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‘Fea Telephone : 01126172668 ‘ereyFax : 01126105549 aparartt afar fae aero Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation A Ue oe Hae, ANT ATE Ministry of Labour And Employment, Government Of India Her Hrateyy Head Office sfasa fare sraa, 14, sft ara cate, ag feeer - 110 066 Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Dethi- 110 065 i abeyy No. IWu/7(15)201 7 a To All Addl, CPFCs (Zone) Ail Regional PF Commissioner in charge of ROs and SROs Sub: Securing compliance in respect of International Workers- reconciliation of International Workers data with the office of Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO)- reg. Sir, Your kind attention is invited to the contents of DO No. MIS-3(1)RFO-2014-15/148 dated 11-03-2014 of the CPFC addressed to the Secretary (Labour & Employment) vide which a roadmap and timelines have been committed by the CPFC for accomplishment of various important functions in the EPFO. A photocopy of the said letter is enclosed herewith for your ready reference. ‘One of the important functions relating to the International Workers mentioned in the said letter at point no. (xii) is reproduced as under:~ Reconciliation of International Workers data with Foreigner Regional Registration office. ‘This is a new thing which EPFO wanted to bring about so as to verify compliance in respect of International Workers. It has not been done in the past. It will be done first time by 30.06.2014 and henceforth every three month or any other period as module agreed with the Foreigner Regional Registration Office In view of the above you are requested to co-ordinate with the respective offices of Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO) and obtain a list of Foreign Nationals employed in the establishments covered in your jurisdiction. You are also requested to reconaile the FRRO data with the IW-I return being filed by the employers and ensure compliance in case of evasion in respect of International Workers. A progress report in this regard be forwarded to Head Office for placing the same before the CPFC on quarterly basis in the first week of July 2014 for the period from April 2014 to June 2014 and in the first week of October 2014 for the period from July 2014 to September 2014 and so on. Please acknowledge receipt. | Yours faithfully Encl: As above (MP. Varghese) ‘Addl. Central PF Commissioner (TWU) Copy for information to: PS to CPFC with the request to place the same before CPFC for his information omy APR YOM a . . B 43. aa, wa tard fer Pate iroa “s (mca terne Beara, sree Rea) Fhe aha Pie age a area: ote aw, 14, Wert arr ee, ag Reet-110086 K. K. Jalan, as {grew 011-26172671. Seq: 011-26189910 Cental Provident Fund Commisaloner Employees" Provident Fund Organisation (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of Indie) Head Office" Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan 14, Bhikai Cama Place, New Delni-110 066 Phone : 011-26172671, Fox” 11-26180810 D.O.No MIS-3(1)RFD-2014-15/14 8 —\WUY > Maren 11, 2014 go Dapectd Hada, ° sas \ (7 Sub: Regarding various works in EPFO and time lines regarding the o\! same, uring the last nine months as a head of the EPFO we have been trying to improve the working of the EPFO. A presentation was made before your goodself on your joining. A subsequent presentation made to your goodseif when you visited EPFO Head Office on 6” January, 2014 2. You had ordered that EPFO should work on various time tines to implement the pending works. These time lines were to be reported to the Ministry in January, 2014. ‘There has been a delay in writing this letter to you because of two main reasons; things to do are too many and methodology to do them is not clear. Obviously giving time lines becomes difficult, Xi, 3. Continuous mectings and deliberations have now enabléd us to present . a. a roadmap and time lines for various important functions of EPFO, These VAN important initiatiesta according to us, if implemented will, bring lot of relief for » the stakeholders, (i) Member Portability: Allotment of universal provident fund number to members of EPFO is a long pending task. A \ . presentation on the same was made to your goodself on 5” x, \ March, 2014. It is expected that universal number will be allotted e ’ to the present active members by 15" October, 2014 and / thereafter the coverage of other members will be taken up. ~ “er ECR version- il: ECR version- 1 was launched in April 2012. The field offices have reported some problems with this version. it t \Sonas also been experienced that certain other features also » = Y needed to be added to the earlier version. Therefore, ECR * js. Yersion- Il is thought to be developed, The time line has been fi ge kept as 1.11.2014. (iii) Re-engineering of Pension settlement process: The EPFO is currently dealing with 44 lakh pensioners. EPFO does not have centralized data system for these pensioners. The re-engineering of the. pension process is on and pension module is being developed and is expected to be launched by 1.12.2014 Contd. ™ (vi) (vii) (viii) (x) Qe Digitization of pension data: Digitization of pension data is very important as files are going missing. Secondly, it is occupying lot of space in all the field