Syllabi SPRING 2016

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DED 318 Technology for Teaching & Learning

Spring 2016 (all sections)

Cyndi Danner-Kuhn course email
There are a few things you need to know.......... First, a few comments about my
approach to teaching & learning. I DO NOT consider myself the only teacher in the
classroom. Instead, I see myself as a coach/facilitator and as someone who is
responsible for creating and maintaining an environment in which learning can take place.
I DO NOT believe in burp back education. Research shows conclusively that facts
learned are forgotten in nearly the same amount of time that it took to learn them unless
you use them.
Experience is a great teacher. For example, you cannot learn to ride a bicycle without...
practice in actually riding the bicycle and falling off.
You cannot learn to use technology unless you
A) use the technology and practice it regularly and
B) make mistakes (lots of them).
You are planning to be a teacher. Teachers must be lifelong learners. You must be an
eager learner. If you are not excited about learning yourself, you are preparing for the
wrong profession. The most important activity in which you will be engaged this semester
is learning. I hope you are excited by learning, and take it seriously, If you are excited by
learning, and demonstrate that throughout the semester, you will do quite well in this
course and will probably be an excellent teacher.
First things first........
You are in training for one of our societys most important professions. You will be
expected to be a professional. This means you must do your work on time, do your work
honestly, be willing to learn, and understand that none of us is always right.
You must be willing to learn new things even if you dont like or dont think you will need
to learn them and understand that a great deal of DED 318 will be totally new to you! Yes,
totally NEW!

The fact that most of what is in this course will be new to you, puts everyone on the same
playing field. Please dont close your mind and say, I am not good at technology. response to that statement is GET OVER IT!
It is important to have fun. When choices are given, choose topics that will influence your
teaching and that you have an interest. If you have fun you will perform much better and
learn more! Nothing has to be perfect, it is about the LEARNING. If you get the hang if it,
you will know how to integrate technology into teaching and your curriculum, and you if
managed to get the project added to your website, then all is good.
It is a journeyThink dierently!!!!!
Should all teachers be technologically literate?
What do we mean by technologically literate?
Details and Syllabus
The purpose of this DED 318 is give you a path for intermingling technology into
your teaching practices. Through communication and learning activities that serve
curriculum objectives and educational goals and to enhance learning for your students.
The goal of DED 318 is to help you become a more effective teacher not simply
become more technology literate and to provide a learning context that interests,
excites, and challenges you to think and talk about effective teaching practices and in
what ways content delivery can benefit from the use of technology.
Be warned, the technology tools available to you will always be changing. For example,
94% of tablets being used in education are iPads.
Learning technology will be a moving target and if you are to be a tech literate teacher,
you will need to continue to explore, and try new things. This means you must be a
very brave and an independent learner. In this time of high stakes testing, learners
have become extremely dependent on step-by-step instructions. It is time to eliminate
that dependence. No Child Left Behind, clearly left many children behind. The new
Common Core Standards ( are a very small step toward
bringing creativity and independent thinking back into the classroom. It is about time and
lets hope it works. And of course, there is a FREE iPad app for Common Core, in fact, it

seems much easier to find the standard with the App that from the website. I encourage
you to install it on you iPad.
Do not wait until the last minute to start your projects. Most of our assignments
take a bit of time to think and plan. The best solution is to do them each week as they
are assigned. Every assignment, project, reflection, post, etc. will be graded from your
website link submitted in Canvas only. Remember, you will expect your own students to
do their work when it is assigned.

Assignments Turned in Late

Assignments are given on Monday and are always due by midnight
on Saturday, That is 6 days to complete.
One week grace period, 7 days after the assigned due date, on
day 14, points will be deducted.
Additionally, 1/2 credit/points if turned in on day 15, 16, or 17
No credit/points beginning on day 18.
Keep in mind, Canvas, logs the date and time that the assignment
is submitted.
Just do assignments each week as they are assigned.Life will be
much easier and less stressful for you.
Since the College of Education is loaning you an iPad to use for the semester you are
enrolled in DED 318/Block 1/A, and Block 2/B, you will be doing a large portion of your
assignments using your iPad. Although, much of what we do can be accomplished from
a computer as well. It might mean doing the projects a little differently, than on a
computer, but it is always possible.

