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CAR=capital/total risk weighted assets

debt equity ratio = tot liab / tot capital
advances to assets ratio= total advances/ total assets
govt sec/total investments
Asset quality
Total npl/advances
Npl / gross advances
Management quality
Total advance/total deposits
NI / no. of employees
Roa = NI / TA
Net Int. income / Net Income
Net Non int income/ Net Income
Other income/ Net Income
Liquid assets / total assets
Govt sec/ total assets
Liquid assets / demand deposits
Liquid assets / total deposits
GAP= RSA- RSL (advances+lending to FI+investments+money at call)
( deposits(deduct current account)+borrowing+sub ordinated loans+on call

Total capital is divided into 2 components

Core capital (tier one capital)
Supplementary capital (tier 2 capital)
Tier 1
Core Capital also called tier 1 capital constituting; SHs equity
in paid up share capital or common stock held, plus disclosed
Tier 2
Supplementary Capital also called tier 2 capital; consists of
undisclosed reserves, revaluation reserves, hybrid debt capital
instruments, general provisions or reserves for loan loss and
sub-ordianted debt
Tier1+tier 2 / total risk weighted assets = 8% (at least)
Tier 1 risk adjusted ratio should be at lease 4%

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