects (S/N) RE: GNF Information Paper {SNF} SEERETHNOFORN- LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003193 Steve, ‘Thanks for your thoughts. viho have experience in corrections are working the majority of P P this is a detention operation not a corrections environment. Additionally, most of the detainees here have been here for over 10 years on indefinite detention. This situation is not like any other in the free world and it's taking considerable efforts to ensure we balance compliance, discipline, safety with humane care, Jim Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SEERETYNG FORE Original Message. Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) pr To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Lettko, James CBG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE: (S/H) Information Paper ESHNFE CLASSIFICATION: SEERET#HOFOR- Boomer, Jim Here's my thoughts... 8 be im) Gen Kelly made a comment this morning about nearly 30 tons of “stuff” removed from the communal ‘areas. He thought it was mainly supplies from arts & craft class. oD) tT Sieve LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003194 Original Message- Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:31 AM To: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM Hrewel nitarcsnae—psseunrcou JTFGTMO; USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H);L_wg_ USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); SSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO | Subject: (S##NF) Information Paper SEER ERHNEPSRN RADM, Atkins Attached is a info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI. R/Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) cH) DSN: cH) CoM Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SEEREHANGFERH- CLASSIFICATION:SECREHHNO FORA LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003195 Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [mailto _—es_ DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/22/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERETHNOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/23/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNGFORA- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/23/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003196 From: satho James ¢ BS USSOUTHCOM JTEGTIO To: ‘Auta ober rig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOW/SCI3 (8) Subject: (S/N) RE: STINE RE: SRF My Thurs SVC notes INF Date: Thurstay, Ap 2013 1039-00 Ae -SECRETHNOFORN— a Yes, three. The addition was [@ [Saturday evening, not during the operation. 1 had left that off by mistake. Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SEERETHNOFORN- -Original Message-—— From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) (make | Sent: Thursday, Apri 18, 2013 9:47 AM To: Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFSTMO Subject: RE: (SNF) RE: (SHINE) My Thurs SVTC notes [SNF] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/MOFORN— We heard there was anather self-harm act on Saturday morning during the raid, We're thinking 3 total self-harm acts. S orignal Message tet, Jomes © 86 USSOUTHCOM JTFCTIO CaallasfOT Sents Thurs pri, 201385 Tor arthur Rober rg Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/ScI3 @; [FE ssovtucowsca (HK); oxy SSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) EXSTTSTSTE I SSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO- Sbjects GHAIF) RE: (SMEG My Ture SVTC nates SECRETHNO FORE | mis- stated the eternalyy feeders. This has it correct and matches the OPSUM. Classified By: Reason: 1.4(h) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba “SEERETHNOFORN— LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003197 Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); [ATT ] USSOUTHCoMvs(J3 HO eee SSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) Subject: (STF) My Thurs SVTC notes SEERETHNEFORA- My notes for the SVTC that | understand I am not participating in Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassfy On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SEERETHNOFORN- CLASSIFICATION: SECRET/NOFORN— DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/18/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003198 From: ‘Soh. Joha w a0, ussoUTHcoW ITEGTHO To: ‘aly. ohn £ Gen USC USSOUTHCOM/SC.CC (; hut. Rot Big Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCI2 CH) ce ‘Disallow P MGLUSA USSOUTACOM/SC-CC (Als, Vncet EADY USCG USSOUTECOM/SCD (i: Subject: (SUN) RE GN) RE: EN) RE: (SME Cama VI Update (SANE See Date: Sturdy, Api 13, 2013 10:08:19 AM SEERETHNOFORN- General Kelly, All pods secured. til checking for injuries..all minor thus far VIR Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETNOFORS Original Message---— From: Kely, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCONJSC-CC (H) tmailto: {7 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:24 AM To: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCI3, () Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H): Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Wellons, James B L:Col USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/F) RE:-4S4NE} RE: (S//NE) Camp VI Update [SiRF] [S-Exercise} CLASSIFICATION:SEERET EXERCISE Roger ----Original Message-~ From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO (mailto fT Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:20 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF usSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H), JUsSoUTHCOM/SC-CC'(H) Subject: S55} RE: r inp VI Update (SH NE SFCRSTANOFORS, General Kelly, = SETIOTR LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003199 V/R Boomer Reason: 1.42) Deciassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SECRETUNOFORN, Original Message----- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) {mailto {7 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 8:36 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCON/SC]3 w Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H): IM JTFGTMO: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (Hi ISSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (SHNF} RE: (SAME) Camp VI Update SANE} CLASSIFICATION: SEEREFHNEFORN- Roger -Ovignal Message-— From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [meiltof Sents Saturday, Ap 13, 2013 6:34 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (HH; Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF UssoUTHicom/scj3 (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (Hy Atkins, Vincent RADM USCS USSOUTHCOW/SCJ3 (H); Lotto, Jamas C BG USSOUTHCON JTFGTHO; Kernan, Joseph © VADM USN UssoUTHcOMSCce (a):fB cou rucotuseece Co) Subject: (SHNF) RE: (SNE) Camp VI Update [SUF SECRETUNOFORN— General Kelly, Update since our phoncon: es TATED Toldngyimage area, [ER)_ [suffered 16 puncture wounds on his left side from use of "Tess than Tegal" rounds. [ETET—Jis stable, There made be other minar injuries that have yet to be reported. Y/R Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003200 Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -SECRETHNOFORN- vga Message Katy John Gen USMC USSOUTHCOWSC-CC H