Be aware, it is not possible to use only free apps, therefore, you will be will need to
purchase a few Apps, but a majority suggested will be FREE. I would guess you might
spend in the range of $10-$25 total for a variety of Apps needed in all your classes.
Your App purchases will go with you, they will be purchased using your personal iTunes
account, therefore you will own them, if and when you purchase your own iPad, they will
be available for installation on your new iPad.
Purchasing Apps with your personal iTunes Account (Apple ID)
Apps are very cheap by comparison to computer software and think about it, didnt you
have to buy software for your computer, so why would you think you could completely
function with free apps? In the scheme of things, apps for your iPad are a bargain at 99
to maybe $5.00. Therefore, buying a few apps should not be a huge problem if you really
plan to master your iPad and use it productively as a teacher in your classroom, youll
need to invest a little money and of course, some time actually using in the iPad for
creation rather than just consumption.
Right now, in the state of Kansas, there are as many schools using iPads as computers,
even right here in Manhattan and most are 1:1 in some format. What does 1:1 mean
exactly, every kid has a device assigned to them, 24/7 for the school year or during the
school day. Keep in mind, the iPad has only been around since April 2010. No device in
history has taken off so quickly in the main stream or in education. As the semester
progresses we will learn from the many districts that have integrated iPads into their
Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account
without a credit card: The iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store
share the same Apple ID account. To create a new Apple ID for use on iTunes Store, App
Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store without a ...
Download past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store:
You can download your previous purchases directly to an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple
TV, Mac, or PC that is associated to your Apple ID.

The purpose of this course is integrate technology into teaching practices through
communication and learning activities that serve curriculum objectives and educational
goals, to enhance learning for your students. The goal of DED 318 is to help you become
a more effective teacher not simply more computer literate and to provide a learning
context that interests, excites, and challenges you to think and talk about effective
teaching practices and in what ways content delivery can benefit from the use of
Be warned, the tools available to you will always be changing. You will have to
continue to learn if you are to become a tech literate teacher! This requires you to be an
effective independent learner. In this class, you must manage your time. Remember you
will expect your own students to do their work when it is assigned. Do not wait until the
last minute to do your projects in this class. Most of our assignments take time and
Attendance Policy for DED 318: ONLINE and on campus
There is a campus class and there is an online section. If you are enrolled in the campus
section, you are EXPECTED to be in class each week during the 15 week semester and
to do the assignments each week as they are assigned. Attendance will be taken and
count toward your grade.
If you are taking DED318 online, it is extremely important to set aside a couple hours
each week, just as if you had to attend in person. You will be expected to watch, read
and use the tutorials provided with each lesson. Just trying to figure out what to do by
reading the assignment instructions is not enough. Remember, this is about learning and
more important, learning how to integrate the technology into your own classroom. The
tutorials and examples will provide you with the background knowledge you need to
complete the assignment and learn the information you will need to integrate technology
into your own classroom now and later. You are always welcome to attend one of the
campus sections on Mondays (10:30-12:20 in BH 119 or 2:30-4:20 in BH 344. Just
come if you want. I promise it is much easier face-to-face.
Course Overview
Technology for Teaching & Learning (DED 318) is required for all teacher education
candidates in the College of Education. This course focuses on a variety of Web 2.0
cloud-based, interactive learning technologies and other educational technology tools
including iPads, mostly free, and used in K-12 classrooms worldwide.