offices. Further, digitization of this data will bring in new configuration in the working of the offices. It has been planned to identify the agency which will do the digitization of data in two months. Actual work will take three to four months. Online transfer portal: EPFO has already launched online transfer portal from unexempted to unexempted establishments. EPFO is to provide this facility to ensure a smooth transfer from exempted to unexempted as well aS from unexerpted to exempted establishments. The work is expected to be completed by 1" July, 2014. This will resolve the problem of Annexure K. Double Entry Accounting System: - EPFO is like one of of the major banks. A very few banks has members exceeding five crores and denosit exceeding five lakh crares, Implementation af double entry in banking.system has taken considerable time. It is expected that double entry accounting system will be implemented between March to June, 2015, Efforts will be made to complete work by March, 2015 as directed by Secratary, Cleaning of establishment master: Over the years, the number of establishments which have got provident fund code, have closed down or otherwise became inoperative, but they have not been so marked. Number of such establishments is more than three lakhs all over the country. A campaign is being launched to get all these inoperative companies properly marked s0 that the effective workload is reduced. Even the compliance work will get done ina better way, This ‘work will be completed in four months time. Online PF code allocation: Facility is being developed to allot PF code-online. This should be available to the companies in next four months. EPFO wants to launch it after the cleaning work is completed. Monitoring of exempted establishments: A software has been launched in January, 2014 to monitor exempted establishments. Subsequent problem in the software has also been rectified. tis now planned that 75% of the data regarding exempted establishment will be entered into the system by 20! April and this software will become fully operational fram 30” June, 2014, Conta. 3- (x) Assessment of interest under section 7Q and damages under 14B: A software has been launched. It has identified that EPFO needs to issue notices for pending interest and damages worth approximately moré than Rs.3,000 crores. It is planned that all the notices where the amount is more than Rs.1 lac are issued by 30" April and remaining by 30" June. Exact determination which is required under section 148 is completed by three months time from the date of issue of notices, f (xi) | Certificate of coverage: Certificate of coverage is required by the Intemational workers who are going abroad. To facilitate the same, the applicants will now be given facility to fill their data themselves so ‘that mistakes are zero. These will also facilitate as) the allotment of certificate of coverage to the applicants. This will / be made operational by 15.4.2014. . (xi) | The country-wise COC data: The various countries _ are ae ~ asking for cettificate of coverage which is issued by the EPFO. This need to be forwarded to the concerned liaison agency. A > sofware is being developed by which the concemed liaison +P lagency of the SSA country will be provided with this information Target is again 15" April, 2014. reign ssidents registration office. This is a new thing which EPFO “5 \anted ber ing about so as to verify compliance in respect of ST | international workers. It nas not been done in the past. it will be ‘ \done first time by 30.6.2014 and henceforth every three month or ny other period as module agreed with the foreign residents registration office. yen [Reconciliation of international workers data with foreigi L \ FRRE ——= (xiv) Payment through e-mode by employers from any bank: Presently, employers who have their bank account with SBI can pay PF dues to EPFO online. Other employers who do not have “)) bank account with SBI are not able to do so, Facility will be developed so that they can also make electronic payment of their dues online. Time span six months. (xv) Payment to the beneficiaries through e-payment mode: Presently, approximately 93% payments are made to the beneficiaries through electronic mode. In EPFO, efforts are being made to take this to 89%. This will be done in two ways, firstly, through NEFT and secondly by adopting the ‘corporate cheque payable at par modile’, This will be implemented by September, 2014, Contd... 4. (xvi] Reconciliation. of undisbursed pension amounts with the banks: 3D ~All pension disbursements are now being made through CBS Xx platform onty. + - This has cut the float available with the bankers in the form of undisbursed pension which is now being reclainted from the banks. = Time span: 4 months. (xvii) Reconcillation of interest on belated credit payable by SBI: The interest receivablé by EPFO on belated credits by SBI has a backlog of some years. ~ Receiving the money back within,a timeframe from SBI is @ ptiarity for EPFO, Time span: 4 months for last five Years. 4. | will send you a brief on remaining timelines shortly. Boe bee tay Yours sincerely, fou (K.K.JALAN) Smt. Gauri Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, New Deini,

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