fmaito:f>FT———] Sen Sturdy, Ap 13,2013 7:55 AN Tet detrurRober Bp en USAF USSOUTACON/SCKS (Smith John W RONL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C_BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN UssouTHeoMse ce (bere ssouTHcoMse cc) Subject Re: eT Camp TOTS TRA CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN (OK, damn it, who is talking to Bill Letzau or anyone else???27?. OC is all agitated. I knew this would happen. I've got to talk to the NSS ASAP, Admiral Smith I have to apologize and bresk my word and ask you for a SITREF ASAP. kelly orignal Message From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Seo, sour ap 019 639 aN To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG SeSOUTICON SE Gate aE Mee BREET © VCH USK UssoutHeomse-ce (pie issourHeolse-ce Subject: RE: {SUNE) Camp VI Update ESRF CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN- Sir, done. Steve Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:32 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Ce_ DiSavo, Joseph P MIG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (Hy; Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Leitko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H);[010) ISSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE:-4S4#NF}-Camp VI Update CLASSIFICATION:SECRETWNGFORN- E Good. Unfortunately they will natify the world and when the world wakes up we will be inundated with requests for updates from everyone in the world trying to be the first one to tall their boss. At this juncture please await my word before we provide any more updates - and T will await werd from Boomer with no intention of badgering him. Al request for info should come through me unti I authorize the release of the mecia statement which is some time off. Let the folks on the watch floor know please, Thanks. kelly LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003201 (byt) Sec144, 05:10. We have secured thef—__| contact of incidents thus far. [ERDSEETSABIE) eure) Original Message- Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:27 AM To: Kelly, John'F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC ¢H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H): Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: (S/#NE} Camp VI Update 4S4NE}. CLASSIFICATION:SECREFANGFORN Sirs DDO watch officer at NMC was notified when actons began this morning. They had no questions. Steve -Original Message-—-—- From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:12 AM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H): Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTESTNO; Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSGUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: RE: ¢S/NB) Camp VI Update ISAANEL CLASSIFICATION:SEEREF/NGFORN— + Kernan John, Roger. No need for a plione call until all the pods entered anid at a minimum detainees restrained ether in cel or in communal areas cuffed. Thanks, kelly Original Message from: Smith John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO tmaitof™ Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:08 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTG Subject: HF) Camp VI Update SECRET//NOFORN General Kely, PTS Stil in the beginning stages of converting Camp VI into single cell ops. [vg\"”_]team entered at to include [oTTSee TABI No significant BS TAOIET fetainees in formreer aA ONTET Degin sweeps. Iwil provide updates a5 they occur. presumably to Torn weapons. Teams will LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003202 V/R Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) = [per sw: [BX6) Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba “SECRETINIOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGEORN DERIVED FROM: tds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREFVNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETANOFORN- DERIVED FROM: td:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREPYNOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003203 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERETNGFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:a/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SEERET#/NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtds4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRET EXERCISE DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/13/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003204 From: it, Joha W RDM USSOUTHCOM TE Te: ‘Ahui obs rig Gen USAE USSOVTHCON/SCS Lets. James C 2G USSOUTHCON ITEGTMO ce Mk: inca RDM SCG USSOUTHCDNUVSCEs (a: fgg] SSOUT:COW/SC subject (SHE) RET Se Date: Fay, A 19,2019 9:25:46 AM -SECRETHNOFORN Steve, Appreciate the insight. SLUF. [need trained individuals, IDET Bliss is a non-starter than we can’ do OJT ele eeemamameaas Hunger strike numbers will increased as detainees continue to miss meals. My JMG commander is tracking closely those who are approaching the hunger strike threshold with an "on deck list” of detainees on our radar, This will nat get better until such time detainees begin to eat Concur with utilizing J3 as single source for numbers to avoid confusion, Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.4(3) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRET//NOFORN- -Original Message From: Arthur, Robert Br of Sent: Thursday, April18, 2013 6:47 PM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H);[E@)_——SSOUTHCOMVSCJ3 w Subject: JTF-{SHNF} Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) CLASSIFICATION:SEGREFYNGFORN- Boomer, Ji I particigeted in the GO/FO GFN Sourcing SVTC toda One of our greatest challenges as we work through the White House, Hill, OSD, 1S, media inguistion is making sure that when we release info (IAW Gen Kelly's process) that we all have the same numbers. JTF and SC Staff need to be completely synched on everything released 1 know data is going to change with tn aaaaiaiiaiom BBBBBB' vrouts Re rouse yourJa-as te apsoute source of numbers, and woul expec af Of your LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003205 folks to do the same, Also need to stop speculation at al levels. RADM Atkins and I got to sperd an hour in the front office today with PA, LA and leadership discussing JMG's comments to our PA about expecting another 36 hunger strikers... and why the SCJ3 is not keeping everyone informed on significant events... your thoughts? Steve CLASSIFICATION: SECRET/NGFORE DERIVED FROM: td:4/18/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003206 From: ‘Sh John w aDUL ussoUnHcoW ITEGTHO To: ‘DiSalvaJosoh P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (t ce: ‘ek. James C 86 USSOUTHCOM TESTO Subject: “S/N RE: NISSION (PEDO Date: Sunday, AS 4, 2013 9:54:46 AM SECRET//NOFORN Thanks Chief, Nothing needed right now. Awaiting detainees reactions now that they realized Camp VI will be single cell ops. VIR Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.43) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cubs -SEERET/NOFORN- Original Message From: Salva, loseoh PMG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) (maitte{26) Sent: Saturday, Ap 13, 2013 9:55 PM To: Smith, Jonn