DED 318 has been created with an ethic of open sharing. To the greatest degree possible
(with the exception of, student grades and other confidential information) DED 318
curriculum and student work is available publicly through the LINK: Opening Minds I
Blending iPads into Teaching and Learning iBook as well as individual iBook distributed
throughout the semester. All course content is located in Canvas and the iBooks . Canvas
is set up week-by-week. EVERYTHING related to class and assignments will be
contained in Canvas and the iBooks Chapters provided each week. (Background
information, assignments, tutorials, videos, etc).
Always refer to the Canvas class assignment details. Please use the class iMessage
or email for questions and anything related to this course.
To start you on your way to becoming a tech literate educator.
To spark in you, or further encourage you in, a desire to learn
rather than a desire to just get a degree.
To understand the role that technology is playing and will play in
society, especially in the educational systems of which you are a
To comprehend the rapid changes in methods of
communication and to be able to plan for the ensuing changes in
the way learning takes place.
To increase your proficiency in using cloud based tools.
To communicate effectively and regularly with others throughout
the world using all multimedia components that are part of our communications
systems today: sound, digital still pictures, digital motion pictures, text, and
graphics, blogs, wikis, and more.
To develop and regularly post to your blog/website, using Wordpress and to
understand and be able to write the HTML tags necessary to create links, display
an images, comply with basic accessibility standards and to provide citations for
source materials using title tags or other appropriate tools.
To have the understanding and confidence to use both common computer
platforms - Macintosh & Windows - as well as iPad, and to see their inherent
similarities. We will be using iPads mostly and occasionally Macs in the campus
class because that is what we have access to in the College of Education. As you
know, the COE is loaning you an an iPad when you are enrolled in DED 318 (Block
1 or Block A) and this is likely going to change to a requirement upon admission to

teachers education, therefore, having an iPad of you own after DED 318 is
To be able to find and use information, in all multimedia forms, from the cloud (i.e.
the World Wide Web).
To use modern information gathering tools such as Delicious, Diigo, Pinterest,
Twitter and RSS Feeds, ETC.
To develop and use a personal learning network (PLN) composed of individuals
throughout the United States and the world.
To understand the use of social networks in contemporary society, and to be able
to use those tools where appropriate to advance teaching and learning.
To create and use podcasts, video casts and other media products.
To collaborate effectively with your peers (fellow classmates).
To collaborate effectively with others in world wide learning communities.
To continue your learning as a lifelong learner and to become
To apply the skills and knowledge necessary to leave an intellectual trail which you
will be proud to have Googled.

To learn to be and act like a professional educator.

To engage effectively in self directed learning.

To manage your time effectively.
To value project learning more than burp back learning

To Attain These Objectives You Must Practice, Practice & Practice!

Expectations for Classroom Conduct
All student activities in the University, including this course, are governed by the Student
Judicial Conduct Code as outlined in the Student Government Association By Laws,
Article VI, Section 3, Number 2. Students who engage in behavior that disrupts the
learning environment may be asked to leave the class.
Academic Accommodations
Any student with a disability who needs an accommodation or other assistance in this
course should make an appointment to speak with me as soon as possible.
Words of Warning
This class is fast and furious, you must be diligent and complete each assignment, each

week, as it is assigned. Dont let yourself get behind. It is stressful and next to impossible
to catch up!
Money Matters
You will be provided with numerous FREE materials, but, students will need to purchase a
few iPad Apps, potentially a maximum of $10-25 worth at most (this is just an estimate).
For sure you will need to purchase the following for DED318: (apps are subject to price
iMovie: depending the age of the iPad, you might discover it is free, otherwise $4.99
Explain Everything: $3.99
Notability: .99
But there may be a few others as the semester progresses.
We will be using a FREE blogging/website service, Weebly. Your WEBSITE will hold all
your work and projects from this class and artifacts from all your other education
classes. Things like, Lesson Plans, images, videos, presentations, resources and more.
Schools are now requiring teachers to have classroom websites. It is important to learn to
create a website/blog, as well as, have a digital presence to show your skills in job
interviews. Currently, it is trending toward all classroom teachers having a website/blog for
their classroom communication and showcase student work. This should give you the
knowledge to have your own classroom website/blog, as well as, help you find the
perfect teaching position when you graduate and prove your are stay a tech literate
Details and Expectations
We will be starting you on your way to creating a professional digital portfolio website
during class using FREE website/blog
Your website/blog will be an ongoing project beginning day one of DED 318 and will grow
each week through the course and you will hopefully continue to grow it through all your
education classes. You will continue to add to your website as you progress through the

rest of your classes. You will be adding most of the items discussed in the Professional
Portfolio as well as Projects and lesson plans from your education and content classes.

