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Math Movement

Teacher: Shelby Brubaker

Date: November 25, 2014

School: Fun Elementary

Class: KIN 355

Grade Level: Second Grade
Time: 11:20

Equipment Used: 5 story problems, each one a

different sheet. Each of the 5 stations will be
marked by a cone and a sheet with a word
problem on it. A worksheet for each student (30).
Harder/easier word problems for groups that are
having difficulty.

Targeted NASPE Standard(s):

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement

patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts,

principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.

Specific Objective: The students will engage in math words problems and will
show mastery by scoring at least 80% on the corresponding worksheet.

Concomitant Objective: The students will engage in physical activity while

engaging in both math concepts and literacy activities.

Procedures Followed


Warm Up: None


Transition: If you can hear me, put your hands on your

head. Good morning!


Set Induction: By a show of hands, how many of you

like animals? Good! What are your favorite animals?


Learnable Piece: Today we are going to review addition

word problems that require us to move like the animals
we know and love.



Presentation of New Material/Directions: During this

math activity, I will be splitting you all into five groups of
six. Each group will go to a station that has a sheet of
paper at it. When you get to your station, read the piece
of paper as a group. The piece of paper is going to have
a math word problem on it. On the individual sheet of
paper I give you, you should write your answer to the
word problem on the line for that specific station. Once
you have decided on an answer, do the specific physical
activity that the station worksheet tells you to. For
example: There were 5 frogs in the pond when 5 more
joined them. How many frogs are in the pond now? So
the answer for that problem would be 10 frogs because 5
+5= 10. Now that I know the answer, Ill look at the
physical activity I should do. The worksheet tells me I
should do one frog jump for each frog in the pond, so I
will do 10 frog jumps. Once you have wrote the answer
on your worksheet and completed the physical activity,
wait until I say rotate and then you may rotate
clockwise to the next station.
Check for understanding:
(1) What do you do after you have read the math
problem as a group?
(2) Once you have wrote down the problem on your own
worksheet, what should you do?
(3) Which direction do you rotate?
Any questions? Thumbs up if youre ready to move into
your groups.


Transition: I am now going to split you into five groups.

Im going to number you off by 5s.


Activity: Students will work in 5 groups to complete

math word problems and engage in physical activity. I will
give about 30-45 seconds for the students to complete
the word problems. Once the students are done, I will
have them rotate clockwise to the next station.


Possible Modifications: If a group gets done much

more quickly than other groups, I will give them a
challenge problem to work on until the other groups are
finished. If I notice a group is struggling, I will give them
easier problems with more basic addition to continue
moving the lesson along.



Lesson Review: Reflect on the answers that the

students got at each station. Allow the students to come
to the board and write down the way they determined the
answer for the word problem.

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