W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Ce: Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTNO Subject: MISSION [FOUS} CLASSIFICATION:FOR-OFFICIALUUSE-ONLY Boomer, Great job today; you're team kicked ass. Let me know if you need anything, Thx. Chief CLASSIFICATIONFOR- OFEEREUSE-ONEY If this e-mail is marked FOR-GFFICIAL-USE-GNEY it may be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (DoD 5400.7-R and DoD Instruction 5400.10) and/or it may contain information protected uncer the Privacy Act (DoD 5400.11-R and Dob Directive 5400.11, DoDDI11 $230.9 and DoDI 5230.26)apply LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003207 From: ih, to SOUTHCOM ITE To: fo) ssourcon a ce Env OSC TARHET Psounicom Subject: TSAR) RE STC: ITM (a) Date: Sunday, Agr 21,2013 2:98.10 FA ‘SEERETHNOFORN- Need a bit GINO m occur aR Jws John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo fure-cmmoy SN COMMTTDTEY Classified By: Reason: 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ISSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) ay, ABT To: Kelly, John F Gen USMIC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Cc: Disalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCON/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: FW: SVTC: GITMO E547} CLASSIFICATION:SECREF/NOFORN- sir, REF your email belove, I'm attaching the latest GTMO exec summary. current as of COB yesterday. wil let the SC GTMO team know they need to be present at the O8I tomorrow morning, and will set up a SVTC for GTMO as well. wR, LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003208 Jim Original Message From: Kely, Jone F Gen USMC USSOUTHCONYSC-CC (Hy Sent Satuday, pr 29, 2013 7:28 OM or Smith, Jonh W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTEGTHO Cc: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vinee M/SCJ3 (H); Martinez, Carmen sacor USSOUTHCOMISC-CC Lal ssourucouse-c (if fe")_JussourHcom/sc-cc (H)F WSC-CC (H); Urrutia-Varhal Tinds Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC]2 AI USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sulject: SVT: GIT ESPN] CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NEFSRN, CLASSIFICATION:SECRERHMOFSRN CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN— Boomer ‘At this juncture there should be no doubt in anyone's mind - at GITMO, Miami, DC and especially in the minds of our guard force and the detainees - that we are in charge. This must absolutely include a mindset change if needed that we are the good guys doing a job our government has tasked us to accomplish without emotion or value judgment, but with discioline and professionalism just as you did yesterday. None of us should any longer think we must defend the legal actions and duties we take as we conduct detainee ops. None of us should in any way shape or form feel compelled to justify the legal, moral, and ethical action we take in securing and caring for the detainees, Explanations? Yes. But no tit-for-tat, cefense, or attempt to somenow justify what we do right - because its right and we do not have to defend or justify t. From four star ‘o private this Is the thinking we must inculcate. Regardless of the charges and accusations the defense teams or media make against the policy, commissions, whatever, i's not our concern, The POTUS has tasked us to guard them and that's what welll do. ‘Now that your tear has seized the high ground and begun the process of moving our rheostat back to where it should be, and internal camp discipline and SOPs are in effect, T am particularly interested in the results of the after-action review you have conducted with your \eadership team on how the entry ops went yesterday, the many lesscns learned I am sure came out of the review, and how you intend on capturing the TTPS for potential future use. T also think once you complete this, evaluation we can then direct Ft Bliss to add any TTPs we want them to integrate into our training program that they execute on our behalf. I'd also lke to have an update on where we are on detainee personne! and health issues, search/sanitizing the communal areas and cells and what you've found in the way of contraband (hoarded drugs or food, makeshift weapons, etc.) repair of the cameras that were reportedly broken, Powering of the swing gates leading to the recreation yard(s), etc. 1 also very definitely want to alscuss your toughts and my ideas on what might be the measures of individual and group good behavior ~ which includes eating three meals a day - that might earn them over time the privileges associated with ‘communal living. For now they should remain in single cell accommodations. In closing, if you could provide to the detail you'l have it by tomorrow a snapshot of how many Getainees remain on hunger strike and specifically what that means, How many, if any, are below 85% body weight, too waak to stand, continue to refuse medical care, atc. Also, would appreciate you and the GITMO team not/not sharing any of this outside af the SOUTHCOM chain to include verbally Bravo Zulu to your team John Kelly LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003209 BREAK [EE Hree cos is TAD nent week so could you make sure we have the usual small group GGITHO Tolks from SOUTHCOM? This should also include PA, LA, DOC, SJA, CLASSIFICATION: SEERETHNGFSRN— DERIVED FRON:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/HGFORN DERIVED FROW:Wultipe Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION: SECREFANGFORN DERIVED FRON:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SEERET//NOFORN DERIVED FRON:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NGFORN DERIVED FRON:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003210 anders are stil in the process of finalizing the AAR--exnected completion this mmon areas have been completely searched and sanitize. remain le (NMC) due to maintenance, From: mith, Jeha W RDM USSOUTHCOM TE Te: ely. John Gen USMC USSOUTHCOWSC-CC ce a Le9h-D VADU Tico Dial. LotephP MG USA USSOUTHCOWSC.c¢ ns subject: Date: Sunday, Ag 2}, 2013 3:18.05 Fe -SECRETHNOFORN- General Kelly, Copy all per your guidance, Additionally, 1 have provided responses to questions addressed in your ema Currently, there are 84 hunger strikers, 16 enteral feeders. Thirteen detainees are below 85% ideal body weight (BW). All detainees are ambulatory with tie exception of one long term hunger striker who currently utilizes a wheel chair—he has been seen walking on numerous occasions. Detainee rnoncampliance with mecication is currently 44%, yy. All ‘No drugs found; large assortment of improvised clubs, staffs and striking implements--over 100; 9 knives/cutting devices; 16 electronic devices (1xIPod, 12xM3 players, 1athumb drive, Txiaptopbattery, ‘xlaptop disk drive Le Por sec ise ore espe gaa ateectamueentpeete conruna! coetatioes be conducted based on the following rules: mmr racettent into single-cell operations to begin the Al detainees wil be required to sign an agreement to comply with V/R Boomer Classified By: Reason: 1.42) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHNOFORN- Original Message From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCONVSC-CC (H) im Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 