Admission to Teacher Education Program
Prior Background: The College of Education adopts the following assumptions: Students admitted to the
Teacher Education Program have: Graduated from a Kansas high school that fulfills the computing
requirements of the KBOR indicated on the student transcript; OR Successfully passed a Basic
Technology Skills Test taken during high school, at a community college, or at K-State as indicated on
the student transcript; OR Provided sufficient evidence of completing technology coursework on a high
school, community college, or other transcript (course description of the course will be used to
determine qualification); OR Completed CIS101 (Intro to Info. Tech), CIS102 (PC/Spreadsheet), and
CIS103 (PC/Database) at K-State, if they have not met the requirements in another way.

COE Mission: Our vision is fulfilled through: delivery of exemplary instruction to students at the
undergraduate and graduate levels; production, interpretation, and dissemination of sound and useful
research and scholarship; leadership, collaboration, and service within the profession; promotion,
understanding, and celebration of diversity.

COE Vision: Preparing educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers.

COE Conceptual Framework:
The Conceptual Framework (CF) serves as a guide for fulfilling the College of Educations vision of
preparing educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers, and supports the university
and college missions focusing on teaching, research, service, and diversity. The CF acknowledges the
contributions of general education, content area studies, and professional studies to the preparation of
educators; and organizes professional studies into four broad categories:
Perspectives and Preparation Learning Environment Instruction

Course Standards: All course standards relate to professional standards. Primarily,
Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE)

Standard #12 for Professional Education serves as a guide in the selection of course objectives.

Standard #2 of the college conceptual framework addresses the issues in the KSDE Professional


Standard #12 In addition, technology standards for teachers prepared by the International Society

for Technology in Education (ISTE) served as a guide in the selection of course objectives.

At the conclusion, students will be able to:

Perspectives and Preparation:
--Demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding of the concepts related to technology by identifying,

selecting and using technology resources to meet specific teaching learning objectives, facilitate higherorder problem solving and creativity and solve routine problems. (I, III)
--Identify and locate research-based technology resources and tools to be used by students,; evaluating
them for accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias; and apply such resources
in planning learning environments and experiences. (II, IV, V, VI)
--Apply technology tools and resources to increase productivity, including the use of technology for
instructional, administrative, and assessment tasks. (V)
--Instruction: Research and utilize electronic resources that open opportunities for students of different
cultural and language backgrounds and abilities. Use examples of diversity in instruction and instructional
resources. Provide technology modifications that will enable all students equitable access. (VI)
--Professionalism: Demonstrate strategies to inform students of legal and ethical use of software and
digital media and copyrights use, site licenses, and shareware and commercial products. Identifies and
models appropriate legal and ethical use of digital media. (VI) Roman Numerals above reference the ISTE
Technology Standards for Teachers. These standards can be found at

Statement of Academic Honesty

Kansas State University has an Undergraduate Honor System based on personal integrity which is
presumed to be sufficient assurance in academic matters ones work is performed honestly and without
unauthorized assistance. Undergraduate students, by registration, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the
Undergraduate Honor System. The policies and procedures of the Undergraduate Honor System apply
to all full and part-time students enrolled in undergraduate courses on-campus, off campus, and via
distance learning. The honor system policy:
A component vital to the Honor System is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge that applies to all
assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by undergraduate students. The Honor
Pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid on academic work. A grade of XF can result from breach of academic
honesty. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation.

Expectations for Classroom Conduct

All student activities in the University, including this course, are governed by the Student Judicial
Conduct Code as outlined in the Student Government Association By Laws, Article VI, Section 3,
Number 2. Students who engage in behavior that disrupts the learning environment may be asked to
leave the class.

Important Links
Instructor: Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Office Bluemont 352

Opening Minds Workshop Resources:
Blog/Technology Newsletter:
PostHaven: iPads in the Classroom:!headlines

Class Communication: d e d 3 1 8 @ g m a i l. c o m PLEASE......When emailing me with

questions, PLEASE include which class you are enrolled (online or campus) in the subject line and in the
body of the message, please give details, more than you think I might need so I may answer your
question effectively and completely. Please include if you are using Windows or Mac or iPad. The answer
will vary depending on the device.
I encourage you to use iMessage on your iPad to get your questions answered quickly outside
of class time.

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