Prepositions Exercise (Across, Over and Through) : Complete The Following Sentences Using Appropriate Prepositions

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Prepositions exercise (Across, over and

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.
1. The boy jumped .. the stream.
a) across

b) over

c) either could be used here

2. There is a good bakery just the road.

a) across

b) over

c) either could be used here

3. Why are you climbing .. the wall?

a) over

b) across

c) either could be used here

4. The boys swam .. the river.

a) across

b) over

c) either could be used here

5. We drove the tunnel.

a) across

b) through

c) over

6. The airplane was flying . Atlanta.

a) over

b) across

c) either could be used here

7. The meeting was . by 6 oclock.

a) over

b) through

c) either could be used here

8. She was booked for driving at . 110 mph.

a) above

b) over

c) either could be used here

9. The River Thames flows .. London.

a) over

b) through

c) either could be used here

10. We must go . the accounts.

a) through

b) across

c) either could be used here

1. The boy jumped across/over the stream.
2. There is a good bakery just across/over the road.
3. Why are you climbing over the wall?
4. The boy swam across the river.
5. We drove through the tunnel.
6. The airplane was flying across/over Atlanta.
7. The meeting was over by 6 oclock.
8. She was booked for driving at over 110mph.
9. River Thames flows through London.
10. We must go through the accounts

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