7:28 PM LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003211 ‘To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO {ez Kear Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOMSC-CC (H);DiSoho, Joseph P MG USA Ambassador USsOUTHCONSC-CC UA ssourmcowmse-cc (4); ig Gen USAF USSOUTHC Fr tissouHcowise-ce subject SVC: GIT [SHAE] CLASSIFICATION:SEERETNGFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/GEORN CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN. Boomer AA this juncture there should be no doubt in anyone's mind at GITM, Miami, OC and especially in the minds of aur guard force and the detainees - that we are in charge. This must absolutely include a mindset change if needed that we are the good guys doing a job our government has tasked us to accomplish without emotion or value judgment, but with discipline and professionalism just as you did yesterday. None of us should any longer think we must defend the legal actions and dutios we take as we conduct detainee ops. None of us should in any way shape or form feel compelled to justify the legal, moral and ethical action we take in securing and caring fr the detainees. Explanations? Yes. But na tt-for-tat, defense, or attempt to somehow justify what we do right - because its right and we do not have to defend or justify it. From four star to private this isthe thinking we must inculcate. Regardless of the charges and accusetions the defense teams or media make against the policy commissions, whatever, it's nat our concern, The POTUS has tasked us to guard them and that's what well. ‘Now that your team hes seized the high ground and begun the process of moving our rheostat back to where it should be, and internal camp discipline and SOPs are in effect, 1 am particuarly interested in the results of tie after-action review you have conducted with your leadership team on how the entry ops went yesterday, the many lessons learned I am sure came out of the review, and how you intend on capturing the TTPs for potential future use. I also think once you complete this evaluation we can then direct Ft Bliss to add any TTPs we want them to integrate into our traning program that they execute on our behalf. {I'd also lke to have an update on where we are on detainee personne! and health issues, search/sanitizing the communal areas and cells and what you've found in the way of contraband (hoarded drugs or food, makeshift weapons, etc.), repair of the cameras that were reportedly broken, powering of the swing gates leading to the recreation yard(s), etc. I also very definitely want to discuss your thoughts and my ideas on what might be the measures of individual and group good behavior - which includes eating three meals a day - that might earn them over time the privileges associated with communal living. For now they should remain in single cell accommodations. In closing, if you could provide to the detail you'l have it by tomorrow a snapshot of how many detainees remain on hunger strike and specifically what that means. How many, if any, are below 85% body weight, too weak to stand, continue to refuse medical care, etc. Also, would appreciate you and the GITMO team not/not sharing any of this outside of the SOUTHCOM chain to include verbally. Bravo Zulu to your team John. Kelly BREAK e the COS is TAD newt week so could you make sure we have the usual small group GITMOTORS Tom SOUTHCOM? This should also include PA, LA, DOC, SJA, LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003212 CLASSIFICATION:SECREFYNGFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRETWNGEORA— DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SEERETHNGFORA— DERIVED FROW:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003213 @ey0use $1500 067 From: ‘Bogdan, ohn VCOL UsSOUTHCoW iTEGTHO To: ‘Sith Sohn W_ ROM. USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO: Leth, James C BG USSOUTHCOM ATEGTUG ce: aa EEL sunjedt! FTBaure Summary 1 APRS Date: onde, Api 15,2013 11:32:50 AM Atachments; ——JTEGTMO'Simmaty 15 tpn. dooe -SEERET/NOFORN- sir Attached is the summary from our VIC eariier today that[5®7 built for Gen Kelly -I checked it for accuracy ard returned. vin jb Classified By: Reason: 1.4(2) Declassify On: June 11, 2037 “SEEREHANGFORYE -Ofiginal E From (Sou rcomisc cc (H) Imai FY Sent: Monday, Apr 15, 2013 11:10 AM To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce pee EEE YSSOUTHCOW/SC-CC (HY; Bogdan, J V COL USSOUTHCOM STFGTMO Subject: GTMO Procedure Summary 15 APR-+4+ CLASSIFICATION:CONFIDENIAL Sir, A 2x page summary of the procedure to improve the security, safety and observation of detainees is attached. John Bogdan reviewed and concurs. vey [SO Er TssoUTACOM {OF Officgare—_——— ] DSN: BB: Cel: CLASSIFICATION:CONHDENTIAL DERIVED FROM: td:4/15/2013 LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003214 DECLASSIFY ON LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003215 wwe) ome) JTF GIMO Camp VI- Summary of the Procedure to Improve Safety and Security of GTMO Detainees 15 April 2013, 1, Summary. The procedure to transition }letainees at Camp VI from their communal living conditions to individual cells was completed without significant resistance or serious injury to U.S. military service personal, Most detainees complied with orders to occupy thei cells before entry occurred by the guards. The onk F a inner recreation area where a group of detainees they were displaced by the firing of 4x nonlethal rounds without serious injury. ‘This action was taken in accordance with standard operating procedures. Synopsis. - The procedure commenced at 0510 hours, Saturday 13 April and terminated at 1008 hours with all detainees secured in individual cells. Although it appeared that a few of the detainees were prepared for physical confrontation with guards, resistance was negligible, All detainees had a 5-minute warning to secure themselves in their cells, and most of them did. Those that did not lied down on the floor, or broke and ran to their cells as guards entered. sing detainees within the inner [One detainee received 16 puncture wounds 6 the left side of his body as ‘a result of @ non Tethal ‘ound and he is in stable condition. This was executed as part of the JTF SOP as detainees refused to obey commands, OF the }total detainees occupying Camp 6, a total of six detainees required medical attention, five have been rettmed to their cells and one remains in the detainee hospital under observation (stable —no concerns), Two detainees inflicted self-wounds to their head, one requiring 3x sutures (from banging their heads on the cell door); two detainees received a bruise/swelling/sbrasion on their right elbow/forearm (Lx cause unknown, 1x believed to be from a non-let nd one detainee received abrasions to the chest/thigh and back caused by a non-lethal und recreation area dispersal engagement, and one received 16 punctures from a non lethal round, also while in the recreation area (described above). - Four US. service personnel received minor medical treatment. Two Soldiers were struck on the head with recreation yard equipment, they continued their mission until the procedure was complete and then were observed for possible head injuries, both were observed by medical personnel and deemed fine ( both were[B™7=_—_—______] Two soldiers came in contact with blood from a detainee while treating him Tor @ head laceration — both were seen by medical personnel and cleared (procedural for making contact with blood) = Working throughout the weekend, the communal areas and all individual cells have been sanitized of material that is not in compliance with basic issue authorized items, such as tooth brushes, blankets, Qurans ete, The SOP prescribed standards of detainee cell occupation LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003216 have been reestablished in Camp 6, to include uncovering of all cameras and observation ‘obstructions 3. Current Situati enrve = There are[“ fictainces oc INOT RESPONSIVE ipying individual cells within Camp VI - None of the detainees at GMO face life-threstening or a dire state of malnourishment and are observed continuously for signs of significant malnourishment. As a result of the this successfull procedure observation and monitoring of detainees is improved. 4. Going Forward. The detainees are safer and more secure in single cell living conditions. Our guards and medical personnel are in a better position to observe the d cating habits, overall health and treat conditions, We are taking a hard look at detainee privileges, such as communal living, access to video and audio entertainment. It will be some time before detainee privileges in Camp VI are slowly re-instated, letainees, assess their 5. Summary. The procedure to reestablish single cell living conditions at Camp VI was flawlessly executed dne to the thorough planning, rehearsal, leadership and professional execution of our Soldiers at JTF GTMO. This is the first step of several processes to monitor the health, re-establish compliance, security and safety of Camp VI detainees. The next step is 0 monitor and continue treatment of detainees that continue as hunger-strikers and then to r institute standards of behavior and to evaluate methods and procedures of reinstating privileg LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003217 From: re a foxes Subject: Far Opeora Taratve Date: wesmestay, Ap 17, 2013 #0845 Pa Attachments; asain Navlvetoc Sir Based on our conversation earlier today, I believe this is what you were asking for. Please let me know if you need anything e'se. Respectfully, [BRIO USC SSB TT [BROTTOUSC STORENG ieinal Messacs From:[0X9/ 70 USC sr JUSSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Sent: Monday, April 15, 2073 8:20 PN TeAMOHITUSC ETH EAD |USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO Cc: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTEGTNO; USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMG ubject: Operational Narrative Attached is the operational narrative for this past weekends operation as reviewed and approved by COL Bogdan. fore port OT LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003227 Phi Recall / Assembly, {At 0200 on 13 April 2013, the LZ__Jand elements of Task Force Platinum initiated a recall in support off a mission to reconfigure Camp VI f ‘communal to single cell operations The units organized int teams ‘AC 0509, the] breached th respective cell blocks to secure the inner recreation area gates. The goal was to disrupt the detainees’ ability to mass within their sister blocks Phase I: Isolation pBCTET ‘When the team entered the P™™ immediately encountered approximately ten (10) demamees who would not let the guard Toree secure the inner ree gates. The detainees attempted to push back the guard force and struck two Soldiers in the head with metal poles. Both Soldiers were in ITE Jand the poles only made contact to their helmetsPTT engaged the detainees witha total of four (4) less than lethal rounds, [TX Both gunners are less than lethal weapons instructors for the battalion and Tnter-Service Nonlethal Individual ‘Weapons Instructors Course (INIWIC) graduates, Onee the four (4) rounds were fired, the detainees fell back and allowed the guard force to close and secure gates. The detainees continued to resist by attempting to stab the guard force with broom stick handles through the fence line. The guard force deployed four 4" __—sfo keep the detainees away from the fence line. Thef@X7€7_]team continued to the outer rec yard and secured one detainee without any resistance. This detainee was taken to[BT) ‘The two Soldiers that ‘were hit by the metal poles were both cleared by medical as soon as the rec yard was secured. At approximately 0620, two detainees waft resent themselves to the sally with injuries, One received wounds to his side from a7 aad the other was bleeding from the arm. Both detainees were moved tofPe77 For treatment by the medical statf, ‘When the [OM team entered the[PP™ they immediately encountered cight to twelve (8 fo 12) detainees. As the guard force moved to secure the inner Rec gate inf" ]the detainees grabbed the gates and would not let the guards. secure them. The gate was eIE and was difficult to close, deployed, but it scemed to have little effect on the detainees. “The inner rec Fale was ase nd difficult to close. ‘The detainees attacked the team throu fence with broom and mop handles and “splashed” the team to prevent them from securing the gate. [FET] was used, but again it seemed to have little effect on the detainees. The shotgun ‘was notemployed as the distance between the shooter andl the detainees was too close, The team ‘was resupplied with more 7] The additional] fas effective and the[™7™ teams were LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003228 able to chain the gates. A total off E |were deployed and no physical injuries to guard force or detainee population was reported, Os When the foam entered the the detainee who was sleeping against the gate woke and ran tol Upon entering, the guards encountered no resistance. The®VT eam continued into the outer rec area and secured two detainees without resistance. Boih detainees were restrained using minimal force and escorted to PE ho be cleared by medical (eTeT Pr! Foams were able to secure their nner ree gates late each detainee housing area. While they were forming into [%™™ Phase III: Block Clearin; By 7 ETE At approximately 0650, theless moved into [7 were chosen first [7 parer [The Tinguist read a prepared statement in both ‘blocks that instructed the detainees to go to their assigned cells for lock down and uncover all cameras and windows in their cells, This statement was read in Arabie and Pashtu, The detainees were given 5 minutes to comply. After the 5 minutes had passed, th Another detainee was moved to [OTIET Jo reduce the number of detainees left on the floor. The three detainees in the [775 vere secure individually and moved over to ind begin ‘leaning in preparation for other detainees to occupy. ‘The nine detainees remained on the floor i for several hours until a cell was ready for them in] These detainees were Cosely monitored by a ‘They ensured the detainees were as comfortable as possible and adjusted the restraints as needed. ‘The detainees were also given the ‘opportunity to use the toilet until they were relocated approximately 2 hours later. At approximately 0850 thef®) Jieams entered and ith minimal resistance and secured the detainees in their cells. The detai did not lock down immediately but they remained compliant until a team arrived To Secure he block. At around 1045 detainees complied, went into their cells, uncovered their cameras, and locked [Pre jon the down, The cells were checked ang| detainees, The detainees were calnr until the alvemnoon prayer at 1300, During Tie atiernoon LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003229 prayer, the detainees became agitated because Soldiers were present on the tier and conducting. checks during prayer. Three of the detainces threatened to cover their cells initiating an ‘emergency response. Detainee [covered his cell. He was FCE’d from his cell to an PINE “The other two detainees did not cover their cells, but all the detainees continued to yell for about 20 minutes. pexrver the block without the detainees present. ‘The remaining detainees stayed locked in their cells until sanitized cells were ready. As the detainees were moved, medical teams attempted to ‘weigh and record each detainee’s weight. Not all detainees were weighed due to operational tempo and refusal to comply. Phase IV: Sanitization and Reset ‘Once detainees were removed from their cells, combat camera vidco recorded the cells and then a linguist secured all Qurans and religious books. ‘These items where placed in plastic bags and labeled with the cell number that it was removed from and moved by a linguist to the Habeas room for safe keeping. Next, all legal bins and paperwork were removed and placed in a bin that was marked with the location of where the items were found (cell number and/or ISN). ‘These bins were stacked in the block's sally port. Then, the detainee’s personal property and contraband were collected and placed in a mesh bag labeled with their ISN. This bag was moved toa secure container outside the camp. All trash and detainee supply items were removed from the cells and common areas and placed into the outer rec yards. Cell Operation: Just after 2300, all detainees were secure in single cells and every cell in Camp VI had been cleared and sanitized. All inner rec yards were cleaned and ready for use. All sensitive items ‘were accounted for as well as all less than lethal expended cartridges. Camp VI retuned to normal single cell detention operations without further incident. LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003230 ‘smut {ohn W RDM. USSOUTHCOM ITEGTHO. FW: SVT: GITMO [SHAN Sunday, Apa 21,2013 12:40:17 Pw CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN Sir, REF your email below, I'm attaching the latest GTMO exec summary, current as of COB yesterday. will let the SC GTMO team know they need to be present at the O8& tomorrow morning, and will set up a SVTC for GTMO as well. WR, oo} Original Message. From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 7:28 PM To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCON/SC)3 (H); Martinez, Carmen, Ambassador USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC(H)f wis JUSSOUTHCOMYSC-CC (H); (CaadjussoutHcom/sc-cc (Hy; TSO THCOMSC-Cc (H); Urrutia -Varhall, Cinda Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ2 (H);L_____@@_ J USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: SVTC: GITMO [S4/NF} CLASSIFICATION:SECRET#NOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SECRETNOFORN Boomer At this juncture there should be no doubt in anyone's mind. - at GITMO, Miami, DC and especially in the minds of our guard force and the detainees - that we are in charge. This must absolutely include ‘a mindset change if needed that we are the good guys doing a job our government has tasked us to accomplish without emotion or value judgment, but with discipline and professionalism just as you did yesterday. None of us should any longer think we must defend the legal actions and duties we take as ‘we conduct detainee ops. None of us should in any way shape or form feel compelled to justify the legal, moral, and ethical action we take in securing and caring for the detainees. Explanations? Yes. But no tit-for-tat, defense, or attempt to somehow justify what we do right - because it is right and we do not have to defend or justify it. From four star to private this is the thinking we must inculcate. Regardless of the charges and accusations the defense teams or media make against the policy, commissions, whatever, i's not our concern, The POTUS has tasked us to guard them and that's what we'll do. Now that your team has seized the high ground and begun the process of moving our rheostat back to where it should be, and internal camp discipline and SOPs are in effect, I am particularly interested in the results of the after-action review you have conducted with your leadership team on how the entry ops went yesterday, the many lessons learned I am sure came out of the review, and how you intend on capturing the TTPs for potential future use. 1 also think once you complete this evaluation we can then direct Ft Bliss to add any TTPs we want them to integrate into our training LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003257 program that they execute on our behalf 1'd also like to have an update on where we are on detainee personnel and health issues, search/sanitizing the communal areas and cells and what you've found in the way of contraband (hoarded drugs or food, makeshift weapons, etc.), repair of the cameras that were reportedly broken, powering of the swing gates leading to the recreation yards), etc. I also very definitely want to discuss your thoughts and my ideas on what might be the measures of individual and group good behavior - ‘which includes eating three meals a day - that might earn them over time the privileges associated with ‘communal living. For now they should remain in single cell accommodations. In closing, if you could provide to the detail you'l have it by tomorrow a snapshot of how many detainees remain on hunger strike and specifically what that means. How many, if any, are below 85% body weight, too weak to stand, continue to refuse medical care, etc. Also, would appreciate you and the GITMO team not/not sharing any of this outside of the SOUTHCOM chain to include verbally. Bravo Zulu to your team John kelly BREAK Fe ili £05 i TAD next week so could you make sure we Have the usual small group GITMO Tolks from SOUTHCOM? This should also include PA, LA, DOC, SIA, CLASSIFICATION:SEERET//NOFORN DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/#NOFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked x1 CLASSIFICATION:SECREFHNGFORA— DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources a 4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013, DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked x1 LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003258 From: ‘Ans, Vinent RADM SCG USsOUTHCOM/SCIS Gi) f ce: DOUSE oe ‘ussouTHcoM ITeGTHO. Subject: RE: (/#NE> Information Pape ESRF Date: Friday, Api 19,2013 3:29:33 AM CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN- Thanks Boomer. As you are probably already aware, Boss’ plans changed unexpectedly and he will be heading to GTMO. Stil not quite clear myself on his total timeline. 1 am pushing your paper asap. Thanks for hitting the deadline. Regards vince Original Message- From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [mailto] Bie Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:31 AM To: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO:| USSOUTHCOM ‘TeGTMo;{___—_ag- J ussouTHcoM/sc3 (Hy[_ueo_ USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H):] JUSSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (S#NF)-Information Paper “SEEREHHNGFORN- RADM, Atkins Attached is a info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI. R/Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) oe DSN: com LEOPOLD/1:14-cv-0030-ABJ/003259 Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba “SEEREFYNG FORE CLASSIFICATION:SEEREF//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/19/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003260 From: Robert Bl m To: ‘ith_Joha W RDM USSOUTHCOW JTFGTIO; Leftia. James C AG USSOUTHCOM {TEGTMO. Subject: RE: (SNF) Information Paper ##NFL Date: Monday, Apri 22, 2013 11:39:54 AM CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN Boomer, Jim Here's my thoughts. 6) os co) Gen Kelly made a comment this morning about nearly 30 tons of "stuff™ removed from the communal areas. He thought it was mainly supplies from arts & craft class, oe Original Message From: Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [maitof ea +d Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:31 AM To: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C 8G USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; | JUSSOUTHCOM Jrestwo{___ pa J ussourHcow/sg3 (__ ma] USSOUTHCOMISCIS (H): JUSSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (SNF) Information Paper SEERET//NOFORN- RADM, Atkins Attached is a info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI. R/Boomer LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003261 John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) be) wo [| com Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SEERETHNEFORN CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/22/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003262 From: Robert Bl 1 Tot ‘Lotto. James C 26 USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO. Subject: BRE: (97M) RE=4S48% Information Paper FS#NF} Date: “Tuesday, Apt 23,2013 8:35:25 Ald CLASSIFICATION:SECRETHNOFORN- Hmmm, detention vs correction... the lawyers play-ground. Reali conte 140 then we can discuss release options, re ‘Compliance & not an option, and there Was to be accountaBMy, Datamee Original Message: From: Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [malltof ee Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:00 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM. JTEGTMO Subject: (S4ANF) RE: (SNF) Information Paper ESHNF} SEEREFYNGFORNE Steve, ‘Thanks for your thoughts. ba) wah have experience i corrections are working the majority of is. ITs Tmportant to Keep Th mind Tat this isa detention operation not a corrections environment. Additionally, most of the detainees here have been here for over 10 years on indefinite detention. This situation is not like any other in the free world and it's taking considerable efforts to ensure we balance compliance, discipline, safety with humane care Ji Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETANGEORIE Original Message- From: Arthur, Robert Br Gen USAF USSQUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) i Sent: Monday, Aprl'22, 2013 11-40 AW To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Subject: RE: (S#NF} Information Paper S4#NFF CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN- LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003263 Boomer, Jim Here's my thoughts. oo Co ws) Gen Kelly made a comment this morning about nearly 30 tons of “stuff” removed from the communal ‘areas. He thought it was mainly supplies from arts & craft class. 8) Seve Original Message- From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:31 AM To: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; ISSOUTHCOM Jrrctwo;[___ we J ussouTHCOW/S)3 (Hea) USSOUTHCOM/SC (H), Laausums JUSSOUTHCOM JTFETMO Subject: €S#NF} Information Paper SECRET/NOFORN- RADM, Atkins Attached isa info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI R/Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy ‘Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003264 UTF-GTMO) we DSN: ows com Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHNOFORN- CLASSIFICATION: SECRET//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/22/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECRETH/NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/23/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003265 From: Robert Bl 1 Tot ‘Lotto. James C 26 USSOUTHCOM JTEGTMO. Subject: BRE: (SNE) RE: (S49F} Information Paper ESHMEL Date: “Tuesday, Ap 23,2013 9:06:19 Ae CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN- Sorry, I have to vent on occasion... § Original Message From: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCI3 (H) Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:36 AM To: Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE: (S/NF) RE: (SHNF) Information Paper ISHNF} CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NOFORN- Hmmm, detention vs correction... the lawyers play-ground, Reality. ‘wnse 14 I When the Islamic zealots decide the 100 year war against infidels (US) Ts over, then we can discuss release options, Detainee TOMPNNCE SHOE a OpUON, and THETS Has To be ACcOUNTaDMT- Original Message-—-- From: Lettk, James CBG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:00 AM To: Arthur, Robert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SC)3 (H); Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO “Subject: (SNF) RE: (S#NF) Information Paper ESHNFP SEERET//NOFORN- Steve, ‘Thanks for your thoughts. 8) [ —._ | WhO Rave ExpeTence Mt COrTEGHONS are WorkIng The Mary OF SITS TApartant to Keep Th Mind Tat this isa detention operation not a corrections environment. Additionally, most of the detainees here have been here for over 10 years on indefinite detention. ‘This situation is not ike any other in the free world and it's taking considerable efforts to ensure we balance compliance, discipline, safety with humane care Jim Classified By: Reason: 1.4(b) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003266 “SECRETUNCFORN Original Message: Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) smith, John WW RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: RE: (SNF) Information Paper [S//NF} CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN Boomer, Jim Here's my thoughts... 86) os) , Gen Kelly made a comment this morning about nearly 30 tons of * ‘areas. He thought it was mainly supplies from arts & craft class stuff” removed from the communal Teve Original Message: From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO [f imailtof me Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 8:31 AM To: Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H) Cc: Arthur, Rabert Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Lettko, James C BG USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO; Bogdan, John V COL USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO;[— prose amy —JUSSOUTHCOM JtFGTMOf i) USSOUTHCOM/SG)3 (FT oY USSOUTHCOMMSC]3 (H); L_mumuss tas] USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (SNF) Information Paper SECRETH/NGECRI RADM, Atkins Attached is a info paper addressing our way ahead for Camp VI. LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003267 R/Boomer John.W.Smith, "Boomer" RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo UTF-GTMO) co) DSN: 6) com Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba SECRETHNOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SEEREFH/NOFORN— DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/22/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION:SECREF#NOFORN- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/23/2013 DECLASSIFY ON: CLASSIFICATION: SEERET#NOFORA- DERIVED FROM: dtd:4/23/2013, DECLASSIFY ON: LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003268 To! ce: Subject: RE: EAR) RE: SYTC: GITHO (SHE Date: Sunday, April 21,2013 7:27:44 at CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED sir, Sorry for the late reply and confusion -- no SVTC tomorraw. Original Message-——-- From: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO. Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2073 2:08 PM T USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) c: Ce i JUSSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: (SHNF) RE: SVTC: GITMO ES4N=} SEEREHHNOFERN Need a bit of clarification on JTF-GTMO's role in the SUTC mentioned below. Will this occur tomorrow. Jws John.W.Smith, "Boomer* RMDL US Navy Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo Classified By Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: 10 years after completion of detention operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba “SPCRFTHASEGRN Original Message: 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003269 LEOPOLD/ (as ssourcomrse-ce ¢H) a Sent: Sunday, Apr 21, 2073 1 To: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Ce: DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SCJ3 (H); Smith, John W ROML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Subject: FW: SVIC: GITMO ESHRF] CLASSIFICATION:SEERET//NOFORN- Sit, REF your email below, I'm attaching the latest GTMO exec summary, current as of COB yesterday. wil let the SC GTMO team know they need to be present at the OBI tomorrow morning, and will set up a SVIC for GTMO as well vir, Original Message From: Kelly, John F Gen USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 7:28 PM To: Smith, John W RDML USSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO Cc: Kernan, Joseph D VADM USN USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); DiSalvo, Joseph P MG USA USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Atkins, Vincent RADM USCG USSOUTHCOM/SC}3 (H); Martinez, Carmen Ambassador USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (Hy [ tis JUSSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); [_wm [am Jussoutncomsc-cc (t): a8 [USSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H); Urrutia-Varhall Tinda Brig Gen USAF USSOUTHCOM/SCJ2 (H); wa JUSSOUTHCOM/SC-CC (H) Subject: SVC: GITMO {S4NF CLASSIFICATION:SEEREFHNOFORH- CLASSIFICATION: SECRET NOFORN- CLASSIFICATION:SEERETH#NGFORH- Boomer AAt this juncture there should be no doubt in anyone's mind - at GITMO, Miami, DC and especially in the minds of our guard force and the detainees - that we are in charge. This must absolutely include ‘a mindset change if needed that we are the good guys doing a job our government has tasked us to accomplish without emotion or value judgment, but with discipline and professionalism just as you did yesterday. None of us should any longer think we must defend the legal actions and duties we take as ‘we conduct detainee ops. None of us should in any way shape or form feel compelled to justify the legal, moral, and ethical action we take in securing and caring for the detainees. Explanations? Yes. But no tit-for-tat, defense, or attempt to somehow justify what we do right - because itis right and we do not have to defend or justify it. From four star to private this is the thinking we must inculcate. Regardless of the charges and accusations the defense teams or media make against the policy, commissions, whatever, it's not our concern. The POTUS has tasked us to guard them and that’s what welll do. Now that your team has seized the high ground and begun the process of moving our rheostat back to where it should be, and internal camp discipline and SOPs are in effect, I am particularly interested in the results of the after-action review you have conducted with your leadership team on how the entry ops went yesterday, the many lessons learned I am sure came out of the review, and how you intend on capturing the TTPs for potential future use, 1 also think once you complete this evaluation we can then direct Ft Bliss to add any TTPs we want them to integrate into our training program that they execute on our behalf LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003270 Td also like to have an update on where we are on detainee personnel and health issues, search/sanitizing the communal areas and cells and what you've found in the way of contraband (hoarded drugs or food, makeshift weapons, etc.), repair of the cameras that were reportedly broken, powering of the swing gates leading to the recreation yard(s), etc. 1 also very definitely want to discuss your thoughts and my ideas on what might be the measures of individual and group good behavior - hich includes eating three meals a day - that might earn them over time the privileges associated with ‘communal living. For now they should remain in single cell accommodations. In closing, if you could provide to the detail you'l have it by tomorrow a snapshot of how many detainees remain on hunger strike and specifically what that means. How many, if any, are below 859% body weight, too weak to stand, continue to refuse medical care, etc. Also, would appreciate you and the GITMO team not/not sharing any of this outside of the SOUTHCOM chain to include verbally. Bravo Zulu to your team John. kelly BREAK Fairlie 605 5 ra0 next meek so cou you make sure we have the usal small soup GITMO folks from SOUTHCOM? This should also include PA, LA, DOC, SJA, CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NOFORN. DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET/NOFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SECRET//NOFORN DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:SEERET/NOFORN- DERIVED FROM:Multiple Sources dtd:4/14/2013 DECLASSIFY ON:Source Marked X1 CLASSIFICATION:UNCLASSIFIED LEOPOLD/ 4-cv-0030-ABJ/003271 From: Katy, John F Gen UStN2 USSOUTHICOWSC.0C To uh, sohn W BM m ce ‘nan, bem D VADM USN LISSOUTHOOM SCC (4: DiSdvo_ Josh PMG USA UssoUTHCOW Se. 0° ‘Aluns_Vngent RADM USOG USSOUTHCOM SG UL; BCOMS O21 di Vaal ree ee een USA UU THOM Sa Subject EAGAN FE: SVTO. GTHO

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